Highschool Singular Point

By dragonNecroKing132

75.8K 1.2K 955

Issei Hyoudou, a perverted teenage boy who wished on becoming the Harem King. However, after being killed by... More

Issei's Bio
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
New Cover
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapet 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20: SERA O FIM DA TERRA!!
Chapter: [REDACTED]
Singular-verse Rules & Info

Chapter 3

4.2K 72 85
By dragonNecroKing132

Third Person POV

Sitting inside her clubroom was Rias Gremory who sat at her desk, thinking deeply. Standing beside her was her best friend and queen, Akeno.

Sitting on one of the two couches was a white-haired girl with amber eyes, this girl's name was Koneko and she was Rias's Rook piece. Koneko was a girl who didn't talk much, hated perverts but she also loved sweets one would say that she was in love with them.

Currently, Rias was deep in thought as Sona's words echoed through the crimson-haired girl's mind.

Rias: 'When the sea turns red the apocalyptic beast shall appear and start the great catastrophe that shall be the end of everything...is it true? no, it can't be true, it's only a legend...but what if it is real...'

Rias has heard of many legends during her time in the human words, such as Bigfoot, moth man, the loch ness monster, the wendigo. However, Rias didn't believe in any of them since she knew they weren't real.

Like she was a part of the supernatural world and was a devil, and she has never heard of anyone from the free factions meeting creatures such as them like what the hell even is a Bigfoot? much a gorilla that can stand on two legs?

However, despite knowing that none of that folklore is real, she gets the feeling that this Legend is real and the creature is real as well.

Rias: 'Why do I think it's real? Like there's no way it could be real... I'll have to ask my brother if he knows anything about this legend when I call him'

Akeno: "Is something wrong Rias?"

This snapped Rias out of her thoughts as she looked at Akeno.

Rias: "I'm fine Akeno, no need to worry about me"

Akeno: "Are you sure? you seem very distracted about something. You sure there is nothing on your mind?"

Rias: "Yes, I'm alright"

Akeno knew that something was wrong, she could hear it in Rias's voice. But she didn't want to do anything that would anger Rias.

Suddenly, the door to the clubroom opened and someone entered. Rias, Akeno, and Koneko looked and saw it was only Kiba, Kiba was a handsome young man with short blond hair, blue eyes, and a mole underneath his left eye.

Kiba is well known around Kuoh, being called the Prince of Kuoh by all the girls. The number of fangirls he had was ridiculous to the point where it's actually scary.

Rias: "Hello Kiba, how was your trip here? get swarmed by your fangirls"

Kiba deadpanned at his king.

Kiba: "No I went to watch some Jojo and listened to my No No square song, what do you think?"

The three girls nearly giggled at Kiba's words, they had to admit it was kinda funny.

Kiba: "So, what's going on?"

Koneko: "Don't know yet, Rias was thinking of something"

Rias sighed slightly as her servants looked at her.

Rias: "It's nothing, don't worry about it"

The crimson-haired girl then turned her attention to Akeno.

Rias: "Any news on any stray devils in the area? It's been a while since we faced one"

Akeno: "Actually yes, I recently got word from the great duke that there is a stray devil very close by"

Rias smiled slightly as she looked at Koneko and Kiba.

Rias: "You two ready to go take down a stray devil?"

Both Koneko and Kiba smirked.

Kiba: "You bet"

Koneko nodded her head, this made Rias smile.

Rias: "Alright then, let's move out!"

(Basically this, but imagine it is nighttime)

Night rose over the Kuoh as the people were in their warm homes, fast asleep in their nice and comfy beds dreaming away with no worries whatsoever.

Outside an abandoned warehouse, a bright red light appeared as Rias, Akeno, Kiba, and Koneko appeared.

Rias: "So, this is where the Stray Devil is located"

Koneko: "seems like a place one would be"

Kiba: "yeah"

Rias stared at the abandoned warehouse, but she got a feeling that something bad may happen. She didn't know why, but she feels likes that she should stay on guard.

Akeno noticed rias reaction, she wanted to say something but had a feeling Rias would just say that it was nothing. So Akeno decided to stay quiet and ask Rias what's wrong later.

Rias took a step forward before she looked at her servants.

Rias: "Alright then, let's head in and take down this stray devil"

All: "HAI!"

Rias looked at Koneko as she nodded her head, the white-haired walked to the door and was about to punch it open with her rook strength. But she didn't cause she noticed something, the door was slightly open.

Koneko: "The doors open..."

Kiba: "Well that makes things a little easy for us"

Rias and her servants slowly walked into the warehouse saw absolutely nothing cause it was dark.

Just like the exterior, the interior was just as bad as the outside. There were broken crates, glass, and some destroyed machines as well, Rias and the others guessed that the warehouse use to be some sort of shipping place where they store their cargo.

It was quiet and really dark, definitely due to the fact that the lights haven't been used in years or maybe they were destroyed. But thanks to Koneko's enhanced senses, she was able to see a little better.

Koneko: "Smells like Akeno's room"

Akeno: "And how would you know what my room smells like?"

Koneko deadpanned at Akeno.

