Forget-Me-Not (dreamxreader)

By red_fairy_lights

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****Book 2 of the Blooms of War series**** C!Dreamwastaken X femreader She/Her pronouns Y/N wakes to find her... More

1|| Trapped
2|| A Dreadful Cage
3|| Enderian
4|| Undercover
5|| Wilbur?
6|| What I Remember
7|| They Were My Friends, Right?
8|| Fundy || Part 1
9|| Fundy || Part 2
10|| Ripples
11|| Waves
12|| Rainbow Feathers - Father's Day Special
13|| A Tale From Long Ago
14|| I love you truly || Part 1
14|| I love you truly || Part 2
15|| The Meeting
16|| Chess
17 || Escape
18 || Travellers
19 || Exile
20 || Execution || Part 1
20 || Execution || Part 2
21 || Cocoa and Compasses
|| Halloween special ||
22 || You're Not Real
23 || The Truth
24 || Solivagant
25 || An Ocean of White
26 || Mothers
27 || Clarity
28 || Old Friends
29 || Secrets
30 || Engagement
31 || The Antarctic Anarchist Commune
✧Christmas Special✧
32 || Michael
33 || Heros
34 || Mizpah
35 || Stories From Another Life
36 || Adjustment
37 || The Community House
39 || Anger
40 || Worry
41 || Bargaining || Part 1
41 || Barganing || Part 2
42 || Lightning
43 || Moving Forward
44 || Getting Help
45 || Itsy Bitsy Spider
46 || Best Friends
47 || Great Responsibility
48 || Time Away
49 || New Recruits
50 || East and West
51 || Return
52 || Always
53 || Only the Night Sky
54 || Great and Sudden Change || Part 1
54 || Great and Sudden Change || Part 2
54 || Great and Sudden Change || Part 3
55 || Action
56 || You Are My Everything
57 || Nostalgia
58 || War
59 || Silence
60 || Epilogue
Final Words From The Author :)

38 || Loss

407 24 39
By red_fairy_lights


Lots of gore guys, I usually don't write this much but there is a lot. 



Piercing loud ringing. 

That horrible burning stink of Sulfur wafting below my nose. 

Dust on my eyelids, on my face. It falls into my eyes as I try to open them. I feel it burn. 

Something sharp cuts my palms as I try to push myself up, I don't recoil. I force tears to well in my eyes and push the dust out. 

The ringing slowly fades and the first thing I notice is the voices' silence. They must have been knocked out...

Knocked out...


The ringing fades and I feel a hand on my back. There's so much yelling but all I can think of is Tommy. I need to get to him. I need to make sure he's alive. I have to heal him. My vision clears enough that I can see my hands. 

In my daze, I can make out Techno and Ranboo's features. They're talking to me but I can't hear them. Finally, my adrenaline hits. 

"Tommy," I think my voice says and I push myself off the ground. I stumble and Techno catches me. More words that I don't hear. 


My head lobs around from side to side and then I finally spot him. His body had been blown back from the centre of the community house by the explotion. It didn't look like a body. Not like a body of a person and certainly not Tommy's body. 

The only recogniseable part of him were the scraps of his clothes and the tiniest peek of blond on his head. 

"Tommy," I groan louder and push off Techno and stumble over to him. 

I touch his shoulder and shake him. 


My hand nearly sticks to him his skin is so sticky. Did he have any skin left? It was hard to tell. I was sure nearly every bone in his body would have suffered some kind of damage from the explosion. There's a squelching sound as I peel my hand away from his shoulder. Blood oozes from a fresh wound and I feel a chuck of flesh drip from my palm. 

I taste iron in my mouth and unconsciously touch my lips. More blood. Lighter blood, more crimson nowhere near as dark as the blood that clung to Tommy's clothes. I didn't care. 

"Tommy," I put my hands on both shoulders again and shake. It takes everything in me not to vomit. His neck doesn't support his head as it flops around like heavy fruit on a tree branch. Rotten fruit that hangs limply read to sever from the branch at any second. 

Tommy's clothes were in tatters leaving only strips of stained fabric on his torso and legs. I crawl forward more feeling warmth on my knees and pricks from what must be glass. I catch a glance of it pooling on the ground around us. Running in tiny rivers through the tiny crevasses of rubble and valleys of shattered bricks and glass and who knows what else. Our blood pooled together in a way that I never imagined. 

