A Kiss on the Cheek (akotw tr...

Af mandyxtine

1.6M 32.4K 10K

||book 2 of the akotw trilogy|| For now, things are going perfect for Channing and Niall... but things never... Mere

You're My Bad Habit |1+|
Nilla Wafers |3|
wmy... ratchet |Ch 4|
There's No 'I' in Threesome |5+|
The Crooked Cop and The Man with No Soul |6|
This is No Time For Nouis Feels |7+|
Slit Wrists and Battered Hearts |8+|
Jetta Chasing For Dummies |9|
Bruised All Along Her Thighs |10|
It Is What It Is |11+|
This Means War |12|
Gravity |13+|
You're Gonna Miss Me By My Taco |14|
You Can Take the Blade Away from the Girl |15+|
Dear Olive |16|
Damsel in Distress |17|
Trapped in the Closet |18|
Love Over Lust |19|
I Kissed A Boy & I Liked It |20+|
Bottoms Stick Together |21+|
How To Shave Your Tarantula |22|
Too Ready and Too Willing |23+|
Masochistic Assholes Like Edward Cullen |24+|
The Shit Hits the Fan |25+|
new username & i'm sorry

Chialler Video Diary #1 |2|

97.9K 1.2K 357
Af mandyxtine

Author's Note neunundfünfzig:

Hey babies :) I just wanted to come to Jetta's defense regarding the last chapter; some ppl think she's a slut/whore/bitchface & I'm realllly not trying to make her out to be that way. I'm just making her out to be a little less perfect than most main characters in fan fictions... do u feel mE? kind of think of her like that lady gaga song Do What You Want: 'you can't have my heart, and you won't use my mind, but do what you want with my body...' so yeah. just relate that song to Jetta.

With that being said, allow me clear a few things up...
Some of you think she has slept with P.K.P (aka Harry).... she has NOT -yet lmao- (so far, they have made out and he's touched her mammaries but that's about it :])

She has slept with Lou twice now... when she left Lou's room, she did so because Harry has a calming thing about him that helps her sleep... this is a real thing guys. Sometimes insomniacs get VERY attached to PEOPLE or THINGS that help them sleep. When she left Lou, she did so with innocent intentions... she wasn't trying to hook up with Harry. Now as for Louis, of course he got mad, but he shouldn't have started calling her names... that's why they are both in the wrong. 

wOw... am I like the only author that feels the need to stick up for her fictional characters? What is wrong with me? I guess I feel like I've put a little bit of my own personality into Chan & Jet, so when ppl say bad things about them then I get all defensive... haha sorry. I'm weird... but u already knew that c:

dedicated to @bunhead_22 because she's so enthusiastic about this story and just all around awesome <3

* take note, I've changed which city they are leaving for because... um a flight to Tulsa from St. Louis would take like 45 minutes... and I'm an idiot because I don't know why I didn't incorporate their tour bus into this... I mean... aren't they supposed to travel across the US on the bus? HA I have no idea... I just really wanted to do a dramatic airport goodbye scene :) but now they are going to go ahead and have their last tour stop be in Los Angeles (cliché I know but whatevs) since that's like a 3 hour flight... I'll go back and look thru the previous chapters to change the last concert city to LA l8r bc lazyyy *

Song of the Chapter: The Thing I'll Miss the Most by Chase Coy :)
(the video is in the media section... go have a listen <3)

Chapter 2: Chialler Video Diary #1

|| j e t t a ||


As I left Channing alone so she could sleep, I made my way toward the kitchen to eat my feelings. It's true, I'm an emotional eater. I was still a little peeved about what went down with Louis this morning; to be honest I thought he would have at least said goodbye... but nope. All he did was spare me one of those sassy Queen Louis smiles that he gives out to all of the peasants who are beneath him. Nice huh?

I shook my head, clearing my thoughts as I grabbed a granola bar and walked back toward the living room; after finding the remote I plopped down on the couch. Of course when I needed a distraction, absolutely nothing was on. I'm pathetic, I already miss those five idiots and I've been away from them for maybe two hours. What the hell did I used to do with my life before I met them?

After thinking for a moment I opened up my Instagram... no, not my personal IG... I opened up my fangirl account. Shh, don't tell anyone. Channing doesn't even know. I went through the newsfeed, trying to see if there were any new pictures or funny edits, however I was rather creeped out when I saw multiple pictures of Channing as well as myself. Once you see yourself plastered all over someone's Instagram and read their captions where they're talking about you as if they KNOW you... it kind of changes your perspective. At least it did for me...

