Shot clock | Book 2 in USC se...

By dontworryboutit123

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Book two Rhegan Clarke: A girl who has everything but struggles to grasp the one thing she truly wants. " I... More

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By dontworryboutit123

I held up the dress to my body as I stood in front of the mirror trying to find the perfect outfit.

He was going to be there today— I could feel it in my gut.

Almost like a case of phantom dick.

" Ugh," I groan as I throw the dress to the side.

I rummage through my now messy closet and pull out a sheer red top that was cropped and tied in the front. I kept my bra on as I slid my arms into the long sleeved top, the ends of it were lined with faux feathers that boas were made of.

It looked like something every main character female lead in the late nineties, early two thousands would wear, which is why I bought it.

I grabbed a pair of black flared jeans that hugged my figure nicely. I turned slightly in the mirror, my chin hooked over my shoulder as I examined the way that the jeans hugged my ass.

I wore a black bra under the top because it gets cold in the stadium and having my nipples hard and visible the whole time— is just a big fat no.

" Nice," I mumble as I reach for my red metallic retro's to bring the outfit together. I ran my eyes over the outfit once more, feeling like something was still missing.

I ran back into my belt drawer and pulled out a  crystal belly chain. Instead of wearing it around my belly, I looped the chain through my belt loops and wore it as a belt instead.

" I like it."

Finding that I liked the look of this better than the other outfits I had put together, I grabbed a few rings and shoved them on my fingers before doing some touch ups to my hair and makeup.

The outfit wasn't my usual attire but I liked to switch it up from time to time. Plus I didn't want to look like I was trying too hard to impress the guy that I left.

I walked into the bathroom and examined my look all over again.

My hair was in a slicked back braided ponytail, the end of it almost reaching my lower back due to me not cutting it. I used a brush and some gel to fix a few fly aways that had aborted the mission.

I then did a few touch-ups to my face, swiping on a new coat of cherry red lipstick before plopping the tube into my bag.

I stepped away from the mirror, taking in my outfit, hair, and makeup. I ran my hands down my body as I began to feel confident in my own skin.

" You look hot!" Ayanna's voice was heard from my bathroom doorway.

I turned towards my best friend and took her in.

She was wearing a cropped white beater that showed her under boob and had her tattoos on full display. Her Tommy Hilfiger underwear label was exposed just a little above her sweats. Her hair was in a ponytail with a banana clip holding it together, her curls were sprouting out of the top.

" You look hotter!" I gasped as she waved me off.

My friends were so hot.

" Ready to go?" She asked as she spun on her heels.

" Yup," I grabbed my purse and scurried after her, the sound of the bottom of my sneakers squeaked against the floor as I ran after her.

When we arrived down stairs, all of the girls were waiting for us by the door. All of them putting on their last finishing touches.

" The cars here!" Sade shouts from the kitchen," Hurry up and get your shots, whores!"

We all take a quick detour into the kitchen, downing the shots quickly with the exception of Audrey who takes her time sipping on her cherry coke. We then hurried to the elevator and waited for it to come up.

Luckily it was a private elevator that not everyone had access to.

All the way down to the garage, I fiddled with the ring on my finger as my nerves started to quickly settle in. Ayanna took notice as usual and grabbed my hand, she held it all the way down and during the entirety of the car ride to the stadium.

When we got into the stadium, we took our usual seats that were practically reserved for us at this point.

I looked at the time, noticing that it was ten minutes until the game started and they weren't here yet. Maybe they couldn't make it in time. But I knew that wasn't true because they would never miss Haze and Xander's first game of the season.

The teams eventually made their way onto the court and the guys still weren't here. I felt like I wanted to throw up as my nerves started to get the best of me.

" Why are you so nervous today?" Audrey asked as she noticed my fidgeting.

Elizabeth snorted at Audrey's question," Because she's seeing her man today, Audrey. Keep up with the program babe."

I pinched Elizabeth's forearm as she let out a squeal." He is not my man," I correct her as Ayanna opens her mouth. " Don't even, Ayanna," I warn as I see three familiar figures walking behind Marcus and Abel.

They came. He came.

He was here, in the fucking flesh.

And he looked so fine.

He wore a white tee shirt, a black denim jacket, cargo pants and some black and white dunks.

" Oh dear god," Jora whispered as her eyes followed Kyler's path. He jogged behind Dominic, catching up with the group as they approached their old teammates.

Haze and Xander jumped up in surprise at the sight of them. Haze immediately ran into Carson's arms, jumping on him like a big baby.

" How cute!" Sade gushed as Ayanna snapped a picture of the encounter.

