The Artificer in the Party (G...

By Littletrouble2k

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On the way back home after fulfilling a contract with another party The Artificer is ambushed by a group of G... More

The Artificer Bio
Goblin Slayer
The Sky City Pt 1
Side Story (Sky City)
The Tinkerer
Autumn Festival Pt 1
Autumn Festival Pt.2
Side Story: White Spire
Goblin Crown
Side Story: Silvers
Side Story: Artisan's first invention
The Boys
Wedding Guest PT.1
Wedding Guest PT.2
Artificer's Skill update & Gear
Wedding Guest PT 3
Side Story: Shop
Wedding Guest Finale
Side Story: After the Wedding
Side Story: The next Phase
The life changing mission

Sky City Pt 2

474 11 5
By Littletrouble2k

"For weeks now I've lost three assistants as they suddenly disappeared from the face of the Earth... Just recently a city patrol guard stopped a woman from getting kidnapped by a mysterious figure... Upon inspection the figure turned out to be a goblin with leather armor. Now during this time lots of my own inventions have been stolen, and the City rules forbid me from investigating my own case. However I did catch a pair of Goblins inside my facility taking my inventions, I killed them due to the sheer shock of their presence but that was a mistake as I should've seen where they are coming from." Tinkerer said leading them around the building as she went to work on random inventions.

"So that's why you called us."

"You specifically but yes. I wanted you to help get rid of this problem. Also I hope you know that I'll only be paying for you." She said turning around looking at the Artificer.


"That's fine Lady Tinkerer I'll give them my earnings." The Artificer said cutting the Elf off.

"Hmph. Ok then so tell me what you need."

"Would you happen to have a Map of the city's sewage system?" Goblin Slayer asked as the Artificer was rubbing his chin.

"Yes I do... Right here ready for you... You know isn't this a bit overkill for mere goblins?"

"With all due respect Lady Tinkerer... We're here to do a job, I think it best to not be disrespectful to my friends." The Artificer said as the others took it as a sign to leave taking the map with them for the Tinkerer didn't have anything else for them.

"There's more to this than what it seems... This reminds me of the story you guys told me about when you were all in Watertown... A year ago was it?"The Artificer asked as the party had walked down the road looking for the guildhall of the town.

"Yea why do you ask?" Priestess responded as the Artificer held his chin.

"Kidnapping girls isn't out of the ordinary of Goblins... But Goblin slayer can you tell me what Goblins would use an Artificer's inventions for? using my inventions as a base idea." The Artificer asked as everyone looked at the two.

"Your suggesting someone is teaching the Goblins... Building something on the long run."

"Just like you told me Goblins are quick to learn. Imagination is a very powerful weapon... And Mine's telling me several possibilities."

"Like what Sir Artifcer?"

"... Lady Ranger, Can you tell me what you think was strange about Lady Tinkerer?"

"From what you've told me... Her demeanour appeared to be very different, she moved around too much touching her different inventions, she didn't exactly give you the respect I thought she would considering you both departed on good terms. And her walk... Wasn't a walk a normal woman would. Not even me."

"Thank you... And I'll confirm extra at the guild hall but here's two theories I have. The first theory involves a dark cult like the one who ransacked my village, could be a Mind Flayer is using her as a puppet to keep the people of Sky City in line by keeping suspicions low, and that the letter she sent me was before the Mind Flayer got to her."

"Makes some sense but what about your second theory?" Sir dwarf asked looking up at him.

"My second theory is a bit of a long shot... Sometimes the guild here captures monsters to allow the scientists to experiment on them... What if by chance a Goblin happened to escape and venture down into the sewers, happen upon Lady Tinkerer's shop and began to learn from her actions, the magic she uses, and the patinece it needed to plan out and succeed. What if that one Goblin learned enough to plan out how to quickly raise it's nest, steal weaponry, armor, women... Or even worse... Learn how to create using it's imagination; cause if that's the case then there might be a Goblin Artificer in our midst." The Artificer said giving the group an idea of a Goblin with their Artificer's equipment.

"Wait but that doesn't explain the Tinkerer."

"Artificer's can use lot's of different spells from curses to blessings, Modify Memory, or even Major Illusion can definitely be learned by an Artificer... I have Major illusion as a spell and with that spell I can surely fake another living person like so!" The Artificer said casting his appearance to look like Lady Ranger.


"And with an added spell of mimicry you can sound however way you like!" The Artificer said casting Mimicry to sound like Lady Ranger to further prove his point all the while Lady Ranger was getting flustered.

"Hey pick someone else to mimic!" The Elf said punching his shoulder as the illusion dissipated.

