Dreams Only Last For a Night...

By PrettyLittleTimeBomb

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What's going to happen to Stella Summers when her world gets turned upside down because she has to move away... More

Dreams Only Last For a Night: Chapter 1
Dreams Only Last For a Night: Chapter 2
Dreams Only Last For a Night: Chapter 3
Dreams Only Last For a Night: Chapter 5
Dreams Only Last For a Night: Chapter 6 Part One

Dreams Only Last For a Night: Chapter 4

18 0 0
By PrettyLittleTimeBomb

READ THE AUTHOR’S NOTE! You would get where I got the title and what I mean if you only messaged me! Now you’re going to have to do it since it’s going to bother you for the rest of your lives. Sucks right? LISTEN TO THE SONG IN THE SIDEBAR or whatever. That is all

Chapter 4: A Heart of Gold Turned Platinum

Blaine's P.O.V

This week had gone by painfully slow since Stella basically ignored me the whole time. After taking her back to her gym class on Monday, she shut down once again. It was already Friday and there has been no peep from her.

"Dude, what's with you? You've been all AWOL on me all week,"

I turned away from my locker to see Aiden behind me giving me a questioning look.

"Oh, uh, nothing. I've just been worried about Mrs. Poppy's test."

He knew I was lying through my teeth. He's known me for too long to believe me that I actually cared about a test.

"Whatever, dude. Anyways the reason I came over here was to tell you that me and some friends are going to the movies tonight and we were wondering if you wanted to come since you've been so uptight all week." He said changing the subject because he could tell that the conversation was making me feel uncomfortable. That last part was true. Stella ignoring me made my ego drop. Other girls loved it when I ignored them, but they never ignored me...

I felt out of place.

"Maybe. I'll have to make sure I don't have to watch Casey tonight since my mom has been swamped with work recently."

"Okay, man. Text me later with the answer." He said while turning away to walk with his girlfriend Avery. I hadn't noticed that she was behind him the whole time until he grabbed her by the waist. As they were walking she turned her head to look at me and gave me an apologetic expression. Like she knew what was going on with me. 

I turned my head back to my locker and grabbed all of my things and walked towards my homeroom class before the bell rang.


Stella's P.O.V.

I sat at my desk for what seemed like ages waiting for the bell to ring and for homeroom to begin.

At least that's what I was thinking was the reason.

On that Tuesday when I was actually at school for the whole day I realized that I had six classes with Blaine out of seven. For 4th period I had French while he took guitar.

I kept looking at the door, waiting for him to walk through the door. I had ignored him all week and I felt so guilty. He had tried to talk to me Monday after the incident and all day Tuesday, but I only gave him one word answers and sometimes nothing at all, so on Wednesday and Thursday he stopped talking to me all at once. I decided that I was going to try and talk to him Monday so I can make up a good excuse over the weekend as to why I have been giving him the cold shoulder.

I couldn't tell him that in math it’s hard to be next to him and not try to grab his face and kiss it.

I couldn't tell him that every time he looked at me while I wasn't paying attention made my heart sink into the already deep shit it's in.

I couldn't tell him that his very presence just makes me want to break up with Jeremy right now and jump into his arms after.

I couldn't tell him this because I'm pretty sure he doesn't feel the same...

"Uhh, hello? Earth to Stella! I've been like trying to talk to you and you're just ignoring me!" Rachel said to me.

Rachel hasn't left my side at school since I came into homeroom on Tuesday. She told me that when she was a new student last year, nobody came up to her so she had to go to them to make friends. She didn't want that to happen to me so she started becoming a companion of mine if you will.

"Oh sorry I was just thinking," I told her. It was the truth, I was just not saying all of it.

"About what?"

"If I should cancel my spot tonight at the hospital."

