Charlie Weasley one shots and...

By voldysparklyeyes

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One shots/mini stories/imagines with your favourite dragon obsessed Weasley!! Charlie x y/n If you have a req... More

Baby Dragon
Meeting for the first time
Jealousy Part 2
"faster" (!!smut!!)
Ginny Is Bisexual
Telling Molly and Arthur you're together
Your pregnant
your pregnant (part 2)
You say "I don't"
How you got together
Christmas Eve (!!Smut!!)
The Best Way To Make Up (!!!Smut!!!)
Love Doesn't Need A Comparison
The best Birthday
Cole Simpson (Part One)
Cole Simpson (Part Two)
If only communication was a thing
Putting on a Show
Last Weasley
A Hole was Left in Their Hearts

Cole Simpson (part three)

273 5 9
By voldysparklyeyes

Title: Cole Simpson
Requested: yes but I got carried away lol
Eternity, either, separate: Eternity
Triggers: (mentions) of SA and h@rrasment, spiking and minor swearing
Other information: There is just cat calling and confrontation in this last part but it also mentions everything that has happened previously

If I've missed anything let me know :))

The entire walk there Charlie had his arm around my waist, I tried rubbing my eyes to make myself look somewhat presentable. By the time we arrived at her classroom, dinner was over and everyone was heading back to their common rooms.

I knocked on her door and when she called for me to enter I did so with Charlie at my side. “Y/n, Charlie. Is everything alright?” Her tone of voice changed when she saw that I had been crying.

Shaking my head I replied. “Not really Professor but can I speak to you please?” My voice cracked as I could feel a fresh round of tears coming on.

“Of course dear, come on into my office.” She led the way. I grabbed Charlie's wrist and dragged him in with me.

I knew he wouldn't mind being there with me and our Professor handed me a glass of water before motioning us to take a seat as she did the same and asked me what was wrong.

“I've been having trouble with Cole Simpson recently um… it started at the end of September and he asked me out on a date to which I agreed. About a month later we were still together but I found out he was cheating on me and he has repeatedly admitted that he was only with me so that he could sleep with me.” I had to stop myself and take a deep breath.

The entire time I spoke I was staring at my hands, fiddling with them as the words came from my mouth but when I stopped, Charlie took one of my hands and squeezed it.

“I obviously broke up with him but for about a week afterwards he followed me around everywhere. In the hallway in between classes he was always near me, he showed up at quidditch practises and outside the common room and he would stare at me in every class we had together. This happened up until a party in the Ravenclaw common room the last night we were here before half term, I don't want to get anyone else into trouble so I don't want to say who organised it but that night I made a really stupid decision that I hold my hands up to and admit but I got drunk and he…. He umm.” Once again I had to stop myself, only this time the tears began to fall and I couldn't stop them.

“He tried to get me to go upstairs to his dorm. I told him no, I kept telling him to get off me but he wouldn't. Thankfully Charlie found me and stopped him but if he didn't...if he didn't get there in time then… then Cole was going to assault me.” I couldn't stop the tears that flowed even faster from my eyes.

McGonagall had a sympathetic look on her face as she handed me a tissue and apologised for what happened. Charlie gave my hand another comforting squeeze.

Despite being so upset I needed to continue, my heart beating so loudly I thought it might burst from my chest. “I thought that a harmless prank of dying his hair pink would send him the message to leave me alone but it didn't. It just made things worse as he followed me everywhere and showed up everywhere to the point where I was hiding in classrooms to avoid him in the halls. Today things just took a whole different level, he made a comment in the hall to me on my way to quidditch practice about my breasts and his friend in the year above made a comment about me and Cole having sex.” Usually I would have cringed if I had to talk about this in any other context but right now I didn't care.

