Miles Apart, One End Meets |...

By CongaTime

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Y/N is 25 years old and suddenly became a parent one day after their brother got into an accident. Now they a... More

Author's Note
Chapter One: Back Again
Chapter Two: Money
Chapter Three: New Horizons
Chapter Four: Tiny Gremlins
Chapter Five: Naptime
Chapter Seven: Realizations
Chapter 8: Society
Chapter 9: A child?
Chapter 10: Be Wary
Chapter 11: Vanny
Chapter 12: New Opportunities

Chapter Six: Happy Birthday

1K 50 37
By CongaTime

"Sun, can we get that banner a little to the left?" I called as I watched him hang a banner up at his little balcony in the sky. He gave me a thumbs up as he moved it a bit more like I asked. The banner read, "Happy Birthday, Sandy!" In huge letters written with glitter glue and stickers. After Sun had finished hanging it up, he stood back to admire his work. Suddenly, his foot slipped on the edge causing him to fall backwards.

"Sun!" I screamed as I ran to him with my arms out stretched, before I too, slipped and slid into the ball pit. When I heard no other sound of falling, I dug my way to thw surface and saw Sun dangling from the balcony with one hand.

"Sorry to worry you!" He shouted down at me. "I'm coming down now!" Releasing his grip, he did a backwards swan dive into the ballpit that I was still in. Causing some balls to jump out and fall on me.

"Oops-" he said coming back to the surface. "Sorry, did any balls hit you to hard?" This caused me to laugh. "I'm alright," I replied getting out. "Thank you."

I helped pull him out of the ball pit and we made sure to check a few things. "Cake, check. Balloons, check. Fizzy faz, check. Presents, check." Then I froze. After now being able to afford Sandy gifts, does that mean I don't have to work two jobs anymore? I looked to Sun and watched him tilt his head in confusion. Yeah, I thought. But which job will I keep?

The answer was a clear as a cloudless blue day. I smiles at Sun, "It's time to let the birthday girl in." I pressed the ear piece and called for Mr. D to bring Sandy in, and I watched as they all slid down the slid and another night guard. She had long, blonde hair and blue eyes, watching me intensly.

"Mx. L/N, this is Vanessa. She's one of the night security guards. Vanessa, this is Y/N. The new daycare manager."

I stuck out my hand to her, "Nice to meet you, Vanessa. I hope we can get along."

She looked at my hand hesitantly before taking it and smiling. "Likewise."

Sun came running toward both Mr. D and Vanessa, scooping them both in a hug. "New friends!" He said, completely overjoyed. "You know, its one of my best friend's birthday Sandy! Isn't it exciting? Isn't it? Isn't it?" They both nodded while Sandy giggled, still having the blindfold on.

I walked over to her and bent my knees down to her level. "Are you ready, pumpkin?" I asked, reaching for the blindfold. Sandy nodded her head fiercely making me laugh as I pulled the blindfold off her head. She gasped at the sight of everything. She's never had a birthday this big before, and I'm so lucky that I was able to give her almost the same experience my parents had given me.

She hugged Sun and I saying 'thank you' before doing a celebration jump in the ball pit. We all followed after her, laughing and throwing balls lightly at each other before heading to the table for cake.
"Sun," I whispered, leaning into him. "Do you think Moon would like to join us?"

He looked at me shocked. "Y-yes I think he would actually," he replied making me smile.

"I wanna let him experience a birthday party in his own point of view," I smiled. "I'll turn the lights off when it comes to his present."

Sun nodded to me before we all started singing 'Happy Birthday', clapping when Sandy blew out her candles.


"Wait, there's still one more present left?" Vanessa noticed, digging through the mountain of wrapping paper on the floor. "It's from, Moon?"

"Hold on, let me turn off the lights."

"Y/N wait! You don't know what you're doing!" Mr. D called after me, as I still march over.

"No no, it's alright Mr. D," Sun said behind me. "I gave them permission. Moon wants to be apart of this too."

Mr. D rubbed the bridge of his nose and sighed. "Alright."

I smiles as I flicked the lights off and two red eyes glowed in the dark where Sun was. "Y/N?" Moon called, looking around before his eyes fell on me walking back over. He then patted my head when I took my seat next to him. "Thank you."

I looked at him and smiled in the dark. "You have every right to be here too."

I took my flashlight and shined it in a spot where Sandy could open her gift, but she was staring in awe at Moon. "You're very pretty," she said. "Is your face painted out of silver?"

This cause Moon to cough a bit, "Uh, yes? Now, open your present. I hope you like it."

Sandy giggled as she ripped open the wrapping paper to reveal two, handmade Sun and Moon plushies. Sandy gasped, "Did you make these?!"

"Why yes," Moon mimicked a cough again. "You know because naptime gets boring and I don't have any use for them soooo. . ." He fell silent as he watched Sandy hug the dolls close to her tightly. "Thank you, Moon! Thank you all! This is the best birthday ever!"

I smiled at her words, I had finally done something right. I patted Moon on the back and smiled at him, "Thank you for joining us." He nodded and I turned the lights back on to reveal Sun once more. He smiled and clapped his hands, "Oh that's great to hear Sandy! Come come, let's go play!" They both then ran off and my eyes landed back on Mr. D.

"How did you know Moon wasn't going to attack us?" He asked me, fully curious which cause me to tiled my head and smile at both him and Vanessa. Them eager to know my secrets and magic. I chuckled.

"I didn't."

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