I was even more disturbed by all of the different ships people were coming up with, some people were even shipping me with Niall or me and Channing together. My favorite by far, however, was a picture of me laughing with Paul after one of the boys concerts, and someone edited saying "I believe in Pauletta"... aca-awkward. Nonetheless, I retweeted it and tagged Paul.

There were plenty of people saying nice things... but of course there were more than a few who were being royal dicks... hey jealousy! I clicked on a picture that was taken last week of Harry and I before the concert... it was actually very cute. We were running and he was holding my hand while we both laughed since we were trying to evade the paparazzi and wild fangirls.

I kept staring at it for a really long time, my mind felt like a whirlwind as I thought about Harry and what we'd discussed yesterday afternoon;


Channing and I had just gotten back from the mall after buying her phone and we were all sitting in the dressing room just messing around. The concert didn't begin for another hour, so the boys were just trying to relax a little before the show.

While Channing was talking to Liam about something, Niall kept looking over a piece of paper nervously, as if he were reading, mouthing the words and bopping his head. Every time Channing would turn around to look at him he'd immediately pretend like he wasn't doing anything as he blushed, stuffing the sheet of wrinkled paper under his leg.

I was about to walk over and ask him what he was blushing about but then I felt a set of hands enclose my waist and pull me down onto their lap. I didn't even have to look over my shoulder to know who it was, I could tell by his smell alone, it was heavenly, "Hey P.K.P," I greeted him with a smile. I laughed as he sent me a playful glare and tugged on my ponytail.

"Will that horrible nickname ever not be funny to you," he asked me with a straight face, but I could see his mouth twitching slightly, trying to hold back a smile.

I tapped my finger to my chin, pretending to think, "Hmmm... nope!" I sang lightly as I readjusted myself so I was leaning on the armrest and only my legs were on Harry's lap. I grinned as he shamelessly began running his fingers up and down my bare legs, even inching his hands dangerously high up my thighs until his fingertips reached the edge of my dress. I was wearing a cute black dress with polka dots that flared out slightly and reached down to about my mid thigh. It was extremely casual compared to how I usually dressed, especially since I was just wearing my hot pink converse rather than my heels.

After a moment of silence, Harry kept his fingers on my thighs, tracing along the hem of my dress, "I like it when you dress this way," he commented before giving me a crooked smile.

I rolled my eyes, "Harry, your gay is showing," I teased as he continued to let his eyes glance up and down, studying my appearance, "Normal boys aren't supposed to care what girls wear," I continued with a wink.

He sheepishly shrugged his shoulders before doing his head shake thing, getting his hair out of his eyes. Why is it every time he does that I have to stare at him as if I've never seen it before? It's like I can't look away. Damn beautiful British butthead.

"Well... I suppose I'm not a 'normal boy,'" he replied coolly, making air quotes with his fingers.

I leaned toward him and squeezed his cheeks in my hands so that he was making a funny face, "I know you're completely abnormal, but I love you anyway," I teased again, squishing his cheeks together.

"You having fun over there?" a voice asked from behind the couch we were sitting on and I looked up to see Zayn smiling down at us just as he slouched into the chair next to me, playing on his phone. I grinned over at him as I continued messing with Harry's face, "Actually... yeah. Harry's face is so... entertaining..." I trailed off as he continued letting me screw his face up.

"Smile," I commanded as I moved slightly closer to get a better look at him. He complied, giving one of his dazzling smiles, and I took the opportunity to poke him in his dimples, "Someone could drown in these mother effin' dimps," I said absentmindedly as I carried on with poking them as well as trying to smooth them away. He started laughing at my comment, rather obnoxiously I might add, "Hold still!" I complained further, "I like your dimples... I just don't understand them. Like how the hell does a dimple form?" I asked out loud to no one in particular.

It's something I always wondered about... I was jealous of everyone with dimples... even Channing had a big dimple on her cheek. Hell, Niall even had a dimple in his chin! It's true, I was jealous of Niall's butt-chin. Don't judge me.

Harry was still chuckling, "Can I stop smiling yet? My face hurts!" he whined as I continued to poke and prod his face.

