-Another Chance- [A taekook f...

By lostintheworldof7bts

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"Love what is love it has many different definitions but for me its just simply you taehyung.." He held me in... More

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By lostintheworldof7bts

(8 months months LATER)


With that eight months passed by me and JK became close as days went by our bond became stronger and stronger we fight we cry we laugh and we made memories with each other and he became my happy pill and the feeling he gives me damn I have never all those with anyone we even kept nick names for each other I call him fluffy, kookie, bunny and he calls me bear and sometimes he stays in my house and we would spend the whole night playing games listening to music and teasing each other our memories are all captured as pictures and stored in my small memory card but as a never fading love in my heart our beach walks , our crazy pictures, our weekend vacations, our long car drives, restaurant outings, gaming centers where we beat each other and the winner should buy an ice cream and our simple walks on the streets and boycotting the school sometimes everything of us is something beautiful the feeling I feel for him I hope it is what it is

My thoughts were interrupted by my mom's voice

T/M: are you planning to go to school or not you brat?

"ya mom I am getting ready"

T/M: okay okay

(end of tae's pov)

*and with that tae got up and got ready and he left the house*


There he comes the person who stole my heart without any warning I lose myself every time I see him from the day I saw him till today 6 months passed by the memories that I have with him are the best I love him and my feelings grow for him every day I fall for him more each and every single day there is never a day goes missing by without thinking about him all these months were so beautiful I want to cherish him in all ways I could till the day I am alive he makes my heart flutter vut I don't know whether he feels the same as I do for him omg I cant take it if he says he doesn't love me and my thoughts were interrupted by a voice

(end of JK's pov)

Tae: hey fluffy good morning *hugs him*

JK: good morning bear *hugs back*

Tae: why didn't you come to pick me up or wake me?

JK: uhh I am so sorry I was helping mom

Tae: uhn its okay

*with that the bus came and they both left to school*

(In the classroom)

Teacher: so students as the year end is getting closer I have decided to assign a project for you all

*the whole class whined when they heard the word project*

Teacher: silence please the project is all about yourself and your happiness after this school life everyone will be choosing your own major your life paths use this project to know about what you like what is your happiness is or what you want to do okay I will give you 3 weeks from today okay pair up yourselves with anyone or you can do individually also but prepare it in a video format or power point presentation and we will have the project presentation infront of our class okay students

*with that the bell rang and the teacher left as soon as the teacher left the classroom everyone were mumbling and deciding each other's partners*

JK: what are we going to do yoongi?

Yoongi: its something different maybe it would be fun

Tae: Jimin uhh project it seems

JM: why are you whining now? You pair up with JK and I will pair up with Yoongi

*one small info: JK, Yoongi , Tae and Jimin became close friends and they four became like a small gang*

Tae: okay then

*with that tae got up from his eat and went straight to JK who was talking with yoongi*

Tae: JK uh lets do the project together? What do you say?

JK: what a surprise someone is asking to pair up with them its quite strange

Tae: why? What? Are you asking? We even do homework's together we spend time together why cant we do our project together? *pout*

JK: uhnn okay okay don't keep your face like that I was just teasing you *giggles*

Yoongi: what about me then? *done face*

JM: baby I am here for you *smirk*

Yoongi: stop calling me baby and stop flirting with me I am not your man understand Mister Park Jimin? *raises his eyebrow*

JM: ya I was just teasing you come on

Yoongi: okay then lets do it me and Jimin will pair up and tae and JK will pair up

JK: so if everything is over lets go and eat something I am so hungry

Tae: such a muscle pig you are


Tae: I said you are a pig *with that he ran*

JK: I swear I am not gonna leave you taehyung you idiot you pabo stop there man *runs behind tae*

Yoongi: don't you think they both love each other Jimin?!

JM: ya tae loves him but he doesn't want to accept the feeling he has for JK and tae is scared what if he ruins everything he did not tell me but I am just assuming it

Yoongi: I too think JK loves tae Jimin anyways lets go and eat

*with that Jk was chasing tae and ended up in the school garden*

JK: there he is I found him


With that I felt someone back hugging me from the voice I found it was him my heart was racing fast my heart beat was so fast as I could hear it out loud

JK: see I caught you

He was so happy finding me he was smiling I wish I could be the reason for the smile on his face till the end I wish he could be mine but I am scared to lose everything what if he doesn't love me back and then our friendship will also ruin everything will be collapsed I can't have a chance of losing him my eyes teared up just thinking about it

JK: hey you what happened? Why are you crying? I will get you an ice cream don't cry?

