Life Is Full Of Surprises

By _QueenMarinette_

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Marinette is heart broken after her 2 year boyfriend tells her he's leaving her for someone else and that he... More

Chapter 1: Lies and Betrayal
Chapter 2: Comfort
Chapter 3: Spill That Hot Coffee
Chapter 4: New Friends
Chapter 5: The Club's Gonna Be Lit
Chapter 6: A Night To Never Forget
Chapter 7: Work o'clock
Chapter 8: After A Long Day At Work
Chapter 9: I Need To See You
Chapter 10: Nothing's Changed
Chapter 11: A Night Of Friends, Fun And A Little chaos
Chapter 12: Jealousy And Tears
Chapter 14: A Thanksgiving Dinner Pt1

Chapter 13: The Way I Feel For You

71 1 0
By _QueenMarinette_

Mari POV:
Thanksgiving is tomorrow?!?! I can't wait to see my family and I can't wait to see Chat to. It's been week since the sleep over. After Chat and I got back Nino told us that Luka said he had to take off, and I was actually pretty happy about it.

But the rest of the night was filled with laughter, cuddles, food, and wonderful friends. Chat and I haven't really been able to 'see' each other because the police department had gotten pretty busy. But that doesn't mean that Chat and I didn't find a way to communicate with each other.

We texted every night, sometimes we'd even face time. Chat and I would text for hours I mean we would start at 8:30 ish and not stop till 2 In the morning. Some times when we face time we would fall asleep on call.

He said I have an 'angle-like sleep face' I laughed, and than I told him he purrs in his sleep. He got pretty embarrassed which I thought was funny. Chat and I have been pretty good. After Thanksgiving I have my date with Chat and I'm really exited for that but also pretty nervous.

But I'm mostly excited.. So far everything in my life has been running smoothly. I just hope nothing happens to ruin it.

Alyas place was redone in the week I haven't had a chance to go over and see for myself. Alya had told me she wanted to do a few things to the house before anyone saw it. I told her If she needed any help I had no problem being there.

Just than I heard the door bell ring. 'Oooooo pizza's here!!'


Mari POV:
I've been up for a couple hours now trying to decide what I want to wear to thanksgiving tonight. So far I haven't found anything. This thanksgiving dinner is not like the rest. CHAT WILL BE THERE!! And I have to look desirable, attractive, sexy.. I wanna be it all for him.

I sighed

I just hope this dinner goes very smoothly. I hope mama likes Chat, papa says he's 10 times better than Nathen and a better dresser.

I giggled at the thought of my papa buddying with Chat. I honestly couldn't wait to introduce him to the family. But a part of me wondered, am I moving to soon? The last thing I wanna do is make Chat uncomfortable.


I was in thought when I heard a sound, I looked down at saw it was a message. I opened my phone and smiled


I smiled when I saw the name. I open his message and began to read

Hey princess~ I just wanted to let u know that I'm really exited for tonight, but I can't wait to see u especially 😘

I giggled

I can't wait to see you tonight my handsome kitty~ but I need your help..

Anything for you princess~ what can I help you with.

I need help deciding what to wear for tonight

Ooooooo are you going to model for me purrincesss. 🤩🤩

Calm down kitty, plus how can I model for u if your not here?😏

I sent him a smirk to be a little daring. I wondered what he was gonna send me back? Maybe a with or-

I'm on my way

I smiled before my eyes widen at his text. He's coming over here NOW?!

Wait?! Right now?!

Of course I've been up for the last hour trying to figure out what to have for breakfast. Princess I'll help you if you can help me deal?

I thought for a would be nice to have him here.

Deal, come on over kitty I'll be waiting ❤️

I'll be there in 10

I closed my phone and smiled I hopped out of bed to the kitchen to figure out what we were gonna be having.

Meanwhile with Chat —>
Chats POV

Deal, come over kitty I'll be waiting ❤️

I'll be there in 10

I left the text message and began to get ready. I hopped out of bed happily and walked over to my bathroom to take a nice shower. I felt butterfly's in my stomach just thinking about chat. I wonder if he feels the same? My mind wondered as I turn on the water.

