Highschool Singular Point

By dragonNecroKing132

75.4K 1.2K 955

Issei Hyoudou, a perverted teenage boy who wished on becoming the Harem King. However, after being killed by... More

Issei's Bio
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
New Cover
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapet 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20: SERA O FIM DA TERRA!!
Chapter: [REDACTED]
Singular-verse Rules & Info

Chapter 4

3.9K 79 45
By dragonNecroKing132

Third Person POV

Sailing across the vast ocean blue, was a small fishing boat that looked like it's been around for the last 50 or so years.

The boat had a mixture of colors such as a brown to almost red color for the bottom with a blue top, it also had some strips of white on it as well.

However, despite its old age, the boat did not look like it was gonna spring a leak anytime soon. Which is a good thing cause you don't want to be out in the open sea and all of a sudden your boat springs a leak.

On the top deck was an elderly man who look like he was in his 40 or maybe even his 50's, he had white hair and ocean blue eyes. He wore a traditional fisherman outfit with a tattered shirt, overalls, and high rain boots.

The elderly man took a deep breath, taking in the sea-salty air, and sighed before growing a small smile.

Elderly man: "Ah, what a beautiful day for fishing. I wonder what kind of fish I will catch today"

The man's gaze turned the vast of unbroken blue, he loved the ocean ever since he was a little boy. His father and his grandfather were fishermen who caught loads of fish in their time, they even brought him along on a few of their trips when he was a little boy.

He remembered a time where his father caught a huge fish only to slip and end up kissing it, his grandfather and him laughed so hard that they nearly died from laughing.

There was also the time where his grandfather threw his fishing rod out only to rip off his own pants and not realize it for a whole hour.

The elderly man chuckled to himself at the memories.

Elderly man: 'Those were some good memories, I will never forget those'

However, the elderly man soon began to remember a story that his grandfather told him when he was young. A story that he claimed to be true, he told him that one day when he was out on the open ocean he saw the sea turn red and a large monstrous creature rose from the ocean. Since he was a boy at the time, he believed his grandfather's words and wondered if he would ever meet such a creature.

But now that he is in the elderly age, he still wonders if such a creature even exists. Like he understood that humanity has only explored 5% of the ocean while the remaining 95% is still unknown, so there may be a chance for a creature like it to be out there.

Elderly man: 'Maybe my grandfather is right, maybe it is out there. It is a possibility since 95% of the ocean is unexplored, maybe it's down at the deepest point of the ocean...maybe one-day humanity will find it and maybe I'll be the first'

The elderly man smiled at the idea, he soon went back to his regular schedule of waiting for a fish to bite his line. But his attention was soon drawn to a spot in the water as he saw a pod of whales.

This was a marvelous sight to see, pods of whales are quite rare cause they normally stay below the water unless they are coming up for some air.

By the looks of things, the pod came up to catch some air before heading back down. The elderly man quickly rushed to grab his camera, he wanted to remember this moment.

Elderly man: "I must take a picture of this, this is such a rare sight to see"

He grabbed his camera and quickly rushed back, he started to take pictures of the pod as he saw there was a mother, a father, and a baby whale. It was a beautiful sight, enough to warm the elderly man's, weak heart.

However, he soon notices something off in the distance something the confused him. The water was turning red, and it wasn't from blood cause it looked like the water was changing from blue to red.

Elderly man: "what is going on? why is the water changing colo-"

Suddenly, the elderly man was cut off by the sound of a whale pod. It sounded like something was making them uneasy, which confused the elderly man cause whales are the biggest creatures to live on earth what could make them uneasy?

The elderly man soon got his answer as something rose from the water in blinding speed, but it gave the elderly man enough time to see what it was.

It was huge, double if not triple the size of an adult whale. It was some sort of creature that looked like it was from a fantasy book or a video game. It was red in color with a lighter underbelly, its eye was the most terrifying thing about the creature...it looked soulless.

