A Horrible Familiar

By goblin1215

11.4K 259 130

It's a lovely morning in Halkeginia and you are a horrible goose. Story made and owned by Tiamatio on Fanfict... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 6

1K 27 10
By goblin1215

"Brimir's sake... what do we do? What do we do? What do we do? Founder, what do we do?" Derf mumbled. "What do we do?"

"Silence! Just... let me think okay?!" Louise cried. She was just all sorts of stressed right now. First, Fouquet the Crumbling Dirt infiltrated the Academy's Vault, then she stole the Staff of Destruction among other treasures, and now her familiar has been acting strange ever since she found him in the vault. Anser has just been brooding these past few days and has had an unnaturally horrible glint in his eyes. She's been worried for him since. "Look, Headmaster Osmond will figure something out. We have the best mages from all over Tristain here to help us capture Fouquet!"

"..." Anser silently brooded as Derf and Louise were wondering what to do. His internal musings were cut short by a knock on the door. Louise opened it and was greeted by Siesta.

"Erm, I hope I'm not interrupting anything, but the Headmaster wishes to see you two."

"Us? What for?"

"I don't know the specifics milady, but I assume it was because your familiar was with the thief when she stole the Staff."

"I see. Thank you, maid, we'll be heading there promptly." Louise went to sling Derf over her shoulder when she got a quizzical look from Siesta. "Is something the matter?"

"No! Er, well... I just never seen the students here hold weaponry is all."

"I see. Well..." Louise didn't know how to properly respond. Siesta was right, nobles don't carry weapons as their wands are their only tool. But she couldn't really say that it was her familiar's own, despite his impressive showing at the showcase. And she really didn't want to be rude to the maid, she was just asking a question. Louise sighed, but luckily, Siesta saved her from answering.

"Oh, you don't need to answer, milady! I let my curiosity get the better of me. I won't let it happen again!"

"Y-you don't need to do that..."

"Eheh... oh! We're here!" Siesta opened the door for Louise and Anser before bowing out. Louise gave her a slight nod before staring at the Headmaster's room. She took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Ah, Miss Valliere, thank you for joining us. Please, take a seat." Osmond gestured towards an empty seat... next to Kirche and Tabitha.

"W-What?! What are they doing here?!" She exclaimed, pointing an accusatory finger towards the Germanian. Said girl was playfully offended as she sent a wry grin to the pinkette.

"Oh, come now Louise, we're all friends here, aren't we?"

"In your dreams!"

"Ahem!" Osmond cleared his throat before the two girls could continue their bout. Louise grumbled before taking a seat next to her rival, her loyal goose following behind. "Now then, you three must be wondering why I called you along with our staff." Before he could continue, however, Tabitha spoke up.

"We're the strongest in the school."

"I-er... yes. You and Miss Zerbst have extraordinary magical prowess, with Miss Zerbst being a Triangle Class Mage and you yourself Miss Tabitha as a Chevalier. As for Miss Valliere, your, er... your familiar is incredible, to say the least, being able to wield certain artifacts from our Vault with ease." Louise groused at the last bit, but at least Anser was praised. Said goose was busy preening himself. "And as such, we would like to ask you to conduct an investigation on the Vault Thief, Fouquet the Crumbling Dirt."

"With all due respect Headmaster, why us?" Louise asked. "Why can't our teachers go?"

"Because they're cowards, aren't they?" All but Colbert shrunk under Kirche's glare. The bald professor matched her glare with a stare that hid his true emotions.

"I would not fault you for thinking so, Miss Zerbst. However, we must stay here in case any other would-be robbers threaten our vault once more."

"Hmph." And just like that, the air in the office had grown tense. Osmond rubbed his temples, wondering what to do when Louise spoke up.

"Fine, we'll do it." Tabitha and Kirche looked at her with surprise. "I'm tired of being called worthless, so let me do something worthwhile and prove everyone here wrong. I know what happened that night. I was able to make a dent in that behemoth with my explosions. I won't let Fouquet get away this time, and I will retrieve the staff."

"Heheh... such brave words from Little Louise~"

"Why you-"

"Fine, I shall accompany you as well. I can't let you get hurt, can I?"


"I'm coming too." Louise's gaze softened a bit when Tabitha jumped in.

"That's fine with me. I'll appreciate the help. But just know that it'll be my familiar and I taking down Fouquet!"

"Then it's settled. Girls, first thing tomorrow, you three and Miss Longueville here will track down Fouquet. She had already mapped out her possible whereabouts." Osmond nodded to his secretary, who nodded in return. "You are dismissed."








