The Crowned Mercenary [Projec...

By C____A____T

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Y/N Sparda, or as his teammates and the world know him... Monarch He was a good man, fighting for what he thi... More

Episode 1: End of a Journey, Start of a New One
Episode 2: Azur Lane
Episode 3: A New Employer
Episode 4: Charge Assault
Episode 5: Relax with Robin
Episode 6: I Feel Shitty
Episode 7: Lucky E
Episode 8: The Royal Navy
Episode 10: A Day With the Grey Ghost
Episode 11: Showtime
Episode 12: Maybe... You're Not So Bad
Episode 13: Reuniting Friends
Episode 14: New Allies
Episode 15: The Demon King Sparda
Episode 16: The Might of The Royal Navy
Episode 17: Solo Wing Pixy
Episode 18: Prisoners of War... Or Guests?....
Episode 19: Sight Seeing With The Sakura
Episode 20: Two Weeks of Hell...
Episode 21: Valentines On The Beach
Episode 22: A... Date With A Hashira
Episode 23: A Test For The King
Episode 24: Visions and.. Supervision
Episode 25: Lost Monarch and A Clue?
Episode 26: The Arbiters
Episode 27: The Iris Libre!
Episode 28: Baguette Land
Episode: 29 A Demon in Anor Londo?
Episode 30: The Attack of Iron
Episode 31: Trial By Fist A Cuffs

Episode 9: Some R&R

4.2K 73 109
By C____A____T

After the introductions, i believe it's a good time to relax right? After all, meeting with some of the strongest in the entire Royal Navy can be a little nerve racking right? Anyway, let's see what's happening now...

M̵͚͔̳̝̤̄̎͆̓̏ ̴͈̼̞̐̈́́͂O̵̪͆͠ ̸̬͇̥́̈̿̿N̴̜͉͑̋̃̈ ̸̫͔̯͆̇͐͋D̵͓̱̦̰̜̊̓̏̾͠ ̴̘̟̀̊̓̑͝ͅA̴͙̯͓͓͆̈̾́ ̷̘̤͔͉̪̈́͆Ỳ̴̤̓

9:21 PM

Eagle Union Border Colony: Orion: HQ Meeting Lounge

3rd POV

Belfast: "Another cup of tea?" She says as she leans in front of Y/N who seems to have spaced out, blushing when he looks at her cleavage but soon looks away, only nodding. But Bel noticed, a smirk on her face as she makes the tea "Quite a naughty Knight you are" Y/N blushes as he hides his face. Robin isn't here to mediate as she's with York, looking around the colony "I jest, please, feel free to look wherever you wish. A Maid's duty is to please their Master, whoever they might be" Her words make Y/n blush a whole shit ton, but wanting to move the conversation into a different direction, he avoids eye contacts and speaks up

Y/N: "M-Miss Belfast... Where are the rest?" She looks over to Y/N with a raised eyebrow before smiling and going back to her work

Belfast: "If you are reffering to the others from Royal Navy. They are getting ready for the inerview in two days"

Y/N: "Two days?" She looks at him, a questioning look on his face as she responds, also bringing him his tea, sitting on the other couch in front of him, still showing incredible grace

Belfast: "The two first days are simply to rest and relax for the interview. The press can be quite demanding so it's best to cool your head" He slowly nods as he sips the tea, internally freaking out about having the interview tomorrow. But he might as well enjoy the conversation right now

Y/N: "J-Just a question. Do all maids point guns at men?" Belfast looks extremely confused at the question but soon has an expression of realization as she lets out a small chuckle

Belfast: "I am guessing that you have already met Sheffield?" He nods as she shakes her head, bowing slightly "I apologize, she has a... way with her words" 

Y/N: "It's okay, she probably just didn't like me....... Like Miss Enterprise" He looks off to the side, a dead look in his eyes as a dark aura surrounds him, confusing the Head Maid, who decides to give into her curiosity

