The Unseen (A Supernatural MP...

By AstringentlySweet

8.1K 455 546

Prince Boun Guntachai of the Celestial Realm saved a dying Prem with his immortal kiss. Now the young man's l... More

Chapter 1: The Plea of a Dying Man
Chapter 2: What Happens Now?
Chapter 3: Q & A
Chapter 4: Meet The Family & Reunited
Chapter 5: Lies Revealed
Chapter 7: A Walk With Gun
Chapter 8: Boun's Rage
Chapter 9: Prem's Calm
Chapter 10: Cruelty

Chapter 6: Nune's Wrath & Boun's Love

820 41 24
By AstringentlySweet

Previous Chapter...

"Nune, was gifted with the ability to move within all realms. She's a Spirit Guide...your Spirit Guide." My father explained.

"Mine!?" I yelped gesturing to myself. Was this why I felt like I knew her?

"I've been with you for many lifetimes Prem." Her voice was thick with raw emotion. "I failed you more than once, and for that I am truly sorry. Please let me help you now."

"How?" I whispered defenselessly.

"Sect Leader Hargate is the granddaughter of King Hargate; she wants to start an uprising, by convincing all sects that you are not fit to rule by Boun's side."

"What if I'm not?" I didn't even know how to use my ability.

"You are." My father and Nune both said simultaneously.

"If you allow me the honor, I will train you to become the most powerful time traveler/controller that ever existed."

It didn't take long for me to make my decision. 

Note: Nune's voice is italicized because only Prem can hear her when she speaks.

💘 The Unseen 💘

"Prince Prem, can you hear me?" Dr. Phibunthanakiet's voice rang in my ears. "I think he's waking up, everyone come quick!"

I heard some movement as my eyes fluttered open, the first very worried face I saw was Boun's.

"Oh, thank goodness!" He leaned forward and kissed my forehead. "I was so worried when you collapsed. Are you alright Prem?"

I parted my lips and attempted to speak but my throat was so dry. I swallowed hard and then croaked, "Water."

He helped me sit up and rest my back against the headboard before offering me the glass. After taking a few gulps, I started taking in my surroundings.

Boun's entire family. So many worried faces staring back at me.

Though it felt like I had only spent a few minutes with my dad and Nune, by everyone's bewildered expressions, I knew for a fact it was much longer. I felt so weak. Almost like I did when I was still human and dying.

"How long have I been out?" My voice was barely above a whisper.

"You've been unconscious for three days Prem." Dr. Phibunthanakiet answered looking me over.

Three days?! What the hell?

"I don't know how much longer we can keep this a secret! If the other clans find out that he's been unconscious all this time, we'll be humiliated!" Queen Guntachai shouted angrily.

"With all due respect, mother please shut up!" Boun yelled back, before focusing his attention back on me. "You were barely breathing your heartbeat was so slow." His voice cracked, I could feel his love and concern. "I was afraid I would lose you."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." I tried to squeeze Boun's hand, but it barely twitched, which only made Boun appear more worried. 

"He's still so weak. Why is he so weak?!" Queen Guntachai paced.

"Beloved, if you cannot hold your tongue, you will have to leave!" King Guntachai gave his wife a glare

I tried to shift a little, but my body felt so heavy.

"Please don't try to move. It seems your celestial energy has been drained significantly, and Boun has been unsuccessful in healing you." Dr. Phibunthanakiet cautioned.

Wait what?!

"What happened Prem?" My husband asked desperately almost frantic.

Just as I was about to respond, a flicker of light out of the corner of my eye, caught my attention.

The small ball of light grew brighter and larger, almost blinding me. I had to shield my eyes for a moment. Soon the huge ball of light started to transform into the shape of a human figure. The brightness around them started to dim and I could finally tell who the Being was. 

I exhaled with relief the moment I realized it was Nune. I couldn't help but smile as she graciously bowed, but visibly anxious.

"Prem, the longer you remain in The Amidst, the more your celestial energy will drain. Your previous visit was so short, so you barely felt the effects and you were able to recover on your own. However, your last visit was significantly longer, almost draining you completely. Due to your celestial energy being at such a dangerously low level, you won't be able to recover on your own and no one's abilities will work on you right now. Therefore, your husband is ineffective in healing you. I will need to transfer some of my seraphic energy to you, it was cultivated in The Amidst. Once I transfer it, you'll be okay to accept your husband's energy again."

"What are you staring at?" Dr. Phibunthanakiet asked alarmed looking over in the direction where Nune was standing.

