Hating You

By marvelshi

108K 2.1K 12.2K

{ENEMIES TO LOVERS} Ivory Fernández and Kylian De Luca. She's the top assassin. He's the top mafia leader... More

introduction <3
my amazing characters
01 | found you
02 | accompany the enemy
03 | message received
04 | rory
05 | training test
06 | under attack
07 | bad boys
08 | first mission
09 | just keep swimming
10 | it's not a date
12 | avengers assemble
13 | second mission
14 | one star motel
15 | watching the stars
16 | pick up lines
17 | italy
18 | secrets
19 | birthday girl
20 | training session
21 | rooftop
22 | drunk words, sober thoughts
23 | speedy
24 | black ops three
25 | midnight talks
26 | the annual ball
27 | life isn't fair
28 | extraction
29 | stay
30 | truth or a lie
31 | fast and furious
32 | vienna, austria
33 | confessions
34 | eeny meeny, miny moe
35 | connected by light
36 | comfort
38 | one v. one
39 | father of the year
40 | forever
authors note <3

11 | friends

3.7K 83 996
By marvelshi

^^ play the song when i tell you to mfs ^^ and ik i have great taste 🤪

"So where are we-" she starts but before she can finish, I cut her off. "Do you really think I'm going to tell you, Rory?" I chuckle.

Okay, we might be overdressed for the place but it's nice. Besides, what's wrong with wearing a suit at a theme park?

"You're annoying," she sighs. Hmm, I don't know about that one. I would like to disagree.

"You love it," I say teasingly. "Yeah, that's why I feel like jumping off a cliff every time you open your mouth," she grumbles.

Her eyes drop to my lips as they tilt into a slight smirk. "My eyes are up here," I tell her.

She scoffs and looks away, "You're annoying, focus on the road." What? I didn't say anything.

"I'm the best racer, I can drive with my eyes closed," I shrug. I've never lost a race. People are just picking stupidity when they say they wanna race the DK aka me.

"Trying to impress me, Dory?" she smirks. "I don't need to impress anyone," I faintly chuckle, "have you seen me?"

"It's too sad I can't insult you today. We're friends or whatever," she grumbles. Sorry, what? Acting as if she hasn't already insulted me.

"Anyway, I need some music," she reaches for the radio but I grab her hand to stop her.

There's no way she's putting on music. I bet she has horrible taste. Sorry not sorry, Rory.

"You're not picking a song," I state and her mouth dramatically drops. "Pfft- my music taste is way better than yours," she huffs.

"Okay then, on three we'll say our favourite band," I suggest and she reluctantly nods her head. She better not say some horrible band I've never heard of.

"Chase Atlantic," we both blurt out after counting down. You've got to be kidding me.

Her lips form into a smile as she looks holds our gaze. "Chase Atlantic, huh?" she laughs.

"They're good," I mutter, resting one arm on the beside the open window while I steer with one hand.

"The road," she acknowledges. One hand on the steering wheel and my eyes on her? What can go wrong?

"What about it?" I ask, not breaking our gaze. "Kylian," she warns and I finally step on the breaks as it's a red light.

"You know my name," I acknowledge, "but I prefer 'love', you know?"

"Uh, no," she instantly replies," my nicknames for you are Mbappé and Dory."

Mbappé is quite stupid considering I look nothing like him and I'm not French. Dory is also stupid since I don't have bad memory.

"Your nicknames are boring. Mine are cool," I state the obvious, turning the wheel with one hand as I make a left turn.

Rory is a pretty good nickname if you ask me. And no one else calls her it. I'm the one who made it up. Call me Einstein 2.0.

"Woah," she mumbles as she stares at the huge rollercoasters, "your nicknames aren't cool but that is."

"You've never been to a theme park?" I ask in shock. I don't even know why I'm surprised. I've never been to one either.

"Nope," she shrugs. "Well, there's first times for everything," I say, driving into the parking lot.

Is it pretty stupid that I bought a theme park? Yes. Do I care? No. It didn't cost that much. Like two million or something.

"You're kidding," she laughs and I simply shake my head. "You're a very good friend, Kylian."

"Why thank you," I chuckle and finally park the car. She called me a good friend. I'm never going to let go of that.

I'm pretty sure it doesn't count because of today but I'm still going to remind her of it every day.

I get out and walk to her side. As soon as she tries to open the door, I shut it then open it myself. Look at me being nice.

I glance at her with a proud grin as she steps out. "You're such a gentleman, Dory," she sarcastically says, placing her hand on her heart.

"Oh, I know," I smirk and sling my arm over her shoulder. "So, my love, what do you want to do first?"

"May the best shooter win!" she yells as she runs to the game where you shoot ducks with water guns. Bit concerning, Rory, but sure.