“I didn't know what he was talking about at first until a friend told me later today that he had told everyone the night of the party I had sex with him when actually I was drunk and Charlie saved me from being assaulted by him. I confronted him in the courtyard and he said I just regret it and so I'm denying it but things got so much worse because at dinner tonight I noticed my drink was already poured and the liquid had a glimmer to it. I smelt it and also asked seven other people for their opinion and they agreed that it was cupid crystals. I'm certain Cole somehow spiked my drink because when I looked around he was staring and smiling at me before he winked and I didnt know what else to do so I just smiled and turned around.”

The older witch in front of me sighed. “This is horrible and he will be rightly punished but I need the glass to confirm it was him. Do you still have it?” She asked, glancing between me and Charlie.

I went to shake my head no as I felt sick to my stomach but before I could Charlie spoke up. “Gracie Mitchell has it.” He declared before turning to me. “I made sure we kept it.”

I gave him a thankful smile with soaked cheeks and looked back at my teacher to continue. “I know I made some questionable choices but I was angry and upset but more than anything I'm so scared. I'm terrified for my safety and what he might do next.”

McGonagall gave me a minute to calm down and compose myself while she offered her sympathy and compassion. “Charlie, if you could go and get me the cup off Miss Mitchell please, that would be great. I’d like to speak to y/n alone.”

He met my eyes, like he was asking me for confirmation that I would be fine on my own. I gave him a small nod and happy with my response, he left to get the cup.
Once the office door shut again the Professor turned to me. “Unfortunately with anything like this nothing effective can be done immediately which not only angers me but it also upsets me. I completely believe you y/n. I’ve also heard the rumours about him and a girl but I had no idea it was you and I didn’t know enough to do anything about it or else I would have done something about it by now. “ A wave of relief flashed over me. That was my biggest fear that she wouldn’t believe me and I would be left all alone with no change.

She took a breath before continuing. “A full investigation will be carried out and if need be the right ministry authorities will be contacted, I will speak to Professor Flitwick and Professor Dumbledore tonight on how it will be conducted. Now with everything we do that will result in a consequence or that will affect the outcome of this investigation we will speak to you and take your preference into account but you also have to understand that because I know about it, I have to do what the law says and if I didn’t then I wouldn’t be doing my job and I could get into serious trouble.” I nodded in understanding as she continued.

“I hate having to say this and it really shouldn't be this way but I can’t provide an answer for you right now. We have to build a ‘case’ against him before I can take any measures to make sure he isn’t near you. So my only suggestion at the minute is to avoid him as much as you can and to make sure someone is with you when you aren’t in your dorm. I would suggest a male in the year above Cole to scare him away, as much as it’s stereotypical he doesn’t seem to be phased by females or anyone his age from what you told me. You’re on the quidditch team, I’m sure Eric Oakly or Owen Ashford would be willing to help. Or Bill Weasley, he’s headboy so he does have authority and Adam Hale would also be a good help but that's just a few suggestions for when Charlie’s not with you.” She laughed at the last bit, making me feel at ease that bit more. “I can have a talk with the team and people your friends with tomorrow if you’d like.”

Almost immediately I agreed with her to talk to them, it would be easier than me having to explain to everyone what’s happened. They’d be concerned and want to ask questions that I just wasn’t ready for or talk about.

“I need you to write down exactly what you told me, with as much detail as possible on this parchment as a statement. I know that it’s hard but it’s really important so that we can help you and I’m here for y/n, it’s going to be okay. He will be held accountable. If you could also write down the names of the people on the quidditch team and people you’d feel comfortable escorting you to your classes and to practises. If Cole shows up at a practice, come straight to me.”

In silence I completed what she asked me to and my statement was extremely long as I recited every single incident I had with the boy and trust me there was a lot. Our date, him calling me a slut, every time he stared at me or showed up at practice, absolutely everything I wrote down. In the middle of it Charlie came back with the glass and sat down beside me to wait on me so that I wasn’t walking back up on my own per Professor McGonagall’s request.

We must have been in her office for over an hour and only then did I move on to the list of names which consisted of,

Charlie Weasley
Rosie Crawford
Oliver Wood
Eric Oakly
Owen Ashford
Katrina Beaumont
Adam Hale
Gracie Mitchell
Nymphadora Tonks
Bill Weasley
Amelia Bennet

There were definitely other people who I was friendly with that I could have added to the list that I knew would have no problem helping me out but I just didn’t want half the school knowing my business.