Meanwhile at Chats place

Chats POV:
After my princess and I arranged a deal I started to get everything ready. I was also in a pickle and one of it has to to with what I'm going to wear but the other was if Mari's parents. What If they don't like me? What if it's the same with Lila's?

I shook my head. Her dad already seems fond of me and usually the dads are the most protective. But I have yet to meet her mom, as I walked out of the kitchen I made my way to the front door. I had already grabbed my keys. I opened the door and walked out, after closing it.

I made my way over to the garage opening it and walked over to my black car I decide to take it.


The sound startled me. I look up and see dark clouds  It looked like it was going to rain. Oh boy I got inside my car a turned on the engine. A few second after I turned it on it started to drizzle. I took my car out of park and started driving to Mari's house.

Mari's POV:
I finished my shower ten minutes ago. While I was showering I slipped, the sound from the thunder scared me. I've always loved rain but I hate the sound of thunder it always frightens me. But with Chat coming over I'll feel more safe.

I walked into my kitchen deciding what I should make.

'Mmmmmmmm I could make strawberry pancakes? Everyone always love them?!" I said happily

I decide I'd make strawberry pancakes there were my absolute favorites breakfast of all time. I got my batter and all their other ingredients that I was going to need as I anxiously waited for Chat.

10 minutes later

I was grabbing the plates when I heard a knock at the door. He's here!!, I tried contain my happiness while I was walking to the door. I stoped in front of it I took a deep breath in before opening the door.

"Hey kitty" I said

"Hello m'lady" he said as he gently grabbed my hand and placed a gently yet soft kiss on my knuckles. I blushed as he did.

He leaned back up and sent me a wink. As he was standing in front of me I couldn't help but stare, he still had the morning look but he looked hot.

He's hair was all frazzled and it really complimented his eyes, he wore a black t-shirt and it showed most of his toned arms. His skin look as if he was kissed by the sun, I could spent all day staring at him until I heard him laugh.

I snapped out of my trance and looked him in the eyes. He was smirking at me and I immediately knew why he was smirking at me.

"W-what?" I asked innocently, all he did was chuckle.

"See something you like princess?~" he asked in a flirty manner.

"U-uh I-I umm N-no..." I just fumbled my words, he just chuckled and looked at me

"You look just beautiful as beautiful m'lady~" he said

I looked down and smiled.

"Come on in kitty" I said as I opened the door for him allowing him to come in. We walked to the kitchen. I had already finish breakfast before Chat got here all I have to do is put it on his plate.

He sat down in a chair while I went over to the stove and place 3 pancakes on his plate.

"Princess....this looks amazing?!" He said with a sparkle in his eyes

"I'm glad you like it, dig in I'm gonna go upstairs and Change" I said he nodded as he was stuffing his food in his face.

I went up stairs and decided what I should choose from. I had 5 outfits picked one of them is perfect I just can't decide which one.

I decided to to try my first outfit

Outfit #1:

I thought a black look might bring out my eyes. And I kinda wanted to show Chat my curves. I decide to put my hair in a high bun. I walked out back to the kitchen, Chat was nearly done with his food when I pretended to cough to get his attention.

He turned his gaze towards me and his mouth dropped slightly. It was like his eyes were hypnotized by my body. I decide to tease him a little.

"See something you like kitty?~" I said in a flirty manner, the same one as he sent me this morning.

"P-princess Y-you look a-amazing?!" he said I giggled and smiled

"Thanks kitty, but don't get to excited I have 4 more outfits to show you" I said

"Ok princess is it cool if we move to your room?" He asked

As soon as he said that my mind flash dirty images
Past threw my head, I shook my head

'Get a grip Mari he's your friend?!'

"U-uh s-sure..." I said he put his empty plate in the sink, and we began to walk to my room. My heart was pounding I tried to relax but the thought of him in my bedroom made my skin a good way..

We make way to my room. He looked around in amusement.

"You have a lovely room princess"

"Thanks you, you can sit on the bed I'll be out with a new outfit on" I said and he nodded I went back to the bathroom closing the door behind me. I let out a huge breath.

I turned back to my closet to pick out the next outfit

Outfit #2:

I wanted to go for that cute but sassy look, I would be lying if this one was my least favorite. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Chat waiting patiently on the couch for me.