A sob sticks in my chest and I try to get Tommy up again. 

"Tommy," I beg. My voice sounded as though it didn't belong to me. I sounded like a child who had grazed their knee, burbling with a wobbly lip. 

Daintily, I pull his head onto my knees. I lean down and press my cheek to his chest. Warm. Warm blood that cools the second that the wild wind sweeps through the wreckage. Blood that feels like water that clings to you after you wash your hands or shower. Warm whilst you're in it, ice-cold once the water hits the air. Tommy's body was cold as I press my cheek in harder slowly adjusting my position searching for a heartbeat. I notice minuscule waves of blood turn to drips that fall down his side as I push it with my face. 


Horrible, dreadful, deathly silence. 

"Tommy, please," I feel his blood stick to my cheek as I raise my head, thick paint dotted onto its canvas. My hands are already stained as I press them to his stripped cheeks and blood was pooling into my pants. 

My body wracks with sobs as I force back my wails. 

I nearly scream when I try to pull a hand away and see that his cheek had been blown open. What was left of his teeth glared up at me making me gag. Small hunks of white bone barely clinging to their red gummy beds. 

Tommy's beautiful smile was gone and I would never see it again. 

I vaguely make out skidding and I feel arms wrap around my shoulders. I flinch and cradle Tommy to my chest adjusting my position so I can hold him like a child. 

He was just a child. He had barely lived his life. 

A wail escapes me and arms wrap around me again. I don't control the sounds rushing from my own mouth. The only way I know I'm talking is the feeling of more blood pouring down my chin, neck and onto my shirt. 

A string of "no" leaves my mouth. I hear muffled voices behind the ringing and I realise the familiar arms I found myself in belonged to Dream. Louder muffles belonged to Techno and Ranboo. I heard Tubbo and Phil somewhere in there two. 

Why are they so worried about me? Tommy is...

I shake him again a little harsher begging him to groan or splutter or cough blood all over me. I didn't care what he did as long as he showed me he was fucking alive. 

Stillness. Silence. 

"TOMMY!" my scream was guttural, animalistic. Arms around me tighter, I tightened my hold on Tommy. 

My brother. My amazing, funny, stupid brother. 

"We have to go. Now!" a voice says. I don't care to know who it is. 

I rock Tommy and me back and forth trying to keep him with me. He can't leave me, not now. Not when everything was working. Not whilst we were going to make a difference. Not before we could fight the battle together and race more and train with Tubbo again. Not before we reminisced on L'Manburg and told Michael stories about our adventures together. 

Not now. 

Please Gods not now. 

Someone kneels in front of me. They're all strangers to me now except for Tommy even though Tommy was the least recognisable. My consciousness was tipping in all directions. All I could hear was ringing and the throbbing of my pulse. But I wanted to hear Tommy's pulse. 

I grab his wrist ignoring the missing fingers on his hand and the way the bone crunched in my gentle grasp. Bones like that of a sparrow, hollow and light so that he can fly high above the trees. I felt no throb of a pulse. This sparrow couldn't fly.  

I lamented more with each passing second. How long have I been here?

The person who was knelt in front of me reaches forward. I scamper back keeping hold of Tommy when I realise they want to take him away. Blood splashes up on the ground as my heels dig down for some sort of leverage. 

"NO!" I blurt out. 

Hands wrap around my shoulders and I scream as pain shoots through my collar bone. The arms loosen but not enough for me to get free. But the pain is enough to make my arms recoil from around the disgraced corpse. 

"NO!" I push myself to my feet but my body collapses under me in another wave of pain. 

I feel my cheekbone crunch as my head hits a heavy stone. 

Then it all fades to black. 


The first thoughts I have when I come to are of Tommy. 

They're going to take him away from me. 

I throw myself up into a sitting position and immediately start screaming. Although I try to speak no coherent words come to my mouth. I can't open my eyes. I try to remember what happens but my brain swaps between my thoughts and the chanting of the voices. 

Tommy. Tommy. Tommy. 

Blood. Rotten fruit. Dream.

Tommy. Tommy. Tommy.

Flesh. Gunpowder. Crowds. 