"Of course the problem with major illusion is just like how lady Ranger demonstrated can be easily dealt with as long as you know its an illusion, but it doesn't mean you should throw caution into the wind."

"Goblin Artificer... With your theories it's safe to say both of them sound like they have equally dangerous leaders... And the possibility we'll run into a Goblin Artificer is high." Goblin Slayer said crossing his arms.

"Yea it does... I'm glad you guys came along."

"Of course, whenever Goblins need slaying I'll be there."

"Its like Orcbolg says we're a party so we can't leave you in your time of need!" Lady Ranger said as the others agreed making the Artificer smile.


"I've spent years in what the humans call Sky City, I've watched their makers create living machines they call Warforges and Golems. The humans love to call us stupid, pathetic, pests, abominations; It's lucky for me to have built a nest under the noses of the "greatest" city in the land, our numbers reaches the hundreds, we have Champions, and now with my talents of an Artificer we have inventions! Reverse engineering works wonders when trying to understand that woman's work and with time my nest will be the pinnacle of Goblin kind! Of course there will always be roadblocks to hinder my path and luckily for me one has been dealt with and now I'll need to deal with the other one. And after nine long years the time has come. My Champions come to the Artificer of Goblins!" The Goblin screeched calling several Champions to him as they came looking down on him.

"Good now I want you all to be extra prepared. A new set of Adventurers has made it to town and they'll be coming for us, I want you to capture this human!" The G-Artificer said casting minor illusion in his palm.

"Kill the rest and for the women... Use them we could always use more for our nest."

"So your telling me that Lady Tinkerer hasn't been here for weeks?" The Artificer asked this Cities Guild girl as she had been helping him answering his questions.

"Yes sir and it has been a bit odd as she would frequently visit to read news about... Well you Sir Artificer." She said showing him the logs of the times she visited the Guild hall accessing the records.

"Hm... And it was a few weeks ago that she sent that letter. Can you tell me how she was acting that day?"

"She did look concerned, that's for sure... I thought it was because she missed you. Though your starting to make me think otherwise."

"I see... Last question my Lady. Are there any Goblin Slaying quest in the city?"

"You want in this city Specifically?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"Ok... No not this city Specifically, as it's entirely impossible for a goblin nest to be up here."

"I see..."

"Though I can tell you this. A while back we had a quest to slay rats only there were none to be found. So naturally we remove the quest after a thorough investigation; however Adventurers who receive quest to go into the sewers usually turn up dead or missing. The city had told us to stop adventuring into the sewers until either a gold rank or platinum rank adventurer comes and figures out the problem."

"Considering the average rank on Adventurers here are Sapphires to Rubies I can see why... Thank you for your help." The Artificer said bowing to the girl as he made his way to his party.

"So what did you find out?" Goblin Slayer asked as the Artificer sat with the group.

"Plenty... As you guys probably noticed there are no Rat, Bug, or Goblin Slaying quest here in this guild. Not only that but few weeks prior Lady Tinkerer sent me that special request letter as letters take a while to deliver from Sky City; and in that time Lady Tinkerer had stopped visiting the guild hall and going out."

"That seems odd... So it sounds like one of your theories are true."

"Might be... Though apparently the City's government had told them to not send anymore adventurers unless they were gold or platinum rank... Which strikes me as odd because I know at times like these the city should do a joint investigation... However it seems like they want to cover it up. Why is that?"

"Most of the time City officials wouldn't mobilize an army for... Mere Goblins though with the facts you've presented to me there might be several problems requiring investigation... We should split up I'll go ask around to see what people know." Goblin Slayer said standing up.

"I'll go with Goblin Slayer." Priestess said also standing as Sir dwarf did the same.

"That leaves the three of us... We'll go scout ahead in the sewers." Lady Ranger said as Scaly and the Artificer agreed.

"Right. We'll all meet back here in five hours." Goblin Slayer said as the group nodded in agreement.

"Purify food and Water." The Artificer finished his enchantment cleaning the sewer water of the city above them just in case they'll have to cross it.

"Wow you have a lots of useful spells..."

"Thank you Lady Ranger it doesn't hurt to be prepared... So Sir Priest where to next?" The Artificer asked as the Lizardman held the map.

"We've cleared one possible area out of three we should head this way... By the how much longer will we be in here for?"

"Another two after that we should head back up." The Artificer said looking at his pocket watch.

"Right... All this worrying about Goblins is making me- wait..." The Ranger said as her ears twitched a bit grabbing her bow.

