All I ever wanted

By kukkuuryyd

26.3K 1.4K 418

They were young, and she loved him more than anything. She wrote a love letter to him, a poetry, but nothing... More



611 36 3
By kukkuuryyd



A green plant, in the corner of my living room, in front of a window.
Slowly the leafs are turning brown. I have forgot to water it. I have always loved plants, but somehow they always die when I take care of them. Either I give them too much water, or not at all.
I took a glass and filled it with water, then I walked to the living room, and gave water to the plant.
It has been ten days since we got home from Kajaani.
Olli lost his bass, but luckily he got it back few days after. We laughed a lot then when Olli figured out that the bass isn't there, my hangover head tried to kill me, but I had fun.
Soon we are going to Mariehamn, and my birthday is also coming closer and closer.
Not that I care, but I'm afraid of the party.

I zoned out, and stared the plant.
"How am I supposed to take care of you, when I can't even take care of myself..?" I quietly spoke, and gently I touched the leafs.
Someone rang the doorbell, and it got me s second to make my brain work again.
I walked to the door, but before that I quickly looked myself from the big mirror. Yeah, I looked tired and all, but I have to face the person who is standing behind my door. No matter how I look.
I opened the door, and there stood tall, and bald policeman.
My heart stopped for a second.
"Eevi Moilanen?" He asked with his low voice.
"I am.. what is it?" I asked, scared and confused. What has happened? Am I in trouble?

"Unfortunately your neighbour, Anna Lahti has passed away. She told doctors your name, and that she has something for you in her apartment." He talked with straight, and a little sad face.
I felt a sharp feeling in my heart, and I couldn't say anything.
"Here is the key for her apartment." He handed me a black key. I took it, and then I swallowed.
"What about all her stuff? How she died?" I asked, trying not to cry.
"Her sisters childrens takes care of that. She had a heart attack, and then peacefully in her sleep she passed away in hospital." He answered and I nodded.
After he left I was standing in my apartment, holding that key in my hand. Not knowing what to do. She was like a grandmother to me.
Tears were in my eyes, but I took a deep breath, and tried to handle my emotions.
I decided to visit her apartment now, I don't know what she has there for me, so I was kinda scared about it.
I went in, and closed the door behind me. There was old furnitures, and still I could almost smell the fresh buns she always made.

I walked further, and looked everywhere. There was that piano I used to play when she asked, and I also sang. She loved it.
I placed my hand on that black piano, it was dusty. Slowly I let my hand slide there while I walked forward.
There was a desk, and I decided to search the drawers. It felt like I was robbing her property.
There was nothing, but then I saw a brown envelope, and my name was written there. With a beautiful handwriting.
I took a deep breath, and opened it. There was a letter, and the beautiful handwriting kept going.

'Dear Eevi,
When you read this, I'm no longer there. But I wanted to write this letter for you, just to remind you how important you are to me. For years you have been talking to me, spending time when I've asked you to play my piano, or take a cup of tea with me. Those moments were very special to me. You have a very good, kind and loyal heart and mind. You have a beautiful voice, and you play piano like you're meant to do it. Your brother seems a person just like you, I saw him only few times, but it was very clear that you two are siblings. Two beautiful souls.
I would be glad if you would tell your brother that he's very talented and handsome man. Somehow he reminded me of my husband.
Don't cry because of me, I lived a good life, and for the past years you made it better, when I had no one else.
Keep on dreaming. I see that music is everything to you, do things that you love. Life is too short for sorrow.
Enjoy life, enjoy about little things. Hug the people you love, tell them that you love them. Spend time with them, laugh and cry with them.
I know that you will find the love of your life, you're amazing woman, who deserves only the best.
I wanted to give you something special to me, it's in the bookcase, there is that one red book, look behind it.

Thank you for being you, don't ever doubt yourself.
With love, Anna'

I read the letter with tears in my eyes, smiling a little bit.
I did what she asked, and I searched that red book in the bookcase. I found it, and I took it in my hand.
Behind it there was a gold ring, I frowned a little bit.
I took the ring, and then I placed the book back.
There was an engraving on the inside of the ring.
'Anna & Rauli 1955'
That was the year when they got married, so this was her's wedding ring.
But why she gave it to me?

In the evening I texted to Niko that where he is, and he was in the rehearsal place with Joonas and Joel.
I decided to visit there, I needed to tell him about Anna and this wedding ring thing.
"Oh, hi." Joonas opened the door, he was a little suprised seeing me.
"Hi, I came here to visit Niko." I smiled a little and he let me in.
"You didn't miss me?" He made a sad face, and it was a message to hug. So I did hug him and then continued my way forward.
Niko was laying on the couch while Joel was sitting in a chair, which was actually Aleksi's working place.
"What brings you here?" Joel asked, while taking a sip of his energy drink.
I didn't answer to him, only looked his eyes for a second and then headed to Niko.
He sat up and I sat next to him, searcing that ring from my jeans pocket and then I gave it to him.
He frowned, and took it in his hands.
"What is this?" He asked.
I pointed the engraving with my finger, and he readed it.
"Anna has passed away." I told him.
"That old lady? Your neighbour?" He looked me shocked, and I only nodded.