Belfast: "The Grey Ghost? Why would she have qualms with an amazing warrior such as yourself?" She says as she slightly tilts her head, a hint of interest in her voice "If you do not mind me asking

Y/N: "I don't think she'd appreciate me talking about it behind her back, sorry" He slightly bows his head, surprising her as she smirks a bit

Belfast: "You are very respectful, i have noticed that. A person like you deserves respect as well" He looks up at her, a confused look on his face before he slightly shakes his head, looking back to the ground

Y/N: "No, i'm far from deserving of respect. Is breaking apart hundreds, thousands of families worthy of respect? Even if i want to move away from that life... It's still a stain that's ruined me. Now, no matter what good i do, i'll never be worth more than a pebble on the road, i'm just a worn tool to be used, if i were to die on the battlefield, i wouldn't mind, i only want to protect the ones i care about. Especially Prez" He slightly smiles before standing up and bowing "Thank you for the tea, it was delicious" And with that, he leaves the room

Leaving Belfast befuddled on the couch after his speech, he didn't seem like the one to talk much, but he just spoke a lot right in front of her. But even more so, his mentality... He truly doesn't care about himself. He sees his own body as nothing more than a weapon for people to use

Belfast: "Is that... What a true Mercenary is like?" She looks at the door that Y/N left through, a shocked and interested look on her face as she thinks about the type of person Y/N seems to be... A Noble Knight who has sacrificed his entire being for the sake of others. Is that what a Mercenary is like?

Timeskip 1 Hour

Y/N walked through the building for a bit before York called him on his phone, telling him to meet them at a hotel, she gave him the address and he started to walk through the city, some people looking at him strangely since he hasn't taken off his G-Suit yet but it doesn't bother him

But he's having a lot of fun looking through the city at night, the street lamps lighting up the sidewalks and decorations of Valentines adorning the walls

Y/N: "Just one week away, would Robin like chocolate?" He thinks as he imagines a Valentines with Robin, they've never celebrated Valentines before so this would be a first, he blushes and hides his face in his hands, lost in his embarrassment. That is until a hand taps his shoulder, turning around, it's Monarch "Ah, Miss Monarch, may i help you?" He bows as he sees her

Monarch: "Raise your head, i merely wish to speak" Y/N nods and stands straight, looking at her "Come, lets walk together" She starts to walk ahead of him as he follows, wondering just what she wants, but i mean. It's not like he can defy her, she's eight inches taller than he is and

She's a Battleship

You wouldn't wanna make her mad, she's done some shit to people that've made her mad

He tilts his head slightly as she looks over to him, wondering what exactly he wants, but after a bit, she realizes and speaks with a small smile on her face

Monarch: "Well i simply want to understand the type of person you are. Putting such a display in the meeting room tends to spark some interest" A tint of red could be seen on her face, but it's a bit chilly so that's understandable, right? "May i ask, where did you learn to speak so Knightly? You do not strike me as the type of person to speak that way, as a Mercenary and such" He looks forward and starts to think about it

Y/N: "Hm.. When i was back in my world, and when i was new to the group, we went on a mission with the Kindom of Saiwaki, after we were done, we met with the Queen, and i was the only one to practice the Old World way of speaking to Royalty in our group" He scratches his cheek with a bit of blush on his face as he gives a slight embarrassed smile "S-So i was to one to purely speak to Royalty or Nobility"

Monarch: "Well, it seems to have payed off. I may just have to take you on a date for how well you treated us Shipgirls" Y/N blushes like hell when she says that and looks off to the side

Y/N: "Y-You don't have to, it'd ruin your Image, you're too Noble" He says as he continues to look off to the side, not seeing that Monarch has a surprised look on her face, and a small blush before she smiles a bit. Looking forward as well

A bit of silence goes by until she speaks up again, the tone in her voice soft, a bit sad but also happy