After catching up, I take a seat beside her. "Watch me win." I'm the best mafia leader. She's the best assassin. Whatever, I'm still winning.

"You're a narcissist," she makes known, turning on the game. "Me, a narcissist?" I gasp dramatically. She did not.

"Mhm," she murmurs and grips onto the gun. I have no idea what she's on about. She's the narcissist if you ask me.

I pick up the gun and start shooting at the ducks. Poor ducks. I've got priorities though.

"I'm winning," she states and I roll my eyes. "Trying to distract me, Rory?" I scoff.

Smiling innocently, she aims her gun at me. "You can't backstab me like this, Ivory," I feign a sigh, "we're friends, aren't we?"

"Do you want me to ruin your outfit, Kylian," she teases, pretending to push on the trigger.

I'm hurt, to say the least. What happened to friends? It's safe to say I need some Taylor Swift right now.

Is that the right saying? Kylo and Bella talk about her all the time. She once asked him if he can break up with her so she can listen to Taylor.

Guess what? He did since he wanted to listen to her as well. I was confused and I still am confused.

I stand up abruptly once I hear a weird sound and so does she. "What is that monstrosity?" I ask, looking at a four-legged thingy. 

"What do you mean, idiot?" she laughs, "It's a cat."

Her laugh is kind of nice I guess. I'm only saying this because of our friends agreement.

"You dipshit," shaking her head, she walks towards it and picks the gremlin up. No. Nah. Nope. I'm not doing this today.

"Get it away from me," I grumble as she walks in my direction. I am not touching or getting anywhere near that cat.

"Scared?" she teases, getting awfully close to me with that cat in her hands. Is she okay? How is she holding it?

"Of cats? Yes," I reply bluntly, "now get it away from me."

Cats are just not it. Dogs are way better. Everyone knows that and if someone disagrees then they're just stupid.

Laughing, she gently placed it down and it runs off. Good. Run off, little dog wannabe.

After hearing the game music die down, we both look up at the score. "A tie?" we mumble at the same time.

"That wasn't fair, your stupid ass got afraid of a cat and distracted me," she scoffs.

"That's not very friendly, is it, love?" I tilt my head slightly. "That's how I act with Isiah," she shrugs, "also you distracted me."

"Too bad, too sad," I sigh exaggeratedly, throwing my arm over her shoulder again.

I seriously have a problem with copying her words. But am I going to admit that? Absolutely not.

"What now?" I ask her. I'll pretty much do anything, I don't really care, so why not let her pick?

"The rollercoaster thingy that swings side to side," she answers and I try to hold back my laughter but couldn't. I'm seriously concerned for myself.

"That's what she said." I'm determined to not say that phrase ever again. That will be the last time.

"Shush, only I get to say that," she nudges my shoulder. "Mhm, sure," I respond sarcastically. Let's pretend I didn't agree to not saying that phrase just a second ago.

"Wait," she suddenly stops, and my eyebrows furrow. "What? Something wrong?" I quickly ask.

"I need to play that basketball game and you need to help me because I really want that giant stuffed donut," she says, "also you can't say no. You're my friend and friends help, right, Dory?"

Why does she want a faint stuffed donut? I mean, why not? "I'll help since I'm such a good friend," I sigh exaggeratedly.

"Great," she smiles and grabs my hand, dragging me to the game.

I've played basketball with Kylo and Elio but that was ages ago and I need to help her win because if she wants that stupid donut then I'll help her get it.

She presses a button to turn on the game then hands be a basketball. "We can do this. Teamwork makes the dream work."

"No one says that," I laugh at her stupid statement. "Oh, well," she shrugs and grabs a basketball.

The only person that would say it is a maths teacher that drinks a concerning amount of coffee.

I throw the basketball and it gets in the hoop. This is easy. I might as well be called LeBron James.

"I'm five foot six. Why can't I get it in," she grumbles. She's five foot six? I'm six foot three.

I place my hands on top of hers that are on the basketball and shoot. "Like that," I mumble as it perfectly gets into the hoop.

I take a step back and watch as it tries again. Sure enough, the basketball goes in. Yeah, I'm definitely LeBron James.

The game finally stops and we scored more than enough, making the glass box full of toys open. This is some fancy-ass theme park.

Smiling, she grabs the donut and shoves it in my chest. "You're holding it." I helped her and she's making me hold it?

"You did that little, very unfriendly trick so you get to hold it," she tells me with a shrug.

"What trick, Rory?" I smirk. Oh, I know what she's on about. I just want to hear her say it.

"Shut up," she huffs. "Whatever you say, my love," looking down at her, I sling my arm over her shoulder.