"Why you have her's wedding ring then?" Niko asked again, and I felt how Joonas and Joel watched us by now.
"She had a letter for me in her apartment, and she wanted to give me that. I don't know why." I answered.
"Also she wanted me to tell you that you're handsome and talented man." I smiled and he did too, nodding.
"Is that a hint for you to get married?" Joonas asked, and we all stared at him, confused.
"Well you wanted answers, what would be another reason for giving you that?" Joonas explained himself and pointed the ring.
"Maybe she wanted to give me that because it was the most valuable thing she ever had." I frowned to Joonas, and he just shook his shoulders and continued tuning his guitar.
"Sell it then." Joel said, and it made us all very confused again, I gave him a murdering look and opened my mouth, but Niko stopped me.

"He didn't meant that." Niko said.
Joel just looked me under his eyebrows, and I turned my gaze back to the ring, Niko just kept looking it.
"I did meant, what else you will do with that?" joel mumbled. I rolled my eyes.
"What is wrong with you?" I asked pissed.
"Guys-" Joonas started but I kept talking, and stood up, walking closer to Joel. Crossing my arms against my chest.
"That ring was Anna's wedding ring, and her husband died years ago. Person she loved the most. And that ring is the thing that kept them together until death separated them. It's the expression of eternal love."
I talked with pissed tone, and Joel just kept staring at me with those ice blue eyes, that seemed to be tired.

"Not any love is eternal. It always ends somewhere." He answered. I felt how my head was slowly making it's way to explode.
"Come on. It's just a ring. Love is more than a ring." Joel continued, while we all looked at him. But I think that Joonas and Niko kept staring both of us.
"But the ring is symbol of love. Loving each other forever. That's a thing you may not understand." I said, and our staring contest didn't end.
He started to smirk a little bit.
I knew he enjoyed this. He always enjoyed to see me angry, explaining simple things that he disagrees, just to see me angry.
And everytime I fell for this trap.

"What about one sided love, huh?" He opened his mouth, I frowned.
"I think that you can love someone forever without a wedding ring. Loving someone who doesn't love you back. Isn't that familiar thing to you Eevi?" Joel continued.
I swallowed, my anger level was too high right now, and I wanted to jump out of the window, or just choke him until he takes his words back.
"Joel.. stop it." Niko said clearly annoyed.
"What? Can't your sister handle true facts?" He looked behind me where Niko was, and then he looked me again. Joonas stood up and left his guitar to the table, and he walked up to me.
"Would it be time to move on?" Joel asked.

I kept staring at Joel, not even blinking. I bit my teeth together, I felt how tears wanted to came out of my eyes, but I managed to handle them. But my eyes were full of them, and I think Joel saw it.
I held my hands in fists, and I pressed my fingers against the palms so hard that it hurted, and I'm suprised that blood wasn't coming out of there.
I felt how Joonas gently put his arm in my shoulder.
Joel's face got more serious by now, he saw that I was more serious than ever before with this anger.
He saw how his words hurted me.
He always knew it hurted like hell, but I think he only saw it by now.
He stood up and opened his mouth, but I interrupted him.

"It hurts. You have no idea how much I have tried to forgive the fact that I love him. But I can't." I talked with weak voice, almost whispering.
He walked two steps closer but Joonas saw how I tried to walk back.
"Joel." Joonas said serious, and he stopped right away.
"I'm sorry.. I-" Joel started again.
"No." I pointed my finger to him.

"You have done this to me too many times by now. Fucking stop it." I continued.

Then there was silence, a loud one. No one said anything, me and Joel kept staring each other. I saw how his eyes were sorry, and he regretted his words. But he didn't say it out loud.
I was still mad.

"Okay.. you two have fought too many times. Can this stop now please? This is not taking you guys anywhere, only crying and hating each other." Niko said and walked to us.
"And you." Niko looked Joel, who moved his eyes on my brother.
"Fucking stop mocking my sister." He said serious, and Joel only nodded lightly.
"I'm sorry." Joel mumbled.
I only shook my head lightly and took the ring from Niko's hand, and then I started to walk out of that place.

My head was hurting from all the anger and trying not to cry. Will this feeling ever end?

Hi guys! Did you have fun new year? I did.. maybe too much. But let's start this year with new chapter, what do you guys think?
I hope you all have good vacation, remember to relax 🖤

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