By SophieMeade6

59.1K 2.5K 611

As soon as I started to scream, he started to panic. Then, that's when I saw them...the 2 fangs in his mouth... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 part 1
Chapter 16 part 2
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20!
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 17

1.1K 54 2
By SophieMeade6

The man's POV

I paced around the hospital like bed, my eyes zapping to her restless form. Many hours I had been here, just pacing back and forth, my finger and thumb on my chin, stocking my beard.

Emily had been here for many hours, almost two days.

When the fight broke out between her two friends she was caught in the middle and went through a lot of trauma. She was distraught. I has no clue what had happened in the time the boys were fighting but it was led to her being bitten and I was determined to find out what exactly happened.

Matt hadn't left outside her room for the full time, he just sat there with his frame cold as ice, his stare rock hard and his mouth and chin leaning on his hands while he hunched over.

Matt haven't spoken the entire time, he haven't even ate or slept. No-one could get through to him.

Just at that Michael walked in Emily's 'father'

I stood tall and stood unmoving. My breaths came in short puffs.

"HOW could you let this happen?!" I roared.

"I was unaware at the time that there was fighting going around, I was at the board meeting a few blocks away, I only got the call after everything was finished, sir"

"You were meant to keep an eye on her, I told you that this would happen if you didn't keep a close watch. What have you been doing for the past few weeks?!"


"I NEVER want this to ever happen again do you hear me? Or I'll have your head. Is that clear" I snarled.

"Yes, sir"

The room went a deadly silence, nothing but the bleeping of Emily's monitor.

"Sir, what shall we tell her what happened?" Michael asked, turning his head to me.

"We shall tell her the truth, she will remember what happened very vividly, she doesn't have a bad memory. It won't be too long before she wakes now, it's just a matter of listening for the rapid bleeping" I said, sitting myself in a chair.

Michael sighed, staring down at Emily's face "Sir, what about Matthew? What do you think happened?"

"I'm not positive, maybe she was just ate wrong place at the wrong time, maybe he needed to feed I could not be positive, but what I do know is if this happens again I will not pause to rip every boys head off there body's"

"Sir, isn't that-"

"A tad extravagant? No, all the men are vampires, they have sensitive hearing, sensitive noses, and none came to the rescue before she was hurt."

Michael sighed, he apparently had got my point "I'll tell the boys"

Zooming out the room, his shoes hammering on the ground.

Sighing I slumped my shoulders, all this, stress? In the space of a few hours. This wasn't what I was expecting when I come for a visit.

Emily's POV

I sat in the uncomfortable white bed, tapping my fingernails on the bar that caged me like a toddler.

I had a discussed look on my face for ages, I was hungry, more like starving, I was dying of thirst and every two seconds my leg jerked! This was just not happening to me.

I had a wire up my hand, probably pumping something into me and my heart monitor freakin bleeped every bleeping minute.

I was not one happy chap.

Right on cue, a man in a perfectly tailored suit, fancy, and very expensive shoes clicked when his heal battered against the ground.

He had a light shade of stubble on his chin, looking delectably scruffy and his back hair was messy, but stylishly slicked back, I must say, he kinda looked like Johnny Depp, but younger.

I quirked my eyebrow at him, as his face shone with a smile as he saw I was up and well.

"How are you feeling sweetheart?" He asked, sitting next to me on a couch chair, that looked much better than my bed.

How did I feel?

I concentrated on my feelings.

"I kinda feel...sick? Yeah, angry, yeah...wait no, pissed" I said simply.

His eyebrows raised onto the crease of his heads stress lines "Well, to be perfectly honest with you sweetheart, you shouldn't be feeling anything less than sick, and angry, for anything you should be rolling over in pain still." The man smiled, complimenting my...sturdiness?

"We'll thank you for that compliment but of you don't mind-"

"You can not leave, Emily, we have some things to discuss. Let me start with this question, do yo understand what has happened to you to lead you to this state?" He questioned.

"Um, Steve...and...and Matty" I stuttered.


My heart monitor battered at his name.

"Yes,that's right, now, what happened to you?" He asked.

"Um, I'm not..."

"Sure, you were poisoned to be perfectly blunt, sweetheart."

I withered in the spot I was in, of course, poisoned, I remember now.

"He-he bit me.." I whispered.

"Who bit you?" He leaned forward.


"Listen sweetheart, I want to know who bit you and right now, answer and fast."

I stuttered on my breath "I really don't understand what you want-"

"Who bit you, Emily"

His eyes burned holes into mine. Waiting impatiently for his answer.

Muttering under my breath "Steve"

"Steve, the boy with the ginger hair?" The man asked, standing up with clenched fists.

"Yes, I'm positive" I murmured.

"And your not covering for anyone in particular?"

Gasping I roared "What are you implying?!"

"Nothing sweetheart, your 'father' will be here to collect you soon, do try to be ready, I will see you soon cherub"

And with that, his figure was gone from sight.

I sighed, slumping back on the pillow.

I still haven't gotten anything to eat.

(Few hours later)

The man was correct, my dad did come to collect me, but he never said a word to me, I guess he blamed himself for not being there when I needed him.

So he took me back to my dorm, which had been perfectly scrubbed, decorated with paint, new furniture that was nicer than the last. You couldn't even tell that there had been one drop of sickly blood on the floor.

Which I guess was a good thing, that didn't bother me much, but what did bother me as that I can back to the dorm, and it was empty. Completely silent.

No Steve, and certainly no Matty.

Grabbing a bag of crisps, I shuffled my way into my room.

Coming face to face with a blond headed girl on my bed. She smiled sweetly at me.

"Hello Emily, I think it's time we officially met, I'm Cordelia"

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