Louise adjusted her bag and smiled. She was actually going on a proper mission for once! The chance to prove she wasn't worthless was just too good to pass up! Petting Anser on his goosey head, she slung Derf over her shoulder and headed out to the academy's stables. When she arrived, she was met with her 'teammates' for this adventure. She groaned at having to work with them, but she had no other choice.

"Well, look who decided to finally show up." Kirche giggled.

"Zip it, cow." Louise's anger was cut short by confusion. "Wait, where's Miss Longueville?"

"No idea. We were the first ones here. I assume she's still gathering up resources for our quest."

"I see. Looks like we'll be waiting around a bit more, huh?" While Louise and Kirche began bickering once more, the trio of familiars met back up after what felt like ages for them.

"Hjönk Hjönk Honk!"

"Kyuu Kyu, Kyuuun!"

"Ssaah Sah Sah!"

The three friends gleefully recounted their days to each other. However, it wasn't long before they took notice of their feathered friend's abnormal behavior. A little questioning let them know what exactly he had in store for the thief that made a fool of him, and both of the familiars felt immense pity for the poor thief. Eventually, Miss Longueville arrived with an armful of maps and a stable boy to man the stagecoach. Apparently, this was easier to travel on as Tabitha's Dragon would cause a disturbance and allow Fouquet to escape.

On the road, Miss Longueville discussed with the teens where she singled out Fouquet's location. And although the girls took it at face value, some others weren't as convinced.

"Psst, pard." Derf whispered to Anser.

"honk." The waterfowl 'whispered' back.

"Ain't it a bit weird how she knows this much about our thief?"


"You don't think... no, I'm probably jumping to conclusions here..."


"Ah, so you had the same thought process as I did, huh? Well, we'll see if we're right soon enough."

As if on cue, Miss Longueville left the team to go somewhere, she didn't specify. The three girls and their familiars ventured into the forest where they heard a scream. They stumbled upon an unassuming shack, an obvious trap. Tabitha remained wary as Louise and Kirche decided to venture inside. And inside was none other than the Staff of Destruction, just lying there.

"There it is! That was easy enough. Now, let's grab this and head back."

"I'm sorry, you meant to grab it and return it to me." A feminine voice called out from behind them. A hooded figure pointed their wand at Louise and Kirche before dropping it, revealing Miss Longueville. "Let's not fight, shall we girls?"

"Miss Longueville?! You're Fouquet?!"

"Of course. I was waiting for ages to grab that stupid Staff. But I had to garner the trust of the Headmaster and the Faculty. And it seems to have worked. Now then, give me the Staff." Her voice becoming threatening. Louise and Kirche tensed up, prepared to fight. Fouquet sighed and shook her head. "As expected from some noble brats. GOLEM!"

A massive beast of earth and clay arose from the ground beneath the woman as it broke the shack and towered over the three mages. Tabitha took the initiative and whistled for Sylphid. The blue dragon sped towards her master and took off, Tabitha launching Ice Spells at her opponent with impressive speed. The golem merely shrugged off the blows while attempting to swat down the Dragon Rider like a fly. Kirche growled before launching a flurry of Fire spells at Fouquet, who shielded herself with a Rock Barrier.

"Is that all you got?! Pitiful!"

"FIREBALL!" An explosion ripped through the air, bursting apart the Golem's leg, forcing it to fall. "How'd you like that?!"

"You dang brat...!" With a mighty slam of its fist, The Golem sent a massive shockwave onto the ground forcing Louise and Kirche to succumb to the tremors. Tabitha flew down to try and assist them but was soon blasted by a boulder.

"Tabitha!" Louise and Kirche yelled for their fallen friend. She weakly got up and prepared herself. Louise then got up and deflected another rock blast aimed at Tabitha with Derf. The vibrating metal along with no formal training from using a blade made the pinkette drop the sword. "Tch, sorry Derf...!"

"Don't worry about me, she's your enemy!" The blade harshly whispered back.

"Kehahaha! Look at you three, squirming like grubs! I should finish this the right way... with the Staff of Destruction!" Fouquet reached for the Staff... only to find out it was missing. "Eh?"


The voice of their savior would be none other than a Horrible Goose. A Goose who was more than through with this terrible thief. He pulled out the Staff of Destruction, no, the M72 LAW MDL 1963, from his wings. An absolutely horrible glint was in his goosey eyes as he somehow pointed it at Fouquet.

"Keheheh... nice goosey... y-you can't possibly know how that thing works, do you? I couldn't even figure it out, and I'm a-"



Anser had not only removed the safety lock from the Rocket Launcher, but he also loaded it with malicious intent.

"Oh, crap."

"Hjönk Honk."