When my mother was being treated for breast cancer last year I was around the hospital a lot. I began to become really close friends with all of the nurses and doctors and I really liked having their company. So, when my mom's cancer went away I was, dare I say it, devastated. I had to leave everybody behind and I hated it. When I moved here I immediately signed up for an internship at the hospital because I wanted to make some new friends when I got here. The job was fairly easy all I had to do was run errands, sort papers, and stuff like that. Before she could answer he walked in. He had his head glued to the floor and walked towards the only empty desk.

Right next to me.

He quietly sat down and pulled out a piece of paper and a pen. His hand worked the pen over the paper in patterns that I couldn't make out. I crooked my neck to see what he was drawing but his head was scrunched over the paper so I couldn't see it. His eyes where intently glued to his drawing and he never looked up.

"So that's why you've been zoning out on me."

As she said that the homeroom bell rang and it I turned around to a suspicious Rachel raising her eyebrow at me.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." I said leaning more towards her so Blaine wouldn't know we were talking about him.

"You have been so sketchy and then he," she looked at Blaine then back to me, "walked in and you've been staring at him since he sat down."

"I have not been!

"Whatever Stella. Oh by the way since it’s on my mind...do you want to come to the movies with me and some friends after school today?"

"Who's all going?"

"Just me, Avery, Aiden, Daniel, Camilla, hopefully you, and...well...Blaine."

I really didn't want to have to see Blaine before Monday since I still haven't had my excuse for ignoring him.

Rachel noticed that I had zoned out and was thinking.

"You know you do that a lot. Zoning out I mean. Anyways you better come because I don't want to be the only single one there besides Daniel and knowing him he would probably make a move on me, gross."

Wasn't Blaine single?

"Isn't Blaine?"

"Not since Monday. Him and Camilla got back together after taking a break. It's a shocker really. Nobody thought they would get back together. They both looked really shaken up after the break up."

"Oh. So what's their story?"

“They’ve been dating since freshman year and it’s been nonstop since. They were really close in middle school and everybody teased them saying that they should date and stuff. Blaine finally asked her the first day of freshman year and she gladly accepted. I think that in the beginning their relationship was mostly about lust since they were always going at it. Storage closets, back of the car, at each other’s houses, you name it.” I winced at her last statement and she noticed, but continued anyway. “Then one day I noticed that he was more affectionate towards her and he showed a lot of chivalry towards her and he had this look of a puppy in love. It was rather sad to look at since Camilla didn’t really feel the same towards him. This was the first time that they’ve ever broken up and everybody was shocked. Blaine I think was the most rattled up because you could tell that he was head over heels for Camilla. Camilla looked shaken up, don’t get me wrong, but she wasn’t in love. She might’ve loved him, but not in love. You get what I’m saying?” I shook my head in agreement. “And that all leads up to now.”

“She has a pretty face, but she wasn’t worth the wild. He has a heart of gold and her’s used to be. It’s pure platinum now. They aren’t meant to be. At least that’s what I think.”

I didn’t know what to say to all of what she just said to me so I just nodded again and turned straight in my chair.

In my side vision I noticed that Blaine’s hand had stopped its movement on the paper so I turned my head to look at him. His head was no longer hunched over the paper so I could easily see it. I cocked my neck to the side to look at his paper closer. I still couldn’t make it out so I leaned in. I practically almost fell out of my chair doing so. I quickly fixed myself and looked at his drawing. At first look it looked like a sun rising in the horizon. He hadn’t captured the wonderous pinks, blues, and oranges because he only had a pencil, but it was still beautiful in black and white. I noticed at closer look that not only was there the sunrise, but also a lake or river rippling from the wind. It appeared to look like the sun was getting out of it’s hiding spot behind the water. There was what I thought to be a discoloration in the art, but it was actually an island. The island had a lonely oak tree with an old, abandoned tire swing hanging from it. It was by far the most beautiful piece of art that I have ever seen. The bell rang for homeroom to turn into first period and I turned to face forward in my desk. I ignored the glare from Rachel and began my kickstarter.

“Sure, you don’t ever look at him Stella. I could tell you’re lying from a mile away.”


Blaine’s P.O.V.