"Which is your favourite assassin thing
to use?" I ask her. Now we're sitting on top of my car as music plays on the radio while eating cotton candy.

The last game we played is bumper cars and she claims she won. How did you even win in bumper cars? I have no idea.

"Throwing knives," she answers, turning her head to meet my eyes.

"I mean, you did use it while you were trying to kill me so I'm not surprised," I chuckle. It also almost chopped my ear off.

"We shall not talk about that, Señor Mbappé," she says, pointing her cotton candy stick at me.

She almost chopped my ear off and expects me to not talk about it? I mean, I'm not one to talk considering I've busted her lip. But she did bust my lip multiple times too.

"Uh, no," I scoff, "while we're on that subject, why did you kill some of my people?"

"It was a social experiment," she shrugs. Is she being serious? She couldn't think of any other excuse?

"Social experiment. Really, Rory?" I tilt my head as I wait for a reply, holding back a smile.

"You don't have to believe me but it's true," she says with a serious face. Very funny.

"Oh, my God," she beams and jumps off the car, "it's raining."

"Why are you excited about rain?" I laugh, jumping off as well. It just gets you all wet. That's what she- no.

"Because-" she starts but stops herself. "That's my favourite song, meaning you're going to dance with me, whether you like it or not, loser."

(play it now losers)

I roll my eyes but my lips form a smile despite my efforts. Maybe she isn't that bad. Still bad but not that bad.

I would never admit it but today was sort of fun. I just do work and kill all day and this was kinda like a break.

"I'm going back to 505," she sings, holding the candy floss stick as a microphone. I can't help but laugh as she grabs my hand and pulls me closer to her.

"We're going to get soaked," I tell her. "So what? Dance with me," she shrugs.

"Okay, fine," I finally agree and her smile grows at my words. Oh, she has faint dimples.

With her hand in mine, I spin her around before pulling her back flush against me. "You have a nice smile, you know?"

"You're going to regret admitting that," she tells me, looking up to meet my eyes. "Oh, well," I shrug.

Without warning, I dip her. "You're not going to compliment me back?" If I admitted that, she has to admit something back.

"No," she smirks and I look at her with a blank look. Really?

"You're a bad friend," I murmur, sighing dramatically as I pull her back up. I'm a way better friend than her.

"I was joking, idiot," she pushes my shoulder slightly, "I like the way you hold back your smile."

Shit. I'm doing that right now.

"Like what you're doing right now," she chuckles, her eyes flickering to my lips.

"I can't wait to go back to hating you," I admit.

"I can't wait to go back to hating you as well," she says, "I miss insulting you. Being friends is weird."

"Hating you is way better," I reply teasingly. "Mhm, I agree," she nods her head sternly.

We came here around five. Now it's midnight. But none of us even realised. It only felt like an hour but I guess not.

"There's another mission soon, we're going to Italy," I state, catching her attention.

"Don't talk about any missions," she says, "we're two normal teenagers having fun, and dancing in the rain."

I know but it's weird. My life was never normal. I started training as soon as I could walk. I never experienced my childhood.

I never experienced my childhood. Ouch.

"Two normal teenagers," I repeat with a slight smile. "That are friends, and go to high school," she adds.

"West Valley High," I laugh, spinning her around one again. The most basic school name.

"And we're applying to Harvard," she says. It's always Harvard. "Can't forget that," I mutter.

"You would have peaked in high school," I tell her and she dramatically gasps. I don't know why she's so shocked. It's pretty obvious.

"You would be the girl the mean girls hate," I add. "I would kick their asses so hard," she laughs faintly. Yeah, she probably would.

After a moment of silence, I look down to see her practically asleep, resting her head on my chest.

Gently, I pick her up, open the car door, and rest her in the backseat. I'm hurt that she fell asleep, very hurt.

God- I can't believe I agreed to dance in the rain with her. Now we're both drenched in water. But it was worth it.


I lay down on the bed and I was about to walk out when I realise something. You don't wear makeup when you go to sleep right? I think you don't.

I go into the bathroom, grab a makeup wipe and carefully take her makeup off. This is how you do it right? She's going to kill me if I'm doing it wrong but I'm being nice.

I'm only doing this because I'm her friend for the time being. The day doesn't end until we're both asleep, so technically, the agreement still stands.

I kneel down and attempt to take her high heels off. Why do they have so many straps? They're cool though so it's fine.

After taking them off, I put the blanket over her and toss the stuffed donut beside her before finally leaving. Wow, that was such a nice gesture. I'm the best friend ever.

Today was surprisingly fun. Who knew hanging out with Ivory would be fun? Pretty sure it was fun because of me.

this was too cute

word count | 2732

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