The Grooms Baby- Book 1 [Comp...

By 23amelia

689K 20.1K 1.2K

**Book 1 of The Grooms Standalone Series** **Every chapter is edited** When Tasha meets a sexy fireman at a b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
~Chapter 11~
~ Chapter 12 ~
~Chapter 13~
~Chatper 14~
~Chapter 15~
~ Chapter 16~
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~
~Chapter 19~
~Chapter 20~
~Chapter 21~
~Chapter 22~
~Chapter 23~
~Chapter 24~
~Chapter 25~
~Chapter 26~
~Chapter 27~
~Chapter 28~
~Chaptet 29~
~Chapter 30~
~Chapter 31~
~Chapter 32~
~Chapter 33~
~Chapter 34~
~Chapter 35~
~Chapter 36~
~Chapter 37~
~Chapter 38~
~Chapter 39~
~Chapter 40~
The Grooms Little Girls - Book 2

Chapter 6

18K 519 46
By 23amelia

*Edited by dann_ds & myself


I couldn't go back to sleep after I left Tasha's place. The hurt and sadness that was on her face made me angry with myself. I hate myself for putting her in the position that I'm in. I mean, she caught me cheating on Summer with her.

I don't think I'll let this go; I need to explain myself to Tasha. I don't care how long it takes.

This is my third cup of coffee and it's not even dawn yet. Sitting in the living room watching movies since I came from Tasha's place. It made me depressed remembering the look on her face, which was all because of me.

I'm hoping she'll forgive me for the pain I caused her if not, then I'll try asking for her forgiveness every day until I die.

I feel like shit.

The last words she said to just keep replaying in my head "I wish I never laid my eyes on you." My eyes closed shut.

Those nine words will haunt me forever with hurt and sadness behind it.


I woke up to the smell of sausages and the sounds of music. I noticed the TV was off; I tilted my reclining chair back and I'm guessing Summer put a blanket on me. I look at the clock and it was twelve-thirty in the afternoon.

I got myself off the recliner chair and headed to the kitchen where Summer was making a late brunch.

"Hey, babe! How are you?" Summer asked me. She was buttering the toast.

"I'm doing fine but still tried." I probably have dark circles under my eyes.

"Yeah, I bet you slept all night, Corey?"

"Yeah, I must've fallen asleep, around midnight." I lied to her, which I hate to do.

"When I came home from work this morning, you were out cold, so I tilted your recliner and grabbed a blanket for you." She spoke.

"Thanks, Sums," I said to her. I made my way to the table and watched her finish the brunch.

"You're welcome, babe. Do you want a cup of coffee?" She asked me.

"No thanks, I'll just grab some orange juice if we have any," I said to her. I had enough coffee early this morning.

"I'll check babe." Summer said. She opens the fridge to see if we have any oranges. It probably took her about ten seconds, and she pulls out a carton of orange juice.

"Do you want a small or a big cup?" She asks me.

"I'll have a large glass cup please," I replied to her.

I watch her pour the orange juice into a large glass cup. When she was done pouring the juice into a glass cup, she came walking towards me and put the glass of orange juice in front of me.

"Thanks, Sums. What's your plan for today?"

"Well, I was thinking of going for a walk with my friends in the trails later. How about you?"

"I might go to the gym with Greg. I need to burn off some steam."

"Yeah." Summer came over to me and hug me from the back and kissed my head.

"It looks like you need it, Corey." Summer was messaging my shoulders, which felt nice.

"Yeah well, I'm going to call Greg after eating."

Once Summer was done messaging my shoulders, she went to finish our late brunch. She talked a bit about the wedding with some ideas, but made a delicious brunch.

I called Greg about an hour after finishing our late brunch

It was about four o'clock when Greg came to pick me up. Summer was gone by three with her friends. I had to make sure I got everything in my gym bag that I needed. I think he noticed that I was being quiet when I enter his truck. But usually, I'm talkative.

"You okay Corey, you seem quiet?"

"Let's just say I fucked up Greg." He frowns at me and wonders what I did.

"Like what? You got caught cheating, or you broke a woman's heart?" He chuckles at me. He was right on the two parts, he said.

"Maybe both." That's all I said to him.

"Well, we can talk at the gym." Greg turns the volume up on the radio.

We didn't say anything to each other just listening to loud music. The traffic was a bit busy on a Sunday late afternoon. Closing my eyes and thinking of Tasha and the pain she's going through right now.

Greg's truck stops and the music is turned off.

