The Wedding Planner's Affair...

By Doodlewritez04

31.7K 878 390

In this story, Katsuki Bakugo is a very well known and professional wedding planner. He's known for making su... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 17

895 23 20
By Doodlewritez04

Seeing Midoriya in person, her eyes watched as he kept pacing back and forth from left to right. Him being in a nervous wreck is gonna make Shoto reconsider about canceling the wedding.

She took a deep breath and walked up to him. Slowly her finger reached out to tap on his shoulders. He flinched when he felt the touch on his shoulder. Turning around and he might've scared Uraraka that made her jump back. He sighed when it was only her, but looked around the room to see that his friends had left the room. "Um, where are they?"

"They left to get you some space, and one of them wanted me to talk to you. Just to see if you're okay or not." She said as she intertwined her hands together. "Are you really okay?"

Midoriya just looked at her as he slightly shook his head and took a seat in one of the chairs. "I don't even know. I mean, Melissa and I talked about getting married, and don't get me wrong I wanted this! I really do!" His hand reached to his face as he massaged the temple of his eyebrows.

She walked over to where he sat down. Her arms were then crossed as she waited for him to continue. "Then what's stopping you?"

He sighed as he leaned back in the leather chair and looked up at the ceiling. "I feel like my friends are unhappy. I feel that Kacchan is unhappy and I don't know why. Then you're unhappy because of what I did. I'm making everyone unhappy and I'm starting to think this whole wedding is gonna be a flop!" He groaned out in frustration.

Uraraka came from behind the chair and went over to a footrest stool and sat down. "Look at me. Stop looking at the ceiling and look at me." Midoriya did as he was told. "Do you love her?" He nodded his head. "Do you wanna please her? Take care of each other till the day you both die?"

"Yes, of course! I love her so much."

"Love her enough to forget about your feelings on whatever it was with Bakugo. Please answer quickly."

Midoriya exhaled and looked her straight in the eye. "I would love her for anything... even if it means that I have to forget my feelings with Kacchan."

"That's the spirit." She got up off the stool and smiled, "Looks like my work here is done. Now if that helps in any way, I need to go back to the dressing room." With Midoriya finally calm and easy, she decided to give him some space and was about to leave when two people entered the room. "Shinso? And... I'm sorry, who are you?"

"Oh! We've met before. I'm the seamstress, Momo Yaoyorozu. Do you by any chance happen to be Ochaco Uraraka?" Yaoyorozu asked as she was holding a bag with an outfit in it that had just been finished.

"Um, that would be me, yes," she replied as Yaoyorozu handed her the bag carefully. "What is this?"

"I have no idea, but you need to put that on." Shinso pointed out and had his gaze set on Midoriya.

That made her unzip what was inside and it was a tuxedo. Made for her for some reason. Looking confused, she slowly turned around to face Midoriya. "Deku, what is this?"

His eyes were looking around the room and he then finally looked at her, "I... May or may not have pretended to act nervous just to give you this."

"B-But why?"

"Because, little green bean here, never picked out the best man for his wedding." Shinso blurted out loud as he walked over to Midoriya. "We requested Yaoyorozu to make a custom suit for you as his best woman."

Still in disbelief she put her attention to Midoriya. He couldn't contain his excitement and finally said, "I actually wanted you to be my best woman instead of having a best man. You were my first pick and I thought Melissa wouldn't like it, so... what do you say?"

"I-I mean, I'm still confused. Why me? I was actually mean and I hurt you, after all of this, why would you want me as your best woman?"

"Well," he scratched the back of his ear, "Despite our history, you're my best friend. It wouldn't feel right to have my guy best friend be my best man, when I have one of the best friends I could ask for, please."

Being all hesitant about this, she looked at the tux and back at her friend. She almost teared up over this, "I feel like I don't deserve this."

"But you do. Now, please make it quick, it's almost time. I want you to have enough time to get ready."

"I'll do it." She responded as she went into a dressing room and changed out of her dress as she threw it out of the dressing room. With only five minutes to spare, she came out with an all out black tux with a pink bow tie around her neck. "So... how do I look?"

He smiled at his best friend as she looked for a full body mirror and admired how she looked. "You look great."

"I know I do! No offense to the dress, but this is so much easier!" She exclaimed as she tried to get into the out fit and stretch it out a bit.

"Does that mean you forgive me?"

"Nope. But it will help me let it move aside for the time being." Uraraka didn't say it shamelessly as she looked back at him.


"Okay... not gonna lie. I look sexy in a suit. Heh. What do you know? The moment I'm a bridesmaid and now I'm the best woman. Take that Melissa! Ha! Take that!" Uraraka shouted and had her eyes on the ceiling.

"Uh, what are you looking at?"

"Shut up!"


