Payback (Hiatus)

By Sephtis_Soul

209K 6.6K 1.3K

(Vilgilate Deku) In the aftermath of the hard-fought victory against the formidable League of Villains, the y... More

Chapter 1 (EDITED)
Chapter 2 (EDITED)
Chapter 3 (EDITED)
Chapter 4 (EDITED)
Chapter 5 (EDITED)
Chapter 6 (EDITED)
Chapter 7 (EDITED)
Chapter 8 (EDITED)
Chapter 9 (EDITED)
Chapter 10 (EDITED)
Chapter 11 (EDITED)
Chapter 12 (EDITED)
Chapter 13 (EDITED)
Chapter 14 (EDITED)
Chapter 15 (EDITED)
Chapter 16 (EDITED)
Chapter 17(EDITED)
Chapter 18 (EDITED)
Chapter 19 (EDITED)
Chapter 20 (EDITED)
Side Story 1 (EDITED)
Chapter 21 (EDITED)
Chapter 22 (EDITED)
Chapter 23 (EDITED)
Chapter 25 (EDITED)
Character P2
Chapter 26 (EDITED)
Chapter 27 (EDITED)
Special 2.0
Chapter 28 (EDITED)
Special 3

Chapter 24 (EDITED)

3.7K 139 51
By Sephtis_Soul

Edited: 27 October 2023

"'Kai, could you please let go?' "Izuku implored,

Kai clung to Izuku as he attempted to leave the house. The thought of Izuku visiting someone he considered untrustworthy filled Kai with unease and a hint of jealousy. Regrettably, Kai had already made plans to celebrate his first day of school, failing to inform Izuku earlier so they could reschedule their spar. Now, with Iida and Uraraka on their way, it was too late to change their plans.

On the contrary, Izuku couldn't help but wonder how someone who was once a cold-blooded killer and child abuser had transformed into a love-struck puppy. Love had certainly worked its magic, reshaping Kai into an entirely different person. If the Kai from his previous timeline were to witness this change, he would likely be utterly disgusted by the current version of him. While having a loyal and caring husband was a blessing, Izuku couldn't deny that Kai's clinginess could sometimes be a tad overwhelming. It didn't bother Izuku personally, but those around them found it rather irksome. In particular, Eri and Akihito.

Eri frequently felt irritated seeing Kai and Izuku being so affectionate with each other. There were moments when Eri couldn't resist pushing Kai away from Izuku, much to his dismay, not because she wanted him all to herself, but to prevent him from monopolizing Izuku's attention. Akihito, on the other hand, had grown tired of Kai's childlike behaviour. He never expected such a profound transformation. If outsiders were to witness this, they would undoubtedly have doubts about whether they truly Yakuza.

Akihito grappled with another problem: Kai's excessive protectiveness. Kai became absolutely furious when anyone dared to speak ill of their family. There was one incident in particular when Kai had arranged a family picnic, bringing together Akihito, Inko, Izuku, and Eri for a day of bonding. This happened while Izuku was five months pregnant. Back then, Izuku had long hair and hadn't cut it since before becoming pregnant, leading many people to mistake him for a girl.

[ Ignore the chest :) ]

At just 14 years old, Izuku drew the attention of onlookers due to his pregnancy, a situation frowned upon by society. Most notably, it was the women, particularly mothers, who cast disapproving glances in his direction.

"Look at the girl, she's so young and pregnant," commented a mother of three in her 40s.

"Such a disgrace," echoed another mother with a judgmental gaze.

"Did her parents even teach her anything?" a mother with a newborn chimed in.

"If she were my daughter, I would have disowned her," the mother of three declared, accompanied by a cruel laugh.

The second mother couldn't resist making derogatory comments about Kai, "Is that man her lover? He looks like he's in his late 20s!"

"He looks like a pedophile," chimed in the third mother.

Izuku's mother, Inko, normally wouldn't hesitate to confront and defend her son in the face of such insults, but she restrained herself, recognizing that these women had children to care for. If she sent them to the hospital, no one would be available to look after their kids.

Eri couldn't help but feel agitated, but she managed to keep her composure as she glanced at Izuku, who didn't appear to be phased by the hurtful comments. Despite his young appearance, he had the mental fortitude of a 20-year-old. He understood that getting angry could lead to stress, which could affect the baby, and so he chose to ignore the insults.

Kai, however, was a different story. He was seething with anger. They could insult him all they wanted, but when it came to his family, he wouldn't stand for it. He made a move to remove his glove, intending to take action, but Akihito intervened, preventing him from escalating the situation.