They can't see her. 


He slowly walked towards Nune and stopped a few feet from her.

"I sense a presence." He whispered mesmerized. "It's sweet, protective, and has a very powerful nurturing essence." 

"I thought Fluke's clan was empaths with the gift of precognition. You see spirits too?!" I croaked weakly.

"Of course, not, but since empaths can sense and manipulate feelings and emotions, we sense all Beings." He explained waving his hand in Nune's direction, he almost touched her. "This spirit has such a huge amount of materfamilias love permeating towards you Prem." He sounded so fascinated. "Tell me...who is it?"

" my Spirit Guide." I whispered faintly.

Nune still had a slight shimmer as she looked around the room taking in everyone's faces. Her eyes landed on Queen Guntachai, and they narrowed.

"Wait...that's impossible!" She laughed with disbelief, "Only very strong powerful Time Travelers are appointed Spirit Guides. Not to mention one must enter The Amidst to be gifted such a blessing. A Time Traveler must cultivate for years to gather enough celestial energy to enter such a place of divinity. Prem was born human and only became a celestial days ago! Clearly you all don't believe—"

"Silence." Nune commanded waving her hand and my mother-in-law stopped in mid-sentence.

When Queen Guntachai tried to speak again no words came out, just a mere squeak followed by a startled gasp. She cleared her throat attempting to speak again with no success.

"Beloved, are you alright?" King Guntachai questioned his wife with unease, as she shook her head frantically.

"I'm sensing some hostility now." Fluke backed cautiously away, as Mother Nune glided across the room and got directly in Queen Guntachai's face.

Though she was getting on my last nerve, I didn't want my mother-in-law to be harmed. But I was far too weak to object.

With the tip of her delicate finger Mother Nune gently tapped Queen Guntachai on the forehead and was transformed into a marble white statue!

"Mother Nune..."' I could only utter.

"Nune?!" King Guntachai's sputtered, "As in Nune Chawalitrujiwong, the last mighty leader of your clan before they were casted out?"

I could only nod.

Within seconds almost everyone including the guards, fell to the floor in a submissive bow, while my father-in-law still a man of high status dutifully bowed his head only.

"Great Spirit Guide Chawalitrujiwong, please forgive my wife and give her back her form."

"I cannot believe such a sweet child, like yourself ended up marrying an opportunist, like this," Mother Nune murmured sympathetically as the entire room seemed to glow while she spoke, there was a gentle warmness that filled the room. "You had such innocent but pure affection for my nephew before my entire clan was casted out, I always hoped you would end up with him before our demise."

Hearing this made my heart ache slightly. I did not know that Boun's father lost someone who was dear to him, and a fellow Time Traveler.

Next Mother Nune's eyes landed on the statue that was once Queen Guntachai, the warmness faded, a chill ran down my spine.

The entire room dropped several degrees in a matter of seconds until the room felt like I was outdoors during a cold winter day. I could see the cold breath coming out of my mouth.

Another frightening chill ran through me.

"You are a carbon copy of your mother and your mother's mother!" She thundered and the walls shook. She then looked over at me, "She thinks you're nothing more than a weak mundane who has more value giving birth to strong heirs, than being by her son's side!" 

I was beyond pissed hearing this.

"What's she saying?" Boun asked as the walls continued to tremble and the lights flickered on and off.

I mustered the last bit of energy that I had left and replied.

"Mother Nune read your parents, long story short, your father is great and your mother's a bitch!" I felt a darkness consume me as my eyes fluttered closed.

I was paralyzed, unable to move, but I could still hear everything. 

"Spirit Guide, please help him!" Boun shouted as I felt myself drifting further away.

Just as I thought everything would get worse, all things paranormal ceased.

I felt my body being shifted, a gentle yet strong embrace cocooned me. Soon I felt a surge of energy very different from what I experienced with Boun, flowed freely into my bloodstream. This energy was absolute and fostering so very all-consuming.

I could feel the presence of my ancestors, surrounding the room, the desperate emotions of every member who had been casted out over a thousand years ago.

Their hopes.

Their dreams.

And now...their loyal allegiance being gifted to me.

When I finally opened my eyes, I felt like I could move mountains.

Mother Nune released me from her embrace and Boun immediately took her place.

"Thank you! Thank you!" He said graciously, looking around the room, hoping his eyes would land on her.

Mother Nune smiled warmly at Boun. "He's all his father, and nothing like his mother." She gently touched his face the way a mother does her small child.