"We can go now. I'm done looking at myself." Uraraka finished up and looked at herself in the mirror one last time. Yaoyorozu, Shinso, and Midoriya went over to the door, letting Uraraka catch up with the others. The dressing room now became fully empty.

The groomsmen are up to go first and head for the altar. They all saw that the ones who were late were running and made it to the group. "No questions asked, Uraraka is the best woman, deal with it. Alright, let's get out there!" Midoriya quickly said and just as he said, no questions were asked. Aoyama attempted to ask, "If you ask, I won't hesitate to kick you out of the wedding." Aoyama closed his mouth and held his head down.

One by one, each of the groomsmen walked one at a time. The order went from Koda, Tokoyami, Shoji, Ojiro, Aoyama, Iida, Monoma, Shinso. When it was Uraraka's turn she felt a bit nervous. What if they'll judge her? She felt something on her shoulder and found it to be Inko.

"Don't be shy, you're gonna be great. This is your moment to shine," she reassured as she headed for her seat. Uraraka gave her a smile, but frowned as she left. She saw that the bridesmaids were waiting for who the best man was.

Taking deep breaths, in and out. She closed her eyes, then opened them up quickly. "You got this." Her feet and body then moved on their own. There were a lot of shocking gasps and some wide eyes that gave off a look of surprise.

Uraraka didn't bat an eye at anyone as she continued walking with a proud smile on her face. As she made it to the altar, she stood next to Shinso. "PST!" Someone whispered loudly, she looked around and tried to find where the voice came from. "Uraraka!" The sound came from one of the bridesmaids and it was Setsuna. She waved at her and gave Uraraka a thumbs up, "You look great!"

She replied with a head nod. Shinso tapped on her shoulder to get her attention and helped put her hair in a ponytail. He motioned for her to turn, so he could put the ponytail on. Midoriya walked up and made it to the altar. Now all that's left was for the bride to walk down the aisle.

Bakugo signaled Jiro to start playing the piano, which made her grumble as she cracked her knuckles with her hands and started playing, "Here comes the bride". Everyone got up off of their seats and looked at the other end of the venue to see Melissa with her arm around her father's.

With the veil covering her face, she was smiling. Showing how excited she is, they walked up slowly up to the altar. With the music still playing, they finally made it to the other end. David shook his daughter's hand and sat down in an empty chair.

Midoriya lightly blushed as he removed the veil from her face and both stood next to each other. The priest cleared his throat and opened up the book while eyeing the couple. Rolling his eyes he opened his mouth, "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this man and woman for holy matrimony. Blah, blah, blah. Yada, yada, yada. If anyone has any objection as to why they shouldn't marry, speak now or forever hold their peace."

"Ready? Three, two, one..." a man signaled a girl to press the remote button and the speakers started to ring very loudly. Causing everyone to cover their ears. Tapping on the microphone. "Testing, testing. One, two, one, two. Can everybody hear me?"

Shigaraki was leaning on the post and tried to find where the sound was coming from and saw wires that connected the speakers and it leading up a white tent. Making sure no one was watching, he entered the ten and found Sako, Magne and Toga in it. Toga dragged him in there and closed it up.

"Give us one second! And yes, I would like to say I object. If you wanna know my reasoning, I'll gladly tell you in a minute." He turned off the sounds quickly and made sure no one could hear them. "What are you doing here?"

"What am I doing here? What are you guys doing?!" He whisper shouted at the team.

"We found some unforeseen footage of the wedding planner having an affair. Let us play the video and keep the cameras rolling!" Toga explained excitedly.

Shigaraki grunted quietly and proceeded with their plan. Sako pressed the buttons that let him make sound. "Where was I? Oh yes! We have reason to believe that this couple shouldn't be married."

An uproar and muttering and mumbling could be heard amongst the crowd. Iguchi managed to hack the monitors and he was ready. Sako continued, "This couple had been lying to each other's face before the whole wedding was planned out. But we are saving the best for last. My friend has some things they would like to read aloud, would you care to share?"

"Of course, my dear anonymous friend." Toga behind and in the tent had a letter out. "This letter was addressed to Melissa Shield from a mister... Jacques from Paris, France. 'To my dear Daffodil, you're so beautiful and radiant, I can't take my eyes off you. You're the other half I've been missing and yearning for all those years. I miss those nights we looked under the stars, the times we kissed each other felt like fireworks. I wish you could dump your fiancé for me, that way we could run away together. Yours truly, Jacques. P.S. Jé t'aime!' Care to explain who this man is?"

Midoriya's eyes were on Melissa's after he had heard the letter. "Melissa. Who is Jacques? You said you were in Africa then Paris. Did you lie to me?"

"No! I can explain! I was in Africa and then had to go to Paris, not because it was the only flight, but because I wanted to!"

"Is it because you've been texting him online and decided to meet? I found your Instagram account and found a lot of photos with you and him," Toga giggled while Iguchi was tapping on the keyboard and pressed enter.