Akihito somehow managed to quell Kai's rising anger. He recognized the potential consequences of making a scene and harming the mother. Regardless of their Yakuza affiliations, such actions could lead to arrest, putting Izuku at risk of giving birth in prison. Reluctantly, Kai made the difficult choice to let the matter go and allowed the hurtful comments to pass without retaliation.


Izuku managed to leave the house thanks to his father-in-law's assistance. While on his way to Ojiro's house, he unexpectedly bumped into Uraraka on the train. Their conversation shifted towards the hero course curriculum, and Uraraka admitted that although she had a remarkable quirk, she lacked physical strength.

Izuku offered to teach her martial arts, a proposition that excited her. While she might have initially considered it for fun, he suspected that once she experienced a real fight, she would come to realize her own weaknesses and become more determined to learn.

As for the upcoming sports festival, Izuku wasn't certain if Uraraka would end up facing Katsuki, but he hoped that she would find a stronger opponent who could help her focus on improving her combat skills. Katsuki had been a major reason for her choice to join the Gunhead Agency, as she wanted to receive combat training from him.

When they arrived at Ojiro's household, Ojiro greeted them at the front gate, and Iida stood beside him.

"You're early," Izuku remarked.

"Ah yes, it's better to arrive early," Iida replied, emphasizing his point with the classic chopping hand motion.

"Come in, let me introduce you to my dad," Ojiro said, and they followed him inside.

As they approached their dojo, Izuku could hear the commands being shouted from within. When they entered, there were about 20 people engaged in combat training. At the center of the action stood a man who bore a striking resemblance to Ojiro but was older and had long hair.

"Greetings, Father," Ojiro bowed slightly, and the other three followed suit.

"Oh, Mashirao, what brings you here? I thought you were with your mother," Ojiro's father said, a warm smile on his face.

(I'm picturing him as Akaza former master (?). The way he smile. Also Mashirao is Ojiro given name. Ojiro is the surname)

Izuku looked at Ojiro's father with approval, noting his evident strength and natural charisma as a leader. This man had undoubtedly seen his fair share of battles and conflicts. Izuku couldn't help but wonder who this remarkable individual was.

Ojiro stepped in to introduce their guest "Let me introduce you to my classmate."

Iida, being the epitome of politeness, bowed deeply and said, "My name is Iida Tenya. Nice to meet you, sir."

The man raised an inquisitive eyebrow. "Iida? Are you perhaps the younger brother of the Hero Ingenium?" he asked, cupping his chin.

"That's right, sir, but how do you know?" Iida inquired, his curiosity piqued, and Izuku shared the same interest.

Amused, Ojiro's father laughed heartily. "Hahaha, no wonder you look like him, only with glasses and more serious . We were acquainted back when he had just started his career."

"I didn't know this," Iida muttered, slightly surprised.

"We weren't close, so that's a pity. But it's nice to see my son getting along with his little brother," he added, proudly.

"We are the future heroes of Japan, so it's better for everybody to get along," Iida said seriously, though he was inwardly sweating a little. Izuku mentally sighed, understanding Iida's concern.

"You seem more straight-laced than Tensei," Ojiro's father commented with a smile and then turned to Uraraka, extending a hand. Uraraka blushed in response to his gentlemanly gesture.

"And who might you be, m'lady?" he inquired.

"I'm Uraraka Ochaco. I came here to watch you guys doing combat training," Uraraka replied with enthusiasm.

"Are you interested in martial arts?" he asked, intrigued.

"Yes," Uraraka affirmed, clenching both of her hands in determination.

"Would you like to become my student?" he offered.

"I appreciate the offer, but Deku already offered to teach me," Uraraka replied, her tone slightly dejected.

"Deku?" he questioned, his curiosity piqued.

"That would be me," Izuku confirmed and found himself under a study gaze as Ojiro's father examined him closely.

"Hmm... you look oddly familiar," he said, a perplexed expression on his face. "Have we met before?"

"No, sir, this is the first time we've met," Izuku responded, a little taken aback by the question.

He leaned back and appeared to be deep in thought, glancing at Izuku from time to time. The puzzled expressions on Ojiro, Iida, and the others mirrored the man's own confusion.

"Sir, are you alright?" Iida asked, concerned.

"Huh...?" The question snapped him back to reality. "Ah, yeah, I'm alright," he replied with a smile.

The others remained unconvinced but chose not to press the matter further, leaving the mystery of the man's strange familiarity to linger.

"My name is Ojiro Takeshi, and I'm sure you already know I'm Mashirao's father," Takeshi introduced himself.

"You have a nice name, sir" Iida commented. "Takeshi means warrior, a befitting name for someone as charismatic as you."

"Why, thank you," Takeshi replied with a gracious nod. He was appreciative of the compliment.

