I never loved you

By ____irresistible___

964 20 13

I guess I loved him. Not anymore/ He never loved me anyways. Why would he? He has a family to take care of. A... More

I never loved you
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 8

53 2 3
By ____irresistible___

Violet's P.O.V.

"Do I look ok?" I ask the girls as I walk down the stairs, spinning slowly around.

"Woah, that's the outfit he bought you right?" Ronnie asked. I nodded.

"You are so lucky. That outfit is gorgeous Vi", Carson swooned. I blushed slighty.

To add to the outfit I just curled my hair and left it down. My makeup was just a smokey look that I usually wear just a little darker and used a darkish red lipstick.

"Thanks but do you think he is going to like it" I ask cautiously. Then the doorbell rang.

"I don't know let's figure out", Kiera smirked. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the door. Taking a deep breath in I opened it to be greeted by a gorgeous guy in a tux, with a huge smile on his face.

"Hey, woah you look amazing. I am glad I bought that for you" Blaine said taking my hand and kissing the back of it. I blushed deeply.

"Now Blaine you better bring her back before midnight or your in trouble", my cousin ordered Blaine.

"But its already seven so I only have four hours to spend with your beautiful cousin? That's injust", Blaine whines, then leaning over to peck me on the cheek lightly.

"Four hours is enough", Mathew scolded then he turned to me and smiled.

"If he gives you any trouble.."

"I knew you were trouble when you walked in", the girls suddenly sang behind me. I rolled my eyes.

"Is this really the time to be singing this?" I scowl.

"Well he is Blaine James", Carson muttered.

"I'm not that bad anymore", Blaine whined.

"You still got a girl pregnant didn't you" Ronnie pointed out.

"Have we not let that go?" Blaine bursted out.

"No no we haven't", the girls say in sync.

"Better not make my cousin-"

"Goodness gractious!! What do you think I am going to do to Violet anyways? I am not going to sleep with her!" Blaine screamed, although there was a hint of red appearing on his cheeks.

"You better not. I do not want to become an uncle", Mathew pointed out.

"Mathew!" I shrieked hitting him in the arm, "I would not and will not for a long time".

"You better not, or I'm telling your dad" he smirked.

"Snitch" I muttered.

"Baby", he shot back.

"Ok come on let's go. I'm losing precious time here" Blaine said tapping his foot impatiently. Smiling he offered me his hand which I took happily.

"have fun"

"Not too much fun"

"Be safe"

"If you do the deed"

"USE PROTECTION!" they all screamed. Suddenly I heard a little girl's voice.

"But why do they have to use protection?" I hear Ria ask.

"So they don't make a baby" Carson told her. I roleld my eyes and clung unto Blaine's arm tighter.

"You know you really do look beautiful" Blaine said softly, kissing me softly on the temple.

"Do you really think so?" I ask him, blushing slightly.

"Well it is an expensive outfit", he grumbled.

"I'm serious Blaine. Just send me the bill, I promise to pay you-" suddenly he placed his hand over my mouth.

"I told you already. Don't pay me back. It was a gift. Don't even think about it".

"Yeah a two thousand something dollar gift!"

"It was worth every cent". He smiled again and opened the door to his car. Such a gentlemen. Wow time has been good to him. He was so different now. But I kind of like it.

"So where are we going?" I ask him, buckling in my seatbelt.

"You'll see" was all he said, taking my hand and rubbing over the top of it multiple times. Causing my heart to race a little faster.

"Can you just tell me?" I whine.

"No, it'll ruin my surprise", he smiled.


"It will be worth your while, I promise", he said leaning over to kiss me on the cheek. Causing me to flame up.

The drive took so long that by the end of it I felt as if I was falling asleep. I closed my eyes and felt myself nod off. In my head I kept imagining Blaine and I slowly dancing in a huge ballroom. His hands lightly resting on my waist, my arms wrapped around his neck, my head leaning on his chest. Our steps in a slow hynotizing motion.

The next thing I knew was lying down beside Blaine asleep, his arm wrapped around my waist, my head snuggled in the crook of his neck. He was looking down on me, a smile spread on his face as he pulled me closer to him, pulling my body into his lap. Subconsciously, my head snuggles into his chest. Aw, I look so cute when I'm alseep.

"Violet. Violet. Wake up" a voice soothed in my ear. Wait aren't I suppose to be on a date. Suddenly I shoot awake and crash into something.

"Gosh, what is your skull made of. Titanium?" Blaine asks rubbing his head.

"Sorry. I'm so sorry. Are you ok?" I ask, rubbing my own head, trying to fix my curls.

"Yeah but we are here". I look out the window and all I saw was a forest with a path leading into it.

"You took me to a forest?" I asked him.

"It's not what's on the outside, it's what's on the inside", he says. He hopped out of the car and opened my door.

"M'lady?" he asked.

"Thanks" I blush.

"Like I said, tonight it's all about you", he said, taking my hand, closing the door and leading me down the path. For a path that was in the forest, it was oddly paved.

At the end of the path was the biggest shock of my life. It was a platform that went over the ledge, fenced around, right above the sea. It was decorated with lights, the most beautiful floral arrangements I have ever seen and a table set for two closer to the edge, and a beautiful dance floor right infront of us. It had a sunset glow around it, making look even more beautiful then it already was.

"Blaine, this is the most gorgeous date I've ever been on. It beautiful", I swooned.

"Anything for the lady", he says leading me to my seat.