In the jaws of the creature was the baby whale, or rather what was left of it cause the creature's massive jaws bit the poor thing in half. The sight made the elderly man sick to the stomach, he knew that creatures had to survive but this didn't look like survival...No, it looked like sport.

Elderly man: "W-what the hell was that thing!? I-i've never seen anything like it!?"

The elderly man's eyes widen as he soon thought of something, could that be the creature his grandfather talked about? The creature that only appears when the sea turns red?

If that was the case, then the elderly man had to get back to land quickly before the creature decides to turn him into his next target.

Elderly Man: "I gotta get out of he-"

Unfortunately, the elderly man didn't get a chance to finish his sentence as something leaped out of the water. A huge shadow loomed over him as the elderly man had enough time to look up and see what it was, but that's all he was able to do.

It was the creature that destroyed the baby whale, it leaped out of the water and laned on the elderly man's fishing boat completely destroying it.

(Let me know in the comments if I should keep this or not)

A woman with brown hair and blue eyes appeared on a TV screen with a sheet of paper in her hand, she wore a standard new reporter outfit but with some modifications such as a slightly unbuttoned top which revealed her cleavage.

News Woman: "Good morning people of Kuoh, we bring breaking news. There have been rumors of mysterious flying creatures sighted all over the world"

Multiple images appeared on the screen showing sightings of the same Red creature that Rias and her peerage saw in the warehouse.

Currently sitting in her chair with her queen and her childhood friend was Rias, the three of them stared at the TV screen as they saw the creature.

Sona looked at Rias.

Sona: "So you weren't kidding, it really did look like a dinosaur"

Rias nodded her head.

Sona: "But it doesn't make any sense, The dinosaurs were wiped out 65 million years ago. So how can these even be alive?"

Rias: "That I'm not sure, but what I do know is that whatever it was, just died for no reason. That is what I wanna know, it had no injuries or sight of bleeding. So why did it just die?"

Akeno: "well this is my own Theory"

Both Sona and Rias turned their attention to Akeno who looked at the two.

Akeno: "But maybe its cause it entered an area that it didn't know about, I have heard that some animals may die if they enter somewhere they don't know about"

Sona: "That could be the possibility, but I will have my Peerage take a closer look at the creature's body and see what they can find"

The three then turned their attention back to the TV as the new woman continued to explain about the creature's sightings. However, she soon cleared her throat.

News Woman: "However, we recently heard that there have been sightings of something else as well. Something much different to the flying creatures"

This got Rias, Akeno, and Sona's attention as they wondered what the new woman could be talking about. What else could there be besides the flying creatures? Well looks like they are about to find out in a second.

The trio watched as an image of an elderly man appeared on the screen, followed by another image of the elderly man but this time he was severely injured and looked as if he was on death's bed.

News Woman: "As you can see, this Elderly man is currently in the hospital and is barely alive. The police found him floating out in the ocean after his boat was destroyed, now normally you would think that he crashed into a rock or something. But when he was found he was floating in the MIDDLE of the ocean, so there were no rocks that he could have crashed into"

This left Rias, Sona, and Akeno wondering what could have happened to the elderly man. They were glad that he was alive if not barely but glad he's not dead, cause being in the human world has taught them many things.

Rias: 'what could have destroyed that old man's boat, there's no aquatic animal that could do that. Not unless a whale decided to land on top of him'

The newswoman grew a little frightened expression which got the trio's attention, this meant something real.

News Woman: "n-now then, we have an image from the elderly man's camera which was recovered from the destroyed ship. What was on it is something out of a fairy tale"

Suddenly, an image appeared on the screen. It showed a massive aquatic creature with bright red scales with a lighter underbelly.

The sight of the creature caused Rias, Sona, and Akeno's eyes to widen in terror. Not many things would scare them since they are powerful devils, but the sight of those soulless eyes was a completely different story.

Sona: "What the hell is that thing!?"

