One Step At a Time

由 Idontknowwhattoname4

504K 8.4K 1.3K

Arabelle Vine, a 22 year old photographer in Seattle Washington, is happy with her current life. She has frie... 更多

Chapter 1: Pain
Chapter 2: Training
Chapter 3: Guys Night Out
Chapter 4: Parents
Chapter 5: Him
Chapter 6: Girls Night Out
Chapter 7: Shower
Chapter 8: Eye Contact
Chapter 9: Mystery Girl
Chapter 10: Nacho Cheese
Chapter 11: Homecoming
Chapter 12: Text message
Chapter 13: Dog park
Chapter 14: Model
Chapter 15: Cooties
Chapter 16: Beautiful
Chapter 17: Skipping stones
Chapter 18: Pretty Boy
Chapter 19: Middle Names
Chapter 20: Paparazzi
Chapter 21: Kiss Me
Chapter 22: One Step At a Time
Chapter 23: Ideas
Chapter 24: Taste
Chapter 25: Cat Scratch
Chapter 26: Crazy Bitch
Chapter 27: My girl
Chapter 28: Home
Chapter 29: Things Happen
Chapter 30: You Were Always Mine
Chapter 31: Something is Wrong
Chapter 33: I'm Sorry
Chapter 34: Surprise
Chapter 35: Promise Ring
Chapter 36: Good Vibrations
Chapter 37: Thanksgiving
Chapter 38: Mr.Darcy

Chapter 32: I need her

9.3K 173 71
由 Idontknowwhattoname4

Song: I found by Amber Run

"Come on, pick up." The phone rings for the last time before ending. I've tried calling her twice already to let her know I am on my way, but she hasn't answered either call. She always picks up.

I toss my phone onto the passengers seat, pulling up to a red light. I run my hand through my hair, my other hand gripping the steering wheel tightly.

I have a feeling that something isn't right. Something is wrong with my girl. My gut is telling me she is in danger.

The light changes to green, my car jerks forward as I make my way down the street of her apartment building.

I put on my turning signal as I pull up to the parking garage. I wave my hand signaling the other driver pulling out of the parking garage to go.

I drum my fingers against the steering wheel as I search for a spot to park. I finally find one, and I don't even bother to see if I park in the lines before I am hopping out of the car.

I quickly make my way over to the elevator, locking my car behind me. The feeling I have is getting worse as I wait for the insanely slow elevator to arrive. Arabelle told me the elevator that leads directly to the parking garage is incredibly slow.

"I'm not waiting for this shit." I shove my car keys into my jacket pocket. I swing the door that leads to the stairs open and I make my way up them.

"Floor 7," I mumble as I pass another door, I climb another flight of stairs,"floor 8." I open the door, hearing it bang against the wall. The door spits me out right by the elevators, and I make a right. I come to the very end of the hallway and stop at the last apartment door, apartment H44.

I knock twice on the door waiting to see her beautiful self open the door, but she doesn't. "Arabelle!" I bang on her door. "Arabelle! Are you in there?"

Again, she doesn't answer. I pull out my phone and click on her contact. I put my ear up to the door and wait. Seconds later I hear her phone ring from through the door. So she is home. "Arabelle, come on, baby. Answer me please."

The phone stops ringing and I grip the doorknob praying that for once she might of forgotten to lock it. I should have known better than to think she would forget. I grip the doorknob tightly in one hand and begin to ram my body into the door.

"Excuse me? What are you doing?" I pause and turn to the apartment next door. An older women is standing outside her apartment, in her hand she grips a dish towel and her phone.

"Call 911." I tell her.

"Why, what is going on."

"Your neighbor, Arabelle Vine, she is my girlfriend and she is inside but she's not answering her phone or door. I spoke to her earlier and something has happened I just know it. Please call 911, please." I plead.

"Yes, of course." I continue to attempt to open her door as she calls 911.

"They'll be here soon." She tells me.

My hands shake as I become more frantic. "Arabelle, please if you can here me say something." I hear nothing and I feel tears well up in my eyes.

"Do you have a hair clip or something that might help me pick the lock." I ask the kind women.

"Let me check." She enters her home and a minute later comes out with a small hair pin. "Will this work?"

