Where Winter Meets Summer (Ru...

By OnyxxCrow

1.2M 33.3K 106K

THE DISCOVERY A fundamentally lonesome person, Russia believed he could survive the Academy all on his own bu... More

Prologue: Lifeless Land of Winter
Welcome Back to the Academy(Russia POV)
The Maiden and Her Bear (Canada POV)
As Normal As It Gets (Russia POV) *intense swearing?*
The CAS (Germany POV)
Rise Little Underdog! Pt 1 (Germany POV)
Rise Little Underdog! Pt 2 (Germany and Russia POV)
Weekend (Canada POV)
The Returning Star (Russia POV)
First Impressions? (Pt 1) (Nobody POV)
First Impressions Pt 2
The Experiment (America POV)
Frozen in Time (A glimpse into Russia's past)
Invitation of Doubt (Russia POV)
Prepare! Before the Fourth (Russia POV)
The Time is Now
Let's Start Over... (America Pov)
Things Won't Go Wrong. Right? (Canada POV)
Trapped in Burning Ice (Russia POV)
Prelude of Winter: The Story Before the Tempest
The Compromise (America POV)
The Compromise (continued)
On One Condition... (NobodyPOV)
The Very First Failure (Nobody POV)
The Last Gate To Earth (NATO POV)
Good Luck My Dear Brother
Earthbound(America POV)
Forced or Not, Here They Come
The Special Trial For a Special Case
There Are Things Better Left Unsaid
Fight or Flight
Breaking Through
Reaching the End of a Star
Falling Apart But Holding Together
Back to Where We Came From
Redirected Hope
A Burden
The Art of Healing or Hurting?
Cold Relapse
Another Step Forward
A Thing of the Past
Rubbing Salt in a Wound
Frozen in Time: Roses in the Snow
Washing Salt From a Wound
Uncertain Fates
Tales Untold
Lessons to be Relearned
Breaking the Silent Night
Waiting for Explainations
Disarray on the Final Day
To Love and To be Loved
In the One We Trust
No Turning Back
A New Perspective
Forgotten Wishes Hidden in the Deep
Against the Clock: SIX
Shadow Dance/Strife In the Dead of Night: FIVE
Herald from the Grave: FOUR
Diamond Eyes: THREE
The Final Call: TWO
Forsakened: ONE
Prelude of Winter: His Pipedream
On Thin Ice
How the Robin Stole Fire
Truths from a Liar
Appeals for the Unmended
In the Face of Adversity
Untethered Shadow
By Your Side
Tears For Better Tomorrows
When Omens Stir
The Final Hour
Momentary Peace
Evening Interlude
The Sun Sets
The Underground Blues
The Underground Blues Pt. 2
Divided, We Fall
The Observer's Promise
Silent Silver Linings

The Challengers Rise

10.6K 325 355
By OnyxxCrow

I was brought into the world with a blessing as a curse. From the moment I  opened my eyes, I was given basically everything I needed. We had some wealth since my family stood above our small, quiet empire. As the youngest one, I was seen as the weakest. I was given everything because I was incompetent.

You see? I didn't know if I was happy about that or not.

I had an older brother who was left to his own methods. He was someone who didn't understand weakness like I did. We never paid attention to him because he didn't need it. He didn't understand that either so when we were presented our celestial guardians, he was angered but I was too naive to realize his hidden jealousy.

He was presented with the hidden warrior of the Black Tiger, destined to walk unseen. He accepted it graciously but resentment stewed slowly in his blood when I was presented with the sacred White Tiger, destined to rise with great power.

Then our kingdom began to fall apart as the bordering nations scrambled for dominance. It was around this time that our nobility began to fade.
It was also around that time that I finally realized why I was given such a powerful spirit. It was not because I was destined or anything like that.


Reality only kicked in when my brother left my side for someone who had given him their attention. He no longer needed to be ignored for my sake.

Shortly after, even my guardian had grown tired of me.
"I will only return when you show me your resolve," it had said before leaping back into the heavens.