"Wake up, sleeping beauty. We are here." He turned off the ignition to his truck and got out.

When Greg shut his door, I got out after him and grabbed my bag. We walked towards the gym, and he opened the door for me.

"Thanks, man."

"No problem, sweetheart." He chuckles after he said that, and I nodded my head at him.

We went straight to the front desk to sign in. Greg was talking to Karen, and I felt like the third wheel here, so I left for the men's change rooms. Changed into my gym shoes and put my other shoes in my gym bag. I also grab my water bottle.

I heard the door open and here comes Greg. He hands me the key to the lockers so I could put in my gym bag.

"Thanks." I shove my gym bag into my locker.

"You're welcome."

I waited for him to get all pretty up. Standing by the door and still waiting for him. I was lost in thought, thinking about Tasha. I need to explain myself to her even though I keep saying it in my mind.

I'm guilty of my actions.

I'm guilty of hurting Tasha.

I'm guilty of cheating on Summer.

I'm guilty of feeling like this.

"Corey." I heard someone saying my name.

"Corey." This person is calling my name again and shaking me.

I snap out of it.

"Sorry I was lost in thought."

"Yeah, I can tell. Now let's burn off some steam."

I opened the door for him, and he mumbled thanks. The gym wasn't busy today like the last time we were here. I wanted to do the dumbbells first. I could tell Greg was right behind me. I grabbed thirty pounds of dumbbells. And I walked in front of the mirror and stopped and looked at myself.

I started doing the hammer curl. Greg was doing the same exercise as me.

"So... Do you want to talk about what happened to you?" Greg asked me.

"Let's just say I got caught cheating on Summer and I hurt someone pretty bad that I feel like shit."

"When did this happen, Corey?"

"It all happened at the Halloween Bash at the Tunnel Club was hosting. Okay. I came home early from my training... so the guys wanted to get dressed up and go to the Halloween Bash. I went as John Reid from The Lone Ranger movie. The moment I walked in; I saw Tasha dressed as Wonder Woman. Oh, she was looking so sexy in that outfit, especially that corset to show all her curves. -" Greg cuts me off.

"I don't want to hear about Tasha like that she's like a little sister to me. Man!" He stops doing the hammer curl and looks at me.

What? I said to myself.

"Okay, sorry. How many Tasha do you know that live in San Francisco?"

We continue doing the hammer curl.

"Only two... How many Tasha's do you know, Corey?"

That's easy.

"Just one, my dear, just one."

"Now tell me the rest of your story?"

He'll probably shoot me in the heart when I tell him about hurting Tasha.

"I followed her to the bathroom, and I waited until she was done. I scared her when she walked out." I chuckle but I looked at Greg he did not even smile at all, not even once. "We talked, made out, and....." I left the whole red lipstick part.

"And what Corey?" We stop again.

Well, here it goes.

"When we were talking, my future sister-in-law came looking for Tasha and she notices me in my costume. She said to Tasha that I was Summer's fiancée. The look on her face made me feel like shit, and she walked away. I left after that, on Saturday night when Summer was working nights, I went to Tasha's place as I wanted to explain myself to her and apologize to her...... Let's just say I hurt her bad that she slammed the door in my face."

"If I were her, I would either slap you so hard in the face or kick you in the balls so hard that you won't be able to have kids. Corey, you fucked up bad and I'm restraining myself to beat the living shit out of you...... So, let's go to the punching bag." I could see the steam coming out of his ears.

We put back the dumbbells that we were using back on the shelf, and I followed Greg to the punching bag area. He puts on the gloves, and I went behind the punching bag to hold it while he punches it.

"I should just tape your face on here Corey." He continues to punch the bag with everything he got.

"Hahaha, hilarious Greg. Seriously, I need your advice to - "

"To what, get Tasha to forgive you?"

"Well yeah. I mean you have wife, I'm sure - "

"That we argue a lot and forgive each other just like that, Corey." I nod my head at him.

"Corey, every relationship is not perfect. Of course, I and Bailey have arguments about disagreeing and agreeing with each other, but we don't yell or fight each other. But at the end of it all, no matter what, we love each other."

I mean, he's right, every relationship is not perfect.

"What do you do, when she's upset or feeling down?"

"Now you're talking. Well, I buy Bailey her favourite drink with it, either chocolate or something sweet like candy it usually cheers her up. But with Tasha, I think it's going to be hard for her to forgive you, for cheating on her with her best friend's sister. If I were you, I would buy her a drink or small boxes of chocolates and write something, but it has to be from your heart, Corey?"