"I don't know, but all we can do is try." I'm praying that I know Arabelle enough, to know that she only uses one lock during the day and uses the latch up top at night. If she has the latch on picking the lock will do nothing,

I crouch down onto my knees and squint into the key hole. I slide the pin into the lock and twist it. It takes a few attempts before I finally hear a small and quiet click.

"Yes." I pull the pin from the lock, and take a deep breath before I turn the doorknob. It turns all the way and I'm able to open the door all the way.

I enter her apartment and nothing looks out of place, but something feels off.

"Arabelle! I run through the downstairs part of her apartment but there no sign of her. Her purse and camera bag are on her couch so I know she made it home from her photo shoot today safely. A YouTube video is playing on the t.v as well.

I run up the steps, taking two at a time. "Arabelle." I glance around her room seeing her makeup all over her vanity, and her clothes strewn across the floor and her bed. Her phone sits on the top of her vanity.

I hear sirens approaching as I take a closer look throughout her room. I notice her closet light is on, seeping through the small crack.

I push on the door lightly, and I'm met with a sight I never wanted to see. Something I would only see in a nightmare.

"Arabelle! Oh my god." I fall to the ground beside her, taking her head in my hands, "wake up, Beautiful. Please."

I lean down and put my ear to her chest, a sigh of relief leaves me when I hear the slow sound of her heart. It's slow but it's there. I push a strand of hair out of her face, and it's now that I notice tears are streaming down my face.

"Wake up, please." I catch a tear before it is able to fall onto her face. "You can't leave me, I need you." I sob into her as I pull her closer to me, breathing in the comforting smell of her perfume and shampoo.

"They're in here." I hear feet coming up the steps as I hold her tightly.

"Sir." I feel someone enter the small closet. "Sir, I need you to move away from her."

Arms are gripping me and pulling me away from Arabelle, "no, no, no. She needs me. I need her."

"I understand that, but I need to get her out of here and into the ambulance."

I nod, barely registering what is going on around me. Everything is fuzzy as I follow the paramedics, who hold Arabelles motionless body on the stretcher. If it weren't for the steady motion of her rising chest I would think she was dead.

I'm snapped back into reality when I come upon a group of policemen circled around something on her carpet. I walk towards them but come to halt at what I see.

"Oh God." I cover my mouth to stop the vomit threatening to come out. The sight of Junes dead body lays on the carpet. I know she's dead because she would be up and clawing at the paramedics who carry her owner. If she were alive I would have found her curled up to Arabelles unconscious body.

If she were alive, I would be able to see her chest rising up and down with each breath.

"This is her cat I'm assuming?" A police officer asks.

"Yes," I wipe the tears streaming down my face away, "that's June. Is she- is she dead?"

"I'm sorry." I watch as his partner picks up her limp body, "would you like us to take her to the vet? We can have her cremated for you."

"That's what she would have wanted." I nod, "just let me say goodbye."

"Of course." The one officer leaves and the one holding June comes up to me.

I bend down so I'm closer to her. She looks peaceful and almost like she's sleeping. A sob escapes me as I brush a hand through her soft fur.

"Goodbye sweetheart. I love you so much and your mom does too but she can't be here right now."

I place a kiss on her nose, and unbuckle the small collar she wear around her neck. I nod to the officer and make my way down out of the apartment tears continue to stream down my face.

"Where's the ambulance?" I ask the head officer.

"It left already. She's in pretty bad condition, from the looks of it there was a carbon monoxide leak in her apartment and the others surrounding it. We've gotten everyone out and she is being taken to the hospital fifteen minutes away from here."

"Thank you." I run into the parking garage and make my way up the multiple stories until I find my car.

I drive out of the parking garage while dialing Milos number.


"Milo, I need you to get the girls and the guys and meet me at the Seattle hospital."

"What? Roman what is going on?"

"It's Arabelle. There was a carbon monoxide leak in her apartment and she's being taken to the hospital right now."

"Holy shit. Is she going to be alright?"

"I don't know, I just need everyone to get to the hospital. I don't have her parents number but I know that they are her emergency contacts so the hospital will call them."

"I'm on it. I'll call everyone right now and be there in thirty."

"Thank you." I end the call pulling up to a red light.

I can feel the dried up tears on my cheeks, I rub my thumb across Junes small collar. I can't believe she's gone, Arabelles baby is gone.