"Sir priest put out the torch." The artificer said before starting an Enchantment for Dark vision to give to both Ranger and the Priest.

"Right I assume you have a spell for us to see in the dark?" The lizard asled quietly as the Artificer finished answering his question.

"Lady Ranger what do you see?" The Artificer asked whispering as to not let her lose focus.

"Goblins... I only see two of them but from the chatter there are definitely more than twenty or so in this area alone..." The Elf said cupping a hand on her right ear to listen carefully to even the smallest water drop.

"Hm... That's not good... We should avoid combat incase even more come." The Artificer quietly said showing an air of caution.

"Agreed at least we know of one location to start at... By chance do you-"

"Arty, Scaly behind us!" The Elf said hearing something draw in behind them as the three jumped back out of the cover of the hall they were in into the vast aquaduct area they were scouting all to avoid a great hammer strike on their position showing a Goblin Champion.

"Oh c'mon another one!?" The ranger said clearly annoyed.

"Were about to be surrounded." The Artificer said noticing the army of goblins coming their way.

"Scaly is there a way out for us?" Lady Ranger asked readying for a fight.

"We have to go down this corridor but we must make haste." The Lizard said pointing to a passageway forty five to their left.

"Ok that can work cover your eyes guys!" The Artificer said grabbing a flash bomb setting it off in the air blinding the Goblin Champion and the incoming Goblins.

"Ah my eyes!" Lady Ranger said rubbing them.

"I told you to close them! C'mon!" The Artificer said picking up the dazed ranger in a bridal carry as he and the Lizardman made a break for it.

"Will she be ok you did give her Dark vision."

"Yea she'll be fine but she'll be dazed for an hour and a half... Here take her while I close up this entrance." The Artificer said handing the Elf to the Lizardman as they reached their destination.

"Mold Earth!" The Artificer said making sure his companions were behind him as he moved the earth within the entrance shut forming a weird shape and having a single hole for him to look through and see the annoyed Goblins angry that they got away.

"Are we clear?"

"Yes sir... Here I'll take her." The Artificer said moving his generator off his back sliding the Elf on his back holding her up.

"Allow me to carry the generator Sir Artificer." The Lizardman said putting it on his back.

"Thank you. C'mon let's start heading up before those goblins find a way to cut us off."


"Tell you what I'll buy you some cheese when we get to the top!"

"Nectar?! Ahem... I thank you my friend."

"Hey... What able me?"

"You get to rest and be lazy on me because your stilled dazed my lady."

"Aww... N-no fair..."

"You were right Artificer something is off about the City's government officials here the notes me, dwarf, and Priestess wrote up." Goblin Slayer said as the two were in a separate room than the others who were resting in the main guild hall eating and drinking.

"Uh huh... These definitely have some signs of a dark guild here... And the Goblins confirmed that earlier... Here is where we found them along with a Champion if I hadn't use my flash bomb we would've been overunned. Minus the one Champion... I say maybe... Fifty plus goblins... Maybe even in the hundreds. The minute I knew we were about to be surrounded I took my chance to get us all out of there."

"Were I in the same situation I would do the same... You say it's these two areas they mostly inhabit?"

"Yea... I honestly believe me, Sir Priest, and Lady Ranger were lucky not to encounter any Goblins in this area, however since that Goblin Champion came behind us its safe to safe they occupy all three of these areas. Which makes them in control of Sky Cities sewage system." The Artificer said casting minor illusion to show the map to Goblin Slayer as if it was a futuristic kind of map.

"I see... What would you suggest? It is your city."

"Not really Goblin Slayer, but here is what I'm thinking... I believe the women are being held here and our probable target will be in this area as well... We can start by covering entrances in these points pelt major goblin squadrons with spells while you and me tag team the Champion... I have a new invention I wanted to try."

"A thought just occured... What if there's more than one Champion?"

"Hm... If a Champion is blinded how fast can you behead one?"

"How long will it last?"

"Forty seconds."

"I can close in the deal in half the time."

"Ok good. Hey in the event that there is a Goblin Artificer I want you guys to use this Scroll." The Artificer said handing Goblin Slayer a Scroll.

"What's this?"

"Dimension Door Big enough for Sir Priest and will last long enough for five people to exit through. With an Artificer you never know what to expect... I want you guys to use it while I buy you time. And Stragetize upon my mistake if any were made."

"I see..."

"Hey Arty you feeling ok?" Lady Ranger asked The Artificer finishing a cup of tea.

"Yea why? Your not drinking right now are you?"

"No not tonight I don't want to have a Hangover for when we work tomorrow."

"That's good so what's up?"

