Dearly Detested: Grooms in Ha...

By Kokobako

123K 7.6K 1.5K

The Yiling Patriarch hates Hanguang Jun, the Chief Cultivator, and the feelings are mutual. This is a well-kn... More

Hanguang Jun the Hated
Yiling Patriarch? More like Yiling's greatest annoyance.
Got a secret, Can you keep it?
Stay with me?
I will come back.
Xian Xian is three...
Doctor's Orders
F(B)unny Rabbits
What is scarier: Dogs or Bankruptcy?
Fireworks in my heart
The Prettiest
Wait, who?!
Who is to blame?
Nobody stays for me...
I'm so tired!
Lan Yuan!
A long, long marriage!

Happily Ever after... But is it?

5.1K 378 68
By Kokobako

As soon as Lan Wangji's footsteps receded, Wei Wuxian burst into tears. In choked sobs and stuttered breaths, he buried his head in the bed, pushing the pillow into his face.

Wen Qing arrived to find him in this state. She held bowls of food and was utterly distressed when she saw an absent Lan Wangji and a weeping patient.

"Wei Wuxian! Are you okay? What happened?"

He looked up, eyes red, seemingly miserable.

"Wen Qing! It hurts…"

"What hurts?"

"My heart… it hurts so much… I had no idea it would feel so painful!"

Wen Qing sat next to him and held his hand, like his mother had just a few moments ago, making him sob even more.

"What happened? Tell me."

And so, between tears and consolation, Wei Wuxian explained everything to her. To his surprise, she looked furious as he finished.

"Wei Wuxian, did you really throw Lan Wangji out for something as stupid as your unfounded jealousy?! That man has been sitting next to you without food and sleep for five days now! Even a blind person can tell he cares for you deeply! He's injured too, he needs to sleep, you're so stupid!"

Wei Wuxian was startled, as he heard this new information.


"Are you daft? When Lan Wangji returned to the Burial Mounds, cradling your body, he was in pain due to his sealed powers and he couldn't stop crying. CRYING! Have you ever seen him cry? He refused to leave your side for even a second and sat with you day and night. When you slipped into your comatosed state and we were losing hope, he continued to stay there like a statue. I had to put a blanket on him because he kept shivering, but refused to change clothes, sleep or even eat properly! Everyone's been worried about him! Now if you don't bring him back I will personally send you back into your coma!"

Wen Qing's face had become red with anger and Wei Wuxian could almost see the smoke coming from her nostrils and it looked like she was only by a bit holding back the urge to hit him unconscious for his stupidity.
Wei Wuxian was just beginning to realise what a fool he was. Instead of letting Lan Wangji talk, he had shut him out at every opportunity, too afraid to be rejected, but even more hurting the other's sentiments, whatever they were.

Just then, he felt something in his hand. On opening his palm, there were a pair of rings enclosed within. One was a thick band of silver, while the other was a delicate silver swirl with sapphires in it. Wei Wuxian had no idea how they got there, but they looked painfully familiar. He thought about it for a second and a pang of pain hit his heart.

A-Niang and A-Die's wedding rings.

And they were. As her son returned to the realm of the living, it was their final gift to him. Wei Wuxian decided to consider this a sign.

Remembering what his mother told him, he jumped off of the bed, wobbling a little at first, not even supported or held back by Wen Qing, who still tried to regain her calmness, he caught himself and started running across the Burial Mounds in nothing but his inner robes and on bare feet.

As he ran, he kept thinking about the repercussions of what he was going to do. What if he thinks it's weird? What if he rejects me? What if he never meets me again? Should I burden him with my feelings? How will he react?

Then he decided to stop thinking. Nothing good came out of it anyway! He increased his pace, shivering in the slightly cool air, but tried to focus on the way and to even more increase his spread even in his still frail state.

He crossed paths with multiple people, all of whom tried to either stop him or talk to him, but he had no time to spare and just rushed by, not even able to apologize for his rudeness.

At almost breakneck speed, Wei Wuxian ran through the woods, knowing he was getting closer to the gate of the Burial Mounds. Thankfully, there was only one of them. But he also knew this was his only chance now. If he was too late and Lan Wangji had already left on Bichen, it would be impossible for him to catch up and mend this horrible situation.

Soon, as he stumbled through a bend in the way, he could see the sturdy back he was so familiar with. Feeling relieved that he wasn't too late, but still anxious he started shouting.

"Lan Zhaaan! Lan Wangjiii! Hanguang Juuun! Stop! Stop right there!"

However, it seemed that Wei Wuxian had grossly miscalculated both the distance between Lan Wangji and him and the speed at which he was running, because, as Lan Wangji, who now seemed to just have been standing as if waiting, turned around, Wei Wuxian couldn't slow his speed anymore and bumped straight into Lan Wangji's chest, losing his balance.

Just as he was about to fall, he was caught by an alarmed Lan Wangji. Strong arms wrapped around his waist, pulling him back up. He was suddenly looking straight into the eyes of the person he most wanted to avoid due to his mixed emotions, but he steeled himself. He knew he had to do it right this time.

"Lan Zhan, I-I'm sorry!"

He was panting, unable to string his words together. It didn't help that this beautiful, wonderful man was looking at him so intently.

"Sorry...for what?"

"I'm sorry for sending you away…"

"Is that all?" was the stern reply he got.

Did Wei Wuxian just imagine it, or was there a sliver of hope in Lan Wangji's voice?

"No. I'm sorry for many things, but first I have to ask you a few questions. Answer truthfully. Okay?"

Lan Wangji nodded, though he looked slightly confused. He was about to let go of Wei Wuxian's waist, but he was prevented from doing so by Wei Wuxian himself, gripping tightly into Lan Wangji's robes.

"One: Do you want to marry Mian Mian?"


"Will you cancel the marriage, then?"

"It is already cancelled."

That took Wei Wuxian by surprise. "What?"

"You interrupted me every time."

Wei Wuxian couldn't help but grin sheepishly for a moment.

"Well, that's true. But let's not linger on it too much. Next, do you have someone you like?"

Lan Wangji gulped. "Yes."

Wei Wuxian felt uncomfortable after hearing that, but he continued. Squeezing his eyes shut to alleviate the awkwardness, he shouted.

"Lan Zhan, I like you! I know it's weird, but I really do! I don't care who you like, because from now on I'll court you properly! Don't go marry anyone else- mmmph!"

He was cut off by soft lips meeting his. The sensation was like nothing he had felt before and it lit fireworks in his body. His mind felt fuzzy, melting.

Then he kissed back.

Lan Wangji's arms wrapped a bit tighter around him and he couldn't stop a little gasp to escape his throat.

At first, they were a bit awkward, inexperienced, bumping noses and unsure how to move properly. But they soon found their own rhythm, as Lan Wangji pulled Wei Wuxian in even closer and Wei Wuxian tenderly grabbed the other's jaw and cheek. Under his hands Lan Wangji's skin felt so soft and warm. Reveling in the feeling of soft lips, exploring tongues and heated breaths he found that he could feel Wangji's heartbeat under his fingers, which had slightly slid down to the side of the other's neck.

Oh. He likes me too. His heart sounds just like mine.

They pulled away, gasping for air. Just as Wei Wuxian was about to say something, he was suddenly pushed back by a tall shadow in purple. A man stood before him, pointing his sword at Lan Wangji.

"WHAT THE HELL? My sister and I come to visit our injured brother and we see this Lan textbook attack him?! Get away from him!!"

A very mortified Jiang Cheng stood between them, veins popping on his forehead. Behind him, Jiang Yanli tried to hide her smile as she looked at her younger brother, as if saying your boyfriend is done for.

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