My Quirky Love

By Imisshoe

1.3M 56.5K 8.6K

This book can be read as a stand alone Greyson Blake Rosen-Hower Who doesn't know that name? Everyone with a... More

Chapter 1: The floor is lava
Chapter 2: Three idiots
Chapter 3: Loner
Chapter 4: Stranger Danger
Chapter 5: Mr. Hoodie
Chapter 6: cute dresses
Chapter 7: Popeyes
Chapter 8: Intelligence
Chapter 9: Adopted
Chapter 10: catch you
Chapter 11: Excessive
Chapter 12: Kung Fu Master
Chapter 14: Twin
Chapter 15: Stud
Chapter 16: Old man who sells Fried chicken
Chapter 17: Male pregnancy
Chapter 18: The Rosen-Howers
Chapter 19: hemorrhoids and cushion seats
Chapter 20: Are you rich?
Chapter 21: Cunning Mrs. Rosen- Hower
Chapter 22: Bouncy castle
Chapter 23: God help me
Chapter 24: Let's talk about Periods
Chapter 25: dimples
Chapter 26: English 101
Chapter 27: Gagged
Chapter 28: Alligator
Chapter 29: Mrs. Austin Power
Chapter 30: Operation first date
Chapter 31: Alfred the AI
Chapter 32: Who runs the world
Chapter 33: Junk
Chapter 34: Pesky Flies
Chapter 35: Mr. Mute
Chapter 36: Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Chapter 37: snakes and ladder
Chapter 38: suspicious
Chapter 39: Elephant's trunk
Chapter 40:Pollination
Chapter 41: Extinction
Chapter 42: Cockroach and Mold
Chapter 43: Camping
Chapter 44: 911
Chapter 45: Chokehold
Chapter 46: Procreation
Chapter 47: Purple Unicorn Onesie
Chapter 48: kidnap
Chapter 49 Are You ready?
Chapter 50: The chaotic plan
Chapter 51: Sky is the limit
Chapter 52: K.O
Chapter 53: Five years
Chapter 54: Power

Chapter 13: isn't he in Star wars?

30.3K 1.1K 155
By Imisshoe

Greyson's POV

After our late lunch, to my dismay Sunshine decided to go back to the shelter. She insisted to walk back but one glare from me changed her mind.

The whole ride she kept insisting that I know Kung Fu and I am a master of it.

For the life of me I don't even know why her mind conjure that idea.

Should I let the MIB train me in Kung Fu so Sunshine will not be upset if she learned that I don't know the art of Kiling fu?

I sigh.

The other thing that pissed me off was I forgot to give her gifts. In my defense I did not anticipate that she will go back to the shelter early.

God knows what will she wear the next day. Her outfit today nearly drown her.

Whenever she walks her slipper literally flew 2 feet away ahead of us because it was bigger than her feet and her little toes can't keep her slippers attached to her feet.

She keeps on giggling whenever it happened while I am so stressed because I am worrying she might fall face first because of her damn slippers.

One of the MIB even offered to buy her a smaller size of slippers in which she declines.

When we arrive at the shelter she was buzzing with excitement.

She said that she's excited to tell her Miss Lorna what happened today.

I was happy when she hugged me before she went out of the car but my happiness was wiped out when she hugged the rest of the MIB inside the car.

I bet if she learned that another set of MIB was following us she will hug them also.

The MIB that she hug can't look at me straight in the eye.

"We're sorry Master Greyson. It's hard to say no to Empress. She's like the queen when she was young." One of the senior MIB reasoned out.

I sigh.

I can't blame him. It's really hard to say No to Sunshine.

"Well at least do not hug her longger than 5 seconds!" I demand.

"We'll try sir."

I doubt they will succeed.

I went back to the office and I did not forget to glare  one specific MIB assigned outside.

When I reach my floor I also glare at Kurt which made him stop in his tracks and run back to his office.

She invited him to our lunch. What the hell. As if I'll let someone to third wheel us. I want all her attention. Why does she think there's no staff inside the private room that the restaurant we went.

I finish my work and dump it all at Kurt's table. I deliberately finish my work for two days so he is force to finish it before he goes home. Provided that he can go home on time. At least his overtime pay has a higher rate.

Am I vindictive? Hell yeah.

Is it petty. Damn right.

Do I care? Fuck no.

I went home still in a sour mood.

Albert greets me and I just nodded at him. I gave him my lunch box.

Mommy and daddy is not in their usual place. I look back at Albert and ask.
"Where's mommy and daddy?"

"Mr and Mrs. Rosen-Hower went out an hour ago. Mrs. Rosen-Hower was craving blueberry pie and she can't wait for Giacomo to bake some, so they went to her favorite bakeshop."

They will take a while. Mommy is known to buy everything inside the bakery. No leftovers I swear because between my siblings and I plus uncle Blake's family there's no waste at all. Sometimes the food was not enough.

"My siblings?" I ask.

"They all came home early sir. They are all in their respective rooms."