Tommy. Tommy. Tommy. 

I leap out of my skin when someone grabs my arms. Gruelling pain in my collar bone makes me scream louder. The hands let go. I can't think of anything except Tommy. I try to put my memories together but they mix and mash making one big painted mess. 

I hear a voice through the chaos. A voice I know belongs to someone I love. 

"Y/N, Y/N, Y/N it's ok!" they promise. 

Nothing was ok. Pain rips through my ears and I press my hands to my head to try and ease it. I fall back onto something soft. My hair is wet. Why is my hair wet? It wasn't sticky like blood. I writhe around on the strange surface, kicking and screaming until I feel like my lungs might explode. 

Darkness everywhere. I couldn't see. Where am I? Where is Tommy? Who's in the room with me? Why can't I see? I keep rolling blinding grabbing onto stuff to try and work out where I am. 

Hands again, this time on my sides holding me still. 

"Y/N you're going to hurt yourself!" 

Words. They're all just words. I force out another scream trying to keep them away from me. But what if they could help me? But where's Tommy?

The hands tighten. 


Light floods the darkness that I had been trapped in and I squint harshly. My breath comes in heavy pants as I take in my surroundings. I am in a room. I'm on a bed. 

I look around frantically for the voice and finally find it's a person. 


It feels like instinct when I lunge forward and hug him. But it's even more of an instinct when I recoil with pain. Dream's hand whips to the side and comes back with a pink bottle. 

I notice his eyes. Green. Strikingly green. Unnaturally green. Beautifully green. I realise that I'm no longer screaming, I'm too preoccupied with his eyes. 

"Y/N, I need you to tip your head back and drink this," he says carefully keeping our eyes locked. I nod unable to find my voice and tip my head back. He touches the bottle to my mouth and slowly the liquid slips through my parted lips. 

A warm bubbly feeling fills my stomach. The aching in my ears ebbs and the horrible pain in my collar bone lessened. I felt the skin on my scalp tighten as well as small patches of skin on my arms and legs. Scars I am now burned with from the explosion, amazingly, I was mostly unscathed besides. 

A sigh escapes my lips but the tears don't stop coming down my cheeks. 

"Dream, where's Tommy?" I croak out. Dream looks at me like I'm a lost kitten. Wobbly on my feet and vulnerable to everything around me, I mewed and mewed hoping that my mother would find me. I feel like I'm blind to everything around me except him. 

"He's here and he's safe, I promise." He's leaving something out, I know it. 

"Is he alive?" Now I really sounded desperate. My voice had been destroyed by my screams and I had no doubt I looked like a mess. 

I had suffered severe physical trauma after the explosion. I touch my cheek quickly but feel that it's intact. They must have filled me full of potions to fix it. Probably potions of my own creation, it's not easy to make them that strong. My face is probably blotchy and my eyes are definitely red, if not from crying then from the dust from the explosion. 

Dream keeps silent and dread fills my chest. He sets the empty bottle on the nightstand. My nightstand. It hits me that I'm in my room but I'm not in the tundra, I'm in Dream's house. 

I don't focus on that thought, Dream's expression had my full attention. He didn't want to tell me the truth. 

"Dream, is Tommy alive?" I ask again emphasising every word. My breath starts coming quick and hot when Dream looks down at his hands. I force back the tears that threatened to start spilling again. 

"Dream tell me that Tommy is alive," I felt myself start to weep. Dream still refused to look at me. 

Tommy isn't dead. He can't be dead. Not when we said we'd stick together. Not after I promised that I would look after him. I promised that I would protect him and I failed him. 

My grief catches up to me and I feel dizzy with exhaustion. I wrap my arms around my stomach and rock forward. Dream catches me and sweeps me into an embrace but it offered me little comfort.

Tommy was dead. 


My eyes are focused on the word out the window. Dream brought me downstairs to try and get me to eat but my mind was elsewhere. I cuddle closer into Niki's side and I feel the gentle brush of Ranboo's tail against my calf. 

As soon as Niki had seen me we had become inseparable. I cried with her and she just held me whispering soothing words into my ear. She moved us to the window so I would be able to sit down. Dream watched closely from wherever he was in the room, I hadn't taken note. 