Koneko: "you forget I have enhanced senses"

Akeno: "Oh..."

Kiba chuckled slightly.

Kiba: "She got you there Akeno"

Akeno: "Oh go sit on a dick, Kiba"

Kiba: "That's your job Thot"

Rias: "Enough! now is not the time fo-"

???: "Oh, what do we have here~"

Hearing the sudden voice caused Rias and her servants to turn and see someone in the darkness.

Rias: "Reveal yourself!"

A giggle was heard.

???: "Very well~"

Coming out of the darkness was a young woman with a voluptuous figure with long black hair.

Rias: "I know who you are, you Viser"

Viser: "Why yes I am, and who may you be?"

Rias grew a serious expression.

Rias: "Viser, you are hereby ordered to return to your master or you shall be terminated!"

Viser simply laughed as she played with her own tits.

Viser: "You are just jealous that your breasts aren't as big as mine~"

This caused Rias's right eye to twitch in annoyance, was this bitch saying that her chest was better than hers.

A red aura began to cover Rias's body as she glared at Viser, it was time to teach this bitch a lesson she will never forget.

However, Viser soon revealed the rest of her body, while the upper half resembled a human the lower half didn't. In fact, her lower half was gigantic and beastly with four legs, each having sharp claws and a snake as a tail.

Rias: "Take this bitch down"

Koneko charged forward and leaped towards Viser who tried to swipe at the white-haired girl with one of her claws.

However, Koneko punched the claw away as she punched Viser in the face and sending her flying to the other side of the warehouse.

Koneko: "Meow mother fucker"

Viser gritted her teeth as she got back on her feet and groped her own breast, only for magic circles to appear on the nipples as she fired lazar beams at Koneko and the others.

Rias and her peerage began to dodge the lazar beams as they hit the warehouse walls, causing holes in them.

Rias: "Titty lazars? that's a new one"

Akeno: "you said it, never thought it would be possible. But looks like it is"

Kiba narrowed his eyes as he took out his swords.

Kba: "My turn and...."

(I hope I don't get flagged from this)

In an instant, both of Viser's front claws were slashed off, blood splattered on the ground as the stray screams in pain and agony.

However, despite this, she was also confused since she didn't even see what attacked her. Whatever it was moved so fast that it was basically invisible to her.

Viser: 'What the hell was that!? What even attacked me!? it couldn't be that red-haired bitch or that thunder thor since they haven't moved a muscle yet. There's also no way that flat chest cat did this to me either, that only leaves-'

Suddenly, Viser screamed as pain engulfed her body. Slash marks began to appear all over her body from her face, her chest, and her lower half.

???: "I'm going to..."

She then saw what was doing or rather who, it was the blonde-haired boy. However, when she saw him the only thing that filled Viser was fear.

Kiba: "Dye you in my favorite color~"

Viser eyes widen as she took a step back in fear, the mere sight of the sadistic grin filled her to the brim with nothing but fear. And the look in his eyes, it was like she was staring into the eyes of a psychopath.

Rias shook her head and sighed.

Rias: "Kiba, down boy. No need to scare her....well that much"

Kiba chuckled.

Kiba: "I guess i overdid it"

Viser: "w-what the hell are yo-"

Viser was cut off as she was struck by lightning, the stray devil felt nothing but pain and agony.

Akeno: "oh I'm sorry, were you saying something? well I'm sorry to interrupt you, but is my turn to have some fun"

Akeno smiled as she had a sinister aura around her body, she opened her eyes as she continued to strike Viser with lightning bolt after lightning bolt.

Viser screams of pain and agony echoed throughout the warehouse, Rias was so lucky that she placed a barrier up around the place otherwise it would be swarming with humans by now.

Akeno: "Mm~ Hearing your screams turn me on so much~ I feel like I'm gonna orgasim~"

Akeno licked her fingers as she continued her attacks on the stray devil, causing more screams of pain and agony.

Rias, Koneko, and Kiba sweatdropped at the queen's sadistic nature. In fact, the trio slightly took a step back away from the black-haired girl as she did her thing.

When it comes to Akeno, you better back away from her otherwise your gonna end up as her next victim. What's worse is that she takes pleasure when she tortures her victims, yeah she is basically into S&M.

Kiba looked at Rias as he chuckled nervously.

Kiba: "Um, shouldn't you stop her Rias?"

Rias let out a small sigh.

Rias: "Yeah, I guess I should stop her. Akeno! That's enough, down girl down"

Akeno stopped what she was doing and looked at her king while pouting.

Akeno: "Aw, but I wanna torture her some more"

Rias deadpanned as Viser laid on the ground, her entire body burned. But yet after all that, she was somehow still alive.

Maybe it was cause of whatever she was crossed with, cause Rias knew that Viser couldn't be just a devil she looked like she was experimented on.

Rias: "You basically burned her to a crisp, I'm surprised that she's even still alive!"

Akeno pouted as she crossed her arms, causing her breast to bounce slightly.

Akeno: "Fine"

Rias sighed as she walked up to the charred and barely alive Viser, she couldn't help but have a smirk on her face.

