Dreams Only Last For a Night...

By PrettyLittleTimeBomb

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What's going to happen to Stella Summers when her world gets turned upside down because she has to move away... More

Dreams Only Last For a Night: Chapter 2
Dreams Only Last For a Night: Chapter 3
Dreams Only Last For a Night: Chapter 4
Dreams Only Last For a Night: Chapter 5
Dreams Only Last For a Night: Chapter 6 Part One

Dreams Only Last For a Night: Chapter 1

134 0 0
By PrettyLittleTimeBomb

Chapter 1: A Meeting

Blaine's P.O.V.

I sat there, just waiting for the principal to come and yell at me. This would be my second time being in here this week and my mom is going to kill me. This is just what she needed, another burden on her already screwed up life. I should have thought twice about getting at it with the lunch lady, but she was just being a bitch!

Hell, if I was sitting here three, four years ago then my palms would be sweating, my crossed right leg would be shaking, and I would be biting my lower lip until it bled, but times have changed.

Ever since my dad left late freshman year I was no longer afraid of anything. He basically ripped my heart out and set it on fire before he stomped on the ashes. The worse part was that it hurt my little sister, Casey, ten times worse.

The first week after he left she was in denial. Everyday she would come home and ask,"Where's Daddy?", but nobody answered because nobody actually knew where he was. Probably with his whore mistress, Brittany. After months of denial I think it finally sunk in. She began acting up at school, her high grades dropped rapidly, and she hardly left her room. The only way she left was to eat and go to school. It killed me to see her every morning because everyday it looked like her innocence was broken worser than the last. I wanted to kill that sonofabitch for destroying Casey. She has yet to be the same full of life little girl she used to be before 'he' left.

As for my mom, I think she knew he was going to leave.

About eight months before 'he' left 'he' started coming home late and sometimes not even at all. He blamed it on a "big project" that would surely promote him, but instead he just found a slut to shag.

FLASHBACK: Three years ago

"Mommy please, please, please, PLEASE?!", Casey pleaded.


"Well whyyy noooot!", she whined.

"Because, I just bought you a jumbo pack of skittles last week and you ate them all in only two days!" Mom said giving Casey a stern look and Casey lost all faith in getting the jumbo pack of skittles.

Me, Mom, and Casey all went to the store to pick up a few things for spagetti and Mom's homemade spagetti sauce which is, I have to say, amazing!

We continued down the store's isles and Mom quickly grabbed everything that was on her list and put them in our cart.

"Tomato pace?" Mom questioned me.


"Olive oil?"


"Italian spices?"

"Yupp." I said popping the 'p'.



"Green onions?"

"Si."I quickly heard Casey giggle behind her curly black locks.

If Casey thought THAT was funny then this was surely going to be hilarious...



"I said garlic." She said sounding annoyed a teensy bit.

"Oui, Madame Frost." I said in a French accent. Casey giggled once more, but this time her eyes lit up with pure hilarity. I really didn't get why it was so funny, but Casey loved it.

"Blaine honey, please stop. I really want to get this shopping over with so your father can eat his favorite dish."

"It's not like he'll be home to eat it anyway...", Casey mumbled under her breath so only I could hear. I nudged her arm and she looked up at me with sad eyes. I hated the fact that our own father did this to her. Bastard. I gave her a smile and it was contagious and she perked up.




"At home."

"Feta cheese?"


"Don't forget Parmesan cheese Blainey!" Casey has called me that since words could ever come out of her big mouth. I let out a growl because she knew I hated the name, but she still used it. Unfortunately.

"Looks like we are all done here. Blaine? Casey? Do you need anything?"

"Cheese!", yelled Casey referring to the Parmesan cheese.

"Umm... and the actual noodles, Mom." I said.

"Oh, right, I'll be right back. Blaine get in line for the register please?"

"Alright Mom."


"Okay Mom, I have everything chopped up." Casey said.

"And I just started boiling the spagetti," I added.

"Great. Than-", she stopped midsentence to answer her phone.

"Oh, hey sweetie. We are making your favorite dish as we speak. When will you be home?"