"I just wanted to see if you were ok... You know with everything that's happening it must be hard on you."

"I'm all good thanks for asking honestly having you guys here makes it better on me. Hey if we make it tomorrow I want you to help with something ok?"

"Sure anything."

"Thank you... I'll see you guys in the morning I need to look for some new spells that might help tomorrow."

The next morning the Group had done exactly what Goblin Slayer and The Artificer had planned to do using the Goblin's internal clock against them as they worked to set up the ambush as they saw the goblins number to almost a hundred and seventy not counting the goblin children hidden. They utilized a new spell The Artificer learned the night prior called Telepathic bond adding an extra level to their stealth.

"Hey guys I found where they're keeping the women... And your right it was the third area..." Lady Ranger said up on a vantage piint as the third area had several floors in it with a big drop to the bottom floor.

"Ok good... How long til the Goblins wake up?" Dwarf asked finishing the last entrance as he ran to meet up with the Priests who were going to lady Ranger.

"With what Goblin Slayer has told me about their internal clocks we have... Two hours to spare... Wait something is coming for us GS." The Artificer said as he and Goblin Slayer heard what sounded like Metal screeching across the stone floor.

"Guy's what's the matter?"

"That can't be..."

"I've never seen a goblin like that before." The two said seeing several Goblin figures approach them slowly only that when they got closer they could the metal that made up their bodies the pack on their back and the Steel Claws that made up most of their hands.

"The designs... Are similar to my Master's warforged blueprints! I guess Goblins do learn quickly enough to make bloody Goblin Warforges!"

"SSSCCRRAAAA!" The Warforges screeched charging at The Artificer and Goblin Slayer as they got their shields out blocking the first few Goblins before going for a counter hit with their short swords only for them to barely scratch the Warforges Steel body even with the Artificer infusing their weapons.


"Oh no... Force Wall!" The Artificer yelled out the split second he realized they were in trouble using one of his Air Rune stone pushing the warforges back.

"This is going to be a problem... How many spells do you have left?"

"Four... I have three rune stones lefts."

"Save them, Can you see a possible weakness in them?"

"Their backs... It looks like a core or battery... One sec..." The artificer said changing a mode on his special goggles that he infused with "Detect Magic."

"Yea It's definitely the cores on their backs... I'm going to cast "Haste" on us to blow through them once I take down Force Wall."

"Ok... Ready when you are." Goblin Slayer said as the Artificer touched his shoulder with his hands glowing. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Arty! Orcbolg are you guys there? Guys should we go check on them?" Lady Ranger asked getting worried about her two friends.

"I'm worry too guys..."

"Lady Priestess, and Lady Ranger I'm quite sure that if they were in trouble then we wouldn't be communicating through thought communication." The Lizardman said joining the archer and the priestess observing the third area.

"He's right what we need is to find that Goblin Artificer... Our Artificer is worried about... I believe that is him right there..." The Dwarf said looking at the area as they group saw a Goblin adorn a steampunk t-shirt with what looked like jeans but torn as the accessories included goggles that reminded the party of their Own Artificer's Goggles while on its shoulders and arms were leather belts holding various tools, vials, daggers, a rapier in its hilt with a weird guard they couldn't make out, and a weird contraption on its back that they couldn't make out.

"He's bigger than a Hob... But smaller than a Champion..." Lady Ranger thought being wary just in case they smell her and Lady Priestess despite if they hid their scent.



"It speaks Common?"

"H-How?!" The Group all grew shocked to see the Goblin speak up like never before.

"Just like the Goblin Lord... But it's obvious... He's smarter..." Priestess said thinking back to the Goblin Lord while five champions walked to the Goblin Artificer.

"My Warforges are having trouble with our target and his human friend... take care of it quietly I don't want my nest waking up two hours early, and remember... I want our guest alive."The Goblin Artificer said as his champions nodded going into a hall not in the maps the adventurers have.

"Do you know where that leads to?"

"No... I'm going to take a shot at the Goblin Artificer... Can you cast silence? And you put them all asleep like how we did for the Orges army." Lady Ranger ask grabbing her bow pulling the bow string taking aim at the goblin.

"Ok... O earth mo-"

"Right... Dance-"

"I sense magic being used... It feels like the miracle Silence... And a sleep spell... Let's make use of this." The Goblin Artificer thought to himself slightly hearing the party enchanting as he grabbed a scroll preparing a deflect missile and deflect magic barrier.

"Now!" The Archer released her arrow as it soared through the air at top speeds ready to pierce the Goblin Artificer in its head. However the arrow had changed direction midair piercing another goblin's head as Silence and Stupor had successfully been casted.