"I could try that and drop it off at her work tomorrow."

"Well, at least don't go into her office, just drop it off at the front desk."

"I know what I'm doing Greg."

"Good, now it's your turn on the bag." Greg removed himself from the bag, took off the gloves, and he's taking a drink of his water bottle.

I went back into the locker room. Unlocked my locker with the key and unzipped my bag and grabbed my gloves. I put them on quickly as I got through the door and walk towards Greg and the punching bag.

Greg was standing behind the punching bag and holding it tight. I was letting all my emotions out with each hard punch. About twenty minutes into it, I could feel the sweat dripping down my face. Greg said nothing to me.

Later we talked about other stuff that don't include Summer, the wedding, and Tasha. But I must make it right for her.


In the morning, I took another shower. I put on my red boxers, blue jeans, a black shirt, and my brown leather jacket. I left Summer a note on my pillow because she was still sleeping when I left. I grab a black sharpie marker and put it in my jacket pocket. I'm going to get her favourite hot drink from Starbucks.

On the way there, so many thoughts were going through my mind. What if I ran into her? Will she slap me in the face this time? Will she tell me she hates me?

I found a parking spot in front of Starbucks. I turned off the truck and got out. I walked into the store and only two people were in line before me.

I was thinking of Tasha.

"Sir, can I help you?" A lady behind the counter says to me. Then I realized I was still standing in the same spot with no one in front of me.

"Sorry. I'll get a large Cafe Misto and that will be all, miss." I walk towards the counter.

"That will be $4.75, sir." She said, and I took out my wallet and gave her a five-dollar bill. She pressed the screen and open the cash register.

"Here's your change sir and your drink will be on the right counter." She hands me $0.25 change in my hands.


"You're welcome and have a good day, sir." I nodded my head at her.

Let's hope so.

I made my way to the right counter and waited for Tasha's drink to be done. A guy passed me the hot drink, and I said thanks to him. I went to the table and thinking of what to write. Greg said it must come from your heart. Finally, after five minutes, I grab the black sharpie from my jacket pocket, took off the cap, and wrote it down on the side of the cup.

Once I was done writing it. I decided to man up for my mistakes and walked toward her office building. But as I crossed the street, I began getting nervous.

I stood out of her building and took a couple of deep breaths.

Okay, here goes nothing. I open the doors to the building and walked inside.

I see a lady at the front desk and walked towards her.

"Can I help you, sir?" The lady stares at me.

"Um.... Can you point me to the direction of Tasha ford's office?"

"She's in a meeting right now sir."


"Would you mind Ms.-"

"Bonnie, the name is Bonnie." I shake her hand and we let go.

"C.J." Once I said my name, she was eye rapping me from head slowly going down, then stops at midway and she continues going down.

I pretend to clear my throat. She looked up at me and smiled. I guess she likes what she sees.

"Would you mind giving this drink to Tasha, please?" I passed her Tasha's hot drink in hoping she didn't read what I wrote.

"Yes, I will C.J."

"Thanks, and it was nice meeting you, Bonnie."

"It was nice meeting you too, C.J."



I turned around and began walking towards the exits. I can sense her staring at my ass.


I had a horrible weekend. I can't believe C.J or Corey I don't know what to call him with anymore cheated on me with Summer, who is like a big sister to me.

I felted used.



Rachel kept asking why I left her and C.J there alone and why I rushed out of there. I made a lie that someone pushed me into him and that's when Rachel came in. I only stayed for an hour before coming home.

I've spent my Saturday and Sunday inside my apartment. I mostly order takeout, lots and lots of junk food, ice cream, and romantic movies.

Did laundry and cleaned a bit?

When C.J came to my house on Saturday around midnight to apologize to me. I couldn't believe he brought his sorry ass to my place. He hurt my heart by cheating on me.

I had to shut off my phone all day Saturday because he kept texting and phoning me like crazy. I was thinking about changing my number. On Sunday morning, I turned on my iPhone.

105 texts messages.

95 phone calls.

23 voice mail.

Wow, this guy needs to give up.

I was too busy in my thoughts when I heard knocking on my office door.

"Come in"

The door opened to Bonnie with a Starbucks cup in her hands.

"Guess who came here?" She asked me. The smile on her face means someone made her very happy.

"I do not know. A hot guy gave you a Starbucks drink." There's my answer.