“I really am so sorry about all of this y/n, he will not get off lightly I promise you that. If you need someone to talk to about this my door is always open and if you don’t feel comfortable talking to me about it we can get a professional in if you’d like. But I will speak to you this week. If he does anything or says anything to you, come and see me as soon as you can.” Professor McGonagall spoke as she held the door open for me and Charlie to leave.

“Thank you.” The sincerity was evident in my voice even if it was only two words.

The whole walk back up into the common room there was complete silence between me and Charlie. He opened and shut his mouth a couple times, unable to find the words.

We reached the portrait hole, thankfully having not ran into anyone on our way here. “Thank you, I really don’t know what I’d do without you.” I whispered as I pulled Charlie in for a hug before he said the password.

He was my safe haven. I was forever thankful for him and everything he had done for me the past five years.

“Y/n/n I’d do anything for you, you don’t need to thank me.” He returned the embrace and squeezed me tightly.

“Will you sleepover in my dorm tonight?” I asked.

“Of course.”

As expected everyone, including Tonks, was waiting for my arrival in the common room, they asked about where I was and once I told them they asked about what was going to happen.

I left it pretty vague with the explanation being that I felt like I had talked about it too much for my own good today but I’d answer all questions this week if I didn’t tomorrow. Although I did tell them that there was going to be an investigation and that McGonagall was going to speak to them tomorrow.

An investigation basically meant that the situation was so severe that the Professors involved had to find out what happened, contact the according authorities if necessary and over a period of time decide on a fitting punishment. That meant that statements were needed from the people directly involved and sometimes from other people, for example I wouldn’t be surprised if Charlie had to write a statement as well.

“Here y/n, we grabbed you a chocolate muffin.” Right there and then I could have kissed Tonks as she tossed me the baked-good.

Chocolate muffins from Hogwarts were my favourite food in the world and right now it was exactly what I needed.

“Oh my godric Tonks I could marry you right now, thank you.” I gasped, breaking off a bit and plopping it into my mouth.

“You're welcome.” She laughed.

The rest of the night was filled with laughter and games of chess or exploding snap. No one brought up the past few weeks and it was an all round fun evening before it got late and we decided to go to bed.

I was sure to check with my roommates if it was okay for Charlie to sleep over and they said it's fine by them. Dorms at Hogwarts held 4 people in each, there were approximately 12 girls and 12 boys in every year in each house, making up three dorms but there were only 11 girls in Gryffindor in my year.

Meaning that there was a dorm with three girls instead of four. Rosie, Gracie and I made up that dorm. Leaving a spare bed in the room for tonight, Charlie could sleep in.

“Oh merlin y/n I’m so sorry, I’ve just realised I left you red scarf at home.” Charlie swore as he ran up the stairs behind me.

“It’s fine, honestly don't worry about it, I can get it over christmas or something.” I assured him with a smile.

(A/n: spoiler alert! You don’t get your scarf back ;) )

The next morning I didn’t go down to breakfast, I didn’t feel ready to go down and when I asked Gracie to bring me a pancake back she was more than happy to comply.

It wasn’t until our second class of the day, which was Defence against the dark arts, did Charlie, Gracie and the others be pulled out by McGonagall. They were gone for a while all things considered but I was more than happy when they all came back in time for lunch.

Since those of us in fifth year had the same class we walked to the great hall together meeting those in seventh year in front of it.

I was met with a hug, a tight one at that from Amelia. I was taken aback slightly to be honest but still let her embrace me as I returned it.

“We won’t let him hurt you again I promise. I had no idea things got this bad.” She whispered into my ear and I muttered my thanks to her in the same tone.

I avoided looking around me that much when I walked into the great hall. Not wanting to accidentally catch a certain someone's eye.