Now when I look back at it all, I don't blame them for leaving. But if they still see me as that lonely child, I will make them open their eyes because he no longer remains.

China extended his hands, holding the scrolls that held their respective beasts. At the sight of the scroll, Vietnam tensed up, feeling the urge to simply jump up and snatch them but that would just be stupid. South Korea stood by their side, with his eyes fixated on their opponent. He swore to himself that he would not lose.

"Our agreement states that if you win, I will give to you, Vietnam, the guardian deity, Black Tortoise of the North, or as you call it, Cụ Rùa. And to you, South Korea, the guardian deity, White Tiger of the West," China recalled, "As for your opponent, North Korea, are you ready?"

He responded by spreading open his arms with his palms facing up. A murderous gleam appeared in his blood red eyes. With a nod of approval, the signal was given to officially begin. Both sides didn't hesitate to charge into battle with every intention to attack. Vietnam took the lead and like lightning, unsheathed a brilliant jadeite blade. With SK backing them up, Vietnam charged headfirst for North Korea whose glowing red stripes snaking up his arms signalled the build up of his Awakening. With a resounding burst of speed the two swung, Vietnam with their blade and North Korea with his hands extended, both ready to deal a lethal blow. South Korea saw an opening and with a slight pull, directed the blade. It was as if time had slowed down as NK's eyes widened. The swing's trajectory was changed but his instincts kicked in, allowing him to redirect the energy from his arms to his legs in an evasion maneuvre instead. As nimble as a cat, he leapt into the air with a giant push that propelled Vietnam backwards, forcing him to stumble. NK landed behind the off-balance country with a clear advantage but before he could reach him, a sudden, invisible force ripped Vietnam out of the way and towards SK.

North Korea, now thoroughly pissed that his brother had interfered with a perfect killshot. It was also clear that he would surely lose if they worked together like that. Too bad South Korea had the ability to redirect the momentum of things to oppose him. After a few more attempts with the same result, he decided it was time to try that plan. At his command, the air behind him began to pulsate as energy was introduced along with pressure when finally it was let loose like an explosion. With that, he was propelled forward, directly towards the pair at almost unimaginable speeds. Vietnam, however, stayed as calm as ever as they placed their hand on the brim, deciding it was finally time to use their Awakening. A faint rumbling began to shake the ground but NK quickly leapt off the ground, using another forceful push to fly over them and the raised walls that encircled the arena. He landed on the ledge, right in front of China, who still had the scroll extended in his hands, and lunged towards him instead.

"WAIT WHAT IS HE DOING?!" South Korea exclaimed as they backed away. He had snatched the scrolls right out of China's grip but the crimson country didn't seem surprised at all. He simply stood there like he was made of stone and smiled.
"And here I thought you wanted to fight them without my help." he laughed.
"Shut your face," NK responded coldly as he lept back onto the platform with both scrolls in hand. Like a thunder cracking whip, he unfurled the long rolls of scripture and column by column, the symbols began to glow. Vietnam's eyes narrowed as they realized what was happening.

"WE CAN'T LET HIM FINISH! WE NEED TO SEPARATE HIM FROM THE SCROLLS!" they exclaimed before brandishing their blade and tearing forward. SK, at this point, had learned to trust Vietnam's instincts and zipped in to attack. North Korea noticed and snapped at them, using the long rolls like whips. He lashed out, deflecting Vietnam's attacks while keeping South busy with an extremely painful version of jump rope with a scroll.

"I can't get to him!" Vietnam exclaimed as they searched fruitlessly for a way to get closer, "South, could you-"

"I'm a little busy-" he responded before diving to the ground to avoid being whipped. Finally, Vietnam had enough and was able to wind the sheet around the hilt of the weapon, effectively stopping any more movement. With a mighty tug, NK was pulled off balance when the scroll was yanked out of his hands and a powerful kick sent him sprawling.

"Good! Finally a solid hit!" they cheered but the moment did not last very long.