Monarch: "May i tell you something, Sparda?" He looks over to her and nods, her smiling in return "Not many believe in me. Since i was a rejected design, my sisters are the ones that garner the most fame and love"

She stops a bit, thinking about her past, but Y/N is still intently listening, which she's thankfull for

Monarch: "Most people see me simply as a back up, to use when my sisters are busy, so my 'Image' is not that great" She looks over to Y/N again, him looking up at her, a bit of a blush on his face as he takes in her admittedly gorgeous face "Yet you, Sparda. Even if you may not know me. You still called me 'Noble', it may not mean much to you. But to me, it means more than the finest jewels in the word, so thank you for that. My Knight" He blushes yet again, looking away as Monarch slightly giggles, continuing to talk

Along the way, they talk about small things, well of course the usual one sided conversation with Monarch speaking and him listening intently, though he does mention that he wants to open up a cafe, this interests Monarch as she asks further

Monarch: "So what exactly are you going to name it?" He thinks about it for a second, opening his mouth with a smile

Robin: "Yo! N/N! Over here!" He looks over and sees Robin in a hoodie that's somehow loose yet tight fitting on the Important bits, she also has some skinny jeans on. And god damn, if she doesn't look hot right now

And Y/N is thinking the exact same thing, blushing while looking at her, trying to maintain eye contact. He tilts his head slightly as he stops walking with Monarch, who does the same

Robin: "Yo, we're staying here" She points behind her to a luxury hotel, at least five stars, too much money for poor Y/N who goes into shutdown the moment he sees the lobby, how is anyone this rich?

How isn't he this rich? He's a Merc for fucks sake

Robin: "You good?" She waves her hand in front of his face, getting his attention as he snaps out of his trance and nods, looking over to Monarch, tilting his head, though Monarch can't understand what he means this time "He wants to know if you wanna come"

Monarch smiles and nods, walking inside the hotel with the two pilots, while walking, Robin hands Y/N a card

Robin: "That's your room, i think we got solo rooms so you don't gotta worry about knocking, you won't see some mommy milkers" She teases as Y/N blushes, thinking about the metaphorical situation, He starts to walk faster than the other two, to avoid embarrassment, Monarch looking over to the backseater

Monarch: "Hm, Prez, would you mind if i went along with you so we may chat in your room? I'm interested in knowing a bit more about Sparda" Robin thinks about it for a bit before she gives a cheeky smirk, wrapping her arm around the taller battleship's neck and dragging her along

Robin: "Hell yeah! I'll tell ya' all his embarrassing secrets!" She drags Monarch into an elevator, leaving poor ol' Y/N in the lobby, still embarrassed at the thought of seeing any woman naked. But when he comes to his senses, the two women are gone

Y/N: "Uh......" The looks around the lobby, some people taking pictures of him, most of the women have blushes on their faces. He realized some things about this world, most of the things are modern, things like phone televisions and general technology.But weapons of war are still stuck in the Old World time

And quickly getting embarrassed from the attention, he makes his way to the elevator, getting in and finally breathing a sigh of relief, he's never been good at dealing with crowds, even if he was a gang leader, he never liked big gatherings

But why were they taking pictures of hi-


Right... He's the King of the Blue Seas

News of him and his partner have spread to outside the base, to colonies like this one. Though the story is slightly changed. The part of him being from another world is only known by the governments. In public, he's a man who's lived out in the wastelands of the Uncharted, a region that, as the name suggests. Is uncharted on every map, almost no life is there and whoever lives there is always known to be either a survival expert or batshit insane

So that explains why he's going on an interview but he could certainly do without the cameras and shit, either way, he makes it to his floor, how did he know what floor he needs to go to?