Once Niki and I sat down Ranboo was quick to follow us and sat on the opposite end of the seat facing us. Someone handed Niki a blanket which she pulled over our legs like a tent with too many poles. 

From the bits and pieces of conversations I had overheard from the window I was beginning to make sense of what happened.  

I managed to catch that Dream had carried me here and Techno carried Tommy. Niki never left the house and was here when we arrived. Niki washed me and took my disgusting clothes and found fresh ones from my cupboard; sweats and one of Dream's hoodies. She patched me up as best she could until Phil managed to brew a regeneration and health potion hybrid that I taught him a while ago. Niki left me with Dream in my room to rest. After I broke down with Dream I had fallen asleep again and now it was the late afternoon. 

The whole SMP knew about me and Tommy now. Nearly everyone was at the Community House and word spread like wildfire. They all want to see me, proof that I'm alive or a statement from me of some kind. Why don't they want to see Tommy? Why don't they want to hear about him?

Tubbo's here too, I'm not sure when he got here. I look away from the window for a second and see him. He was sitting alone on a chair by the wall. Eyes blank, mind empty of everything except pain. 

What happened to us? When we met we were unbreakable. Our village had burned but we pushed our grief to the side and kept walking. We got lucky, we got out and we survived. We found a way out, met Wilbur and raised armies, a revolution, a country and another resistance after that. 

I remember, on one of our first nights, we made an oath to L'Manburg. Wilbur, Fundy and Eret were definitely drunk but we were happy and laughing. I wasn't far off tipsy either. Wilbur raised his cup high and stumbled as he tiptoed around the campfire we had made outside the van. He stood up on the log he was using as his chair and we chuckled as he balanced horribly and nearly fell for the thousandth time. 

"I may not live to see our glory!" he shouted boisterously looking like an overexcited little boy. 

"I may not live to see our glory!" we repeated back with just as much energy. 

"But I will gladly join the fight," he raised his glass. 
"But I will gladly join the fight," we raised ours. 

"And when our children tell our story!" he eyed Fundy and we laughed elbowing him and making a big fuss. He sighed irritatedly, but we all see the smile on his face. 

"And when our children tell our story," Tommy and Tubbo slung their arms over my shoulders nearly making me spill my drink.

"They'll tell the story of tonight," the air turns sincere and we all took a swig of our drinks. 

"Let's have another round tonight," Eret laughed leaning over to the barrel. Fundy was quick to catch on. 

"Let's have another round tonight," I laughed and raised my glass in a "cheers" gesture. My cheeks hurt from smiling so much. We'd been training all day and had a successful battle in the SMP. We were so high on life we probably didn't even need the alcohol. 

"Let's have another round tonight," Wilbur mumbled and sat back down. Then Tommy suddenly stood, considerably more serious than we were. 

"Raise a glass to freedom, something they can never take away. No matter what they tell you!" he raised a fist with a wicked grin and we cheered. 

"Raise a glass to the four of us, tomorrow there'll be more of us!" we laugh and yell at Wilbur telling him that he got the number wrong. He proceeded to poke each one of us as he recounted but forgot to include everyone again.  

"Telling the story of tonight," Tubbo joined in joyfully making me smile wider. He and Tommy were so ready to fight, so ready to give everything up for L'Manburg. 

"They'll tell the story of tonight!" Wilbur stood from his seat again nearly falling over and left us rolling on the floor in tears of laughter. 

Nobody would tell the story of that night. Nobody would ever tell our children about how we pledged ourselves to revolution. Only how we all died trying to fight against a force that was too great for us. 

I'm taken away from the bittersweet memory when Niki gently shakes my shoulder. I look at her and flinch a bit as Ranboo's tail brushes my cheek. I touch my face and realise I've been crying. I didn't even realise. 

They don't say anything, they don't ask if I'm ok. I'm an open book for all to read. I wasn't ok. They knew that. Ranboo definitely knew that. I look at Ranboo's face and see him watching Tubbo. I don't know why he was with me and not Tubbo. He should be with Tubbo. 

I nudge his foot under the blanket and he looks at me. In his eyes, I read sadness but not as deep or woeful as mine or Tubbo's. I gesture in Tubbo's direction with my head. Ranboo gives me a look as if to ask "are you sure?" and I nod in reply. 

