When love takes of over

By whydoyouwanttoknow

55.5K 353 295

A Danny O'Donoughue and jessie j fanfic, More

Why does love take over
part 2
part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Authors Note

Part 7

1.1K 14 4
By whydoyouwanttoknow

Jessie POV

new message ........from Danny

I open up the message expecting it to say that he sent it and the girl had replied but instead I got

"I like you..... a lot xx"

I was confused this calls for a get together with my friends, but first I had to get Tom and Will when I finally found them we all walked back to Danny's room is avoided eye contact with him which I think either confused him or frustrated him but I concentrated on texting Tulisa

I sent her

"Ring me please need to talk to you xxx"

About a minuet of sending it she rang me I excused myself from the room and answered the call

(Phone call)

"Hey Jess, problem?"

"Hey T and yeah, you know Danny yeah?"


"Well he told me he had a crush on this girl and I told him to text her that he likes her and I went to find Tom and Will and I had a message from him saying....."

"That he likes you" Tulisa finishes off my sentence for me

"Yeah, and I don't know what to do or say now"

"Text him back saying really and wait for his reply if it gets really awkward text me again and I'll ring ok?"

"Yeah ok"

(End of phone call)

I take her advice and I start to text Danny

"Really?? Xx"


I'm thinking that there may be something going on with Danny and Jessie because when we were asked to leave the room because he wanted to speak to her in private her face flushed with colour, and then his face falls when she leaves the room to take a call.

Danny's POV

My phone vibrates twice

2 new messages

First one of my mum reading

" hello son how are you?" I decide to reply with

"Hello mum just tired that's all you?"

The second message is off Jessie


I don't really know what to make of this message why would I lie about something like that I reply to her

"Yeah xx"

Then she walks into the room, but she doesn't look at me and I realised she's avoiding making eye contact with me, which upsets me and frustrates me she checks her phone and then the nurse walks in and says that I can leave now to my surprise I thought I would be here at least over night.

So she gives me my clothes and explains that they were only waiting for you to wake up and for my clothes to finish washing and drying,then she shows me to a room that I can get dressed in private in.

When I'm finished getting changed I walk back into my room to grab my phone and to see the others. They all start walking out apart from me and Will he looks at me and fist bumps me then pulls me in for a quick hug he laughs

"I was worried about you,... we all were"

"Thanks Will"

"Sooo texting Jessie were we??"

"What no"

"So you were, interesting what's going on there then Dan?"

I sigh "not a lot, infact nothing unfortunately"

We start to walk once we get outside Tom tells me to get in the back with Jessie which I would usually be ok with if she wasn't avoiding me right now. I work out that we were at least half a hour away from the studios but it was going to feel much longer I think Tom could feel the tension in the air so he turned up the radio and P!nk Try was playing. I decide to text Jessie again thinking that she won't reply to me if I talk to her in person

Message to: Jessie

Message : "Jess look I don't want it to get awkward between us, I'm sorry if you thought I meant a different girl but I meant you the whole time xx"

Jessie POV

My phone vibrates I open it up nervously I was still in a bit of shock after Danny text me, but Tulisa said I was being a bit bitchy for not replying the second time to his text me,so this time I had to reply

1 new message from Danny

I open it up and it says

"Jess look I don't want it to get awkward between us, I'm sorry if you thought I meant a different girl but I meant you the whole time xx"

I decide I have to reply

"sorry I'm just a bit in shock, I just don't know what to say xx"

I feel the warmth from someone's has touch me on my shoulder and I feel a spark of electricity shoot up to my brain, I suddenly burst out laughing because the movement just made me feel protected and then Example Say nothing come on and it fit my text to Danny perfectly.

I realise that I like Danny more then I've ever like anyone else (both boys and girls) but when you're in love with someone the likelihood is that eventually they will let you down.

We get back to the studios and people start to make a fuss out of all of us we are told that the caterers will make us some lunch and that we should make our way to the lounge which we do I stop of in my dressing room to grab a jumper because I was cold. While making my way down to the lounge a pair of hands grabbed me and pulled me into the supply cupboard. I turn to look at who grabbed me and I see Danny standing there holding me I won't lie I felt quite comfy, he's smiling at me with his cheeky smile which I can't lie is really quite .... ..... Sexy? Yeah sexy is the word but its still quite annoying how he knows it works on me.

"Danny what the actual....."

"Shhh Jess do you have any idea how weird this will look if someone hears us?"

"Ok then why did you pull me in here?, and by the way thanks for scaring me"

"Sorry but I just wanted to tell you that, I really do think you are smart,funny,cute and gorgeous" with each word he was pulling me closer until his forehead was pressed against mine, then he pressed his lips against mine, it felt soo good, but in a way it felt bad,it only lasted for 30 seconds but it felt like 30 minuets, he pulled away leaving me wanting more

Danny POV

I pulled away from the kiss first, don't get me wrong I wanted more... much more but seeing as she wasn't actually my girlfriend and I didn't know if she had feelings for me, I knew I couldn't have more right now. I placed my hands back on to her waist (before my left hand was on her cheek while the right hand on he back of her neck/head)



"Do you want to go out and do something like watch a movie what's the film you did that song for ?"

"Silver linings?"

"That's it do you want to see it?"

"Umm sure but you do know its a romance film yeah?"


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