"By the way, what brings you kids here?" Takeshi inquired.

"Do you remember the kid I told you about the other day?" Ojiro asked.

"Ah, that kid who destroyed the giant robot you mentioned. U.A. needs to chill a bit; students could have died, especially those whose quirks aren't suitable for fighting," Takeshi suddenly complained. "Their exams are flawed."

Izuku, Uraraka and Ojiro exchanged a glance, recognizing the point Takeshi was making about the dangers of the U.A. entrance exams.

Iida was about to argue with Takeshi's statement, but then he realized the truth in it. He had witnessed other participants during the entrance exam who couldn't effectively combat the point robots, and he felt a sense of shame for not being able to help them. His gaze then shifted to Izuku, who had destroyed the giant robot to save someone and received zero points for it. He couldn't help but admire Izuku's determination.

"That kid is Midoriya," Ojiro confirmed.

"Oh, really?" Takeshi looked amused and leaned in, studying Izuku directly in the eyes. "He has the eyes of a fighter. He's not your average teenager. He's definitely skilled."

"That's why I asked him if we could spar," Ojiro admitted somewhat shyly. "Is that okay, father?"

"Of course, there's no need to ask me for permission," Takeshi replied. He then addressed his pupils, "That's all for today; you may leave."

One by one, the students left, leaving only the five of them inside the dojo. Iida and Uraraka were both excited to witness Izuku's combat skills firsthand. During the entrance exam, they had caught a glimpse of him taking down the giant robot while minimizing his quirk usage.

The two opponents bowed respectfully, signalling the beginning of their sparring match.

(Time skip cuz I'm bad at writing fight scene)

"Midoriya wins" Takeshi declared when Ojiro passed out, acknowledging Izuku's victory in their sparring match.

"Maybe I went overboard" Izuku thought to himself.

"Midoriya, that was spectacular," Iida praised, clearly impressed.

"You were really strong," Uraraka added, her eyes shining with admiration.

Takeshi then carried his unconscious son and walked over to the trio.

"I have a question for you, young man," Takeshi said with a serious tone. "You held back, didn't you?"

"I knew I couldn't hide it from a professional martial artist," Izuku admitted.

"You can't fool the others, but not me," Takeshi stated.

"I didn't want to hurt him," Izuku explained. "If I fought him seriously, it would seem like I'm bullying someone weaker, and I don't want that."

"I see," Takeshi mused before smiling. "Well, that's good. A person who uses their strength to bully the weak is trash."

"What a caring hero you are, Midoriya," Iida commended with applause.

"It would be wonderful if we could spar, but it's getting late. We don't want your parents to worry about your well-being, now do we?" Takeshi said, sounding a bit disappointed.

"There's always next time" Izuku replied, also a little disappointed that he couldn't fight Takeshi.

"Well, until next time, sir," Iida said, and the three of them bowed before leaving

Takeshi carefully tended to Ojiro's injuries, wrapping them in bandages. Before long, Ojiro woke up, and he couldn't bring himself to meet his father's gaze. He was his fathers top student, and yet someone stronger than him had shown up and defeated him.

"I'm sorry," Ojiro apologized, his head hanging low.

"What are you sorry for?" Takeshi asked, a tinge of sadness in his voice.

"For losing," Ojiro admitted, struggling to hold back tears.

"Ojiro..." Takeshi called, his tone gentle. "It doesn't matter if you win or lose. What matters is that you did your best. And remember, even if you're stronger than the other, there are still people out there who are stronger, so don't be discouraged. Take this opportunity to learn and work hard."

Ojiro couldn't hold back his tears any longer as his father comforted him. His mother entered the room, carrying food, and joined the hug, providing her support and warmth in the moment.

Takeshi made his way down to the basement through a secret entrance, flipping on the lights to reveal a room in disarray. The walls were covered in boards with pictures of both villains and heroes, each accompanied by descriptions. Nostalgia washed over him as he ran a hand over a table, reminiscing about his youthful days when he and his friends had stirred up trouble together.

"It's been so long since I came here," Takeshi mused.

He began rummaging through stacks of paper and drawers, searching for something. It took nearly an hour, hindered by the dust and the clutter, but he finally found what he was looking for – a photo from his younger days, featuring himself and some other individuals. He couldn't help but chuckle as he gazed at a certain green-haired figure.

"I knew why he looked familiar," Takeshi said quietly. "I didn't expect you to have a son, Jade Hunter."


It's been so long since I continue writing this...sorry. i didn't really had motivation to do this but seeing you guys voting my story made  me feel bad. I appreciate for the support you guys gave ❤ and I'll try my best to publish once a week.

Can we appreciate this amazing fanart. Especially Momo. She look wonderful

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