Camilla had made me want to throw her out of the car this morning. Ever since we got back together everything about her has irritated me. She especially agitated me this morning when she once again put down my music. She knew I loved music and she still dogged it.

FLASHBACK: That morning

“Inquisitive and thoughtful, She was the challenge he’d been waiting for

A reminder that creativity runs deep like secrets

Dark eyed dreamers- They were a dangerous pair

“Q” next to “U” scribbled out on paper.

They stop, they go, their done.

Come back to the place that we knew before

Retrace our steps to the basement door

I’ll ask you if the rain still makes you smile.

Like so much time that we spent in the fall

Put color in our cheeks while the air turned cold.

Preceding what became our bitter end.

Round in circles- let’s start over.

Round in circles- let’s start over. ”

Blasted through my car speakers.

Ever since Camilla and I got back together she has been wanting me to pick her up every morning like we used to. It has been a pain to get her and get to school early, so I’ve been getting to school way later than usual. I took my cell phone out of my pocket and prepared to call her when my favorite part of the song came on. I put down my cell phone and blasted the song in my car. The pounding of the music in my ears soothed me and I began to forget about the world, Camilla, and all my problems.

“Unanswered questions

Would be the only thing to stop them now.

He was the poet, while she was the muse.

She had the pen that she knew how to use.

A touch of redemption, a hint of elation.

A recipe for disaster.

Go back to the place we knew before

Retrace our steps to the basement door

I’ll ask you if the rain still makes you smile.

Like so much time we spent in the fall

Put color in our cheeks, while the air turned cold.

Preceding what became our bitter end.

Let this be a lesson to us all.

Round in circles- let’s start over

Round in circles- let’s start over

Round in circles

Round in circles

Round in circles

Round in circles”

I noticed that I had subconsciously gotten all the way to Camilla’s house so I texted her to come outside. Another song came on, but I didn’t know this one so I just listened patiently. It was a girl this time and her voice sounded haunting and you could hear the sadness in her voice. Her voice was hypnotizing me when Camilla got in the car.

“Seriously?” You could almost feel the iciness in her words.

I sighed, “Camilla we’ve been through this a million times. It’s MY car so we get to listen to MY music.”

“But baby I just don’t like it!”

I cringed when she said that. I hated being called nicknames and I especially hate it when she downs my music. It also didn’t help that she whined it and pouted her lips. I used to love when she did that, but now she just looked like a fish.

I slowly said, “Don’t call me that.”

“Excuse me?”

“I said don’t call me that!”

“Why not baby?”

“Because I hate it! I’ve never liked nicknames and I’ll never will so stop calling me that!”

“Fine.” She pouted her lips again and changed the station.

It was some annoying song about black and yellow that didn’t make sense. She started tapping her finger to the beat and tried to sing along. Well actually rap was more like it.

“Now this is good music.”

Oh how wrong could she be?


After getting to school, getting Camilla to her class, and getting to my locker, I was already late. I walked in my homeroom class and sat down. I pulled out paper and started drawing the little island my dad owned. It is 200 acres, but that’s small for an island. It was basically an escape for him to get away from us, but I knew the way by heart so sometimes I take the yacht and relax on the shore. What was interesting was the first time we went there was a tire swing hanging from a tree. We never figured out who put it there, but Casey loved it. I worked my hands across the paper and lines turned into silhouettes and the silhouettes turned into the trees, the ocean and the sun. And finally the tire swing.

I could see Rachel and Stella talking next to me but their whispers where too low for me to hear so I used my colored pencils to add life to the black and white drawing. When I finished I felt Stella lean towards me and I saw her awed face through my side vision. I smiled smugly by her expression. She didn’t notice me and when the bell rang she continued to stare at the teacher. Her eyes were on the teacher, but her mind was elsewhere.

I wish I knew where.


Yeah well I decided to be nice and just tell you the songs in this chapter.

The title is from:

Poison by All Time Low

The song Blaine is listening to:

Circles by All Time Low

Since I'm generous to you, be generous to me! Tell all ya'lls other Wattheads about me(:

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