-Another Chance- [A taekook f...

By lostintheworldof7bts

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"Love what is love it has many different definitions but for me its just simply you taehyung.." He held me in... More

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By lostintheworldof7bts

Tae: Hyung what are you even saying? No this cant happen "

And tears started to fall down from his eyes

Joon: don't worry we will find him

Tae: how did this happen hyung?"

Jin: actually he met you and never returned home and he took a taxi to return home but he never returned home nor his phone was in reach and we are currently trying to find the taxi driver now

Tae: its all because of me and now I lost him I must have not fought with him nor called him to meet me that night

Jhope: wait?! What?! Fight?

Tae: ya hyung we fought

With that tae explained everything

Joon: tae ... we understand your situation, just stay strong we will find him

They were saying words of encouragement for tae but all those did not work he was already a mess and he was blaming himself for everything as they were all speaking the door banged opened revealing Suga

Suga: where is my friend? You man TAEHYUNG tell me where is my friend?!! *holding his collar* WHERE IS HE?

Tae was speechless but standing still while his tears were pouring down

Suga: KIM TAEHYUNG if anything happens to him I am not letting you go easily mark my words

With that suga left and tae was a crying mess

Joon: tae don't worry we will find him

Tae: hyung please find him please *crying*

With that Namjin and Jhope left tae was in full shock and he was losing his mind and pushing all things around him and screaming and crying hearing the noise Jimin came into the cabin

(A/n: The missing news of Jk was sent to Jimin and he came back to seoul that morning)

JM: tae?!! Taehyung?!! Stop ?! tae

Tae: I am a stupid I am a idiot I lost him *crying*

JM: tae?! *hugs him* calm down we will find him

Tae: Jimin I lost him and what you said was true sometimes later becomes never and I lost him Jimin ahh *crying* it was all my fault I never took care of him Jimin I was careless and now I lost him I don't know where is he now? Nor whether he is safe or not ? I am scared Jimin I broke all the promises I made to him as well his parents Jimin I lost my love, the person who I love most in this world

JM: don't lose hope tae we will find him

Jimin was telling tae words of encouragement and it was not working at all


Days passed by and even a month went by but there was no improvement in finding Jungkook, tae went into depression the company was going in loss and Jimin was struggling to handle both tae and the company, the news of JK missing reached his parents and they flew to Seoul JK's parents never met tae and both tae's dad and Jk's dad were finding all possible ways of finding Jungkook and Namjin and Jhope were working hard too

(Tae's Pov)

Its been a month now but I couldn't find him not even a small information I am trying to keep my hope but my mind is not listening to me I am now missing his warm hugs, his gentle touches, his playfulness, his soft lips on mine, his cuteness, I am missing everything about him God I wish he is safe wherever he is Jungkook ahhhhh I am sorry

All I can do is cry and cry my mind is filled only with thoughts of Jungkook God please get my Jungkook back please and once I get him back I promise I wont let him go anywhere I will lock him in my arms please God give him back to me please

As I was crying my room door opened revealing Namjoon hyung

Joon: tae I want to talk to you

"hyung you found him ..any clue?"

Joon: tae actually *hesitant* we did not find him but we found his belongings

"what?! Where it was?! Any improvement in the case?! Please tell me hyung"

Joon: tae .. we found some torn clothes of a boy .. and a phone near a dark alley way while tracking the last signal of JK;s phone and it was a crime scene where recently a rape murder occurred and also ..*hesitant*

"and what hyung?!"

Joon: and it was also the same day JK was lost

The minute I heard it I was broke and scared I pray it is not him and with that hyung showed me the clothes and the phone the minute I saw it my heart broke into millions of pieces and I fell down on the floor collapsing

(end of tae's pov)

Joon: tae ?!!.... tae?... *panic* wake up?!

Hearing Joon's voice Jimin came

JM: Joon hyung what happ--- OMG TAE?! *runs to him*

with that they made tae lie down on the bed and closed the door after giving him some pills and they went downstairs

JM: hyung what happened?! Did he say anything?

Joon: the minute he saw the phone and the clothes he collapsed Jimin .. maybe with his reaction we could say it belongs to Jungkook

JM: hyung this cant happen *crying*

Joon: but we found the body near the alley fully burnt and all these things scattered around the crime scene , we don't have any evidence of who the person was but only these things were around it and I wanted to confirm it with tae whether it belongs to Jungkook and we have sent some other reports to Jin and Jhope and within today evening we will know who it is Jimin

JM: hyung tae will become a total mess if this is true and his mental condition is not good at all

Joon: we have to take care of him Jimin.. lest hope its not Jungkook Jimin.. okay Jimin I will get going I have work see you

And with that Joon left as Jimin was closing the door he heard tae screaming so he ran to his room

JM: tae?! What happened?!

Tae: Jimin its his... the phone... the dress.... Everything its his.. is he gone Jimin..from me Jimin tell me is he gone *crying* Jimin

JM: no no tae , he is alright only *hugs him*

(JM's Mind voice: God please how will I tell him... its hurting me to see him like this, please God the information should not be true please I want them both to be happy pleaseee)

Time passed by and it was evening and Jimin was in tae's room and they heard the doorbell ringing

JM: tae stay here I will go and see who it is okay

Tae was crying and crying he did not listen to Jimin so he too got down when Jimin left and he saw Namjoon standing with Jin and tae called Jimin

JM: *turns back* tae I told you to stay in the room right? Why did you come down ?

Jimin said while crying and suddenly from nowhere Suga pushed everyone and entered the house

Suga: WHERE IS THAT MAN?? Ohh there you are sir kim taehyung ? why? All he did was to love you from the beginning right? Did he do anything wrong taehyung? Why ? did you? *crying* you must have picked up the call that day naa ... why taehyung?! Because of you only because of you my friend is raped and murdered he has called you for help but you never picked up lastly we were not able to see his face too because he is burnt to ashes now... why tae ?!! *crying*

As suga was crying tae was standing there processing things of what he heard

(Tae's Pov)

What he dead?.. no no they are just joking I know


"hyungs tell me it is not true.. I know he is alive .. hyungs"

They were all standing silent, I lost him for forever like he is gone away to heights I cant reach him I wanted to live with him for forever and now I lost him for forever I felt my world stop I was looking around me I was hearing his voice calling me but I couldn't find him and I ran while from the house while listening to his voice

" no no he is alive he is calling me I am going"

JM: tae tae

Jimin holded my hand but I took his hands off and I left the house and it was raining outside I was hearing his voice and I was running in the rain

Jungkook ahh I am coming without you I am always nothing sorry I am coming with you take me with you Jungkook ahh

I was screaming and crying I was running and running until I found a bridge and I climbed and stood in it

Jungkook ahh I cant live without you I am coming to you lets stay together atleast there.. I am sorry I hurted you I lost you now it was all my fault for taking you granted I am sorry take me I am coming ... Goodbye world... I am coming Jungkook and with that I closed my eyes tightly

All I was thinking was about his smile, his cuteness, his love

"Jungkook ahh I love you and I am sorry and I miss you and I cant live without you I am sorry "

(end of tae's Pov)

And with that tae jumped off the bridge


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