"Noooo...." I laughed but reluctantly let go of his cheeks, "I promise we will do a thorough dimple analysis someday... sound good?" he asked in a teasing voice. I rolled my eyes as I smacked his hands away from the hem of my dress. He smirked as he slid his hands back down my legs again. It didn't bother me when Harry acted handsy like this... I knew he was just flirting like usual.

"You're lucky I shaved this morning," I said bluntly, raising my eyebrow. I was immediately distracted when I saw Channing sit down on Niall's lap, causing him to subtly shove the little piece of paper between the cushions.

I leaned over, coming close to Harry's ear, "What is Niall doing with that paper?" I whispered, as I continued to watch Niall relax as he started speaking with Channing.

"I'm sworn to secrecy, sorry can't tell you..." he teased as he looked up at the ceiling, seemingly interested in the chipping white paint and dust covered light fixtures.

I was silent for a moment as I considered the best way to get it out of him; slowly I reached my hand behind his waist, squeezing his hip lightly, "I'll give you a kiss for luck if you tell me..." I trailed off with a wink. Immediately after making the offer, I felt a little bad... I didn't want Harry to get the wrong idea.

His green eyes immediately flashed over to look at me, considering my offer, "Okay... I'll tell you... but I don't want the kiss now. I want to save it for later... but when I ask for it, you HAVE to give it. Deal?" he asked, that cheeky smile still etched on his face.

Reluctantly I nodded my head, I mean... he'd probably forget about it anyways, right? He leaned close to me, turning my head so that he had access to my ear, "Niall wrote Channing a song... he's nervous because he's going to sing it for her tonight," he said with a smile as we looked back over toward the couple.

Although I was supposed to keep my mouth shut, I immediately felt a bubble of excitement trying to break free, and unfortunately I started squealing... just a little bit. Harry immediately covered my mouth with his hand as everyone else in the room looked over at us suspiciously. Channing just had a little startled smile on her face as her eyes narrowed, looking at me then at Harry.

Harry subtly leaned closer to my ear once more, "Now, are you going to behave or am I going to have to remove you from the room? You can't tell her!" he chided me playfully. I closed my eyes, giggling gently as I nodded my head once, signifying that I could control myself... hopefully.

As Harry pulled his hand from my mouth my eyes caught Louis' from the opposite side of the room; he sent me a weak smile, looking at how closely Harry and I were sitting before he turned away. I immediately realized how this probably looked to him, so I pulled my legs off of Harry's lap and swung them around so that I was sitting with all of my body parts to myself.

As I thought about Louis I realized I had to make something clear to Harry, "Hey..." I said softly, bumping my shoulder against his.

"Mhmm?" he asked distractedly as he looked down at his phone.

I took a deep breath as I turned toward him once more, "Can we get to know each other better before going on any you know... dates? Is that okay?" I asked timidly, slightly afraid of hurting his feelings.

I slowly looked up to meet his eyes and I realized that he was just smiling at me, "Jet, don't worry about it... we'll just see where things go, yeah?" he said kindly, immediately releasing a lot of pressure that I was feeling on my shoulders.

In all honesty I really did care about Harry... but Louis... Louis was just where my head and my heart were always at. I just didn't want to screw things up with Lou because he thought that I was still trying to mess around with Harry. It's not like Louis and I were dating or anything... but it was obvious that we kind of had a thing for each other... and I really wanted to explore that. From now on I was done throwing myself at Harry until I figured out once and for all what I was feeling for Louis. Maybe I'd talk to Louis about it tonight...

*End Flashback*

I laughed to myself after thinking about last night... yeah Louis and I did a whole lot of talking. I groaned as I covered my face with a pillow, letting out an aggravated scream. When I finished screeching like a banshee into said pillow, I pulled my phone out once more to continue my stalking.

After a few more minutes Instagram and then of stalking the boys on twitter, I eventually was bored enough to try and get some sleep. I rolled over onto my side, shoving my phone into my pocket as I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to summon the ever evasive Mr. Sandman, in hopes that'd he'd send me a dream. I just needed to get away from the never ending tidal wave of drama that seemed to consume my life.

|| n i a l l ||

Although the flight from St. Louis to Los Angeles took about three hours, the time seemed to pass by very quickly. Before I could even shut my eyes it felt like Louis was tapping me on the shoulder, shoving me out of my seat so we could get off the plane and get to our next hotel.

