Cheaters/Abusers x Male Reade...

By Shadowking2030

184K 2.1K 881

A Story where you (Y/N) is cheated and abused by those who you thought was people you loved but apparently w... More

Important Notice
Bio Information
Prologue The Day A Protector Vanished
Chapter 1 A New World DxD Part 1
Chapter 2 Meeting the First One DxD Part 2
Chapter 3 The Magical Advisor Appears DxD Part 3
Chapter 5 A Meeting with a Fiance DxD Part 5
Chapter 6 a Hellish Training DxD Part 6
Chapter 7 The Match For Ones Freedom DxD Part 7
Chapter 8 A Familiar plus A Holy Meeting DxD Part 8
Chapter 9 Meeting with the Angels and Fallens Dxd Part 9
Multiversal Army
Chapter 10 Facing a War Crazed Fallen DxD Part 10
Chapter 11 Meeting the White Dragon Emperor + Reading the letter DxD part 11
Chapter 12 The fifth Lover Plus Training DxD Part 12
Chapter 13 Answers received Dxd part 13
Chapter 14 A Life Changing Wish DxD Finale
Bio Update
Chapter 15 A New World RWBY Part 1
Chapter 16 A Day in Remnant RWBY Part 2
Chapter 17 Training The Arc + Tearful Reunion RWBY Part 3
Chapter 18 Match Against the Bully's RWBY Part 4
Chapter 19 Defending a City RWBY Part 5
Chapter 20 Immense Training + Confessions RWBY PART 6
Chapter 21 Meeting a Thief and a ice cream RWBY PART 7
Chapter 22 Obtaining the Golden Transport RWBY PART 8
Chapter 23 The Trap is Sprung RWBY PART 9
Chapter 24 The Unforgettable School Dance RWBY PART 10
Chapter 25 Triple Confessions RWBY part 11
Chapter 26 A Short Vision + Training RWBY Part 12
Chapter 27 Old Foe Appears + Clue RWBY Part 13
Chapter 28 Answers + Departure RWBY PART 14 (Final)
Chapter 29 Reunion and Confrontation Genshin Part 1
Chapter 30 Settling a Old Score Genshin Part 2
Chapter 31 Childhood Friends Reunite Genshin Part 3
Chapter 32 Meeting The Archon of Geo and Lightning + Confessions Genshin Part 4
Chapter 33 Visions Unlocked and a Family discussion Genshin Part 5
Chapter 34 Confessions + Training Genshin Part 6
Chapter 35 Tragedy Strikes Genshin Part 7
Chapter 36 New Universe Borderlands Part 1
Chapter 37 Saving a Leader Borderlands Part 2
Chapter 38 The Evil Jack appears Borderlands Part 3
Chapter 39 A Special base + Discussion Borderlands Part 4
Chapter 40 A Test and meeting the b-team Borderlands Part 5
Transformation Question
Chapter 41 Training Session and Confession Borderlands Part 6
Harem + World Question
Chapter 42 an attack on Sanctuary Borderlands Part 7
Chapter 43 Stealing the key Borderlands Part 8
Chapter 44 The Royal Reveal Borderlands Part 9
Chapter 45 Training with the Raiders Borderlands Part 10
Chapter 46 confessions and meeting the Sheriff Borderlands Part 11
Chapter 47 Training and a Confession Borderlands Part 12
Chapter 48 A Clue Found and Onward to the next World Borderlands Part 13

Chapter 4 Magic Training Under a Devil Leader DxD Part 4

4.2K 61 29
By Shadowking2030



Present Time Y/Ns PoV

Y/N:I want the circle to be F/C (Favorite Color) as for the design in the middle I want and this will shock you all but I want a devil a angel and a fallen angel all holding a sword which will be crossed over one another with a universe below them in the middle as if the three are sworn to protect the universe

My request shocks the devil's

Ajuka:it shall be done but I might be the first to say that you're the first one to request such a design for a magic circle. one question though do you have any inspiration of each race as to model the devil angel and fall off of?

Y/N:To be honest no I don't I mean if anything maybe you can model the devil off of Satan himself? As well he is literally the devil himself

Sirzechs:That is true but maybe you can have God as the model for the angel?

Sona:That can work

Ajuka:I might know of someone who can model for the fallen angel of the design but you'll meet the person one day

Y/N:Alright also I want the circle to have a feature added to it which by that I want the circle to only be able to teleport myself and those who join me on my journey to only teleport to places I've seen or been to in that particular part of the multiverse. An example would be the warehouse where I met Rias and her group for the first time that I arrived here in this part of the multiverse

Rias:Speaking of that I want to ask something but is it a ki ability you used that temporarily blinded us that night?

Sona:Blinded you?

Y/N:Yes somewhat and despite the move being of light variety I'm surprised that you are still around since if I'm right light based moves is dangerous to devil's well according to one of my mentor's

Sirzechs:Can you elaborate on the move?

Y/N:I can show it but be warned it will blind you temporarily so be prepared. Rias I recommend you and your group go into another room or close your eyes tight

Rias and her group nod and all leave the room

Y/N:Now then if you all would stand in like a group before me so that the move can affect you all at once

Sirzechs and the rest looks at each other confused before doing just that

Y/N:Right like I said to Rias and her group when I first used this on them I'm Sorry but Solar Flare!

Again replace krillin with you and Frieza with Sirzechs Sona Serafall Tsubaki Grayfia and Ajuka

The group before me all groan as they try to recover the sight in their eyes which after a few minutes regain their sight

Sirzechs:I'm amazed that you have such a underhanded technique Y/N

Y/N:Yeah.... Anyway is the circle made Lord Ajuka?