"Oh that was rude... Then again we are enemies and that's just to be expected. Please come one out Archer and the two priest that casted those spells." The Goblin said turning to the balcony he guessed the party was on which he was correct.

"This thing is smarter than it looks... Though it hasn't noticed me... buy me some time so I can kill all the sleeping goblins with a single spell." The Shaman said taking out dirt and the earth rune stones the Artificer gave him as the others agreed jumping down with Priestess on Lizard Priest's shoulder getting down soon after.

"Three vs one for a mere Goblin... How bothersome... So what was your plan drug the nest, silence their deaths by killing them one by one... Well unfortunately for you I am here."

"How is a Goblin able to speak Common?" The ranger asked indulging the Goblin buying time for the Dwarf.

"How do all children learn how to speak? Someone teaches them... Also I like to fancy myself as an evolved Goblin someone who'll love to take care of you two." The Goblin Artificer said lending out a hand to the Priestess and Ranger sending chills down their spines.

"Pfftt... Who am I kidding?! You lot must have lots of experience with goblins... So let's turn this into a game That door over there holds ten women we've kidnapped in the past few weeks... and the corpses of many within the past few years. If you kill me and my nest within the time your spells end the women are yours, and if you lose... Well I don't think I'll need to explain that." The Goblin Artificer said with a sinister smile on its face grabbing his rapier revealing a human skull as its guard.

"Dwarf are you ready?"

"Yes.. Little girl use a protection spell above y'all!"

"Right!... Earth mother-"

"A miracle spell already?! How insulting." The Goblin said as its blade ignited a green fire.

"Elemental Bane!" The Goblin shouted as a green fire had flown towards the party only for it to be deflected by the Priestess protection causing the flames to scorch nearby goblins.

"Your fast as well little girl... This should be excell- Oh no... Sto-" The Goblin Artificer said looking up to see hundreds of sharp stones float above them and then crash down making some of the ceiling fall down with it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Twenty-Seven..." Goblin Slayer said removing his Short Sword out from a Goblin Champions head that the Artificer had help trip like the other Champions that came for them.

"... Twenty-Three Goblin Warforges, luckily I had flash bombs and metal wire bolas for the champions... Lady Ranger, Me and Goblin Slayer are heading your way-" In that moment both humans had felt the ground shake.

"What was that?" Artificer asked as Goblin slayer shrugged.

"We should hurry back to assist them."

"Agreed they're at the three area. I can only imagine Sir Dwarf probably used a spell so something must've happened." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Ah! Good work on that protection!" Lady Ranger said looking at the priestess.

"T-thank you... Though that Artificer was very power and very quick.. I had no choice but to use two miracles."

"Hup, phew looks like I got all the Goblins..." The Dwarf said walking to the party.

"Looks like it... However I fear we may be in for some trouble." Lizard Priest said doing a quick enchantment for his dragon claw sword.

"Your fear is correct Lizard..." a voice from under the rubble said as it stood up revealing the Goblin Artificer with a floating light disk above him.

"No way..."

"You had me waste a perfectly good scroll... and broke my favorite infused sword... Creation..." The Goblin said grabbing a piece of rubble as it transformed into another rapier however it had more magic energy inside of it.

"My nest is destroyed, I would need to double the reproductive effort now... However your all in my way..." The Goblin said as the contraption on its back lit orange emitting an intimidating heat as orange electric bolts coursed through what looked like the Goblin's veins only upon closer inspection could the Ranger see that it was metal wires connecting different equipment powering them up on its hands, feet, chest, even it's goggles.

"Hm... We've never seen this from Arty before..." Priestess said firmly holding her staff.

"No... This is bad..." Lady Ranger said readying for a fight as the Lizard Priest and Dwarf did the same standing in front of Priestess.

"You had your chances... My turn..." The Goblin said throwing up some Elemental rune stones of Earth.

"Those are-"

"Stone Wall! Stone Shape! Stone Bind!" The Goblin yelled out as a stone wall separated the girls from their allies shaping the ground beneath them binding them in the new hole as the stone hit them hard squeezing them to keep them from moving.

"Scaly we have to go help them!"

"Look out!" Lizard priest said blocking the Goblins strike with his sword.

"You both have to worry about me first!" The Goblin said showing its skills with the rapier pushing the Lizard Priest back and the Dwarf having the two struggling as its human size was much more agile than its hob and Champion counter-parts.


"No today!" The Goblin said flicking its wrist as the bind spell looked to fail shocking the duo.

"It knows counter spell!"