As always, I was nervous as we made our way through the terminal and into the open airport. At first I felt relief when I didn't see or hear a huge mob of screaming girls waiting for us, but that relief was short-lived as we continued through the airport and the paps showed up; shoving their cameras in our faces, asking us endless questions, really invading our personal space... you know... the usual.

There was also a steady amount of girls growing as we continued walking and I felt like I was packed in like a sardine as the rest of the boys and I were squished together between our body guards to keep the fangirls from getting to us. It was actually something that always made me want to laugh... here we were, a group of young, hormonal, sex-crazed, teenage boys, trying to keep ourselves SAFE from teenage girls who would honestly give anything just to run their hands through Harry's curls (or so I've read on some blogs.)

All laughing aside, we made it through the airport virtually unscathed and squeezed into a little black van that was waiting for us. No one was really in a chatty mood; I think we were all a little depressed about leaving the girls behind, but honestly, we couldn't just bring them along... this isn't one of those fan fictions for God's sake! ;)

After a short, awkwardly silent car ride, we made it to the hotel; I wanted to explode with happiness when we finally made it into our room. I tried to give Chan a call, but it went to her voicemail, so I was just going to assume that she was sleeping. After leaving her a voicemail, well both Louis and I since he stole my phone mid-message... I looked around the room, trying to figure out what to do with my time. Being as I napped on the plane, I wasn't tired enough to sleep anymore, so I decided to play around on my phone for a bit. After a while, I remembered the last thing that Channing and I did this morning when we woke up.

I was sharing a room with Harry and Liam, and they were sitting on the opposite couch watching a football game on the telly. They weren't paying me any mind, so I subtly plugged my headphones into my phone and clicked on the video Channing and I made this morning on my phone;

The video opened with my face, I'd just woken up and my hair was a mess, but I was smiling at the camera as I rubbed my eyes, "He'lo, my name's Niall Horan an' I'd jus' like tah welcome yeh tah the first Chialler video diary!" I whisper-yelled, giving a fist pump.

The camera moved off of me and onto a sleeping Channing who had her hair draped wildly over her face; the camera continually crept closer and closer to her peaceful face until it gently bumped her in the nose, "Careful, careful... not too close... Channing's are known tah wake up very aggressively," my hushed voice whispered from behind the camera.

After I backed up and bumped her nose a few more times, her eyes fluttered, but she didn't wake up. My hand could then be seen picking up a stray piece of her wavy hair and tickling it under her nose a few times. Again she sighed softly and twitched her nose like a bunny, but only ended up turning her head away from me.

I brought the camera back so that it was showing me once again as I put on a thinking face, "Oi! So tha subtle tactics aren't workin' out as effectively as I'd hoped... we may have tah resort tah a more direct approach..." I trailed off softly, removing myself from the camera's view once more as I crept over Channing.

The screen was in disarray as I tossed it on the comforter for a moment, quickly positioning myself so that I was straddling Channing's waist, trying not to jostle her too much. I picked my phone up once more, turning it toward my face, "If I don' make it outtah this alive, please tell mah mum I love 'er," I whispered into the camera before giving a salute and turning it around so that Channing could be seen lying beneath me.

I leaned forward, gently gripping her chin with my fingertips and turned her face upward so that she was facing me. I stretched my arm out so that I could record myself as I leaned down closer to her; I hovered directly over her lips for a moment, quickly turning toward the camera, winking and giving a cheeky smile, before slowly leaning my lips down to touch hers.

At first when I kissed her she had no reaction whatsoever, however, as I leaned down, applying more pressure, her eyes immediately sprang open and she wrapped her arms around my neck, squeezing me to her... her moves seemed rather calculated for someone who had supposedly been 'sleeping'.

My eyes could be seen widening at her heated reaction, and I even released a little yelp as she quickly rolled us over, making it so that she was the one sitting on my waist. During the maneuver, she had surprised me so the phone flew out of my hand and landed so that it was wedged between my pillow and the headboard.

It was actually quite perfect the way the phone landed so that it was still filming us, of course we were off-center, but you could see me, as well as Channing's bottom half, even though her head was out of frame. The video was slightly grainy and dark, but the sunlight was steadily creeping into the room, so it was getting brighter by the second.

"Yeh faker! Yeh weren't even sleepin' were yeh?" I asked in an amused voice.

Channing giggled, shrugging her shoulders, "I was just plotting my attack. Remember, since I'm so aggressive, " she teased as she picked up a throw pillow and smothered me for a moment, before leaning down back into the view of the camera, kissing me once again.