As soon as I entered the room he's eyes quickly shifted towards me. I could tell he was stunned his lips were parted and his eyes had a small spark in them.

"Well? What do you think?" I turned in a circle so he could see the whole thing. He didn't say anything just looked at me like I was an angel from heaven.

"CHAT?!" I shouted a little trying to bring him back down to earth.

"O-oh I'm sorry princess... so far this is my favorite one so far. You look absolutely breathtaking.." He said as a tiny bit of pink coated his cheeks.

I blushed but looked down before he could see.

"W-well we still have a few more t-to go...I'll be right back..." I said walking back into the bathroom.

Chats POV:
As I sat on the bed I tried to steady my heart rate. Marinette was the most beautiful women I ever saw and seeing her I that grey dress... I just wanted to grab her and never let her go.

As she was getting ready to show me the next dress I was just observing her room. Everything looked so beautiful and organized that I couldn't help but stare just than I heard the bathroom door open, I turned my gaze and Mari came out in yet another beautiful dress.

Mari's Outfit #3:

"W-what about this one?" She asked blushing. She bc looks so beautiful I wish she would see herself the way I see her... her body's perfect. Every curve, every angle, she was like a walking angel.

"Princess, I know I've said it so many times but I just can't help myself... you look beautiful..." I said with just a tiny bit of blush..

"Thanks kitty... shall we go to the next?" She said and I nodded my head agreeing with her. She went back into the bathroom. I let out a breath I don't know how much longer I can sit here and stay calm as she comes out in a beautiful dress I swear my heart stopped...

Mari's Outfit:

It was a little bit more revealing than the other ones but I didn't really mind. She looked beautiful. This black dress really brought out her curves to the point I was drooling. She looked at me a giggled.

(Okkkk y'all this part is a lil heated 🥵🥵)

She walked over to me as I was still siting down. She grabbed my chin and lifted it up to meet her face.

"What's wrong chatton? Cat got your tongue~" she said In a flirty way. I have to admit I was a little surprised to see my sweet princess act so dirty but at the same time it kinda pleased me. I smirk, just before she could say or do anything else I grabbed her by her hips and flipped her on the bed.

With her under me and I was on top of her. I grabbed her hands with me own and placed them both sides beside her head. She looked at me shook with some Blush across her face.

"Oh~ quiet now are we?" I said she still didn't say a thing but looked at me. I chuckled.

"What's wrong princess?, Cat got your tongue~" I said mimicking her.

"C-chat w-what are you d-doing?" She said unable to speak. 

She still didn't speak and neither did I, we were lost in each other's eyes. I looked down and glanced at her beautiful plump lips. Before I knew what I was doing I found myself Leaning in. She widen her eyes a bit.

Chat noir what are you doing?

I-I don't know...I just want a little taste

Shutting my brain  off I continued to lean in until my lips were very closely hovering over hers. I closed my eyes before I gently placed my lips on top of hers.

Mari's POV:
He placed his lips on my own and I blushed at the touch but closed my eyes soon after. This kiss was not rough or dead but loving and passionate. I felt something in my stomach and it felt amazing, I'd never felt this feeling before not even with Nathan it was the best kiss ever.

He let go of my hands and slowly travel his down my body as if he was trying to remember ever detail until his hands rested on my hips. He started to get more aggressive with the kiss he licked my bottom lips asking for permission which I playfully denied.

He squeezed my hip forcefully and I gasped at the roughest he than slide his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues played with each other and it was so hot. I placed one of my arms around his neck and the other in his hair. His hair was so soft, I turned my head to the side so he could get more room. we continued to make out forgetting everything as if we were the only two people in the whole world.

(End of 🥵🥵)
45 minutes later

He pulled away and we were both gasping for air. I was panting really hard so was he but not as much as me. A few minutes later our panting went down and now we were looking at each as we both blush..

"C-chat...." I spoke.

"I'm sorry...princess" with that he got off of me and Walked out of the room.

I lay there in bed replaying what had just happened in my mind.

Y'all I'm so sorry that this took so long, lately work has been killing me, I try to upload as much as I can but lately things have been goin on with my family and everything so plz just be a little patient with me. Ik it's hard, anyways I hoped y'all enjoyed this chapter and I'll see y'all in the next one bug out 🐞✌🏾

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