Reluctantly, he rises from the seat and kneels in front of Tubbo. I watch him press a hand to Tubbo's cheek but he gets no reaction. It was almost as if he wasn't even there. 

Niki rests her head on my shoulder. 

"Y/N, are you ok with Fundy and Quackity coming to see you?" Niki asks gently. No, But it's probably time. 

I open my mouth to answer but quickly shut it when the door slams open. I jump startled and everyone grabs a weapon ready to attack anything that entered the house. 

I watch cautiously as Dream's expression melts and he rushes over to the door. Everyone lowers their weapons and returns to whatever they were doing. Dream speaks quietly to the people at the door. Their voices sound familiar. I hear clunking and swishing and I know that Dream has told them to leave their stuff at the door, that they can come in. 

When they round the corner I don't think my heart was prepared for what I saw. 

"Y/N!" George and Sapnap rush over to me and Niki slips off the seat getting out of the way of the two men stampeding towards me. 

 I nearly choke on my sobs as they wrap me in a giant group hug. Sapnap takes Niki's spot keeping an arm around my shoulders whilst George takes Ranboos seat and keeps a gentle hand on my knee. 

I just sit there and cry exhaustedly. Two of my closest friends and Dream's best friends had just burst through the door. I was still trying to absorb everything and I wasn't sure if I was glad for this or if I wanted to curl up and cry alone some more.  

"We're sorry for leaving Y/N," George finally says quietly as my sobs die down. 
"But we're not planning on leaving again anytime soon," Sapnap tries to lighten my spirits. I silently thank his kindness even though his attempt fell flat on the floor. 

The sound of nervous footsteps makes us all look up. Dream rubs the back of his neck nervously and the tension thickens. 

"I'm sorry," he sighs looking at George and Sapnap. They seem taken aback, when they last saw Dream he would never have apologised for anything. The Dream they remembered was wild and unpredictable and dangerous. 

"You guys were right all along and I treated you horribly."

George and Sapnap look at each other, nod once, and then George shuffles over allowing Dream to fit on our window seat. Dream looks at me and I smile at him telling him how proud I am of his strength. Apologies are never easy, especially when they mean so much to you. 

I can't help but look over at Tubbo and Ranboo again. Ranboo stands with a hand on his shoulder as Tubbo leans weakly into his side. As much as I wanted to stay with Sapnap, George and Dream in our little bubble, I had comfort to offer others. 

Tentatively, I slip out of Sapnap's embrace and kneel in front of Tubbo. His eyes looked even more void when I see them up close. I notice his limp hands and grip them in my own hoping that he would look up at me. Tubbo's hands were rough and warm as always, but they didn't welcome me like they used to. Tubbo didn't look at me. Only a single tear escaped where it had been balancing tediously on his eyelashes. 

Tubbo was hurting just as much as I was, only he didn't want to show it. That's how Tubbo always has been. The happy one, the positive one. But things are different now. 

I press my thumb to his cheek catching the tear before it rolled down to his chin. Tubbo stays still and silent. I look up at Ranboo, he looked as worried as I felt. Then Tubbo wriggles his hands from my grasp. I watch his expression as he pulls me into a hug. I hold him tightly and feel his breath grow shaky under my hands. 

Ranboo kneels down with me but he was so tall he was the same height as Tubbo even though he's kneeling. Ranboo wraps his arms around the two of us and I notice his tail brush my back and wrap around one of Tubbo's wrists. 

Tubbo cries silently. The only evidence of his tears was the slowly growing wet patch on my shoulder and his uneven breaths. He was trying so hard to hold it together. 

The sound of a door opening and closing draws my attention away. I notice that Techno had left the seat at the table he was sitting in next to Phil. This was hardest for the two of them, the last of Tommy's biological family. The two of them had lost too much. First Freya, then Wilbur and now Tommy. 

I don't miss the fact that Phil's crumpled hat had been discarded in the middle of the table, or how he rubbed his palms roughly up and down his face. Tubbo is as reluctant to let me go as I am to leave, but I can't be everywhere at once. 

I lean on the backs of the chairs with my palms to steady my gait as I make it to Phil's side. Like Tubbo, he doesn't look at me. I lower myself into the chair Techno had been sitting on and set what I hope is a comforting hand on Phil's shoulder. 