We disappeared from sight as her hair cascaded down around us for a moment, but my hands snaked through the strands, pushing them out of her face and over her shoulder so that we could be seen clearly. After kissing me for a few seconds she looked up and at the phone that was still filming our little make out session.

She reached for it, and the screen was once again bouncing around as she turned the phone around, smiling before giving it a serious expression, "Hello everyone. Niall films me when I'm sleeping, should I be creeped out by this?" she asked raising her eyebrow, before smiling again and winking, "Or turned on...?" she asked, sticking out her tongue as she began laughing again.

"Turned on! Definitely turned on..." my voice could be heard off the screen as she rolled her eyes.

"Your opinion is invalid," she said flatly before turning the camera so that it was on me. I was laying on the pillow with my hands behind my head as I smirked up at her, "Well I can't help it... yer pretty when yer sleepin'," I said softly as my hands were seen reaching toward her, wrapping around her waist. 

She kept the camera trained on me for a few moments before the smile slid off of my face, "I'm gonna miss wakin' up next to yeh," I said softly, I could feel my cheeks turning pink just as they did in the video at how vulnerable my voice sounded.

All of a sudden, I could feel someone sitting next  to me, so I quickly paused the video, "What're you doing over here... you're blushing... are you watching porn again, Nialler?" Harry asked with a smile as he tousled my hair.

I groaned as I sat up slightly, "No, jus' a vid of me an' Chan we made this mornin'," I informed him as he continued looking over my shoulder.

Harry's eyes lit up, "Did you lovebirds make a sex tape? Dude, let me see it!" Harry said excitedly, seriously creeping me out.

I took my headphones off as I turned around giving him a weird look, "Mate, first off, no, we di'nt make a sex tape," I said in exasperation, rolling my eyes before I continued, "An' even if we did, I sure as hell wouldn't beh showin' any ah you!" I finished with a laugh.

Harry just gave me a simple smile, "Then let me see?"

I sighed again as I unplugged my headphones and hit the play button.


|| h a r r y ||


Niall seemed a little hesitant to show me the video, but after a few minutes of my whining, he eventually caved, just like I knew he would. After pressing play, he resumed the video and I looked on in curiosity as my eyes tried to focus on the little screen;

Channing appeared to be sitting on top of a shirtless Niall, it looked like they had just woken up, and I could tell in the video Niall's cheeks were blushing the same shade of red they were at the current moment.

"Awe... I'm going to miss you too, Nilla," Channing said softly as she leaned down and hugged Niall while still holding the phone up to film them. I glanced over at Niall and could tell that he was embarrassed at me hearing her use his pet name; I wrapped my arm around his shoulder to reassure him I wasn't going to poke fun at him, he relaxed immediately under my gesture.

The video was a close up of the two of them, as they were kissing. It was getting rather awkward as we sat there watching them make out for a minute, "I thought you said this wasn't a sex tape?" I questioned bemusedly as Niall looked over at me and shrugged his shoulders, "Aye, mate... yer tha one who wanted tah watch it," he said, giving me a wink.

I looked back at the phone to see that they had finally pulled apart, I glanced at Niall's face feeling a jolt of sympathy for the kid at his heartbroken expression. I know they were only recently separated but the bond they shared was insane. I looked back toward the phone to see that Channing had hopped off of him and was running over toward the bathroom, "Where yeh goin'?" Niall asked, although the phone was now facing the ceiling so only their voices could be heard.

"Shower... duh..." Channing's voice could be heard faintly in the background. The screen was ruffled about and you could hear the noise of the comforter as Niall was looking for the phone. After a few seconds he found it and held it back up to his face, "Well... I've gotta go... got some business tah take care of," he said to the camera with a wink. After a few seconds the feed was cut and the video ended, asking if we wanted it to be replayed.

I shook my head, "You've really found something with her, haven't you?" I asked Niall as he put his phone back into his pocket and slowly turned around to face me.

"Mate... you've no idea... she's jus'... I can't even explain it. I know I've fallen fer girls quickly before... but never like this..." he trailed off as he rubbed his hands over his eyes and relaxed back against the couch.

