They dont know about us (One...

By megg_lizz

1.5K 56 36

What happens when Charlie tries to find her mother in england. she thought it would be all fun and stuff unti... More

Chapter 1: The First Day
Chapter 2: The First Weekend
Chapter 3: Not The Best Day...
Chapter 5: The Date
Chapter 6: Why Me?!?!?!
Chapter 7: SAY WHAT NOW!?!?
Chapter 8: 2 Years Later...
Chapter 9 Everything is back to normal

Chapter 4: Dinner and Suggestions

119 5 4
By megg_lizz

     "Hey Charlie. How are you?" Mrs. Tom- I mean mom said. I guess that what i call her right?

     "Honey, you ok?" I guess she noticed me spacing out.

      "Yea sorry just think." I smiled. I really hope Niall comes over tonight!

     "Thinking about a certain irish blonde?" she smirked at me. Uh how did she know. OMG am I that transparent?

    "What.. Pshh nooooo" Yea she'll totaly believe that. I felt me cheeks heat up.

    "Mhmm, well it seems he's into you." She said placing plates on the table.

    "Wait- What- how-" I couldn't  even speak. Before i could say anything i hear all the boys barge in and laughing.

    "MAMA! WE ARE HOME NO NEED TO WORRY!" Louis shouted as the others piled in to the kitchen.

    "Im hungryyyyy" I heard an Irish voice. I restrained myself from jumping on him and kissing him. Oh that reminds me i need to ask if i could tell Adriane. She is really good at keeping things quiet.

    "We'll talk about this later. Boys who are your lovely girls behind you?" She tried to distract the boys from what we were just talking about.

    "Oh! This is Zabrina, with a Z.. " Zayn chuckled before he continued. " and she is my girlfriend" Whoops and get in there were shouted around the table. Next thing Liam stands up and turns to Adriane and she goes wide eyed.

   "Adriane I've been wanting to do this since like FOREVER! But you please be my girlfriend? please?" I chuckled at him saying please so much. I look at adriane and she has the bested smile on her face as she shakes her head violently yes.

   "YAY! And everyone know Caroline is my girlfriend. so yea" Louis says as he swung his arm around Caroline as she blushed. Everyone had someone except Harry, Niall (well not really) and me (and again not really). Everyone had their own little conversations as i sat there quiet, which i dont mind, but then Harry had to ruin it.

  "So Charlie why is it bad that your Dad is back?" Next thing you know Adriane slaps Harry on the back of the head. (anyone who is an NCIS fan its a Gibbs Slap! :))

  "Adriane its ok. Uh well my dad blamed me for my mothers death. and well he hit me and stuff and he was finally arrested and the only way i was able to stay out of foster care was saying my real mother was in Doncaster so they sent me here and well they found you. And well my dad told me before he was carried away to jail was that he woud find me and finish the job he never go to finish. Which if you haven't figured out yet it was to kill me." I finished and everyone stopped eating and i felt a tear go down my face so i got up and ran up to my room. Hoping Niall will come up and hug and fall asleep with me in his arms. No luck. though. I heard a knock a few minutes later and i opened the door.

Louis. I sighed and walked to my bed.

   "Charlie, Im so sorry, I wish i could go back and change everything that has happened to you." He said as he pulled me into hug as i let all my tears fall. As I stop and get myself back together i pull away from Louis.

   "Lets go back. Im ok now." I pulled one of my famous fake smiles. I grab Louis' hand and walk back downstairs.

   "....Come on Niall! Harry is doing it! just one date, mate. It wont be horrible." Liam tried to convence Niall of something. I look at Louis with a confused look.

   "The mates are trying to Niall and Harry dates." Louis explained as we sat down.

   "Ohh that sounds like a good idea." WHAT THE FUCK CHARLIE! NO SAY NO! Niall's head whips to look at me with a confused look.

    "Yea Niall you should do it. It sounds really good idea." I smile and gave him a reasuring look. But on the inside i wanted to rip everyones throat out.

    "Yea come on Ni-" Harry was cut off by Niall screaming.

   "FINE JUST LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!" and with that he walked away and went to a room upstairs. I saw Liam start to go up.

     "I'll go talk to him Liam." I looked him. Everyone was confused on why i wanted to go talk to him. I ignored all the stares and walked upstairs to find Niall.

    "Niall? Where are you? Its me." I said knocking on the only closed door. I heard shuffling and the door clicked showing it was unlocked. I open the door and walked in closing the door behind me. I looked to find Niall laying down on my bed staring at the ceiling. He didn't even look at me when i layed down right next to him.

  "Niall everything is going to be ok. Just on date. We don't need people getting suspicious about us. Just do it and get it over with it." I looked at Niall but when i turned he was up on his feet.

   "nothing is ok, i cant hold you, kiss you, in front of people. I want you and only you. I don't need to help to get some chick." He looked pretty angery. It scared me alittle because my dad would get mad and the next thing you know im on the floor as he punched me. I flinched at the memories and walked backwards from Niall to make sure if tries anything im closer to the door. Niall seemed to notice and his face went from anger to worried to disapointment? the last emotion is kinda hard to see.

    "Sorry I didn't mean to get the mad. I don't get mad. gahh why is this happening...." he starts to ramble as he sits on the bed running his hands through his hair. I step closer to him and sit on his lap.

  "Just one date? Mkay?" I looked in to those gorgeous ocean blue eyes that i love.

   "Okay." He finally gave in. I gave a peck on the lips and got up.

   "Lets go, they well be woundering what happened to us." I giggled as he chuckled. We walk back down stairs and everyone stares at us.

    "Took you long enough" Harry smirks and crosses arms. Perv.

    "So Charlie,.. how was school?" Mom tried to start the conversation back up. Everyone tensed up and stared at me thinking i would break.  Way to hide it guys.

   "You know, same ol' stuff." I was really good at lying so this wasn't very hard.

   "Ok well Louis, your turn to do the dishes and boys you guys need to take your girlfriends home and  go home now. Goodnight everyone." Mom said getting  up and going upstairs to her room.

 "Yea I'm tired so night boys. girls. Louis." I said getting up. "oh girls let me have your number so we all can hang out one day!" i said and we all exchange numbers and they left with the boys.

   "Night Charles" Charles? what new nickname? that sounds like a guy but whatever.

     "Night LouBear!" HAHA TAKE THAT! (i know its boo bear but this is charlie talking to Louis not Harry talking to Louis. just putting that out there :) continue on reading now) I hears him groan as i walk upstairs. I peel off my clothes and climb into bed. THe last thing i was thinking before i fell asleep was Niall and his eyes. I wish he was here holding me. (oh shush i know i know gushhy whatever!)


omg guys sorry for not updating in like forever ive been so busy! vote! comment!

what do you guys think will happen on Niall's date?

i might have a contest for people being the boys girlfriends! Well I'll try to update as soon as i can! Dont hate me! ahhh ok well i have to go! Talk to you gus later!

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