"How are you feeling?" I manage to wheeze out through my broken voice. Phil shakes his head, a man plagued with a thousand burdens. 

"When Wil died... it was different..." he trails off unable to finish, but I know what he means. 
"It was different because our Wil was already gone," I finish for him. Phil nod and look up at the ceiling, the light from the windows catching the dull glint in his eye. 

"Tommy was just starting to live again," Phil whispers hoarsely. The thought hits me and I let out some sort of strange whimper. I feel a blanket of warmth as Phil wraps a thickly feathered wing over my shoulders. I smile a weak thank you and Phil nods again. 

"I should check on Techno," I say and Phil takes his wing back. I wish I could stay and look after Phil. I wish I could stay with each one of them at the same time and look after all of them. I'd spend more time with each of them slowly, but right now I knew that Techno would be bottling up everything. 

I slip out the back door and see Techno sitting on the steps of the verandah. It was a revoltingly beautiful day for what was going on inside. The sky looked so blue it seemed to be made of glass. The breeze was gentle and wafted the sweet scent of late spring to my nose. 

I sink onto the step next to Techno. He's holding his crown in his hands, his cloak had been long discarded. His hair was dishevelled and I could see patches of blood on his white shirt. Techno had to carry Tommy back, I recall and suddenly find my stomach churning. The image of Tommy's body, unrecognisable, red, still. 

I set my hand on Techno's back and rubbed small circles trying to distract myself as well as offer him whatever ounce of strength I had left. Even though Techno would be stoic, I knew he was grieving Tommy. Like Tubbo and me and Phil and everybody. Techno takes a deep breath and grips his crowing tightly, his knuckles slowly turning white. He squeezes his big white eyes shut trying to block out the things in his head. No doubt the voices would be hammering him now that they had seen blood. 

I slip my arms around his waist leaning my cheek on his shoulder. Techno leans into me and I feel his breathing break its rhythm and the smallest sob escapes him. Techno is quick to catch it and force it away. 

"You don't have to hide from me," I say. Techno's breathing shakes again but he keeps it under control. 

"But if I'm a mess I can't help Phil," I feel my heart break. Phil and Techno had a special connection, there wasn't a doubt about it. 

"Phil is worried about you too."
"What are we going to do?"
"Tommy needs a funeral," my voice cracks as I finally admit the thing I've been avoiding. 

"He wouldn't want a big funeral no matter how much he'd boast about it," I say.

"I know," Techno replies. There's a beat of silence. We let the subject pass not wanting to think about a future without Tommy here with us. I had pushed the idea far from my mind. 

"You should sit with Phil for a while," I suggest but Techno shakes his head. 

"I will, I just want to look at the flowers for a while first." The meadow was in full bloom due to the sickeningly sweet weather. I knew Techno couldn't give two shits about the flowers but once again I found my mind drifting to Tommy. 

"Tommy hated it when I made flower crowns for him. He'd say they were silly but Tubbo and I would force him to wear one with us. He'd say he was wearing it for us but he always adjusted it to make sure it would stay on his head." Techno chuckles at the story. 

"Sounds like Tommy," he says. I sniffle and Techno wraps an arm around my shoulders and I enjoy his comfort. It had been a while since it was just the two of us. I didn't realise how much I had missed him. 

"Y/N, you have visitors," Tubbo's voice says behind us. I turn seeing his quiet expression, I hadn't even heard the door open. Tubbo seemed to have withdrawn from his grief, at least for the moment. I had a feeling I would need to steel myself too. I look at Techno and he makes no move to follow me as I get up. Before I go I leave a sisterly kiss on his head and tuck the hair that had come loose from his braid behind his pig ears.  

"Is Michael alright?" I ask Tubbo as I meet him at the door. 
"I just got a letter from Puffy, she heard what happened and said she'd look after Michael for as long as we need her to," the ghost of a smile crosses Tubbo's lips. 

"It's better that he's away from this," I say and Tubbo agrees. 

"Who's here?" I ask and Tubbo pauses for a moment. 

"Fundy and Quackity, they were very insistent on seeing you," I take a deep breath and nod. I hadn't seen either of them for a long time but I knew they led many expeditions to look for me when I was gone. 

