A heavy burden; a true story.

Bởi JuliaGolafshan

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Day 132

94 2 4
Bởi JuliaGolafshan

~ Day 132 ~

~ 02 / 02 / 2013 ~

I haven't updated for exactly 2 weeks - but let me tell you all, it is AMAZING news!!!!


10.5 KILOS!!!!!

Can you believe it???

As of a few days ago, it was only 10 kilos, but the weight just seems to be dropping off me now!! I've been eating 5 - 6 small meals for the last two weeks every day, and in that time I've dropped sooo much weight.

The last time I updated I was 89.5... today I am 86.4 kilos! That's 3.1 kilos in 2 weeks!! And you guys know what the truly weird part is? I have done pretty much NO exercise, just HEALTHY eating EVERY day! And I feel FANTASTIC!!

I had to share this with everyone, and the fact that I am 22.5% through my weight loss goal!!! That's nearly one-quarter!!

So on a different note, I have a church formal next Saturday - a week from today. And my goal was to be 87 by that day. 

I've already beaten that goal by 0.6 kilo. WOW. 

I can't wait to see how much I weigh on that Saturday, so that I can see exactly how much I beat my goal by :D

And I bought the most amazing dress for the event!! I'll post pictures so you guys can see when I wear it :D 

Thank you to everyone who DID NOT GIVE UP ON ME!! I'm proving that I am SO capable of this!!!

Much, much love. NEVER GIVE UP!!

P.S. --------> check out the link to see my weight loss over a month :D

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