"Uh Vietnam?" South cautioned as he stared warily at the other scripture, " This one... words are done lighting up..."

Sure enough, the entire scroll had now lit up and billowing white steam began to rise from it. The next thing they knew, a blinding flash of light erupted in their faces and they crashed into the solid stone wall behind them, knocking all the air out of their lungs. It took almost everything they could muster to not black out but that was not their biggest concern. From out of the script, two illuminated beasts circled their summoner, North Korea who had a vicious grin plastered on his face. By his side stood a brilliant white tiger and it seemed ready to fight.

"Go after the one with the hat. I'll take the other," he commanded as he rose to his feet.

"Surely, one will stay by your side and aid you?" it was suggested but the thought was dismissed.

"I am not so weak that I can't even take on my little brother," he growled, "I will beat him one on one so just make sure the other doesn't get in my way!"
With that, he dashed off to clash with SK. Vietnam recoiled and was about to step in to help him when all the hairs on his neck stood up. And for good reason because a second later, a massive claw mark had been carved into the stone floor and walls, right where Vietnam was standing.

"Your enemy stands before you. Prepare yourself!" the White tiger growled as it herded them away from SK.

"WHAT WAS THAT NOISE?!" South Korea exclaimed before narrowly missing a kick to the face. At this point, their fight turned more into a manhunt as the two chased each other, flinging each other around with their Awakenings. Neither of them were getting the upper hand and soon, their refined and strategic moves became something resembling a kids' shoving match. Though it looked rather immature and stupid to everyone else but the siblings were basically trying to settle past scores.

"Is that the best you can do?!" NK barked as he attempted to push away, only to be accidentally pulled back by SK, "Come on I told you I didn't want to see you until you grew a spine!"

"AND I HAVE!" SK retorted as an invisible repulsion threw him through the air. He was not the timid boy he used to be. He had improved so much ever since the CAS began but as time went by, his exhaustion grew. SK knew that his energy was limited by his low capacity so if things didn't end quickly, he was toast.

Luckily for him, the same could be said about NK, observing that every launch was getting weaker and weaker.

"WILL YOU STOP RUNNING AWAY?!" he hollered as the ground shook with every advance, "YOU KNOW I'LL NEVER TAKE YOU SERIOUSLY IF YOU KEEP DOING THAT!"
This statement made South Korea freeze in his tracks. Even though it was supposed to be a thoughtless taunt, he could see a sliver of truth in it.

This was crazy. Was he actually considering a head on assault just to prove his brother wrong? With the amount of energy he had left, things would most likely deteriorate into pure hand to hand combat which he knew would end badly.
But he couldn't care less.

With a swift twist, SK dug his heel into the ground and charged back towards NK who recoiled in confusion at the sudden change but realized what he was doing. A spectacular show ensued as they exchanged blows. Even after their Awakenings drained to a halt, they relied on anything else to carry on.

All too soon, the battle ended when North Korea finally managed to pin the other down and with a swift blow, was able to finally knock him out.

Sweating, gasping, completely and utterly drained, only now did he realize how much he had struggled. He had won but part of him was inclined to acknowledge SK's growth.

"Did I really waste that much power on that crybaby?" he thought in disbelief.
China lounged on the sidelines as he surveyed the oh-so amusing battles that were taking place. His only regrets were that he wasn't the one participating and that he forgot to bring his guqin with him. However, the brightening day began to worry him, for he knew they didn't have much more time to enjoy. They were hosting a fight without the Headmaster's approval after all so they would have to wrap it up.

"Well one down, one more to go," North Korea mused to himself as he set his sights onto the giant mountainous cage but when he took a step, the ground under his feet suddenly caved.

"What the-" he began but a sickening lurch plunged him down, crushing the stone platform beneath. His vision blurred but he couldn't seem to raise himself off the ground. It wasn't just him, however, as China stumbled to the ground as a massive force pulled at his every cell. It was as if the gravity suddenly increased trifold and only around the platform. Thinking fast, China summoned his dragons, determined to get off the ground but NK didn't have that luxury. He couldn't breath, couldn't think and his vision flickered in black and white as semi-visible black stripes seemingly shot out of the earth to bind him there.