Tae: nothing fluffy see I made you tell that you will get me an ice cream see so I am the winner

JK: uhh whatever okay if you want ice cream tell me I will get you tone and tone but please don't cry I don't know why its hurts me if you cry

I was just lost in his words and out talk was distracted by a voice and it was none other than Jimin

JM: If your game is over can we eat please I can't run and chase you both lets eat I am so hungry

"ya yaa coming "

JM: here is it tae eat well and by the way for our graduation we have to make music and do a mini concert in the school how are we gonna do any idea?

(A/N: Jimin and tae are very much interested in music and they have their own band in school and tae and Jimin can both produce music and sing too its their hobby and passion)

"for that I am working on some beats Jimin ah come home when you are free and lets finish it off"

JM: okay sure

(end of tae's pov)

*and with that they all had their lunch and the time passed by and the school got over too*

JK: so tae how are we going to do the project? Any idea?

Tae: maybe we have to think what is our happiness is and we will find clue of how we are going to do the project

JK: happiness? This word has quite a strong meaning you know?

Tae: I don't know fluffy what meaning it has but all I know is when we do something or when we are with someone or whatever it is there will be a sense of feeling in your heart that feeling will make you smile ..anything that makes your heart feel like something or makes you go crazy for it or if you long for doing it again that is happiness it can't be explained but felt we will long for that feeling again once when it comes it may be anything it maybe your favorite person nor your favorite music nor anything but when you do it you will feel something in your heart that can't be explained for me that's called happiness


He kept on speaking and I was just looking at him and wondering what my happiness is and I looked at him my heart felt at ease it gave me a feeling I never felt before and I love this feeling everytime it come I long for it Tae how will I say that you are my happiness you are the person who gives me the feeling how will I or how could I each and everyday it pains to stay away away from you I fear sometimes someone will take you away from me what if I say and I have to lose you for forever no it cant happen my thoughts were interrupted by his voice

(end of JK's pov)

Tae: he fluffy what happened? Way are your eyes red? Are you okay?

JK: yay a I am fine just some dust fell on my eyes ..come lets go and have a ice cream

Tae: ice cream *excited* wowowo lets go you are the best fluffy

JK: if that ice cream makes you smile like this then I will get you tons and tons *mumbles under his breathe*

Tae: did you say something JK?

JK: I said that I will buy you the ice cream and you have to pay the bill

Tae: what? *fake cry*

JK: okay I was just kidding

*with that both went to the ice cream shop*

JK: *mind voice* damn he looks so cute with a single band in his hair and with those glasses he looks so cute damn how in the world I cant fall for this man

Tae: wowo fluffly it really awesome thankyou you are the best

JK: can I ask you one question?

Tae: anything fluffy?

JK: what is your happiness?

Tae: for me my happiness is my mom and dad then Jimin and then someone I cherish so much and then my music

JK: someone?

*JK's heart broke hearing it he doesn't want to ask him JK thought tae was in love with someone else and his mind was breaking by his own thoughts and JK was distracted by tae's tap*

Tae: and that someone is you fluffy *smiles*

JK: *mind voice* damn my heart sank every time he calls me fluffy and I was so happy to hear that I was his happiness too

*and with that both of them left to their house playing all the way in the streets and decided to discuss about the project in the weekend*


I came home with so much smile in my face and I went to my room and laid down in my bed the minute he said I was his happiness too my mind went wild aishhh he is making me go crazy for him with that I sat to write the diary filled with me and his memories after few minutes of writing I was looking at the picture of him and me which I kept as my home screen in my phone that picture we took when we first went out together he is so cute so lovely so funny and playful I cant help but fall in love with him even though I cant have him I will love him secretly till the end the unsaid love of mine will belong to him with that I hugged the teddy bear he bought me once haha this teddy bear has a lot of memories this was the first gift he ever gifted me and when he gifted me this he told me that

"JK uh if you ever feel lonely or miss me just hug this teddy bear okay because you call me as bear so think this teddy bear as me and keep it with you always okay"

I don't feel lonely now I miss him I wish he was there by my side so which I could hug him instead of this teddy and with that I hugged the teddy tight and drifted off to sleep

(end of JK's POV)


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