Walking in felt quite intimidating considering what happened the last time I was there but I think I hid it pretty well as we all sat down. I took a seat between Tonks and Gracie opposite Charlie and Adam.

Putting some food on my plate I grabbed my glass in my hand. A sense of panic rose in my chest, without realising it I caught myself staring into the empty glass.

“It’s not already poured again is it?” Adam asked from across the table, catching the attention from everyone else.

I shook my head. “No. I’m just making sure there’s nothing in the bottom of it.”

Charlie held his hand out for it and I gave him it. He tilted it in different angles and made sure to thoroughly inspect it. “There’s nothing in it I promise.” He concluded.

“Are you sure?” I asked, still unable to push away the uncertain feeling resting in my stomach. I knew it was probably me just being paranoid but I really didn’t want to take any chances.

He smiled and handed me his glass instead of my own. “Thank you.” I mouthed to him. It made me feel safe for the first time in a while, he didn’t have to do that but he did and that made me feel so incredibly cared for.

Professor McGonagall had been amazing throughout all of this. She had already called me to her office a few times the past ten days and now we had a plan. I was to go to Dumbledore's office tomorrow at 3pm so I can be there when Cole receives his punishment. I knew what it was and I was happy about it.

Today after Divination, Katrina, Owen and Bill offered to walk me down to care of magical creatures as they had herbology which was right next to where I had to be for today’s lesson.

“You know Abba.” Owen urged Bill to remember as the topic of conversation switched to their newest album. “You’re bound to have heard one of their songs before.”

The eldest Weasley still continued to shake his head as we both listed off some of their songs. Owen’s mum is a muggle, making him a half blood and therefore knowing about amazing bands such as Abba.

(A/n: can yous tell by now I’m an abba fan)

“Y/l/n! What the hell?” Cole Simpson's voice caught my attention as he sped down the corridor directly towards me. He looked furious and the closer he got the faster my heart raced.

“Going and tattling on me to McGonagall! What the fuck is up with that? If you were going to regret getting with me so much I wouldn’t have bothered with a bitch like you!” He yelled at me, storming down the hallway with his group of friends behind him.

Katrina stepped forward slightly and rolled her eyes. “We have had enough of your display of testosterone to last a lifetime, now leave and don’t ever speak to her like that again.” She then held her hand up and corrected herself. “In fact, don't speak to her in general.”

He scoffed with a smirk. “Why? Would you rather I speak to you instead? I wouldn’t mind getting with someone older than me.”

Everytime that boy opened his mouth I wanted to be sick. He was vile.

“Simpson! Leave them both alone.” Owen spoke up sternly, defending both me and Katrina.

Cole raised his eyebrows as a crowd began to form around us. “My my y/n. I knew you were sleeping with Prince Charming Charlie and Headboy Bill here but I never struck you as one to sleep with Ashford. Who’s next? Adam Hale or Eric Oakly maybe.” He sneered.

I was forever thankful that Bill, Owen and Katrina were standing the way that they were, it created much needed distance between me and Cole.

“I’m warning you now.” Bill started. “Leave her and everyone else alone or else.” His low tone and dominant demeanour must have hit a nerve for Cole as he took a step back away from him.

He did open his mouth to say something but he didn’t get a chance to. “Cole Simpson!” Professor McGonagall’s voice boomed through the corridor. “My office now!” She gave me a small nod before escorted Cole who now had an even angrier look on his face away from me.

“Well he was a delight.” Katrina muttered sarcastically before we continued our walk down to herbology and care for magical creatures. The entire walk consisted of me apologising to them for what he said and them asking me if I was alright and that I didn’t need to apologise.

The hours that passed the rest of the day and the ones leading up to 3pm the next day dragged out. I wanted this to be over with but at the same time I was nervous for the end to come.

Alas I still knocked on the headmaster's door at the set time and when I walked in I noticed that I was the last one here. McGonagall, Flitwick, Dumbledore, a ministry official, Cole and Cole’s parents were there. Just like McGonagall and I discussed.

“This is miss y/n y/l/n.” Dumbledore introduced me and invited me to take a seat which I did so right beside my head of house.

