Cāndrēya Sahadharmiṇī~ Prēma...

By Charumati_

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The Mahābhārata, an epic of unparalleled intrigue and profound mysteries, has revealed an untold tale of a co... More

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By Charumati_

Years flew within a flap of my eye. Our friendship weaved into a bond of love. Who can expect that the people whose enmity is similar to the serpents and birds would love each other. It was me who realised my feelings before him yet kept mum, waiting for him to confess. Years flew, making me and him 20 and 22 respectively.

Where's this Abhi? I don't get to find him when he's needed! Here he's in the practice area! Probably, talking with someone. Kūmari, Vinuta! Why is he smiling like a maniac?

"Kūmari, your smile beautifies you more. May I know the reason for the curve garnishing your lips."

I blink my eyes at his words. My teeth get brush past by each other while I clench my fist.

Beautifies? Oh, fine! He didn't say this stuff to me? Being a cupid? He even extends a rose to her.

"Here, rose suits for you."

She appraises "The son of Subhadra conveyed the same to my cousin Mitravati, so."

Son of Subhadra? Means Saubhadrey? Wait, he is flirting with my sisters too? Till date, only I addressed him as 'the son of Subhadra.'

"I appreciated her polite and gentle personality with that honey coated smile. Anyways, you are far better."

You both just stop there. I clear my throat.

"Kūmari Vinuta! Bhrātha Satyadrithi is awaiting for you." I hamper between their conversation.

She thinks for a while " But why?"

What but why? Can't she just go there? "Pardon, but I don't comprise the reason."

She nods and exists and he winks at her so before leaving! I drag him from there by his wrist to the backside of the garden. That's a rarely visited place by anyone so there would be no hurdle in our talks otherwise everyone's eyes are casted upon him! Why not? The only son of maternal aunt right.

"What were you just doing?" I ask him curtly.

He passes me questioning look. "Praising her!"

He says without a slight reflection of same! "Oho! You didn't appreciate me anytime so and you forget me!" I spat out.

"Why are you burning if I talk to her, Śaśi?"

Now it's limit! He knows the reason! I will! Ah---let him go to hell.

"Oh, even praise me, then."

He arches his eyebrows "I see you everyday, what can I praise?" He laughs at me.

A direct insult for me! A tight slap on my face!

I push myself from there. He didn't even lend me a single flower till date! Who's his best friend? Me or her? Who's his first ever friend? Me or her? Whenever he used to remember Pārtha, who used to console him? Me or her?

"Vatsu, why the anger of every frustrated human is dancing on the tip of your nose which is as red as a monkey's? What happened?" Sarana kaka asks me in my way.

I huff and speak. "My horse isn't in my control kaka, its just being too lazy to even listen to me and just staring at other mares in the stable ."

He chuckles and speaks "I will say Gada to look after it. He's a horse specialist"

Yes, yes! It's a matter to be concerned about. "Yes, kaka! It's a matter to be looked after."

I settle myself on the couch after my last session of my politics and every stuff. I am free from this stuff after I attained twenty years. I can feel the scorching fire burning my skin. He never appreciated me! Though, he cared for me when I was burning with fever in my childhood. He even addressed me as 'amma' in words as the token of his care towards me but wait why am I even comparing? My sight falls on the silver box in my room.

I decide to open the priyadarshani. It's brought by pitr̥vya Kr̥ṣṇa from Indraprastha after he returned from the rajasuya yagyna. It's said that the people witness their most beloved ones in this mirror. Ah--I am being curious! I take a deep breath and unlatch the upper part. I tighten my eyes however I unbolt them and glance at the picture playing in front of me. It's of Abhimanyu. My Saubhadrey. Yep, let him praise others but he does loves only me! When pitā shall arrange the swayamvār, I shall garland him but does he loves me?

"I tied a knot of my angavastram three times the moment when he tied the holy thread around your neck, Vatsu." It's the whisper of pitr̥vya Kr̥ṣṇa.

I immediately shut the box and turn to him. "Pitr̥vya? Pranipat. You would have called me. Why to strain?"

He oscillates his head and flaps his eyelashes while pressing his lips " Then, how would I knew that my daughter is in love?" He narrows his sight at me with a narrow-pointing smile.

"Baba, nothing like that. I don't love Saubhadrey."

He gasps at me." Hey Nārāyaṇa, you love our Abhi ? I could just steal a faint glimpse of that man while you were seeing."

Ah--! What did you just ranted Vatsu? You yourself dug a ditch? Wait, then why did he say that toy marriage thingy?

"Then that knot?--" I stuttered.

He bursts out laughing. "Shiva, Shiva!"

"Baba, any father gets protective and you are laughing?"

He's totally different.

"Elder brother is there for that stuff. Nishantha, Ulmukha, Pradyumna, Saambh, Bhanu, these many are there for that. You should at least have one supporter. And especially Nishantha."

I clear my throat. "Baba, please?"

"Okay, okay. I will talk regarding your marriage with Dau." He pats my head.

I carve a huge grin on my face. "But--"

Every colour fades away with a second from my glowing face. He gets worried. "What happened?"

"Baba, he's being the cynosure of every girl." I mumble with a gloomy face.

"Yes, yes. Sarana was saying that the fair horse is busy glancing at the mares."

I whine at his words and pour out other fear of mine "But does he loves me?"

He hums "I have a way to find out but Vatsu don't say this to your mother." He warns me.

Why so? He resumes. "Vatsu, imagine you are a mother of a daughter."

I nod in a yes and say him to continue. " Your loves a warrior. Perfect he's but he lacks the title of a king or commander in chief. There's no surety he would get his kingdom back which is captured . What would you do?"

What would I do? Simple, just say her to shut her mouth and sit. How can I let her live without any honour.

"Just say her to shut her mouth. How can I see my daughter without any fixed post or respect?" I reply.

"What if she gets stubborn?" He questions.

"If she's sensible enough she shall understand if not I am just gonna fix her marriage with the one who's perfect from every angle."

Wait, he isn't trying to imply the thing what I am thinking right? No, it can't be. He smiles at me.

"Baba, it can't be!" I reply in a rush. My heart pops out from my ribcage.

"Your daughter is your daughter what about your mother? Aren't you her only daughter? She's is liberal, understanding. She behaves as a friend with you but she's against any philosophy when it comes to you." He caresses my hair.

"Then how you are fine with it?"

He gives a stern look and stands straight. " Trust me, I have the confidence that Pandavas would get their Indraprastha back with Hastināpura. Do you think Duryodhana shall agree for any peace treaty? No way Vatsu. If he agrees too, bhrāta Yudhister shall choose the crown prince  of Indraprastha by testing their talent in which Abhimanyu would excel and if does on basis f age then I am there to flip the tables. The authentic owner of Indraprastha is only Pārtha! "

I gasp at him. Is he my fatherly figure? Is he my baba whom I saw till date?

"Baba--even you?"

I just can't digest the fact. What did i just hear?

"What do you think Vatsu? It was me who arranged Subhadra to step into Indraprastha and now, how can I be quiet? I and Dau trained him in every weaponry. You were grown with lot of pampering. Our glass doll you are. From mace to bow, he's perfect. From normal arrows to celestial weapons. From basic hymns to the upanishads. He's well versed in each and everything. None can't beat him fairly!" A maharathi he's." Baba speaks with a bunch of pride in his eyes.

I take a few seconds to grasp and process the information. Is this my father or someone?

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