Boun touched the exact place where Mother Nune's hand had been.

"Was...that...her?" He questioned awestruck.

"Yes," I nodded happily. "She thinks you're great too, like your dad, and nothing like her." I gestured towards Queen Guntachai, she was in her form again, but appeared downright frightened as she scanned the entire room, while gripping her husband's arm.

"You should be alone with your husband. He's been frantic and worried for your wellbeing. He'll want to exchange energies and reseal your bond. I will ward the room, so no one disturbs you two."

"Mother Nune," I muttered slightly embarrassed. I knew what 'resealing our bond' meant and it was awkward hearing her suggest I have sex with my husband...though I just discovered her existence, she felt like the mother I never had.

Still, it was a tempting idea...but the thought of her being alone made me worry.

"Don't worry about me, I will familiarize myself with your palace and create arrays of protection."

"If we may," Fluke began stepping forward with Earth both bowing their heads, "Great Spirit Guide Chawalitrujiwong, we were born after the war and my clan sided with The Hargate. Earth is a direct descendant of the King who so harshly punished you and your entire clan." He took several deep breaths before continuing, "We have always felt they were wrong. We have severed ties with our clans and pledged our allegiance to this one. As an empath, I believe we can find ways to communicate with one another and you won't be alone while Prince Prem and Prince Boun get reacquainted."

Mother Nune seemed hesitant at first, but slowly glided towards Fluke and Earth. She closed her eyes and placed her hand on their shoulders. Earth and Fluke's eyes widened as Mother Nune's shimmering body became visible to them.

"You're even more beautiful than your paintings!" Earth gushed.

"How are we able to see you?" Fluke questioned.

"Because you two have no ill intention towards Prem and me. You can see and communicate with me this way, but this only works when we are touching. You are both married to paternal males, I know how possessive and territorial they can be, so I will touch you when it's absolutely necessary." She released them both and she faded before their very eyes.

"Please don't worry about our spouses, they should know your intentions are innocent." Earth then glared at Kao and then Ohm. "Isn't that, right?"

Both paternal males stared at one another and then back at Earth before nodding.

"Shall we, Great Spirit Guide?" Fluke extended his arm, and Mother Nune interlocked her arm with his making herself visible again.

She then held Earth's hand for a moment.

"Please call me Mother Nune." She told them both, and their lips trembled slightly. There was a wave of emotions on their faces, "I know when you pledged your allegiance to The Guntachai, you not only had to give up your clans, but your families also. I may not be able to replace them but allow me to be a surrogate for now."

Both Fluke and Earth nodded. "We'd be honored."

💘 The Unseen 💘

The moment everyone left the room, Boun's lips were on mine. Energy surged through my entire body. The echoes of that power kept pulsing like currents rushing to shore with each kiss. My heart began beating madly in my chest, I instantly started responding to him.

"You have no idea how worried I was!" Boun was frantic as he removed his and mine's clothing. "How much I prayed that you would come back to me!"

Looking into his face, that was filled with unshed tears, I could see the exhaustion, I could tell he hadn't slept in days.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you." I replied as he settled between my legs.

"Don't apologize, just let me love you." Boun's eyes held such intense adoration for me, I almost felt overwhelmed by it all.


"Let's love each other."

In one swift thrust, he plunged deep into me. I gasped, digging my nails into his shoulders.

His eyes remained locked on mine as he began to move inside me. With each thrust, I felt the intensity of our energies merging with one another.

I wanted to give him everything.

This body of mine was his, my heart belonged to him already. Our minds were connected. What else could I give him?

What else would bring us more joy?

The idea came so naturally, as Boun sped up to a feverish pace.

The thought of me holding a child in my arms that was the perfect blend of he and I.

Boun's eyes widened. "Prem..." He groaned, "Please don't think it, unless you really mean it. I will agree to it, if, you're sure!"

He's right. I shouldn't be thinking it. It's too soon. But I wanted this.

"You have to be sure!" He repeated with each thrust.

My body was going haywire with all the pleasure and tingling energy.

"I'm sure!" My body tightened, and the tension built inside me, until I was begging him for what I wanted.

"So be it!" He became wild and fierce with each merciless thrust until he let out a throaty moan.

He thrust one last time spilling his seed into me, in a rough, stifling climax. A blinding power gelled within me. It was illuminating and extraordinarily intense. Then I lost myself in my own release.

Conception was complete.

Some of you may think it's too soon, but this child will be very special and vital to my plot.

She, he, or they are one of the key pieces to my story.

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