The harsh sound made by the terrifying weapon of war was accompanied by the sound of the thunder itself crashing into Fouquet's Golem and her makeshift barrier, which it ate right through. The explosion sent the thief flying into the ruins of the shack, her golem falling apart as she did. She fell into the heap bruised, beaten, but alive and conscious. Perfect.

Anser waddled nonchalantly towards his opponent, who fear every step his webbed feet took. Fouquet reached for her wand, only to find out it was blasted to smithereens in the explosion. Every second that Anser got closer, Fouquet's fear of death grew exponentially. Then, after an eternity, the goose got up to her face, his feet planted on her chest. Fouquet was hyperventilating, absolutely terrified by what this... this... monster would do to her. He looked her dead in her eyes before reaching into his satchel and pulled out... a small yellow box.

"What in the..."


"Hjönk!" An echo of the sound came from behind her. The shock of the sound, along with her already heightened fear, did it for her. Tears streamed down the poor thief's face as her mouth foamed. Fouquet the Crumbling Dirt had been defeated miserably.

Capture the thief. -Done!

Absolutely HUMILIATE that Thief! -Done!

"F-Founder above... what just happened?" Kirche managed to croak out.

"My familiar... is... rather horrible... isn't he?"


"Now, normally, I'd reprimand you for taking Vault treasures, however..." Osmond sighed as he looked back at their savior. Louise's Goose, who was proudly flaunting himself. "You can keep whatever you took. I'll just... turn a blind eye to this. If they saved you and your mistress from that thief, then they'd be better in your hands. Or wings rather."


"H-Honk indeed... Now then, I believe you and your mistress are incredibly tired from today, as am I. You two, er... you two take care of yourselves." And with that. Anser was escorted out of the Headmaster's office by Siesta. Said maid had stars in her eyes as she regarded the goose next to her.

"I can't believe you did something like that! That's nothing short of incredible! Especially for someone of your stature, Mister Anser!"

"Honk Hjönk Hjönk!"

"Hehehe, well I'm glad you're enjoying yourself Anser. I'm sure Miss Louise is happy with herself too. I heard she was the only other person to hurt that golem. Is that true?"

"Honk!" Anser replied proudly. Despite everything, if Louise hadn't weakened that Golem, he wouldn't have gotten his chance at revenge. He couldn't be prouder to be a familiar of his master. Besides, if she is a Zero, how did she manage to do something as cool as that?

"What a nice familiar you are." Siesta sighed as she sat down on some steps. "I wish I was born with magic sometimes; you know? Oh, don't tell anyone I told you that! I could get in big trouble if you did!"

"Honk." Anser jumped into the maid's lap as he let her ramble on about her troubles. It seemed like his presence put her at ease as if he was some sort of emotional support animal. Weird. Once Siesta was done, she continued walking Anser back to his room. That was until they bumped into a rather important-looking man, however.

"Watch where you're stepping, trash!"

"I-I'm sorry milord! It won't happen again!"

"Hmm..." The man's gaze turned lecherous for a bit as he eyed up Siesta. "I wonder... nevermind, leave me for now, maid." Siesta watched him leave before sighing in relief.

"Whew, I was sure I was a goner there. I wonder who that was?"

"Count Mott, the Royal Messenger," Louise said, startling Siesta.

"Kyaa! I'm sorry milady, I was supposed to bring Anser back to your room and then I got sidetracked and then I-" Louise held up a hand and smiled.

"That's enough, Siesta. I overheard you gushing to my familiar earlier, y'know?"

"Y-you did?! Omigosh, I'm so embarrassed. Please, please don't tell anyone milady!"

"Of course not. You'd lose your income for your family if I did, isn't that right?"


"Heh. You know, I'm glad." Louise's gaze softened a bit as she looked outside. Siesta stared at the noble as she continued. "I thought that everyone in this school was out to get me. From the students to the teachers, and even the commoners. I guess I was right for the most part. But... hearing you talk so highly of me, even though I've caused everyone here nothing but trouble... It felt nice for once." Louise's eyes grew misty before she wiped them. 'No, Rule of Steel Louise...'

"I... I don't know what to say, milady. T-thank you!"

"I should be telling you that. And please Siesta, call me Louise. I don't care if you're a commoner or not... from now on, you are my friend." With a bright smile, Siesta cried tears of joy. Anser watched the exchange happily, yet something was bugging him. Why was that weird Mott guy eyeing Siesta like that? And what exactly is he here for? Questions for later he supposed. One thing is for sure, Louise never looked happier, and he couldn't help but feel glad for her and her newfound friend.

If you like this story I suggest going to the original source here

And if you want more like this I suggest going to the original author of this story Tiamatio's home page here

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