I smiled at my friend, genuinely happy for him. I only hoped that one day, I could find someone that made me as lovesick as Channing made him. As my brain weaved in and out of my past relationships and flings, I kept coming back to Jetta. I felt something for her, that was for sure... but was it as strong as what Niall felt for Channing?  I guess only time would tell.


|| c h a n n i n g ||


Slowly I could feel myself coming back to reality, you know that feeling when you're in between awake and asleep? I was skating right along the edge of the two. Eventually though, my dream began to fade away and I was left in just the darkness of Jetta's familiar bedroom.

Reluctantly, I dragged my phone out from under the pillow noticing that it was already after midnight, meaning I'd been asleep for eight hours. I glanced at my missed calls list to see that I'd missed two calls and a text from Niall. I was about to call him back when I saw the little picture blinking at the top, telling me I had a voicemail.

I rolled over onto my back with a loud groan and pushed my bangs out of my face as I connected to my voicemail and brought the phone to my ear;

"Hey babe... It's me. We jus' landed an' got situated in our hotel rooms. I'm already missin' yeh like crazy though. I reckon you've fallin' asleep, but that's good... yeh probably really need tah catch up on yer sleep... if yeh know what I'm sayin'..."

I smiled as I heard Niall laughing at his own sexual innuendo. Even over the phone, that laugh still drew an excited chill down my spine.

"Jus' gimme a call when yeh get tha chance... we've got rehearsals in tha mornin' an' a concert tomorrow night. We will beh doin' shows here fer tha next two weeks, an' after that I'm not sure what's goin' tah happen, but you and I are goin' tah figure somethin' out. I hope yeh can come with us tah London... I know it's kinda a big step, but I'm willin' to give it a try if you are."

All of a sudden I heard a bit of rustling on the other end of the line, as well as some Irish cursing as someone new began speaking into the phone, "Hey Channnny! Hope you're doing well! We miss you bunches!" Louis said as he began laughing, "LOVEEE YO-," he was cut off before he could finish and Niall returned back to the phone, "Sorreh bout that, I swear I can't get any damn privacy 'round here," he complained with a chuckle before sobering up and finishing up the message;

"Anyway, when yeh wake up, gimme a call and we can Skype... or somethin'. I'll talk to yeh soon, love," he said softly before the line was cut.

I smiled as I saved the message, happy that Niall took the time to leave one. I quickly peeked my head into the living room only to see Jetta cuddled up on the couch with the television blaring in the background showing some cooking show. I tiptoed closer, quietly turning the volume down and covering her with a blanket before sneaking back out of the room, trying not to wake her up.

Once back in her room I shut the door and whipped my phone out to give Niall a call; considering it would only be 10pm in LA, he'd still be awake, right?

For some reason I felt nervous as I held the phone to my ear and anxiously waited for him to pick up. After four rings I finally was rewarded with hearing his gravelly, sleepy sounding voice, "Ello?" he asked adorably, waiting for my reply.

"Niall? Did I wake you?" I asked softly, about to suggest that he just go ahead and go back to sleep.

"Oh, hey Chan! No.. no, it's okay. I wasn't sleepin'," he lied as he tried to subtly clear his throat.

"Sure you weren't..." I laughed as I fell back onto the bed, staring up at the ceiling, "Really, it's okay, if you're tired, I can just talk to you tomorrow," I insisted, absentmindedly playing with Niall's shamrock necklace.

"Hey, Skype me," he said, sounding more awake now. I agreed immediately and fired up Jetta's laptop, not really sure what I was supposed to do. I'd actually never bothered Skyping anyone before, so Niall stayed on the phone and walked me through it as we set it up. Finally, after a little trouble shooting, we got it working and I could see him sitting in what looked to be a dimly lit living room.

We hung up our phones and I waved shyly to him as he smiled back at me, "This is pretty cool," I commented, being as I'd never used a webcam to Skype before. Sure, I knew how to work a webcam, but I didn't have anyone Skype worthy in my life... well until now.

"Thank God for modern day technology, yeah?" he asked with a crooked grin, as he rest his elbows on his knees and looked intently into the screen. Suddenly, I felt a bit awkward considering I hadn't checked my hair or face to make sure I wasn't a mess. My hand immediately flew up to my hair in an attempt to smooth it down, but Niall's laugh distracted me, "Yeh look great, Chan," he said as he ran his hands through his hair, messing it up even more, "What about meh?" he asked with a serious face.

I giggled as I scooted in closer to the screen, "Yeah you too... I think you should definitely wear your hair like that to the concert tomorrow. It'll be a big hit," I teased as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Oi, you're away from me fer 12 hours an' yeh've already developed a mean streak," he said as he shook his head.