Photos of Melissa and the guy appeared on the screen and David looked nervously at the crowd and back at his daughter sympathetically. "Melissa! I didn't teach you to lie! What happened?"

"More importantly, why were you with a guy who is on the other side of the country?! Was our whole relationship a lie?!"

"In a way yes, but just so we're clear, you're both the liars. I said I wanted to save the best part for last, Midoriya." His finger pressed a button on the remote and a video appeared. This was the final blow. He pressed play. "Please pay attention to this video, where our beloved wedding planner and the groom are doing what we call, the devil's tango. Take notes, if you must." Sako set the microphone down and saw that his boss was in disbelief as his mouth was open agape.

Turning off the microphone and speakers, he grinned. "Well? Did that help your career?"

"I... I don't know what to say..." that was all Shigaraki could utter.


"Am I gonna be one of those reality show hosts where they're a complete asshole? Yes, yes I am. It's for the sake of drama and I'm not letting unscripted drama go away. This would go against protocols, but I'm letting it slide because it's just getting too good." Shigaraki snickered while rubbing his hands together at the end of the sentence.


The video had been edited out and there was some video about Bakugo and Midoriya's discussion in the bathroom. Bakugo couldn't do anything but watch with guilt on his face. His friends, still shocked about the news, all looked at their friend.

The groomsmen gave him a disappointing look on their faces. Shinso whispered to Monoma, "I always thought it'd be you doing the cheating, but I never expected it from Midoriya."

Monoma glanced at his friend, hoping that it was a joke, "Do you just enjoy watching me suffer and make fun of me?"

"Yes. Yes I do."

"Avert your eyes, Jamie! Avert your eyes!" A panicked mother shouted out as she covered her son's eyes.

Uraraka couldn't stop staring, but saw Shoto in the background with the camera in his hand, mouthing to her 'How did they get that?'. To which, she responded with no sound, 'I don't know.'

The video then stopped after that and some people were still freaking out. Inko was speechless over what had just happened. Melissa just looked down after the video was over with and turned her attention back to Midoriya. She felt tears starting to form in her eyes, and instantly started crying. He tried to comfort her, but she swatted his hand away. "You bastard! Stay away from me! Stay away!" She shouted out in despair and ran out of the venue crying.

Seeing how she's upset, it's hard to tell whose side they should be on, since they both cheated with one another. "Well, my work here is done. Thank you for listening."

No one paid any attention to the microphone guy. Inko rushed up to her son and went by his side. "Is this how you treat your son?!" David said out of anger. "He broke my daughter's heart, and you don't care."

"Of course I care! What I care about is that no matter what, I'm on his side. To tell you the truth, I never did think she liked him to begin with!" Inko defended herself as to what he said.

"I don't care! From what I saw in that video, it looked to me like he was enjoying it! Weren't you, Midoriya?" David angrily replied while rage was building inside of him.

Midoriya didn't respond. He didn't know what to do, but his eyes darted over to Bakugo as he was trying to leave the venue. He ran away from his mother and rushed up to him as he came from behind and hugged him. Spooking Bakugo, he pushed him away.

"I'd be chicken if I backed out, and you know I never back out on any promise."

"You promised. You promised you would have my back, right! Please... please don't leave me. I need you, please."

Bakugo sighed as he made eye contact with him. A momentary silence. That was until Bakugo spoke up, "Forget it. We were drunk when that happened. It never meant anything. I don't know what came over me, but what I can tell you is that," his finger pointed both to himself and Midoriya repeatedly. "This never and will never happen between us." That's what he told him and that was the last time either one of them saw each other.

A tear dropped from his face as Midoriya looked down on the ground. He dropped to his knees and more and more tears poured out. Inko instantly went over to his side as she tried to comfort her.

On the other side of the room. Bakugo was holding back a tear as a phone was by his ear. He just ended his call with his boss that he quit. Walking out of the country club, he looked back one more time at the door and he left. With no baggage whatsoever. He just got into his car and drove back to the hotel to get his stuff.


"Well, I'd say that went well. And the end result showed that the wedding was a complete disaster! Will the next one be better? We will just have to see if we make a second season!" Shigaraki made a toast to himself as he drank some of the champagne from the bottle.


Author Interview: So... am I trying to get the last few chapters written before I have to go back to school? Yes, yes I am. I am determined to do so because I want to get to writing my fanfiction I have prepared after this story is over and I intend to finish it before I go back to school.

By the way, thank you for reading the new chapter, I hope you enjoyed it. I have work tomorrow but I plan on writing half the next chapter tonight, so maybe expect one tomorrow. I said maybe, so it's 50/50.

As always, have a good day or night, take care of yourselves, wash your hands, wear a mask, stay safe, eat plenty of food, drink lots of water, and get a good night rest. Bye!

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