Ajuka:it is and you can just call me Ajuka since I should be the one to call you Lord Y/N as your sacred gear contains the former leaders of heaven and hell themselves but my question is how will you get to the underworld if you want the magic circle to only allow you to go to places you've been to or seen?

?????:I can help with that

Suddenly just as Rias and her group re-enter the room a portal appears and out appears the goddess of the devil's herself Rias

Issei:Woah! Two Rias!

I kneel before the goddess

Y/N:Lady Rias it's a honor to see you again after a few days your grace

Rias (Goddess):Rise Y/N

I do just that

Sirzechs:Are you really the goddess version of my sister?

Rias (Goddess):Yes and I will communicate with you another time for now Y/N stand next to me.

I stand next to Lady Rias

Rias (Goddess):Serafall


Rias (Goddess): meet us at the arena where the rating games take place as that is where the two of you will train at to help Y/N with his magic learning


Rias (Goddess) and I vanish from sight of the club room with sera following behind us

Arriving at the arena I look around to see an amazing architecture

Rias (Goddess):Now to ensure no one is to interrupt the training I will now place the both of you behind a large dome like barrier

Rias (Goddess) casts a very powerful spell which amazes sera

Y/N:What's the difference between this dome and a normal one my lady?

Rias (Goddess):This dome has a few features that would make any mage glee with joy

Serafall:How so?

Rias (Goddess):well one feature it has is to make those inside of it be completely invisible to the eyes of others what's more is that those who arrive at the arena can't see touch or hear those behind the dome and it makes the perspective of those looking at the dome look like there's nothing new with the arena plus they can't touch the dome unless I allow it

Y/N:So while we are in here we are unable to be seen heard or touched by the others? Is there anything else we should know?

Rias (Goddess):Yes time goes by insanely slow while in here meaning you both can get massively strong if you both so choose to do so

Serafall:How slow we talking?

Rias (Goddess) then begins to explain about the time which shocks us she then also tells me that once I finish training with Serafall and the magic god trains me a little that she will teach me how to make the dome for myself in case I wish to train without her making the dome for me

Rias (Goddess):Now then I will leave you two to your training remember you have a day to get some intense training done

We both nod which Rias (Goddess) then leaves prompting us to begin our training

3rd PoV

Serafall:now let's begin the training. First what is magic can you tell me?

Serafall asks Y/N

Y/N:Magic is the concept of energy which resides in all of us and while some of us have gained access to it some have it locked deep within themselves and can only gain access to it when a certain requirement is fulfilled

Serafall smiles a little

Serafall:That is a textbook example some of us supernatural folks learn but a good job none the less. Now pay attention to what appears in my hand

Y/N nods and looks at Serafall's Hand

Serafall then lifts up her hand which several water bubbles appear above her hand

Basically what Serafall did

Serafall:Now magic can come in all kinds of elements from the water we drink to the very ground we walk on even the air and space beyond the clouds have a magical type that is possible to use if you can learn it properly

Y/N:Alright I'm right to say that you'll be teaching me about water magic since the title leviathan also represents the water serpent of the sea?

Serafall:you know your mythology but yes I will be teaching you about water magic

Before the two could begin training Rias (Goddess) reappears in the dome with both Sirzechs and Grayfia

Rias (Goddess):Y/N these two will also help you in training to learn the magic of this world and remember on your sixth day here in this world one of us will come by and evaluate you on how your training is coming along

Y/N:I understand Lady Rias.

Rias (Goddess) vanishes from the dome but not before leaving a note saying how long the three will have for training Y/N

Sirzechs:So we have a day to train then... Well let's begin then shall we?

Grayfia:what have you learned so far?

Y/N:Nothing yet Serafall *Serafall glares at Y/N* excuse me Sera *Serafall smiles* was just about to teach me the basics of water magic since I kinda guessed that her title of leviathan also has similarities to the water serpent of the sea with the same name

Sirzechs:Your quite knowledgeable about mythological creatures but yes the title does hold some similarities to the sea serpent

Y/N:Anyway sera shall we begin?

Serafall nods and walks over to Y/N

Serafall:Now like you did in the clubhouse where our Rias is located try to bring forth a ball of water in your hand

Y/N nods and does what he did earlier in the clubhouse to which is closes his eyes and focuses on the energy inside him

Bringing his hands close together a magical feeling begins to come forth Which a ball of energy is soon seen by Sirzechs Grayfia and Serafall

The ball of water you was able to summon

Y/N:Sera is this good?

Y/N asks

Serafall:That's perfect!


Grayfia:Let us continue

Y/N Sirzechs and Serafall all nod their heads

The four then proceed to do some intense magical training which Y/N is able to learn the elements of water ice and destruction from the three high ranking devil's

Timeskip 1 day Y/Ns PoV

After 1 day of being taught magic by sera Grayfia and Sirzechs I return to the clubhouse with said individuals

Rias:Welcome back Y/N how did it go?

I proceed to show what all I learned which the destruction spell shocks Rias

Rias:But how?! I thought only my family could use the power of destruction!

Sirzechs:Well turns out Y/N here is really and I mean really good at learning all types of magic even our family's destruction magic

Y/N:By the way Rias who is she?

I point towards the girl sitting on the couch

Rias:Right so here's what happened while you was away

Rias explains what happened in the past day which resulted in her gaining a new member to her peerage

Y/N:Well then My Name is Y/N L/N it is nice to meet you Ms Argentino

Sirzechs expresses his fondness for his sister getting a new piece

Y/N:Anyway Rias I'm gonna head up to my room and rest I'll see you all tomorrow for school

I walk up to my room which I then lay on the bed and fall asleep


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