"THAT IDIOT!" he realized and struggled to turn and see SK slowly lift his head to meet his hateful gaze with a pained smile. There was no way he was able to manipulate the gravitational pull with the amount of energy he claimed to have left.

"Unless he was bluffing about his limits," China contemplated as he observed from above, "No wonder his game was so lackluster before! Perhaps I misjudged him."

But still, to exert so much energy in a single moment was never going to last, nor was it going to end well. And as expected, South Korea was already feeling the crushing pain of his Consequence but for the sake of Vietnam, he was going to grin and bear it. After all, it was his last stand against all odds.


It was clear that neither I, nor SK would be able to hold on much longer if nothing changed. My blade was ripped out of my hands, leaving me unarmed, nearly taking my hand with it. The tiger spirit glared hungrily at me as I slowly backed away. It seemed that every time I made an attempt to regroup with SK, I was torn up and thrown right back to where I started.

At this point, I had no other choice but to hold my own until I could cast my Awakening over the field. Only that way could we have any hope of victory now.

"What is it that you are plotting, young one," the tiger growled as it swatted my weapon away, "You have a calculating gleam in your eyes."

From the mountain peaks to the river valleys, through the forests and through the meadows, I could visualize it all in my head. Remembering my master's words, I found comfort because the land would aid me. Knowing that I was up to something, the tiger leapt into action as I slipped off my hat. It's attack gleamed for blood but I parried it with one graceful move. This pattern continued and an elegant dance began to form as the threads began to weave an invisible 3D grid of the terrain I had envisioned. The footwork was one of an ancient dance I had learned while I covered my openings by manoeuvring the hat like a shield. Even though I was holding on well, I wouldn't be able to cast my Awakening completely unless I could stall the beast. Luckily, SK gave me exactly what I needed.

The ground began to tremble and everything felt crushing to the point where I could barely stand up. The tiger began to waver as it glared around in bewilderment. His stripes began to flicker as they began to snake around his limbs and shot into the ground, anchoring him to the core of the world.

"WHAT IS THIS?!" the celestial beast roared in fury as it strained against his own stripes, "WHAT IS THIS POWER THAT TAMES ME?!"

Even though I was struggling just as much as the tiger, I didn't need to panic. The moment I let go of my hat, it was like ropes had yanked it into the ground. When it touched down, a ripple ran through the ground and the threaded grid vanished.
Instead, earth and rock replaced the open air and the terrain had turned into a playground shaped by my will.

Once I had everything in place, the match was just about done. The tiger spirit was caged by the mountains and chained by SK's skill. North Korea stood no chance now that he stood within my terrain.

(The mountains serve me and all those who I call an ally.)

The sun had risen high into the calm blue sky and the roar of twin dragons interrupted the match as they descended to encircle NK, who was still pinned to the ground.

"HEY!" I protested as China stood between me and the opponent, "We agreed that you would not interfere!"

China simply shook their head and announced that NK was clearly unable to fight on in this situation.
"And we've run out of time. People have begun to gather to see what is happening. It won't be long till the Headmaster comes marching over," he grumbled, slightly annoyed, "So I will admit that you two are the winner."

At that, SK sighed with relief and deactivated, returning the gravitational pull back to normal. Then he proceeded to black out.

The platform returned to its original state as I placed my hat back onto my head and China smiled, "Congratulations, Vietnam and South Korea. You two put on quite the show and I'm actually impressed."

With that, the twin dragons flew over and dropped the scroll that sealed my guardian within. I quickly grabbed it and dusted it off, making sure to store it away immediately. I was not going to take the risk of losing it but that was not the last thing he wanted to say.

"You both have incredible potential and I see this as an opportunity. Help me take South Korea inside to receive some treatment. Then there is something I want to discuss."


Here watching the New year ball thingie to drop

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