It really was a sweet moment that they all shared together after being apart for so long.

The group embraced in a big hug, making up for the lost time they had due to their busy schedules now. They quickly dispersed before speaking quickly to Haze and Xander.

And before I knew it, they were headed over to us.

" Are they coming over here?" I whisper to the only other person who would be shitting their pants right now.

" Mhmm." Jora grabs my hand as we both slide in our seats, wishing that the ground would swallow us whole at the moment.

" We are so screwed," I whispered.

" So screwed," she repeated as she fixed her top.

She was wearing a white corset top that laces up in the back, it had pink lacing detail on the side, and she paired it with white low rise jeans. The Vivienne Westwood pearl necklace around her neck really tied the look together.

Her hair was parted down the middle with two bubble braid ponytails.

" Oh fuck, where'd they go?" She panicked as I looked up, not seeing them in our line of sight anymore.

" Awww, you guys were looking for us."

No. No. No. No. No. No.

I clenched my eyes shut tightly at the sound of Kyler's voice coming from right behind us. My grip tightened around Jora's hand as we both turned around, coming face to face with the men that we had been avoiding for the last three months.

Dominic sat right behind me.

He took no shame as he ran his gaze up and down my body. It felt like he was stripping me bare as he took in every inch of skin that was on display, the necklaces that spilled between my breast, my facial features— he soaked all of it up.

I heard my heart beating in my ears as his eyes landed on mine once more.

And then he smiled.

And I felt my heart drop into my stomach.

Even after three months apart, his gaze still felt the same, he still looked at me the same. His fucking smile that made me weak in the knees, was still the damn same.

Nothing about him had changed since the last time we had seen each other. He was still effortlessly handsome and carried himself with that same cocky confidence.

I was sure that I had stopped breathing as he kept his sole focus on me. His eyes stared deeply into mine, almost burrowing into my soul. I had no clue what to do with myself, I had no clue what to do with my body.

Do I say hi? Do I apologize profusely for being so dumb and stupid? Or do I act cold and pretend like nothing happened?

It's not like he would care— I was one hundred percent positive that Dominic got off on me being a bitch.

And I had tons of evidence to prove it.

" Are they just going to stare or?" Audrey whispered to the person next to her.

" Give it a minute," Elizabeth responded.

I would need more than a damn minute, maybe a lifetime.

A lifetime would be best because staring at him was better than admitting that I fucked up. Staring was better than admitting that I made a stupid, stupid mistake.

Staring was better than admitting that my actions three months ago were actions of a coward.

Why couldn't he just be mad at me? Why did he have to look at me like this? Why did I have to melt for him with just one look?

Why couldn't he just hate me?

" Hi Rhegan," his voice was hoarse as one of us finally broke the prolonged silence between us.

" Hi Dominic," I spoke, feeling my cheeks heat up under his heavy gaze.

He opened his mouth to speak once more but the sounds of the announcers saved me from having to engage in a conversation with him right now. I quickly turned around as Jora sunk into her seat once more.

" A sink hole isn't going to appear and magically swallow your ass up," I lean closer to her, whispering into her ear as she lets out an annoyed grunt.

" I wish it would and put me out of my fucking misery," she whispered back as I nodded my head in agreement.

" They would come back looking finer than the last time we saw them. It's a bit trifling if you ask me,"she sighs as the game starts up." The world is truly out for us at the moment."

I couldn't argue with that.

Was this my karma? I mean I know that I'm a bitch and all... Well if this was my karma it could've been worse.

The atmosphere around us is thick with a mixture of awkwardness and tension. All of our friends studied us closely, trying to see what would happen next.

Like always, my thumb started to pick at the ring that was wrapped around it, twisting it as I focused on Haze and Xander stepping onto the court.

My nerves were on one hundred now with him so close yet so far away from me. Not even my meds could calm the storm raging throughout my mind and body.

" Did you take your meds today?" His woodsy scent attacked me as he leaned forward.

I closed my eyes as I forced myself to stop fidgeting. A warm feeling spread throughout my body at his worry and care regarding my health.

" Yes." I force myself to speak as his breath flutters against the back of my neck. A familiar tingle runs down my spine at the feel of his breath against my skin again.

It had felt like ages since the last time I felt it.

" Are you nervous, Rhegan?" His tone was teasing, knowing damn well that he was affecting every nerve and bone in my body at the moment.

" For Haze and Xander," I swallow as the lie forms," Of course I am."

Dominic chuckles at that obvious lie, " You were always such a bad liar, Rhegan." With that, he leaned back as the game started up.