Tubbo holds the door for me letting me into the house. Immediately, I spot Fundy's bushy fox tail. For a split second, I silently observe the pair. 

Whilst Fundy looked mostly the same, Quackity had changed drastically. The massive scar on his face and his blind white eye caught my attention immediately. He also had forgone his casual sweats and his L'Manburg suit and tie. Instead, he stood casually in a white shirt and grey trousers with spenders and a red tie. But he had kept his beanie. 

Fundy catches sight of me and I force myself into the room. 

"Y/N," Fundy says quietly and pulls me into a hug. Quackity turns around from where he was talking to Ranboo and sees me. I pull away from Fundy and then hug Quackity. 

"We're so sorry about what happened," Quackity starts. I shake my head. Quackity's wild attitude was completely gone, he was totally different to when I last saw him. 

"It wasn't your fault," I say simply and Tubbo stands at my side. 

"What's the situation in the cities?" he asks. Straight to business, perhaps it was best. 

"Everybody knows that Y/N is alive and currently the speculation is spiralling. There are too many stories to keep track of," Quackity starts grimly. I can't help but sigh, I really don't feel like making a public statement. 

"As for the Community House, the foundations are flooded and it's unsalvagable. It will have to be completely bulldozed and rebuilt. Also, people are looking for leaders and they want statements and information now," Fundy looks tired as he explains it. I have a feeling that the information they collected may have been easy to come by but that it was hard work. They were probably flooded by herds of people looking for answers. 

"Dream, we have some leadership problems," Tubbo calls Dream over. He looks at all of us letting his eyes linger on me for a moment. 

I must look like a mess because he comes over and immediately wraps an arm around my shoulder in a side hug. I'm more than happy to lean into his side and wrap my arm around his waist. I ignore the surprised and confused looks from Quackity and Fundy and just focus on staying standing up. 

"Sapnap, George," Dream says and the others join us. They give him questioning looks and Dream heaves a worried sigh. 

"Feel free to say no, but George, would you consider standing in as King of the SMP one last time?" he asks sheepishly. It takes one look at me before George answers. 

"Alright, no ripping it away unexpectedly like last time though," he shrugs and I see the small smirk on Dream's face. He was relieved, to say the least. I was glad he was stepping away from the SMP for a while, I want him here with me. I can't imagine walking through this without his support. 

I'm struck by the realisation of the massive job that George would have. Everybody would be in shambles and George had little experience with state disasters. 

"Sapnap, will you help him?" I ask and Sapnap nods immediately sending a cheeky grin to George. At least George won't be alone now, even if Sapnap will do more joking around than leading. 

"Quackity, Fundy, how do you feel about co-governing L'Manburg for a little while?" Tubbo asks and I see Fundy's head flick up and his eyes widen eagerly. Quackity raises an eyebrow and shrugs. 

"No problem boss," Quackity says. 

We go quiet for a moment. There was one bit of business we hadn't discussed and I knew Fundy and Quackity had the answers I needed. 

I already had a suspicion as to who blew up the Community House. The SMP was peaceful and never hurt its allies. Wilbur was dead and Dream would never blow up his own country and Tubbo wouldn't wage a war like this. Even though I knew the answer, I wanted to hear them say it. I needed it to sink in. 

"Fundy, Quackity, who bombed the Community House?" I say. Whilst my voice is stern, I don't try to hide my emotion behind it. Quackity and Fundy look at one another with troubled expressions. 

"Are you sure you want to know?" Quackity asks like I'm shattered glass about to break as soon as they say the words. But I wasn't breaking any more than I already am. 

"I am," I say and take some of my weight off Dream. I am strong, they need to see that. Dream squeezes my shoulder offering me silent pride. The tension in the room thickens and Fundy takes a deep breath fiddling with his fingers all the while. He didn't want to say. He looks me in the eye and I will him to understand that I want this. I need this. 

"It was the Dark Army."



Well, well, well, well... What do we have here? Chaos of my own construction >:)

My life is about to get busy guys. Chapters will probably be slow for a while but I plan to finish this. I'm trying to plan every chapter until the end so that it takes the creative pressure off and then I can focus on writing and then it should be a bit quicker. So far I've planned up to chapter 46 and I'm going to get on the grind again to finish all the plans. 


You're valid, your feelings are valid, your needs are valid. 

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