It was on the card obviously, don't be a dumbass

He makes it to his door, looking at his card again and back to the door, and it's correct so he unlocks the door, opening it and walking in, a single king sized bed in the middle of the room, the room is beautiful, a flatscreen tv and a wardrobe, as expected from the Royal Navy, their Colonies are magnificent, there's a table with two seats near the end of the room, said end of the room having it's wall just being glass, a door leading to a balcony outside, the night sky looking gorgeous

He sets his bag on the bed and looks out the window, sitting on the chair, taking in the sight as he starts to drown out all of the sounds around him, losing himself to his thoughts, not knowing of what's to come

??? POV

I just finished taking a shower, if anything, i know that the Royal Navy can make some damn good showers, that shampoo smelled nice, i should buy some more for myself when we get back to base

'Huh? I heard the door open... Did someone break in? Shit, where's my gun? It's outside!'

I quickly put on a towel, wrapping it around my body as i get ready, unlocking the door, opening it slightly, whoever it is seems to just be sitting down on the table, alright. I can just knock him out. Three, two, one...


I continue to look outside, but i hear something like a lot of air being swooshed and i feel like someone's behind me, i turn around see a palm coming towards my right cheek and a head of silver hair, i only manage to utter out a bit though

Y/N: "En-"


And then it went dark











Wait... i feel like i'm waking up now. Why am i tied up?

I open my eyes to see a pissed off Enterprise sitting in a chair on the chair, she's wearing a more casual outfit, a pair of shorts and a shirt with a chibi Stuka on it with a Yak-9 on it, orange wing tips, it looks cute, but on the other hand. She's holding her Desert Eagle, pointing it at my face once she notices that i'm awake, this is going to be hard to get out of

Enterprise: "You're finally awake, now. You better tell me why you're in my room you perv" She scowls as i stare into the blackness of the barrel, too scared to actually say anything, i do my best to point to my bag, where my card is

She thankfully gets the idea and checks my bag, opening it she for some ungodly reason decides to look through my clothes, why? How should i know. But her face look surprised as she takes out my shirt with the red corsair on it, showing it to me with a quizzical look on her face

Enterprise: "You like Ace Battle?" I tilt my head slighty to question her, luckily. She understands and elaborates "It's a video game, not many people know about it, but the small people who do understand how great of a game franchise it is. I'd even say its the best. This specific shirt is from Ace Battle 6 Waters of Freedom... It's my favorite" She starts to smile while looking at the shirt, this is actually the first time i've ever seen her smile

God fucking damn, she's super cute... No, No! Remember, focus right now, she's one finger movement away from turning my insides into outsides, i'm not up for that. But to my dismay, she quickly snaps out of her little tangent... Look, if i'm being honest. Since she told me about that game, i'm kinda interested, maybe i might check it out. You know, if i don't get my brains blown out

Enterprise: "Right, your card" She picks it up and sees the number, her eyes going wide, looking over to me "Why do we have the same room?" I shrug my shoulders and she looks angry, walking over to me and reaching her hand out "We're fixing this, now" 

Oh, she just grabbed the ropes and is now dragging me on the floor, is this what it feels like to be cargo? It feels a little bit calming in a way, not having control on where you're going, just laying down on the floor while some woman with the strength of a god damn Gundangle drags me around, man i loved that anime

But that aside the point, the point is that i may be two or less seconds away from my death, all i can do is convince her that i wasn't gonna do anything bad, i mean of course i wasn't.I didn't even know she was there, but. She doesn't know that and she hates me more than i hate lemons, so that's also an issue

This is going to be a hard time for me....

[Well that's the end of today's episode, i don't have any advance episodes left so the upload rate might stagger from one every four days to one every six or seven days. I'll try to keep it at four but no promises. Also, i've been readin' of course i have, but i specifically want to shout out a writer that i'm a big fan of, and one of his series

Made by FollowingMuscle75, it's [Right..... Wrong..... I don't know] It's a great series that's gotten a tear or few outta me. I highly recomend it, and his other series, anyway, see ya. And remember. Keep true to your ideals, don't let them waver, fight for what you think is right, only if others are getting hurt by your ideals should you take a deep look into what those ideals are. They should always better not just yourself, but those around you, see ya]

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