When we are seated he motions to the table and a waiter comes and places two plates of food infront of us. He remembered? My fav food of all time just so happened to steak and mashed potatoes with gravy and that was exactly what was infront of me.

"You remembered?" I asked him still shocked.

"You think I forgot?" he smirked. Still shocked I pick up my knife and fork and cut myself a piece and ate it. And it was the most amazing thing I have ever tasted in years.

In a matter of minutes I had devoured the entire thing. When I finished I buried my head in my hands. Nice one Violet. Now you just acted like a pig infront of your date. Darn you delicious food! But it was so good and I just couldn't stop eating when I started. Curse my father and his love of food.

"Vi, what are you blushing for? I haven't said anything yet" Blaine asked softly.

"It's not that", I mutter.

"Well I have never met a girl with a bigger appetite than me". I blushed. Oh here it comes, I am never living this down.

"Don't be embarassed. It's adorable", he smiles then looks away muttering, "Just like the rest of you". This causes me to blush uncontrolably. Suddenly music started to play, I gulped. The dream.

Oh gosh if the dream happens what am I going to do? I can't dance for my life. Let alone with a rich guy who probably has done this a million times at those fancy rich people banquets.


"Huh? Yeah sorry what?" shaking myself out of my thoughts.

"Do you want to dance?" he asks me shyly.

"Well, the thing is..", I breath in, "I can't really dance", I say awkwardly.

"Then I guess I'll teach you". With that he wipes his mouth with a cloth and gets up. Once on his feet he holds out his hand for me to take. I take it as he takes my other hand and places it on his shoulder, his hand not holding mine on my waist. Then all of a sudden a highschool musical song starts playing. How I love that movie. He is playing Can I have this dance. The song they danced to at their prom. I think I might cry.

"Just follow my lead". I nod.

"Step back. Step forward. Repeat." We practise for a bit in silence, but out of the corner of my eye I still see the waiter standing beside the music stand thingy holding the play button. We dance around the dance floor for a little bit, awkwardly before Blaine's face burst into a smile.

"Hit play", he orders. As he does, the music begins to play I hold my breath.

"Ready". I nod.

Take my hand,

take a breath

pull me close,

and take one step

As the song plays we twirl around the dance floor, quite gracefully if I have to say so myself. Waltzing, our steps turned from awkward to beautiful. My steps followed his lead. He smirked at me and let go of my hand and placed both hands on my hips, lifting me off the ground and spinning me around. I smiled down at him. When he put me down he took my hand and spun me once, twice, three times around the floor. My hair flipping around me, I felt as if I was floating on air.

After he pulled me back so I was right against his chest. I looked up into his eyes getting lost. I heard Zac Efron sing the words I needed so desperatly.

Don't be afraid,

Afraid to fall.

You know I'll catch you

Through it all

Then Blaine leaned down and kissed me. It was the most amazing kiss I have ever felt. My heart melted in my chest. I let go of his hand and wrapped both my hands around his neck, while his arms went around my waist. He pulled me even closer, smiling against my lips.

When he pulled back I rested my head against his chest, taking in this experience. We just kept dancing, slow steps. Forward and backwards. It was the best dance of my life. The only but none the less the best.

As the song ended so did our steps. But he never let go of me once. I looked up into those eyes again and smiled warming. Taking one hand off my waist he brushed a lock of hair out of my face and tucked it behind my ear.

"Beautiful" he whispered to me.

"Thank you. For tonight", I say back, in the same hushed tone.

"I just wanted to make you believe that I changed", he said his hand still resting on my neck, brushing over my cheek various times.

"Well I not only know that but I completly believe it", I tell him.

"This was amazing you know. That I can actually be real around a girl", he admits. I gulp.

"You can't really mean that".

"I am honestly telling you the truth. You are the only girl that has ever made me feel this way".

"Blaine-" i begin but am cut off by his lips. And here come the sparks. I relax into the kiss. But Blaine pulls away just as the kiss started. I pout slightly, but not enough to make him notice.

"Violet, can I ask you something important?" he asks, but he looks unsettled.

"Yeah, anything" I try to assure him.

"Will you-uh how do I say this" he mutters. He looks so nervous right now.

"Blaine are you ok? I've never seen you like this before", I tell him, putting my hand on his shoulder. But he let's my waist go and walks over to the edge of the platform. Leaving me on the dance floor by myself. Gulping I walk up to him who seemed mesmerized by the view.

"Blaine did I do something wrong?" I ask him cautiously.

"No, you did something right. I just can't say the words I've been wanting to say all day. In class I just kept looking over at you and I just wanted so bad for this date to come already and ask you. But now that it has, I don't know how to say it", he explained.

"Say what?"

"Guess I'll just come out and ask you", he sighed.

"Ask me what?"

"Violet", he then turns to me and takes my hands in his, "Will you be my girlfriend? Again? For real this time". His eyes pleaded with his voice. My heart sped up. My mouth hanged open staring at him. But I smiled, hugely, extremely widely.

"I-um-this-oh my", why is my mouth not working!!! Work dang mouth, please. Why is it so hard?

"Violet? Please give me an answer", Blaine pleaded, tightening his grip on my hands.

"I only have one thing to say". I looked at his face as it shined a glimmer of hope. I placed both hands on both of his cheeks and pulled his face down so his lips were mere millemeters away from mine.

"Yes, a million times yes" then I pull his mouth down to mine, kissing the life out of him. When I pulled back he had a matching smile spread on his face.

"I promise I won't let you down. Not this time Vi", Blaine tells me, "I promise". He kisses me one more time as the seal to the promise.

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