My fingers began to fidget once more, most likely creating a bruise on my thumb due to how many times I twisted the ring around the meat of it. Ayanna being Ayanna, reached over and gripped my hand softly, stopping all motions of me fidgeting with the piece of steel that was wrapped on my thumb.

I sent her grateful smile as she squeezed my hand once more, telling me that everything was going to be okay.

And I knew that it would be.

No matter what happened between me and Dominic, everything would turn out the way it was supposed to and we would all be okay.

"Wooo!" The girls and I shot out of our seats as Haze made his first shot of the season.

" Go Audrey's man!" Sade shouted as Audrey's face turned red from embarrassment. The guys chuckled from behind us as a few girls in the row in front of us turned their heads quickly.

One girl gave Audrey a stare that didn't sit well with my spirit at all.

When she looked her up and down with a disdain that I for sure didn't like, I leaned over and tapped her on her shoulder.

" Hi," I greet sweetly. " Is there a problem?" I asked as she furrowed her brows in confusion.

" With you," she looked me up and down before averting her gaze back to Audrey." No."

I didn't like that response," So there is a problem?"

The girl shifted uncomfortably in her seat as I sat down, crossing my leg and perching my elbow onto my knee as I waited for her to answer.

" None that you need to worry about," she rolled her eyes before turning around.

Strike three.

Jora scuffed beside me as I exchanged a glance with Ayanna. She had a look of shock and amusement written on her face at the girl's dismissal.

" Clearly she doesn't know who the fuck she's talking to," Elizabeth mumbled as I tapped her shoulder once more.

" What?" She snapped with a nasty attitude as she faced me once more.

I smiled, knowing that my attitude was ten times as nasty and ten times as worse.

" There is no problem," I lean forward, our faces inches apart as I tell her about herself. " I'm sure you have a problem with a girl you don't know based on a comment that you don't even know to be true." I smirk, knowing that it was but she didn't.

" So for you to have an issue with my friend over someone who probably isn't even aware of your existence," I feign a pout as she swallows thickly.

" Is pretty fucking pathetic."

The pout falls from my lips as I straighten up," So from here on out," I point between the girl and Audrey," That problem is as non-existent as you are to him. Got that ?"

The girl clenched her jaw as she turned her nose up." And why should I listen to anything that you say?"

If she wasn't such a bitch and we had met in different circumstances, I would've liked her. But we didn't, so I don't.

My eyes widened in amusement as I forced a smile to appear on my face. "Because this is me being nice hun," I simply say, letting her do what she pleases with that information.

" Fine whatever," she turns around," he's not even that cute anyways."

" Says the girl who literally threw daggers at someone she doesn't know over him," Ayanna snorts," If you're embarrassed then just say that."

Carson places his hand over Ayanna's mouth,"Okay, enough of that, let's be supportive of our rookie." Carson tilts Ayanna's head up before leaning over and placing a kiss on her lips.

They were so cute to the point that it was disgusting.

"That could've been us." I hear Kyler whisper to Jora.

"Yeah it could've," Jora mused with a small bite underlying her tone." If only you would have kept that dick of yours in your pants."

I bit down on my tongue to hold back my laugh as I focused my attention back towards the game.

As the game went on, we cheered for Xander and Haze as they dominated on the court. They had clearly put in the work this summer and out all of that into the game today.

Stanford was a tough team to beat but USC was giving them a run for their money today.

The team was looking in good shape even without the guys. The new rookies were giving it their all with the amount of playing time they had gotten.

But Haze and Xander were the ones to watch, they were like a dynamic duo on and off of the court. They worked not only with each other but the whole team as they led us to a victory.

" I feel like a proud father," Abel sniffled as the buzzer for the final quarter went off.

The team beat Stanford my fourteen points with Xander making the final shot that won us the game.

The girls and I raced down to the court when everyone cleared out. Haze and Xander were talking to a few teammates before they ran over to us, a few players followed behind them to greet their old teammates.

" You guys did so good!" I praised the two as I wrapped my arms around their necks, giving them each a small squeeze.

" Thanks princess," Xander winked as we pulled away from the hug.

I pinched his forearm as I rolled my eyes at his persistent flirting. " Xander, we've talked about this before," I patted his shoulder as a pout began to form on his face. " You're just a little bit too young for me."

Xander snorted as I removed my hand from his shoulder."Age ain't nothing but a number baby," he sassed before turning around, coming face to face with Dominic who had a look of amusement on his face.

"Hey Dominic!" Xander's voice rose multiple octaves as he faced one of his closest friends. "How have you been buddy? I missed you so much while you were gone."

"Have you now?" Dominic chuckled as Xander threw his arms around Dominic's neck. " You've missed me so much that you're trying to go after my old fling."