I nodded and thank Albert. Might as well visit my siblings to entertain me.

I freshen up and change in to my sleepwear. I press on Parker's door bell first.

All of us are in the third floor of the house. The whole second floor was for our parents and the massive movie room that daddy remodeled to fit our whole family is also at the second floor.

We need some sort of buzzer because all our rooms are soundproof so even if you knock loudly we will not hear it from the inside.

Parker opened his door and smiled at me.
"Good afternoon Big brother."

We hugged each other and I kiss his head while he kiss my cheeks.

"How's your duty?" I ask while I enter his white themed room. Literally everything is in white but when you entered his walk in closet all his clothes are colorful in contrast with his white room.

Of all our rooms Parker's room was the one who is routinely painted by new coat of white paint every 4 to 6 months.
Daddy hates it if he see some yellowish patches on Parker's room.

I sat down on his white couch while he sat on his white Lazy boy.
"It's tiring but I love it so far. It's just hard to be the youngest there. They don't take me seriously brother." Parker mumbled sadly.

My eyes narrow. "Tell me all their names."

Parker shakes his head. "It doesn't matter brother. My goal was to help people and not to make friends with them."

Those names that I am asking Parker will be at my room after our dinner. I will not ignore this issue no matter what Parker said.

I ask him some questions about his duty and after staying for 20 minutes, I stood up and told Parker I'll go to Ameera's room next.

"See you at dinner."

I went next door and ring the bell.

Ameera opened her door. She smiled and greets me like how Parker greets me. I greet her the same.

"Come in Grey." She said sweetly.

My baby sis room is like a princess room daddy insisted. Her names Ameera which literally means princess so it will be a shame if her room doesn't  look like a princess would sleep in.

It's not colored pink. It was gold and silver. Yes literally her bed frames are in gold. Canopy hanging from the ceiling and a diamond chandelier that again dad insisted to hang at the center of her room.

It looks like a mini palace. To sparkly for my taste.

I sat on her gold beddings and played on one of her gazillion throw pillow. What's up with Girls and their throw pillows?

"Anything interesting happened today?" I started.

Ameera spins on her silver colored rolling chair. "Well there's 4 guys who profess their crush to me at lunch time."

I just raise my eyebrows. I can't blame those idiots. Ameera literally looks like dad and I, but girl and much more softer version.

"What did you say?"

"I reject them obviously. They are all pansies big brother. One glare from daddy I am sure they will shit their pants. And I want to pursue what I want not the other way around." She said.

I roll my eyes. I just hope that I am ready when Ameera decided that she will pursue some poor bloke that she taken an interest.

Can't wait. Not the sarcasm.

After visiting Ameera I went to Jamison's room. When no one answered I open his door. Yes I know his pin. My smart brother's so lazy he did not even change his pin after it was set up. It was literally 123456.

His room was painted blue. His bed was customize to look like a CAT bulldozers. Not kidding. I am serious.
Daddy was puzzled when Jamison insisted on that kind of design but he let him.
The rest of his room looks a typical room except his bed. His furnitures are in black.

I am sure dumb and dumber are together.

I went to the last room on this floor. Gabriel's door is different. His pin changes every hour. It's not like we will go inside his room voluntarily. For all I know he might planted some explosives inside his room.

I ring the bell and Gabriel opened his door. When he saw it was me I brace myself because he jumped at me. I catch him holding him properly. He wrap his legs around my legs and his arm wraps around my neck.

"Big bro! I miss you!" He exclaimed and kiss my cheeks repeatedly.

I tap his back affectionately. I am closest to Gabriel. His weirdness fascinates and entertains me. Dad was sure that Gabriel is the one who will put him to an early grave.

He's not wrong. Gab's the only person I know who enjoys visiting the police station and he even knows everyone.

I place his 6 foot 4 ass down. I am strong but he is fucking heavy.

"Jamison is inside?" I ask Gabriel. He nodded.

I went in his room cautiously. You'll never know what will happen.

Gabriel's room was painted tan brown. His furnitures are all mismatched which drove daddy crazy. He can't stand uncoordinated and mismatched things.

I saw Jamison rolling back and forth on Gabriel's bed.

"Did he loose it finally?" I ask.

"What are you talking about Grey? We already loose it a long time ago. Wanna join?" Gabriel ask.

"No thanks."  I quickly reply.

Gabriel shrug his shoulders.

"Jamison." I called.

Jamison stops rolling and partially get up.

When he saw me he stand up  immediately and run towards me. He hug and kiss me.

"It's good you are here brother. You need to settle our argument." Jamison said.

Oh no.

Argument between this two will make anyone commit murder. Killing someone makes much more sense than listening to this two.

Jamison grab my hand and let me sit down on the bed that he previously rolling around.

"You see brother we can't agree on what show a certain character appeared." Gabriel started.

I furrow my eyebrow."Who?"

"Aloysious Snuffleupagus." Jamison replied.