It was Dad. I heard a voice, no two voices, on the other line. One was obviously Dad's, but there was a female voice in the background...

"No, its fine I'll just make enough for us three, again." She replied to yet another one of his excuses, but this time he was a little suspicious. Only secretaries and partners could help with projects, and neither one was a female.

"I'll see you later then. Bye." Her face fell and I saw a hint of tears forming in her eyes.

"Well it looks like it'll just be us Three Musketeers tonight." She said trying to hide her disappointment.

Casey immediately dropped all of the silverware she was holding and bolted to her room. Mom burst into tears and leaned against the counter. She clutched the counter top so tightly that her knuckles where turning white.

I had no idea what to do except stir the spagetti and watch my mother break.


When 'he' left I do admit to failing grades and acting up in school. At home I try to be the man of the house since 'he' didn't have a pair to do it. I tried to be happy around Casey and Mom, but sometimes I failed. They see me try and perk up.

I looked around the waiting room. It had two couches with brick walls and a dirty white colored, hardfloor.

I wonder how many people come the the principle's office per week for them to actually build a waiting room for it.

I waited for what seemed like an eternity, but was only probably thirty minutes, for Principal Matthew's latest victim to come out. He had obviously dyed black hair that was in a mohawk and was dressed in complete black with the exception on his shirt which said "All Hell Will Break Loose Someday." written in blood red. He also had at least six piercings including one's in his ears, nose, and lip. Talk about total cliche for him to get in trouble.

He trudged slowly to where I was in the room and said, "Your turn." before he opened the door and left. I sat up straight, got up, and walked my ass to her office and opened the door.

"Hey, Mrs. M! How's my favorite chair doing?" I said as I patted the wooden chair and sat down. I immediately wished I had taken that back after I saw her face. She looked pissed and adding to the effect she looked like she hadn't slept much.

"Blaine, I'm really not in the mood for your silly little jokes. Sit up straight like a gentleman, NOW!"

Yeesh. Did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?

"Sure thing Mrs. M."

"Blaine, do I have to add on to your already week's worth of detention?"

"No ma'am. I apologize."

I mean what else was I supposed to do? I'd rather not be beaten to death by my mom.

"Now, Mr. Frost, will you please explain why you fought with the lunch lady again?" She said crossly.

"Well, Mrs. M- I mean Principal Matthews, don't take this the wrong way, but the food sucks."

"Excuse me?" I saw the shock on her face after I said that.

"This school has been serving the same food for fifteen years without a word. Just because one boy doesn't like it doesn't mean I will change tradition. The food is the last thing left of the original school that was built," she said matter-of-factly

"Thats's exactly my point! Don't you think that is a little ridiculous that there has been the same food menu for that long?" I looked at her hopeful that she will just give in.


"Thats because you never eat it. Am I correct?"

"Well yes, but-" I cut her off.

"No buts. This school needs change and this will start the movement. Big things always start little."

I looked at her and I saw understanding in them. Thats the one thing I liked about Mrs. M. She had a hardcore outer shell, but she sometimes showed the other fluffy side of her. I looked down at my feet waiting for her response. Even if she said no, at least she would know that I tried.

I remembered the last sentence I said to her and it reminded me of when I was little my mom used to tell me big things always start little. I was the smallest boy at my elementary school and even in to middle school I was still the smallest until the summer before eighth grade when I shot up. My mom told me that her little acorn grew into a mighty oak. I chuckled sliently so Mrs. M didn't notice me. I looked back at her and her lips parted.

"I see your point, Mr. Frost. If you give me a petition with at least 250 signatures than I will change the menu."

"Thanks Mrs. M! I owe you big time."

I rushed out of her office and the waiting room into the main office. An office worker gave me a pass to go to class, but I had to go to my locker first. I went to my locker and put the combination in. I opened it and everything came out. Including my drawings, notebooks, music sheets, and textbooks.

"Damn," I whispered to myself. Or at least I thought it was to myself.

"Umm...excuse me?" I heard a small voice say behind me.

I turned and saw the most gorgeous creature on the planet in my face. 

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