It seemed like everyone else had purposely gotten here long before me, probably to talk about the situation and what Cole has done. Mcgonagall also brought up that it might happen, I had no problem with it. I didn't want to be there while his parents heard about everything.

“Clearly this is unacceptable behaviour and very serious, Cole will be punished for this.” Dumbledore began, I had remained silent throughout the entire time the wizard was talking.

“The appropriate staff and authorities have come to the conclusion together that as a punishment Cole will be suspended from Hogwarts for 2 weeks. Not only this but he will also receive a criminal record for his illegal crimes and possession of the crystals. He will also receive 150 hours of community service. The ministry official is here to escort you to the correct department in the official building.”

Cole absolutely hated the mere thought of this and opened his mouth to protest but Dumbledore stopped him. “Now not only do you have to apologise to miss y/l/n for everything you have put her through but you also have to thank her. It's because of her you aren't doing time in a cell.”

As much as he deserved it, putting him in azkaban for a while would be tourmentative and I didn't want that weighing on my conscience. It was for my sake not his.

Cole jumped to his feet. The chair legs Scraping against the floor. “There is no way I am apologising to that bitch! She's the reason I'm in this mess in the first place!” He yelled and his mother called his name. Yearning him to sit back down. “I didn't try to take her up to my dorm. She went willingly, in fact she asked me to go with her.”

His lie again angered me even more and for the first time in a while, I defended myself to him. “When are you going to stop lying? You can ask Charlie, you know, the one who made sure I got to my dorm safely after you tried to assault me, or Bill or anyone else who saw me leave that party out of the common room door, with Charlie, to know that once again you're lying.”

A man who I knew was Cole's dad didn't bother looking at me when he responded for his son, instead he looked straight at Dumbledore and replied coolly. “If my son says she's lying then she must be. I know my son.”

You know those cords inside you that keep you level headed and keep your temper at bay? Well one of those snapped inside me.

“Are you serious? I am a minor, sitting in this office without my parents or my friends. I came in here alone to prove a point that I am not afraid of him anymore. Since the middle of October Cole has made my life hell, I was so terrified of seeing him in the halls again that I was late to most of my classes. My friends had to always be with me just in case he would try and hurt me again. He spiked my drink, he tried to assault me, he dehumanised me and my friend in the hallway and so much more and we can prove all of this, so no Mr Simpson I hate to be the one who has to break it to you but your son is a liar.” Even though I was clearly very passionate about this, I think I was pretty calm all things considered.

Dumbledore went through all the evidence that told us that Cole was lying and I in fact had been truthful and it was at that moment Cole’s dad went extremely silent.

Finally the meeting was coming to an end and as I got up to leave Cole grabbed my wrist, his tight grip hurting me a bit. “Don't think that I won't make your life so much worse, you think I was bad before just wait until I get back from suspension, you are nothing but a fucking slut.” He sneered through angry gritted teeth.

I yanked my arm out of his grasp before Mcgonagall could step in. “What part of I'm not scared of you anymore don't you understand? I dare you to try something.” I mocked. “Just see what happens if you do.”

Truth be told I think that knowing that this was over gave me confidence to not be afraid anymore. He terrified me but I knew for certain he wouldn't bother me at Hogwarts again.

I stayed back for a little bit with Mcgonagall, Dumbledore and Flitwick, just talking about what happened, thanking them for their help and reassuring them that I was fine before I finally left the office.

Outside I found a patiently waiting Charlie with a chocolate muffin in his hand. I immediately ran up to him and pulled him down to hug me.

“I'm so proud of you.” He whispered and once again I felt safe.

A/n: sorry I'm a day late on this I had to edit it and I didn't have time to yesterday

Anyway if you celebrated Christmas I hope u had a great time and happy holidays

I wanted to just say here as well that it's never ur fault if you retaliated back or had been drinking or anything at all. It's not your fault and I stand with you.

Please tell me if I've missed any warnings :))

With love, Amanda.

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