Rias: "I'm not sure, it's definitely not a dinosaur since it looks nothing like one. It looks more like a huge fish or something"

Akeno: "Forget about that, look at its eyes! I may take pleasure from pain but that...that creature is way too much"

Sona then notice something in the creature's mouth, something that made her turn a bit green.

Sona: "Oh my..."

This caught Rias's attention as she looked at her childhood best friend.

Rias: "What's wrong Sona? are you ok?"

Sona shook her head as she pointed at the image of the creature, more specifically its mouth.

Sona: "l-look at its mouth"

Akeno and Rias looked at the creature's mouth and also turned a bit green from what they saw.

Rias: "I-is that...a baby whale?"

Akeno: "I believe so Rias, and from that creature's soulless eyes it doesn't look like it killed the poor thing for food..."

Sona: "are you saying that it did it for sport!?"

Akeno looked at Sona.

Akeno: "look at those eyes! tell me if those are the eyes of a hungry predator. Cause to me they don't"

Rias: "Enough!"

Both Sona and Akeno turned and looked at the crimson-haired girl.

Rias: "Now is not the time to be fighting each other, there is some sort of creature out there. We must contact my brother before anyone else gets hurt from it"

Akeno and Sona nodded their heads in agreement, cause Rias was right whatever that creature was just revealed itself to the world so many will be trying to find it, catch it or even kill it and who knows what could happen.

In an unknown location, a young woman with a voluptuous body, long silver hair, and yellow eyes was sitting in a chair.

She stared at the TV which was currently showing the image of the creature with the soulless eyes that killed the baby whale.

This girl didn't know why but she felt interested in this creature like there was something strange about it that she had to know.

???: "I don't know what you are, But I will find you. No matter how long it takes"

???: "Nya, talking to yourself again Valina?"

The girl named Valina turned to the voice and saw the source of it, it was a beautiful young woman with a voluptuous figure, long black hair with split bangs, and hazel-gold eyes with cat-like pupils. Her attire consists of a black kimono, a yellow obi, a set of golden beads, and an ornately detailed headband. The kimono features a red interior and it is open at her shoulders, giving a view to her large breasts. She also had a pair of black cat ears and two black tails.

Valina sighed slightly.

Valina: "What do you want Kuroka? I thought you were busy with Bikou?"

Kuroka: "Oh, I was. But he was boring so I decided to come to see what my favorite person is doing~ Nya"

Valina: "Well, what I'm doing is none of your business. So would you kindly leave me alone"

Kuroka's eyes gazed at the TV as she saw the image of the creature.

Kuroka: "What's that? looks like a giant fish?"

Valina: "it isn't a giant fish, it's some kind of sea monster. But don't get any idea of eating it"

Kuroka raised her hands in defense as she took a step back.

Kuroka: "ok, ok. What's got under your skin girlfriend?"

Valina sighed as she turned her attention to the creature again, her eyes locked onto its soulless ones as she felt drawn to them.

Valina: "There's something about this creature, I don't know what but I just feel drawn to it for some reason. Like it's gonna play a huge role in my life or something"

Kuroka didn't say anything as she also looked at the image of the creature.

Kuroka: 'strange, I feel drawn to it as well. But my senses are telling me to stay away from it...Why?'

Somewhere not too far from Kuoh, in a forest that was silent with only the wind blowing through the tree's leaves. The birds flew high into the sky as they were out to either go somewhere or out to find food.

However, this silence soon vanished as the sound of flesh ripping, bones snapping, and cracking was heard. This noise sent any animals in the nearby area running or flying in fear.

This went on for a few minutes before silence filled the forest again, but eventually, there was a small chuckle.

???: "Finally...After so long..."

Someone walked out from behind a tree, it was a teenage boy around 17-18 years old with a muscular but also lean built. He had black to almost charcoal grey hair and yellow eyes.

???: "I Have Returned...Once Again"





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