I couldn't help but flinch at his words.

They were true, we were just a fling when everything was said and done. But flings don't involve feelings, and I had a whole lot of them for him and vice versa.

Regardless of the ache that formed in my stomach, I put in a smile as Haze stepped in front of me. " You guys are coming to the party tonight right? It wouldn't be a USC party without our favorite cheerleaders."

Of course it wouldn't be— we were the life of the party after all. Plus, it was our last year and I would be damned if I sat moping around instead wrecking havoc one last time.

" Of course we are," Skylar chimes into the conversation,"Your parties would suck ass if we weren't in attendance." Haze chuckled before his attention slid over to Audrey who was in a deep conversation with Ayanna and Carson.

" Are you guys doing dirty Jenga?" I questioned as Kyler slid his slimy ass into the circle, throwing his arms around his twin.

" Of course they are," Kyler decided," And if I remember correctly, it's ladies night."


Every year they alternate between the girls and the guys to see who starts off dirty Jenga. Last year it was the guys' year, this year it was our turn.

Now we all know what happened last year.

That damn game pulled me into the claws of one Dominic Steele.

I would be lying if I said that I wasn't the least bit attracted to Dominic before that game. It was hard not to be attracted to someone who oozed swagger, confidence, and big dick energy.

What I didn't expect was for him to choose me for a lap dance. Dominic was a natural flirt, hell, he even flirted with Sade moments before picking me out of the cluster of girls in that room.

And what I for damn sure didn't expect was to wake up in his bed the next day wrapped protectively into his side and hearing the sounds of his loud snoring.

But sometimes it's the unexpected that turns out to be the best possible thing to happen to you.

" How fun!" Skylar cheered, eyes sliding towards me mischievously. " Rhegan will be the first to participate."

Hell no.

"I'm good," I was quick to shut her down.

" No," Skylar gritted as Dominic and the others joined the circle. " You will be participating, even if I have to drag your ass to that Jenga tower and pull the block for you."

By the looks of it, I wasn't getting out of this, and if I was participating, then so was Jora.

" Jora's doing it too," I yanked her arm towards me. She whipped her head in my direction as I smiled, batting my lashes at her in a silent plea.

She squinted her eyes, silently letting me know that she was going to let me have it later. "Participating in what exactly?" Jora questioned as I linked arms with her.

" Dirty Jenga of course."

" Well of course we will be participating," she gripped my arm as she forced a smile on her face.

" This should be an interesting night," Marcus mumbled.

It's always an interesting night when Dirty Jenga was involved.


Gorgeous was the only word that came to mind as I stared into those mesmerizing brown eyes. If I didn't still have feelings for her now, they all would've come rushing back with just one look into them.

She looked stunning as usual.

I had a hard time focusing on the game due to my eyes finding their way to the back of her head. Her neck was on full display due to her hair being in one single braid. I couldn't help myself as my mind wandered to the many nights that I spent sucking and nibbling on her skin as she clawed at my back.

" We're here!" Carson announced as he pulled into his old parking spot in front of the basketball house. We all shuffled out of the car and stared at the house in all its glory.

All of the memories from last year came rushing back as the music from the house pounded at a loud volume. We took a moment as the nostalgia came rushing back to us.

" I miss it," Abel sighed.

" Me too." Came our response before Kyler pushed his way in front of us. " Are we going to stand out here or are we going to go inside and have some much needed fun?"

We all shook our heads at Kyler's eagerness to get inside, but nonetheless we followed behind him. Once we entered the house, the smell of booze, marijuana, and sweat wafted up our noses.

" Smells like old times," Marcus muttered as we walked throughout the house, dabbing up old teammates and friends as we made our way to the kitchen. We grabbed a couple of beers before pushing our way through the crowd, quickly finding Haze, Xander, and Derrick in a corner.

Derrick had missed out on the game due to his flight leaving late, but he came just in time for the celebration.

" What did we miss?" I asked as Haze passed me the bottle opener.

" So far one girl threw up in the bushes, a rookie lost a dare and had to streak down the road, and a fight almost broke out but we quickly shut that down." He listed the series of events that had gone down as the door opened.

And it was as if I knew that she was walking in.

We all turned our heads to see Sade stepping over the threshold first, followed by the rest of them. Rhegan stepped in last, closing the door behind her as they pushed their way towards the kitchen.

" Damn," Derrick mutters as we watch them disappear into the crowd. " They didn't even try to scan the crowd for us."

" Priorities first, Derrick," Marcus clapped his shoulder, "You learn that pretty quickly with these girls."