Rias: "Now then, any last words Visor?"

Viser: "f-fuck y-yo-"

Before Viser could finish her sentence, something burst through the ceiling. Everyone except Viser looked up and saw it was a red creature that looked like a pteradon.

Rias's eyes widen.

Rias: "Look out!"

The crimson-haired girl and her peerage managed to dodge the creature as it landed on the charred body of Viser, it then began to bite and claw at her making the stray devils cream out in pain and agony as she begged for help.


However, she was soon silenced as the creature bite her head and ripped it off, causing blood to gush out like a fountain.

Rias and the others watched as the creature devoured Viser's head in one go, this made them sick as they wanted to puke. However, they had more pressing matters as they watched the creature rip and tear into Viser's charred body.

Akeno: "Rias, what is that thing?"

Rias: "I don't know, but it seems to resemble a pteradon. But it cant be one since those are extinct"

Kiba: "Doesn't look extinct to me"

The creature stopped what it was doing, it then turned its attention to Rias and her peerage. It looked at the group as it tilted its head at the sight of them,

It seemed curious about them, it was like a baby or rather a dog that got a new toy. It sniffed them as Rias and her peerage remained where they were.

However, in an instant, the creature charged at them and went for a bite. But the devils managed to dodge the attack.

Kiba: "Jeez, it went from curious to aggressive in an instant"

Koneko: "No kidding"

The creature turned and snarled at them as Koneko charged towards it with blazing speed.

Koneko: "Meow mother fucker"

She went in to punch, but the creature jumped back and landed on some wooden crates.

Rias: "It dodged Koneko's punch!? This thing must be intelligent or really fast"

The creature soon let out a loud roar which caused Koneko to grip her ears due to her enhanced senses.

Kiba: "Koneko!"

Kiba took out his sword and charged towards the creature, using his knight speed he should be able to land a hit on the creature.

However, once again the creature dodged the attack and made Kiba only slash the wooden crates.

Akeno: "It dodged Kiba's attack as well, this creature must be good"

Suddenly, the creature look up as if it heard something it then jumped up and began to flap its wings.

Rias and her peerage watched as the creature gained some height as it let out another roar, almost like it was calling something. Rias hoped that the creature wasn't calling in any backup, cause she's not sure if her peerage will be able to take on a whole army of them. But she soon lost her worry as the creature stopped as it came crashing down to the ground, making a loud thud.

Kiba: "Um, what just happened?"

Koneko sniffed the air and covered her nose, this got everyone's attention.

Akeno: "What's wrong?"

Koneko: "it's dead"

This shocked the group as they looked at the creature's body, they walked up to it and Kiba proceeded to poke it with his sword. The creature didn't move at all which proved it, the creature was dead.

Akeno: "Why did it die all of a sudden? it has no wounds whatsoever, so what killed it?"

Rias stared at the creature's body as she could have sworn she saw something on the ground under the creature's head.

Rias: 'What is this thing? Where did it come from? and better question is...how many more are there...'

Out in the vast blue sea, in the location where the red creature originally came from there was nothing but silence.

However, that was on the surface of the ocean there was something going on underneath the ocean.

Deep under the ocean, so deep that light couldn't reach there was a massive underwater cave. There was nothing darkness in the underwater cave, it was so dark that not even the best flashlights would help.

However, despite all this, there was something eerie about the cave. It was like there was something within the cave and that's what it was.

There was something in the underwater cave, the sound of a creature of some sort snoring within. The snoring was deep but also loud, meaning that whatever was n the cave was big, really big.

The snoring continued as whatever was in there seemed to be in a deep slumber, who knows how long it had been asleep for. Days, weeks, months, years, or even more.

But suddenly, the snoring stopped as from within the darkness of the cave a massive eye shot open, the eye was yellow with a black reptilian slit pupil.

Whatever it was, it was no longer asleep. No, it was well awake now and who knows what could happen now.

Meanwhile, in an unknown location, there was what could be described to be the most beautiful location ever.

It was a beautiful landscape, it had lush green trees and bushed and clear blue water and best of all it was a waterfall.

Many creatures seem to inhabit this place, birds, lizards, mammals, dragons...what? yep, there were currently dragons flying through the air, swimming the waters, and walking through the forest and green fields.

However, out of all the dragons in this place, one of them was the most important. A voice was heard, it sounded like singing. Whoever was singing had a beautiful voice, so beautiful that it was almost hypnotizing.

Sitting near the waterfall was a woman with long light-blue hair and light red eyes. She also had a pair of Gigantic horns. This woman's name was Tiamat, she is known by many names Such as The Dragon King, the primordial Mother, goddess of beginning, and much more.

Tiamat was minding her own business, singing away as many creatures listened to her song.

However, she soon stopped as she looked in a random direction. The reason for this is cause she sensed something in the human world, whatever it was it was powerful and dangerous.

Tiamat: 'What's this? what is this do I sense? I have never sensed anything like this before?'

Tiamat wondered what it was, it wasn't devil, angel, fallen, or even dragon. Not whatever she was sensing was something else entirely.

Tiamat: 'I must find out what this energy is, I must know'





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