"I also know! Eldritch Blast!" The Goblin Artificer said pointing the sword at the Lizard as a beam of blue light blasted from it hitting Liard priest in the chest blowing him back as he started to shiver feeling cold as if an ice spell was used on him.

"Being cold blooded has its faults wouldn't you agree Dwarf!" The Goblin grabbed him by the neck holding him up.

"Argh! Let me go!"

"Heh I won't kill you, I need to entertain myself somehow when my new nest grows." The Goblin said activating its gloves as orange electricity shocked Dwarf nearly knocking him out as the Stone Wall The Goblin put up crumbled.

"AH! Dwarf! Scaly!" Ranger yelled out seeing her friends on the ground hurt.

"Oh no... " The Priestess said unable to get out of their trap getting scared of the Goblin looking down on them.

"Don't fret... They'll be joining in your suffering... And you Elf will be first... I've been told Goblins born from Elves come out stronger." The goblin said kneeling to the Elf stuck in its trap stretching its hand out to touch her cheek.

"Close your eyes!" Their Artificer said as both Ranger and Priestess closed their eyes showing a flash bomb appear between them and the Goblin.

"Huh?! argh that light. I better back away!" The Goblin took his goggles off to rub his eye predicting an attack.

"He predicted it... That's an issue..."Goblin slayer said stepping back to help priestess out of her hole while the Artificer had took Ranger out of hers wrapping his arm around her incase she was hurt.

"I'm fine Arty... I'm your both here... That Goblin is a serious threat..." The Ranger said being lifted to her feet grabbing her bow as the Artificer and Goblin Slayer stood in-front of them.

"Hmph... I can't believe my Champions failed... and My warforges destroyed... And Master said dealing with you would've been easy..." The Goblin said looking at the Artificer.

"It speaks common fluently... Ho? a Goblin Lord has a master?"

"I'm no Goblin Lord... I like to think of myself as a Superior to a Goblin Lord... After all you saw the Warforges I created." The Goblin said looking at the Artificer with a smile.

"You created? All you did was copy my master's designs and pretty horribly might I add."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me Goblin. I look at you as a mere Goblin pretending to be an Artificer... Right Goblin Slayer?"

"A mere Goblin... Playing dress up." Goblin Slayer said pointing his sword at the Goblin as a visible vein could be seen on his head showing that gis pride has been hurt.

"A mere Goblin... A MERE GOBLIN?! I'M SMARTER THAN A LORD, STRONGER THAN A HOB, MORE POWERFUL THAN A MAGIC CASTER, MORE DURABLE THAN A PALADIN, FASTER THAN A RIDER, AND MORE ACCURATE! YOU DARE COMPARE ME TO THESE LOWLY GOBLINS OF MY NEST?!" The Goblin Artificer angrily said stabbing his Rapier on the ground as a green flame formed a circle in an instance.

"I'll show you mere Goblin! Summon- huh?" The Goblin confusionly looked down to see his equipment and the magic sword he created all shut down or break down and the flames of the circle turn to smoke n air.

"Looks like you don't know an important rule that's essential to be a masterful Artficer..." The Artificer said as his hand glowed blue releasing a sort of wave from it.

"A humble Artificer is more powerful than a prideful Artificer." The Artificer said as Goblin Slayer closed the distance taking a swipe at the Goblin who's agility didn't fail it when jumping away from the human.

"Tch... Ba-"
"Counterspell!" The Artificer said flicking his risk as Archer then fired two arrows flying from behind him towards the Goblin who was able to block it by spinning with it pack on his back deflextinf the arrows.

"Where are you going?" Goblin Slayer asked bringing his sword down only for it to be deflected by a sword the Goblin Artificer picked up from the ground.

"Shoot they're pushing too far! I'm going to be backed up against a wall that'll be harder to avoid and the Priestess is getting the Dwarf and the Lizard up... I have no choice..." The Goblin thought to itself biting down hard on a stone he had hidden in his mouth spitting it into a perfect circle beneath him.

"Shoot I know what he's- Argh!" The Artificer fell back as a bloody Goblin in its last moment of strength jumped from the rubble to stab the Artificer with its poisonous dagger perfectly in between a loose point in the Artificer's armor he didn't know was there.


"Now's my time! Summon Construct!" The Goblin Artificer said putting his hand on the floor as a giant smoke cloud appeared showing a silhouette of something massive appearing. Mean while the Elf had rush to the Artificer's side as he killed the goblin snapping its neck removing the dagger.

"Arty here's an antidote."

"Thanks... C'mon we're going to be in for a... Hey something feels familiar... Is that Goblin..."

