Opposites Attract

By naturalbeauty12345

509K 4.6K 423

Drew is the uber-popular super jock, with the polished record and a million girls. Hailey is the exact opposi... More

Opposites Attract
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Thirteen

18.4K 174 14
By naturalbeauty12345

Chapter Thirteen


Hailey Jane Rexler

I ran from Drew's house as fast as I could. Not good. I can't beleive this is happening. I cleared the North forest and stopped running, panting at my front doorstep. I shifted back and collapsed, leaning aganst the wall of the house. I stared at my palms. On my flawless skin, on each hand, were two paws, shaped and coloured almost like birth marks. I... why me... it can't be... but it is. I sighed. Normally, this would be nothing to fret over, if I was an other werewolf in the world. But this was the Alpha's mark. An irreplacable, unerasable mark, bestowed and scarred on the mate of the Alpha of any given pack. Essentially research shows that after prolonged physical contact or emotiinal turmoil, the mark appears. It's the only sure sign, and I'm suprised I didn't guess it earlier. But seriously... why him? My enemy by blood? By birth right. Should I tell him? Do I have to? Maybe he'll just assume he didn't have a mate, he was afterall, two years past mating age. It wasn't right, things were already changing anyway, and soon enough the physical pain will kick in. So I guess I'll just tough it out until I'm forcd to tell him, and if I play my cards right... I'll have a couple days... a week? I'm screwed.

I sighed and moped into my room. Surely he didn't want this? He seemed to have the same opinion of me, and if he didn't, he hadn't voiced it. Even if he did want a mate, surely his mind would change when he found out it was me? Who am I kidding, I walked into his house thinking he was an idiot with promise and walked out starting to think he was perfect in every way. I mean, I hadn't paid him any attention before, ut know I understand the bimbos' infatuations. He was totally drool worthy. With his messy hair and ice blue eyes, I sighed just thinking about him. He didn't know I was his mate. He was still dating Kristy any way, wasn't he? Would he dump her for me? Surely not. Did I want him to? I bit my lip. Suddenly my chest ached with a stinging pain. It clenched my heart and twisted it, causing it to throb painfully. Already? Overthinking it can't be doing me any good. I sighed and opened the door to my shower.

I embrace the hot water like a steamy wet blanket. I stood in the heat mindlessly, leaning against the tile wall. I eventually found the slugglish, but sure energy to shampoo my hair and shave my legs. I then stood in the water a while longer until the water ran cold and I forced myself out. The releif brought on my hot water and vanilla/strawberry scented bath supplies only lasted for a brief ten minutes or so. Suddenly I began to shake, my body filled with invisible shivers. There was no breeze, and no air-conditioning. I was either sick or stressed, and I picked the latter out of intuition. I collapsed on my bed. This was ridiculous. All this fighting and sudden contemplation. What could I possibly do to make it all go away, all my stresses gone with the wind, taking me with them? I curled into the pillow and groaned. Difficult. Oh so Difficult.


I walked across the field, near the walk, but far enough away from view. My chest aching with hollow stabs of emptiness. I'd managed to avoid him for a little over a week so far. I bit at my lip again. This had to end. I had to tell him, regardless of how he would take it, and how I much I didn't want to. I shivered, even in the warm breeze I felt cold as ice. I rubbed at the goosebumps on my arms, in a feeble attempt to appear sane. I caught sight of the football team on the field. I started crossing it. They were over on the bench, the coach in front talking to the team. Drew was on the edge of the bench wincing, I could tell he was feeling it to, the aching pain in his chest. It was unbearable almost, I felt like collapsing... preferably in his arms. He was whispering to Danny who looked extremely concerned. I knew the type, he reminded me so much of Lucy. I picked up on their conversation.

'Are you sure you don't want to go to the nurse's?' Danny asked Drew.

'I'm... sssure.' Drew choked out. I bit my lip as another stab went straight to my chest. It felt like heartburn... except a million times worse. I was nearing in on the huddle, Drew looked up and caught my glance, which was of course on him only. He smiled feebly at me, trying to hide the pain. The coach turned around to look at me, and he glared.

'What do you think you're doing?' he asked. 'This is a closed practice!' I rolled my eyes. Emotional break down or not, I was still a badass.

'I need to talk to him.' I said, my voice nearly cracking. I pointed straight at Drew.

'Mmmme?' he stuttered.

'Yeah, you.' I said. He looked around. His whole team was staring in between him and I confused and shocked, people like us didn't converse randomnly... or at all really. Drew looked at the coach.

'Well?!?' he snapped. 'Go with the lady Holiday!' Drew got up, nearly tripping over his own feet, but catching his balance at the last second. I turned around and started walking quickly out of view from the team. He hurried up and caught up to me, meeting my pace easilly. The pain instantly felt better with him by my side. He stared at me. We reached the pavillion, which was empty at this point. A colder breeze whipped leaves around our feet like a twister. He looked at me expectantly.

'What is it?' he asked cautiously.

'I've been a horrible person...' I choked out quietly. Fighting back tears.

'I don't beleive that...' he said, his eyes smiling as always. Why was he making this harder! Didn't he know what he was doing to me?!? 'If it's about the project, I understand. Things have been stressful for me as well.' he said. Stupid... stupid boy.

'Drew...' I choked. My heart stammering and my breathing hardly there.

'What's wrong?' he asked.

'Please stop...' I begged. 'You're only making this harder.' I said.

'Please stop what?' he asked. 

'Stop being so nice...' 

'Why?' he asked, his eyes looking hurt. I took I deep breath and held out my palms towards him. He took my wrists in his hands and stared at the markings forever etched on my skin. He looked me in the eyes. So many emotions swirling around all at once. Suddeny he pulled me into his chest and wrapped him arms around me, holding me tight, so that nothing could ever hurt me. He rocked me back and forth as heat surged through me. I flet so warm and happy... and right.

'I've been waiting for you my whole life...' he whispered in my ear. 'And now you're here... and we can be together.' he said. I burst out into tears, crying into his muscular shoulder. 'Why are you crying?' he choked out. I pulled away, wiping my eyes with my arm. I stepped back. Instantly feeling cold and empty and meaningless.

'That's just it...' I stuttered. 'We can't be together.' I said.

'Why?' he asked blankly.

'Because I don't want to.' I said, nearly bursting into tears again. I could nearly feel his heart break. The look in his eyes was almost too much. He looked down, away from me and my sorrowful gaze. 

'Alright.' he said. Then he pulled me into him and pressed his lips against mine. I felt small bursts of ‘WOW!’ coming to my lips. My stomach felt light as air, and felt as if it was expanding like a balloon. I felt high as a kite, but I didn’t feel satisfied. I wanted more, so much more... no... I needed more. Passion filled me like a hot burning lava and it burned my skin, leaving a sizzling hot pleasure. I kissed him back and everything was perfect as our two worlds meshed into one. I could feel my sun rising and his moon shining, and their was no night, not day. Nothing anymore... he was all that mattered. Then he let me go and stepped back. Everything felt cold as ice.

'If I had to leave you... I just had to do that...' he said sadly.

'I can't leave you now.' I said.

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