"He's in harry potter right?" Gab said.
"No! I told you I heard that name in Star Wars!" Jamison rebut.

"No way! He doesn't sound like from a scifi show!" Gab exclaimed.

"He's the hairy one!" Jamison said dignantly.

"That's chewbacca." I said.

"The other one brother!" Jamison exclaimed.

There's another one?

"Listen to me Jam Jam. That name sounds like a spell. Right Grey?" Gab said.

I shrug my shoulders. I did not encounter that name after reading all the books.

While they are in the middle of their headache inducing argument the line on Gab rings. "Good evening Master Gabriel. Dinner is served."

"Thank you." I murmur.
I place down the phone and look at the two idiots in front of me.

"Argue later. Dinner is ready. Come on kids." I said.

They both stop arguing and simutaenously nodded.

Gabriel opened his door and we met Parker and Ameera at the hallway.

"Let's use the elevator. I am exhausted." Jamison said.

We all follow him and we enter the elevator. Parker looked up and saw our combined weight was recorded at the screen.

''946 pounds? Who loose weight? We weigh 970 pounds just last week." Parker said.

I roam my eyes on my siblings face worriedly. I noticed Ameera's cheeks thinned. Who's the other one? Is it Parker?Gab? Jamison?

We all went to the dining area and saw our parents already sitting in their sit. We all kiss and hug both of them.

After we all settle down Parker said Grace and we starts to eat.

"You know daddy our combined weight decrease." Parker said

Daddy stops eating and seriously looks at us while mommy gasp.

"How much?"

"Like 24 pounds daddy." Gabriel replied.

Mommy look at us worriedly. "Are your pack lunches not enough babies? Do you want me to tell G to add some snacks?"

"Do one of you not feeling well?" Daddy ask.

We all shakes our head.
"Did you skip your meals? Raise your hand if you did."

All five of us raised our hands.

Daddy "tsk."

"I don't want you to get sick. Try to compensate the meals you skipped with some snacks. You know that your achievements and success is nothing if you die early because you don't take care of yourself." Daddy said seriously.

We all nodded in understanding.

"Do you want pizza?" Mommy ask.

We all nodded eagerly.

Mommy smiled beautifully and nodded.
"Gideon give me your card."

Daddy raise his eyebrow at mom. "Why am I gonna pay for it when it is your idea?"

"Gideon my card is an extension of your card so don't be a dum dum and just hand me your card."

Daddy still stubbornly refuse.

Mommy eyes narrows.

"James Arthur Gideon Rosen-Hower! Are you going to give it or not!?"

Oh shiiit mommy use daddy's full name!

RIP daddy.

"Look at your children! They are starving!" Mommy raised her voice.

I can see the staff surrounding us look at us 5 questioningly. We definitely doesn't look starving but for the sake of mom's argument all five of us on cue pretends that we are starving when daddy glance at us.

"Ams ams. Give me a piece of bread." Jamison said.


After a few minutes Daddy sighs and get his card out of his wallet.

Once he hand his card to mom Gabriel shouts is excitement. When daddy look at him, Gabriel suddenly slump on his seat and shouted dramatically "I am dying!!"

Another idiot.

"Alfred." Mom called Albert.

"Order 6 box of pizza any flavor is fine as long it is overloaded with toppings. Tell them we need them ASAP."

"Yes Madam." Albert bows and went to one of the MIB.

We can't have a delivery here in our house because it was too far and it's much faster if the MIB bought it.

"Okay my babies. Eat this food first. Hopefully after your dessert your pizza will be here. We will eat it in the movie room okay?" Mommy said.

We all nodded.

"What movie are we watching Love." Daddy ask.

Mommy narrows her eyes and said "You're not included."

Daddy pouts at her.

"Love. I am just joking."

"You are letting my babies starve. I did not carry them for 9 months just for you to starve them" mommy scolded.

"I am sorry Love. I swear I am just joking. Please? We'll let you choose the movie this time. I'll bring the biggest popcorn tub and lots of choclate." Daddy begged and bribed.

He knows her weakness.

Mommy contemplated at first but nodded after a few minutes. "Okay your forgiven. We'll watch minion and don't forget the snacks that you promised."

Daddy nodded eagerly. He kiss mommy's lips and her face repeatedly.


"Hey hey. I remember our argument! There's a character named Aloysious Snuffleupagus. What show he's in?"

Ameera, daddy and Parker furrowed their eyebrows.

"Isn't he in Star Trek?" Parker ask.

"I have no idea" Ameera said.

"Me too." Daddy also replied.

"Pfft." Mommy laugh.

We all look at her.

"He's in sesame street honey."

Is he?

"He's the elephant." Mom explained.

Oh yeah now I remember!

"Oh? I thought he's somewhat included in Teletubbies." Gabriel said matter of fact.

I sigh. 

Welcome to Rosen-Hower household where all conversation doesn't make sense.

A/N Did you google who's Aloysious Snuffleupagus?😂

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