The Tatted Psycho

By kn_writing

2M 37.3K 3.1K

✔️ [first book in Riders of Lykos series] -- When Emily Hearst learned that her mother kept her father out o... More

New characters
Final A/N


64.3K 1.1K 169
By kn_writing

It's been a few days since I've arrived on my dad's doorstep. After Lucian took me home yesterday we just watched a movie with my brothers. Lucian did stay at the house though. He stayed in a guest room.

I had just gotten up. It was about seven. I don't know why I was up so early but I guess a got enough sleep.

"Are you up?" Darius knocked on my door. I guess I'm not the only one awake.

"Yeah." I said. I quickly got up and opened the door.

"Dad said to get ready." He informed me and turned.

"Ok." I said and closed the door. I quickly changed and brushed my hair. I wonder what dad was going to have us do? I hope nothing much. Yesterday was a lot.

I finished getting ready and headed downstairs. My brothers, dad, and Lucian all were waiting.

"We are going to the club and ordering you some new clothes." Dad said. I had forgot about that.

"She can ride with me today." Lucian said as he stood behind me. I didn't realize how much taller he is than me. I was only five feet, he was definitely above six feet.

"How tall are you?" I asked. He looked down at me and smirked.

"Six eight, darlin." Lucian said. He was so tall! It was kind of intimidating.

"Alright, let's go." Dad gestured us out.

My brothers all got on motorcycles and I followed Lucian to his truck. Which was a little hard to get in but I managed.

It had a very nice interior and was just as nice as my dad's SUV. I wasn't used to such cleanliness. Everything with my mom was always stained or had cigarette burns in the seats, and smelled of alcohol.

"Are you alright, Emily?" Lucian asked me. I must have been just staring at the window.

"Yeah. I- I've just never b- been in a c- clean car." I confessed. Lucian scrunched his eyebrows together, but didn't say anything. Maybe he was disgusted by me.

The rest of the ride was silent. Lucian concentrated on the road and I watched the passing houses. Each one a perfect picket fence house. I thought it was funny how they all seemed innocent but really mafia men and big bikers owned many of them.

"We are here." Lucian broke me from my thoughts. I turned to the front and saw the club just as we pulled up. Lucian turned off the truck before hurrying to my side to open my door.

"Thank you." I smiled as I stepped out. Lucian nodded and followed me inside, only moving next to me when we stepped inside. Everyone sitting at the bar watched us just like yesterday. They made me nervous. I wasn't used to stares.

Lucian must have noticed. He quickly pulled me through the bar avoiding the tables. When we got to dad's office him and the boys were already there. They stopped talking as soon as I entered the office.

"Emmy!" Zane stood up. I smiled softly as a greeting.

"You can sit here while you look through the catalogs." Dad pointed to a chair next to his desk. I didn't see it in here yesterday so I wonder if he just put it there or I missed it. "Lucian, can you please go file your paperwork, I need it." Dad dismissed him. Lucian didn't look happy about it but left nonetheless.

I sat down and Dad handed me a laptop open to a clothing website. There was many styles and colors, each one different. I didn't realize how many styles of clothing there was. I was never allowed to spend much money on clothes so I haven't gotten anything new since I was fourteen.

"Do you want help?" Darius asked. He could probably tell I was a bit overwhelmed.

"Yes p- please." I nodded. Darius pulled a chair up to mine and helped me scroll through the different pages. When I saw something I liked he showed me how to put it in the cart. Eventually I got the hang of it and he moved to talk to dad.

I scrolled for a few pages before a I found a page full of shoes. I didn't know you could buy shoes online too!

I found a cute pair of boots and added them to the cart hoping my dad wouldn't mind.

After I went through all the pages I turned the laptop towards dad who accepted it. I saw him looking through the cart inspecting every item.

"Great, now I'll order that for you and it should be here in the next few days." Dad smiled.

"T- Thank you." I said shyly. I felt bad for using so much money. I don't think he minded though.

"Don't worry about it." Dad said. He turned back to the three boys. "Have you finished school, Emily?" Dad asked me.

I bit my lip and looked away. I only got through half of my senior year. Mom took me out and that was when I took my chance to leave.

"I'll take that as a no. I'll get you set up with online, is that ok?" Dad asked. I nodded my head yes. "Ok. I have another important question." He placed his hand near mine. I looked up quickly. "Would you like me to adopt you, Emily?" He asked. His eyes totally serious.

I thought about it. If he adopted me than I would have finally escaped my mother. I would have a real family. Plus I would be able to stay with Lucian who I've considered my first friend.

"Yes, I w- would love that." I smiled. Dad smiled back and typed something on his computer.

"Ok, I'll have the papers written up." Dad said. My brothers were watching us excitedly. I guess they were happy I wanted to be apart of their lives for real.

"W- What about my m- mother?" I asked. What if she came after me? I really don't want to go back there.

"I don't think she would expect you to be here." He reminded me. Dad was probably right. "Zane can you please go check if Lucian is done." Dad asked Zane. Zane nodded and left.

I wonder what Lucian's office looks like? Maybe it's like the one at the warehouse. Would he let me decorate this one like he said the other one.

I never really had the chance to do much decorating. My mother's house only had a living room and two bedrooms. The living room only had a couch, coffee table and a TV set on a stack of boxes. We did have a stand but she broke it and blamed it on me. I remember the words she spoke to me and it was the first time I realized I needed to leave.

My bedroom was always just a twin mattress and a small dresser that barely held the few clothes I had. So I'm glad that Lucian and dad are allowing me to decorate a few things how I like.

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