I tilted my head in agreement as I raised the rim of the beer bottle to my lips. We still had practice tomorrow and I did not plan on showing up wasted so I would be taking it easy tonight.

Within the next couple of minutes of us standing in the corner, the party started to take a turn. More people started to arrive and soon the party started to spill outside with people mingling on the lawns and in the backyard.

Everywhere I looked things were getting a little messy.

People were practically hunching on the dance floor, people started to get a little too drunk and started to fall over, and even a few people had to be kicked out due to things getting a little out of hand.

But still within all of that going on, the girls still hadn't come by to say hello.

I had been engaged in a conversation with a couple of classmates before I finally spotted her and the girls making their way into the living room. Across the room the guys were seated on the couch as they observed their girlfriends carefully. I quickly excused myself from the conversation before making my way towards them.

" Well Sky's good and tipsy," Kyler observed his sister who was dancing on Ayanna.

" Wouldn't be much of a party if she wasn't," I chuckled as my eyes scanned the group, finding Rhegan as she came out of her black leather jacket.

My eyes trailed down her body, taking in the way that black mini dress fit her like a glove, complimenting her in all of the right places. Her legs looked a little longer due to the heels that she wore. I caught sight of a silver anklet around her right ankle as she turned on her heels.

Once again her hair was up. But instead of a braid going down her back, she had placed it in a banana clip, showing off her neck and shoulders.

My eyes scanned her body once more, landing on the black ink that now permanently coated her arm. Her fingers were covered with rings, all different types.

And I noticed that she had got her nails done before coming. Partially because I didn't recall seeing them done when she was fidgeting with her fingers earlier during the game.

I usually liked when Rhegan got her nails done because she picked them out based upon the style she was feeling, and based on what she wore to the game today it was a tad bit different than usual.

" Oh dear god!" Marcus groaned as a Summer Walker song played throughout the speakers."Skylar's been playing this shit on repeat every day."

And sure enough, she was singing the song at the top of her lungs.

Ayanna recorded Skylar as she snatched up Rhegan, pulling her into her side. She smiled at Rhegan who sipped on the drink that was in her hand.

Rhegan finally gave into Skylar's antics as she started singing the words, causing Skylar's smile to widen.

Just a few seconds later my phone buzzed with a notification that Ayanna had posted on her story. I clicked it and began tapping through the stories she's posted throughout her day.

I paused on one, seeing her squishing Carson's face as she smothered a kiss to his cheek. His eyes were closed shut but his smile portrayed all of the happiness he was feeling in that moment.

The next story was the video of Skylar and Rhegan. I smiled as I watched her sing lyrics that were a little too specific if you ask me.

By the time I had looked up again, the song had switched and she was now grinding her ass onto Elizabeth as they danced to an old Ying Yang twins song.

I cleared my throat as Jora joined in on the dancing. Rhegan straightened up as she brought her straw to her lips, sipping her drink in a carefree manner as they all grinded against each other.

I felt my throat start to get a little dry as she turned around, pressed her ass against Jora's front and started twerking. My lips parted slightly as I got lost in the trance of her ass moving quite well in that dress she chose tonight.

Ayanna took her drink out of her hands, allowing for her to place them onto her knees as she continued to shake her ass against Jora.

" Got damn!" Xander muttered, quickly holding his hands up in defense as I snapped my eyes towards him. "S-sorry Dominic," he cleared his throat as he averted his eye contact.

I didn't blame him for looking, almost everyone was looking, but she was mine so he wasn't allowed to look for too long.

" They are doing this shit on purpose," Kyler grunted as Jora turned around and pressed her ass against Rhegan's.

Somehow they oddly synced up together, their backs moved in a similar manner as they danced to the song. And of course Ayanna and the other's were cheering them on.

Skylar of course was recording everyone dancing at the moment but Ayanna was their biggest cheerleader.

" I think that there might be something in this song because," Haze adjusted his top as if he were getting hot."Audrey's dancing a-an-and A-audrey doesn't dance."

Sure enough she and Sade were swaying their hips into each other's with one hand in the air. It wasn't a lot but somehow their little groove matched perfectly with the song.

Somehow Audrey made it look innocent but not at the same time.

But my eyes gravitate back to Rhegan who was shaking everything that her trifling mother gave her. I wanted so badly to snatch her ass up and have her shake all of it on me. But I couldn't— at least for right now anyways.

" I need a fucking joint."

But I couldn't fucking have that either.

Because i'm bored.

Last one until V- Day!!!

Dirty jenga+ Jeremiah's Birthday Sex= SMUT SMUT SMUT!!!!

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