"Yes, a hot guy gave me this drink for you. A guy named C.J." I stop breathing when she said C.J's name.

"What?" I can't believe he came here to my work to bring me a hot drink.

"I've met C.J Hun. He asked me for your office, but I lied to him you were in a meeting. Tash, he's hot-" I cut Bonnie off.

"You should've brought him here so I could slap him to death."

"What the hell, what did he do now? Tasha."

"Let's just say he got caught red-handed. But I'll tell you at lunch." Trying not to get upset.

"Did you want to go out or eat here for lunch?"

"Let's eat here and I'll grab some fries at the chip truck. I need something salty to eat for my cravings." I didn't want to run into C.J.

"Well, I want mine with just fries and gravy. But I'm going to get you something at the pharmacy."

"Like what, Bon?" I hope she's not buying me a pregnancy test.

"Well, you will have to wait and see Tash, but I'll see you at lunch." She hands me the drink from her hands.

"See ya, Bonnie." She smiled at me and left me here in my thoughts.

I noticed something on the side of my drink, and it looked like it was black writing. I turn the drink a bit more until I could see the writing on it.

I grasp what C.J wrote.


I'm sorry for causing you the pain, hurt, and sadness you feel right now. I know you can't forgive me, but I know I can't forgive myself for hurting you, Tasha. Since I met you, I can't stop thinking about you, your laughter, your hugs, your sweet kisses, and your amazing woman, Tash. I like you more than friends and I hope you feel the same about me.


He wants to be more than friends, but he can't because he's engaged to Summer.

Before I knew he was cheating on me, I want to be more than friends like a relationship. Like he could be my boyfriend and I could be his girlfriend.

But that idea went down the drain went he got caught cheating.

In the next hour before my appointment comes in. I read all the text messages and listen to all the voice mail that C.J left for me.


I just got back from the food vendors down the street. I got Bonnie her large fries with gravy and for myself; I got a larger extra salt and vinegar. I put out the containers and placed them on my desk, and grabbed the forks and napkins.

Bonnie came in without knocking and she had a plastic bag in her hand and handed it to me.

"What's this?"

"Look and find out."

I opened the bag and I looked at her.

"A pregnancy test, Bonnie. I'm not pregnant, I'm just having major PMS symptoms."

"Okay, when was the last time you had your period?"

Oh shit!

I grab my iPhone and looked at the calendar. Okay, my last period on here was October fourth and today is November third, so that makes me two days late.

I can't be late, I'm always on time for my period.

Did he use protection? I can't remember if he did or not.

"So, what's the verdict?" Bonnie was sitting down and eating her fries and gravy.

"I'm two days late and I'm always on time for my period."

"Well, take the test in the morning before you go to the bathroom. Let's talk about C.J now."

I told her about going to the Halloween Party Bash at the Tunnel Club. I showed her pictures of me and my girlfriends in their costumes. She liked them, especially Rachel's costumes. Then about C. J getting caught cheating on me. Being engaged to Rachel's sister, Summer. How he came to my door Saturday night and left me many messages and texts messages. I showed her my Starbucks cup he wrote on, and she didn't even notice it.

She thinks I should give him a chance to explain to me. But I said I'll think about it.

Bonnie told me to tell her about the results in the morning.

When I got home from work, I pulled out the pregnancy test from my purse and placed it on the kitchen table.

What if I'm pregnant? Pregnant with his child.

Okay, let's not think about that.

I kept myself busy with making dinner and watching a movie. Before I did dishes and showered, I bought the test to my room and placed it on my dresser.


My alarm clock went off. I pressed the button to make the sound go away. I got off my bed and grab the test and march to the bathroom.

With my shaking hands, I opened the box and grab the instructions first. So, after reading it I need to do a morning pee. I grab the test and rip open the package.

Oh, my god. I'm nervous as hell right now that I felt like throwing up.

Sat on the toilet, grab the test, took off the plastic cap, and placed the test between my legs.

I peed on the test, pulled it out, and placed the cap on. Put the test on the counter. It said to wait for three to five minutes for the results.

After I finished using the bathroom and washing my hands, I was too scared to look at the results.

In the meantime, I went downstairs to make breakfast and a cup of coffee. After eating breakfast, I went upstairs to the bathroom to find out the results. My hands were starting to sweat, and my breathing was heavy.

I walk in and look down.

It was a + positive sign.

Holy shit!!!

I'm pregnant with the groom's baby.





Until next time my readers around the world!!! :)

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