A few seconds of comfortable silence passed before he spoke again,"So have yeh spoken with yer mum at all?" he asked curiously. I watched as he reached out of the view of the camera and laughed when he pulled a bag of chips back into view, "What? I'm hungry!" he said as he playfully stuck out his tongue.

I smiled at him for a moment before remembering his previous question about my mother, "What do you mean?" I asked, not quite sure what he was getting at.

"I was jus' wonderin' how she was doin'... the last I heard of her, she was stayin' with yer Aunt, right?" he asked as he chewed on his chips.

The thought of him actually caring what happened to my mother... it just made me... I don't know. It made me want to explode. Not only did he care for me, but he also cared about what happened to my mother... it was just a little overwhelming to try and comprehend how big of a heart Niall truly possessed.

I smiled at him again as I looked down at my hands, feeling bashful for some reason. Probably because he knew so much about my life... my family, and I still knew next to nothing of his. It kinda made me feel like a bitch for not even asking much about his family, "I actually don't know... but maybe I should call her tomorrow so she has my number..." I trailed off softly.

He looked up to meet my eyes as he spoke, "I was jus' wonderin' because if yeh come to London, I'm sure she'd like tah know about it... yeh know?" he asked before taking a drink from a water bottle that he seemed to pull out of no where.

"I want to meet your family," I said randomly, immediately feeling my cheeks turning red. I awkwardly looked back up at the screen when he didn't say anything and continued to ramble on, "but... I mean I don't have to if you don't want me to... I understand if that's weird since we just met, it's not a big-" he cut me off by calling my name, immediately making me look up at him.

"Ah course I want yeh to meet my family, I would love fer you to! I jus' didn' want tah rush yeh into anythin' yeh weren't ready for," he said with a soft smile, before bashfully looking away, " 'sides, my mum wants tah meet yeh too," he confessed, scratching the back of his neck as he waited for my reaction.

A huge grin took over my face as I stared back at his grainy, beautiful webcam image, "You've told your mother about me? Really?" I asked in disbelief. For some reason, the realization that he had actually thought I was important enough to tell his family about me just really struck a chord in my chest. It was quite strange to feel wanted for once... to feel like I belonged somewhere. To feel like someone was proud to show me off.

"Tah beh honest, I told my mum about yeh after that first day. I asked her what she thought I should do... yeh wanna know what she told me," he asked with a thoughtful expression as he spoke of his mother.

I nodded, waiting patiently as he recounted their telephone conversation, "she said that it didn't matter if I spoke with yeh fer five minutes or five hours... if I felt a connection tah yeh that quickly, then I needed to pursue it, 'cause it's not evr'yday that yeh find someone who can leave such a lasting impact," he said softly as he stared intensely at me through Jetta's laptop screen.

I just smiled and awkwardly looked away, "How did I get so lucky?" I asked more to myself then to Niall, but he found the need to answer anyway, "I don' think luck had much tah do with it. I think I was meant tah meet yeh. I think I was meant tah fix you," he replied softly as he watched me wipe a single tear away that was sliding down my cheek.

"Please don' cry... 'specially when I can't be there tah make it better," he said tenderly.

I laughed at his remark, "Hah! Well it's your fault! Quit being sweet and making me cry, dummy," I said with a playful glare.

He grabbed at his chest as if I'd hurt him with my insult, "Yeh wound me. I don' think I've been called a 'dummy' since primary school... yer bringin' back some rough memories," he teased, still clutching at his chest.

I rolled my eyes, and we spent the next few hours talking. We were talking about everything, from family, to old school memories, to first kisses and silly hobbies we had as children.

By the time I took a moment to glance at the clock, I noticed that it was nearly 6am... meaning it was almost 4am in Los Angeles, "Hey Ni? It's going on 4am over there... are you sure you don't want to get some sleep?" I asked as he looked back down at his guitar, strumming a few chords before answering me, "In a few minutes, let's just try to get a few more lines down," he said with excitement.

I smiled at his enthusiasm and grabbed my guitar as well so that we could start over from the beginning. For the past two hours, we'd been working on writing a song together. We'd gotten the first stanza and chorus down, but were still tweaking quite a few lines to try and make it work.

We went through the song once again, going over his solos as well as mine, however when we got to the chorus, he stopped strumming and looked up at me, "Aye, let's put yer solo after the chorus," he said softly as he leaned over his notebook and scratched something out.