"Goblin?" Goblin Slayer asked looking at the cloud of smoke backing up with his shield up.

"Hahaha your all no match for my Retriever Construct!" The Goblin laughed out as the Smoke cleared showing a massive Construct.

"Hey I know that guy!" The Artificer said as the group went quiet even the Goblin Artificer.

"Pfft you must be crazy this Retriver is of my-"

"My Master's design... That Retriever is her familiar... I know because of the emblem on its head." The Artificer pointed out the Emblem on the Retriever's head that was a heart with a bolt through it.

"Your a fool then now kill them!" The Goblin Artificer yelled out commanding the Retriever as it charged at the group with unparalleled speed making them except one nervous as he slowly walked to the front of the Retriever incoming.

"Arty what're doing?!" Ranger asked scared for her friend.

"Taking a leap of faith... Vera Loga..." The Artificer said quietly to the Retriever as it came to a sudden halt in front of the Artificer looking at him with it's "eyes".

"Hey... Remember me?" The Artificer said taking his goggles off as the Retriever's "eyes" had blinked twice before placing its head on the Artificer's chest making the human smile.

"Hey hey you do remember me! Who's the best Construct?" The Artificer said patting the massive thing bewildering the group.

"W-what b-but how?!" The Goblin said in disbelief and worry as he now had another threat in front of him.

"Where Master big guy?" The Artificer asked the Retriever as its eyes had lit up several times making a large hum sound.

"I see... Someone thought you how to blackmail huh Goblin? Holding the Tinkerer hostage and forcing her familiar into a pocket dimension to fulfil your every need... Now tell us Goblin who is your master?" The Artificer asked as everyone looked at the Goblin Artificer as it's face had shown it was worried.

"Tch... Filthy Adventurers!"

"Retriever." The Artificer said without skipping a beat as the Retriver had ended the Goblin Artificer's life in one swipe of its foreleg.

"Wow that thing is scary..." The Ranger said overwhelmed by the Retriever's speed.

"It is a Platinum rank threat made by my Master... Without the use of a demon soul might I add... Now we have a mission to finish..." The Artificer said in a quiet tone before heading to the door that the others knew held the kidnapped girls.

"I see... Your brillant as ever Tinkerer!"

"My lady! Are you home?"

"Y-yes over here student!" The Tinkerer said out loud filing some papers putting them in a bag with an odd symbol on it.

"Lady Tinkerer I came to report to you the good news." The Artificer said looking at his master.

"Ah I love good news! What happened?"

"Me and my Friends have fully eradicated the Goblin Scourge... However most of my friends had died trying to do so." The Artificer said with a sad tone in his voice looking away.

"That's... Hard to hear I'm sorry... But I also am glad to see you ok and successful." The Tinkerer said walking backwards to her bag.

"Yea... I have a souvenir for you Mi'lady."

"What was Tha- AH!" The Tinkerer screamed looking at the head of the Goblin Artificer.

"Look familiar?"

"No certainly big for a Goblin no?"

"You sure?... You know this Goblin was able to make Warforges Twenty Three of them... Reminded me of your designs as well."

"R-Really I don't know ho-"

"How's that possible? Well Lady Tinkerer... I believe there's something your not telling me, After All Goblins are quick learners and your senses are that of Platinum rank... So you would know if someone is watching you right? Much like when I was little you always found me in my hiding spots when I spied on you working because I was curious."

"T-That's right I did... That Goblin must've been very skilled to-"

"To observe you without being noticed right?... Hm well it did call itself a Goblin Artificer... It even stole your familiar..."

"My- Woah Woah Woah!" Interrupting her the Retriever had appeared out of nowhere staring her down.

"You forgot about him didn't you?"

"Student what're-"

"Who are you trying to fool now? You know a Familiar would never attack its owner... If you were its owner." The Artificer said flicking a rock at his master as she looked to glitch out revealing an illusion spell had been used.

"Hello... Stu- actually I believe Dark Artificer would be your title now." The Artificer said crossing his arms revealing a young man his age with black hair and green eyes with a similar steampunk attire colored in by with red accents and drawings on it revealing he is indeed part of a Dark Cult.

"Well Village boy figured it out... Only two days too... I thought my Prodigy would've been able to take care of you if it wasn't for those friends who are now dead. And the Retriever here is fake your own illusions are incredible. Caught me off guard at first." The Dark Artificer said touching the Retriever as it disappeared as well.

"Yea... I'm going to make you pay for the Tinkerer's and my friend's deaths."

"Please I can see how weakened you are... I'm pretty sure you have one spell use left?"