I have also gotten close with June, she's like my second child next to Willow. I even bought a little climbing tree for her and a bed and her food to keep at my house when Arabelle sleeps over multiple nights in a row. Even Willow loves her.

I pull into the hospital parking lot, tucking her collar into my pocket. I run my hand through my hair as the motion sensor doors open.

"Hello sir, what can I help you with?"

"Arabelle Vine she was just driven here in an ambulance, there was a carbon monoxide leak in her apartment."

"Oh yes, and what is your name and relation to the patient?"

"Roman King, and she's my girlfriend."

"Okay, she's currently being treated and her parents were called so your going to have to wait in the waiting area until she can be seen."

"Thank you." I turn to walk into the waiting area but pause for a moment, "do you know of her conditions or if she's going to be alright?"

"Let's see, Miss. Vine has been placed in a hyperbaric chamber which speeds the replacement of carbon monoxide with oxygen in her body. She should be okay to see in a couple of hours."

"Thank you." I seat myself in the waiting area. "She's going to be okay." I mutter to myself.

I lean my head back against the wall and close my eyes. Tonight was supposed to be perfect, I was going to take her out to a nice restaurant and then I had a whole movie night planned for afterwards.


"Excuse me." I feel someone shaking me, "um hello."

"Oh Jackson, just let him sleep. We'll talk to him when he wakes up."

"No, I want to finally meet Belles boyfriend." I feel a hard poke against my forehead.

"I'm awake." I groan as my eyes flutter open, I'm met with the harsh lights on the ceiling of the hospital.

"Oh God, now that's an attractive voice to go with an attractive man."

"Jackson Vine, what the fuck."

"Just saying, she's picked a nice one. But not as nice as you of course."

"Thank you." I smirk as I adjust myself in the uncomfortable hospital chair. "I'm Roman, Roman King." I hold out my hand to the large brunette in front of me, "and you must be Arabelles parents."

"Will." The brunette grips my hand firmly, "and this idiot right here is Jackson."

I turn towards the blonde sitting next to me and shake his hand.

He grins widely at me, "it's nice to finally meet the man we've heard so much about. You look even better in person than you do from the pictures."

"Thank you." I laugh.

The happy moment is short lived when I remember where we are and why we are currently sitting in a hospital waiting room.

"How long have I been asleep?"

"We got here around five minutes ago, and the lady at the front desk pointed us towards you and said you've been here for around thirty minutes."

"So we've still got a lot of time until we can see her."

"Unfortunately yes." Will sighs, taking a seat in the unoccupied chair on the other side of me, "thanks to you she's going to be okay. You got their just in time." Jackson places a firm hand on my shoulder.

"Scared the shit out of me, I thought I was going to lose her." I admit, "and June-" I choke up slightly, "June didn't survive."

"You can't be serious." Jackson sighs, running a hand down his face and rubbing his beard.

"She's going to be heartbroken."

"Roman!" I snap my head up the the familiar voice, seeing Milo, Mavis and the others walking towards us.

I pull myself up out of the chair and make my way over. Milo must see something written on my face because as soon as I'm in arms reach he pulls me into a tight hug.

I don't even realize I'm crying until I feel the hot tears touch my cheeks.

"It's going to be okay Roman." Milo tells me.

I feel Kai place a comforting hand on my back. "She's going to be okay." He tells me.

I pull away from the hug and Luca pulls me into a quick one. He was never one for hugs.

"What happened?" Mavis asks.

"Is she okay?" Eloise questions, Eden steps beside her holding her hand.

"She's going to be alright in a couple of hours, so I've been told." I tell them leading them over to Belles dads.

"What exactly happened?" Mavis asks again.

"There was a carbon monoxide leak in her apartment. I knew something was wrong with her when she didn't pick up either of my phone calls or answer the door. I was able to pick the lock and get to her in time. But unfortunately June didn't make it."

"No." Eden gasps.

"Girls!" Will stands up, his arms open for a hug. Mavis immediately wraps her arms around him while Eden and Eloise greet Jackson.

"Hi papa." Mavis greets, she pulls away from him and hugs Jackson. "Hello dad."

The boys all introduce themselves and we all make ourselves cozy while we wait for the doctors to come get us.

It's going to be a long night.



I am not going to lie I cried writing about June.

Im sorry


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