I nodded my head, "Do you think the boys would sing the 'la lalala now everybody's singing' part?" I asked him seriously, "It might sound cool if we added them into the background," I suggested, brushing my fingers over my guitar strings once again.

"Yeah, that'd be sick! I'll fill them in on it tomarrah," he smiled at me again, resting his guitar on his lap, "Chan, we should sing this at one of our concerts, it'd beh amazin'... I'm sure the fans would love it," he commented as I looked back up to meet his gaze, pushing my hair behind my ear.

I could feel my heart beating a little faster at the thought of it, to be honest it completely terrified me. Niall could obviously sense my awkwardness because he immediately began reassuring me, "Don't worry, it's jus' a thought, babe," he said with a wink, followed by a very long yawn.

I picked up the laptop and climbed into the bed as I sat it on the pillow next to me; I pulled the covers up to my chin and rolled on my side to smile at Niall, "There... now it's like you're almost here with me," I mused as I watched him pick up his laptop and head back into what I'm assuming was his room.

After a bit of ruffling around I watched as he also climbed into his bed and got nestled under the blankets before turning over and facing his computer with a sad smile, "Yeeh... I'd much rather have yeh here though," he said softly as he stretched his arm out and placed his hand against the screen. I followed his lead and touched my hand to the screen as well.

"Will you sing to me?" I asked softly, as I felt sleep tugging at my eyelids. 

Niall smiled softly at me as he nodded his head, "Goodnight babe, I love yeh," he said before he began singing one of my favorites;
*A/N: Play lyric video on the right to hear the song*

"I waited by the willow tree
Outside your parents house last night
Girl you know I warned you
Summer's coming soon
If you're gonna make a move
You better make your move

Because you know that in a week or two
I'll be miles away from you
On the California coast
But you know the thing I'll miss the most is you

Girl do you remember that time
I held both your hands in mine
And we watched the stars come out that night

You said that your heart could hardly take
The moons reflection on the glossy lake
And I just whispered 'I love you'"

My eyes fluttered open and I looked at the screen to see that Niall was singing while lying on his back, facing the ceiling. His eyes were closed, but as if he could sense me looking at him, he slowly turned his head and opened his tired eyes to focus on me.

"But you know that in a week or two
I'll be miles away from you
On the California coast
But you know the thing I'll miss the most is

If you miss me so much
That you can barely stand it
And your heart can hardly take
You know I'm never more than a phone call away

I won't hesitate to answer my phone
When your name shows up on my caller ID
But you know I can't stay
Because summer is calling me
Calling me"

As I began to drift away to the soothing tone of Niall's voice, I let his words surround me. Although it was nothing like having him here with me... not even close... I was so happy that even though he's away, that I could still have this time with him. I was a little afraid that he would immediately forget about me after leaving... but it seemed like he was missing me just as much as I was missing him.

I'm not sure when I fell asleep, or even when he did; all I remember is his fading voice as it fluttered across my heart, soothing my soul, reminding me that no matter what... things would be okay... we would be okay; 

"Because you know that in a week or two
I'll be miles away from you
On the California coast
But you know the thing I'll miss the most is you..."


Author's Note sechzig:
I have a bit of writer's block...
don't get me wrong, I know where I'm going with this story.... but there has to be some events that occur before I can get to the parts I really want to write about.... so I'm trying to figure out just how to fill in some parts so I can get to where I want to be... if that makes any sense lol thanks to everyone who reads/votes/comments I don't think you even understand how much it cheers me up 

 Sorry if this chapter is lame, but I just wanted to explain how Channing and Niall dealt with their first night apart. Also, if you happen to know the song I said they were writing about... don't say anything! It's a surprise... and one of my favorite songs ever!

By the way... does the Jarry/Louetta stuff make sense now? Do you see where Jetta is in that department? I'm not saying she'll end up with Louis (or am I...? lol) but that is who she has her sights set on at the moment. (No worries though, the love triangle is far from over... Harry will most definitely get some sweet luvin before this thing is over ;) [squeals bc jarry]

Oh and I do plan to make a trailer when I have time (unfortunately, it's a year later & i never made time...) so if you wanna make me a trailer for akotc, well, then... u go glen coco. i will be eternally grateful.

IG @ niallersdirtymofo
Twittah @ wankingbcniall

<3 Mandy

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