"Yea I do..."

"Your death is assured then allow me to explain how I-"

"Pretty simple you left Sky City ended up with the Dark Cult raised a Goblin thought him the art of Tinkering, then when he was ready you both snuck into Sky City staked out Tinkerer's home hid the Goblin's presence making him observe and memorize Lady Tinkerer's skills so he would adopt it as his own, kidnap women to grow the nest corrupt city officials and and then create chaos in the city taking it over to create the most powerful Goblin army with an impossible sky fortress that most of the world won't be able to breach... Maybe except the Hero... But I'm sure even she would have a hard time if your plan saw the fruits." The Artificer said cutting his rival off.

"Wow you just... Suck the fun out of everything. How did you figure it out?!"

"You just did. I guess it after I found the kidnapped girls, killed the Goblin Artificer, and surrounded you to get your confession." The Artificer said with a smile.

"Wait what?..." The Dark Artificer saw that there were city guards, the presumed dead adventurers, and the Retriever surround him.


"When I was captured I knew I had to play it safe for the girls you kidnapped to be safe and I couldn't exactly sneak by that Goblin Artificer and his army of warforges and Champions without my equipment... Luckily I did have some spells in my repertoire to get by." A familiar voice said looking at her formal student.

"I see... You do look weak Teacher."

"A few weeks of misfortune would do that... And of course age as well." The Tinkerer said with a weary smile propping herself on the Artificer.

"So... Do you surrender now?"

"Heh... I'd rather die..." The Dark Artificer said biting down on something as his mouth had started to foam dropping to his knees the facs down as his life ceased to be.

"Tch... Coward..." Lady Ranger said. As the guards started to leave saying goodbye to Lady Tinkerer as they left to arrest the corrupt city officials.

"I always thought his nature was that of a Goblin..."

"I never should've taught that boy... I'm glad I found you... Arty." The Tinkerer said looking at her student with a weak smile.

"Well Lady Tink-"

"Can you please walk with me to my room?..." The Tinkerer said putting her hand out for the Artificer to grab.

"Certainly... Can you guys give us a moment?" The Artificer asked as everyone except one left the room.

"Here allow me to help... A Platinum Hero and the mentor of my friend deserves the best of help." Lady Ranger said grabbing the Tinkerer's other hand.

"Lady Rang-"

"It's fine my boy... I like her, now come come... I don't have long." The Tinkerer said as the face of shock grew on both the Silver ranks faces.

"You know I had to use many many spells to keep those girls safe as best I could... Those Goblins are merciless. I'm lucky they were ordered to not... Soil me... Though the others weren't so lucky... Patheic me a Platinum-"

"My lady... Please let's get some- ow..." The Artificer rubbed his head after the Tinkerer hit it.

"My boy... Allow me to speak for the last time... For both of you." The Tinkerer said as the pair listened to her talk about her beginning, her friends, the one she loved, and every shred of knowledge she could muster for the Artificer to keep.

"I am Sick... That's for sure... And you my boy are the legacy I'll leave behind... But be sure to live your life to the fullest... Make this world a better place and be alive to do it and to leave your own legacy. And have a family so when I go up I can watch over you and them." The Tinkerer said laying in her bed touching the Artificer's cheek while holding his other hand as the Elf stood behind him holding her arms watching the two.

"I... I will Lady Tinkerer..."

"Lady Elf can I speak to you for a moment?"

"S-Sure... What is it ma'am?"

"Take care of him... From now on he'll be pushing himself to the max..."

"Sure thing... You can count on me."

"Good oh and Arty, you that wall?"

"Yes ma'am?"

"Break it inside contains my notes in making constructs without a demon soul, course they're only base line..."


"Good... Now you guys should get going... I'm going to rest..." The Tinkerer said turning over to sleep.

"R-right..." The Artificer said tucking her in knowing his mentor took her last breaths.

"Goodbye... Lady Tinkerer..."

The next day The Sky City was slient as the main roads stopped all traffic as the citizens made a path holding candles and torches liting the way for a horse carriage to make way through the city along with a bowl of sand for the citizens to grab a handful of it and pour it into its cargo hold where it had a casket holding the now deceased Platinum rank Adventurer... The Tinkerer who was dressed in purple to match her hair. Escorting the carriage were City Guards adorned in Gold Ceremonial armor and The Artificer with his friends next to him.

"Lady Ranger... Is Arty ok?"

"He will be... I hope."

"Losing someone close is hard... But he's strong." Goblin Slayer said walking next to priestess as the ceremony was near its end.

"Well master may you rest in peace."

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