Sorrow & Mercy: a Great Ace A...

By baroksfacescar

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[Contains major spoilers for the Great Ace Attorney Chronicles / Dai Gyakuten Saiban 1&2] Our tale begins 10... More

Folds of Scarlet
A Curtain of Mist
Faces Familiar and Strange
Matters of Blood
Strange Pity
The Shapes of Things
A Change of Circumstance
Truth and Misconception
The Heart of Things
Winter's Sudden Entrance
A Curtain of Scarlet
Soothing Conviction
In No Harsh Voice
Ventured Descent
Strange Shadows
That Black Shape
Violent Grief
To the Heart
Bleak Shores
An Entire Separation
PART II: Years of Ink
A Curtain of Sorrow
The Terror He Inspired
Momentary Respite
Swift Departure
Sombre Indignation
Those Who Return
Spasm of Agony
The Breath Before
A Curtain of Truth
Separate Paths
Inexpressible Sorrow
Reunited Blood
Slow Throb of an Old Wound
Our Final Resolve


41 1 0
By baroksfacescar

When Susato left her room the next morning, she nearly ran right into someone. Iris. She was standing outside Susato's door, waiting for her, face severe, her hands clasped together.

"Oh! Iris! You startled me!...Are you alright?"

"I've been thinking about what you said," Iris said.

"Oh? You have?"

"Yes...My mommy was very pretty."

"She was," Susato said quietly.

"...Was she nice?"

"Oh, incredibly so. We had so much fun together. And she was so sweet and warm and welcoming. You would have loved much as she already loved you."

Tears shone in Iris' eyes. "...I want to know more. Will you take me to see him?"

"You mean...Lord van Zieks?"

Iris nodded.

"I would love to, Iris. But...he won't be at the office today."

"Not at the office. I want to see it. The family home. Will you take me?"

Susato blinked quickly. ", Iris, I...I haven't been there for ten years. I don't know if he's accepting guests right now."

"If we go, we can find out," Iris said.

Iris was so subdued, so serious. How could Susato possibly deny her request? Even though she was scared to go back. To return to the place where everything had been so wonderful before it all fell so violently apart. To return to that haunted entryway, catch a glimpse of that door, forever gaping open in her mind.

Susato drew in a shaky breath. No, she had to face it eventually. She had to if she ever wanted to be close with Barok again.

"Well...I suppose...we could try. I do not think he would turn you away," Susato said.

"Then let's go."

"Right now, Iris?"

"Yes. Right now."

"Alright. Just give me one moment to get ready."

Iris nodded.

Susato retreated to her room to fix up her appearance properly. When she stepped back outside, Iris was staring down at the photograph Susato had slid under her door. Iris' eyes gleamed with unshed tears.


Susato and Iris were ushered into the van Zieks manor without delay. It felt so strange, crossing the threshold after all these years. With every glance around the entryway, Susato expected to see Lady Baskerville come rushing out and grab her by the wrist to whisk her away on some adventure. Or Klint come striding in, smiling with a file in his hands. Or Gregson enter with a tip of his hat and an offering of fish and chips. Or Genshin. Standing in the doorway, smiling gently.

But the nightmare also growled at her from the corners. Balmung, bristling and massive in the darkness. Klint's face, filled with shadow, his eyes like the maw of a dark cave, his cruel words, that eerie orange glow.

Susato shook away the images, clasping her hands together as she stood beside Iris, waiting for Barok to appear.

"Miss Susato, it really nice to greet you back into our home!" the maid said. And Susato recognised the woman instantly. The soft-voiced maid who was near to her own age. Once, she had spoken with great concern to Lady Baskerville regarding the closeness she noticed blooming between Barok and Susato, but Susato had always known it was a genuine concern, and the maid had been very kind to her. And now she was looking at Susato with a bright smile. She hugged Susato quickly. "Sorry, ma'am! We were told to let you in immediately if you ever arrived. I'm so glad to see you here at last!"

Susato smiled, deeply touched.

The maid turned and gasped. "Oh! You...Oh, you must be her! Lady Baskerville's daughter!"

"Do I really look that much like her? Like mommy?" Iris said.

"Yes! Yes, dear, you do!'s like looking at my mistress again," the maid said, tears filling her eyes. "Oh, goodness gracious. I can't get over you!"

"Was....Was my mommy kind to you?"

"She was. She was the best mistress we could have ever asked for. She and your father took such good care of us," the maid said, smiling, her hands pressed over her heart. "Oh, just look at you...Do you know, your mother treated us like friends? She shared treats with us all the time and spoke with us whilst we cooked. She even served us on Sundays, along with your father."

"That's so nice," Iris said.

"She was so funny too! Oh, oh she would love you so much. In fact, she already did. She used to sing to you."

"R-Really?" Iris said, her eyes shining. She clasped her hands together and beamed despite the tears trickling down her cheeks. "My mommy sounds amazing!"

The maid gasped. "You even...Your mother always did that. You really are her image. But...your eyes. They are so much like your father's."

Iris lowered her chin. "My daddy was a bad man."

"He lost himself. But we loved him. Very dearly," the maid said.

Susato shut her eyes, fighting back a deep and cold wave of loss.

"Oh. The Lord of the manor is here," the maid said. "So good to see you, Miss Susato. And to meet you, Lady Iris!"

Iris smiled.

The maid bowed and retreated. And then Barok came into view. He looked very handsome indeed and was finely dressed, as always. His gaze held Susato warmly then slid towards Iris. He stopped midstride, surprise stealing over his face.

"...You have come to call on me?"

Iris bowed, still looking utterly subdued. "Yes. I'm...I'm sorry for yelling at you. I know it wasn't your fault...I made you so very sad. You must hate me now."

Barok stared at her for a moment then bowed. "...I'll have a fine meal prepared for us. And a cake as well."

Iris gasped. "You're not angry with me?"

"Tell me, do you care for horses?" Barok said.

"Oh! Oh yes! I...I like all sorts of animals," Iris said.

"Your mother was the best rider I have ever met," Barok said.

Susato smiled. His face looked solemn but so gentle and warm.

"Really?" Iris said, and clasped her hands together, beaming. "Do you have horses here?"

"Yes. It is rather slippery out, so they should remain in their stable. Would you like to see them?" Barok said.

"Yes!" Iris said.

Susato followed a few steps behind the two as they travelled to the stables. She smiled, watching as Iris petted the horses and asked to know the names of every single one. Barok peppered her with facts about horses and vowed to teach her to ride when the weather was better. Iris glowed with delight.

Afterwards, they travelled back into the house. Barok gave them a tour of the main floor, including the kitchens, where the servants were cooking. They greeted Iris and Susato very kindly, before the three continued towards the drawing room.

Barok hesitated at the doors then slid them open and ushered Iris and Susato inside.

"We used to spend so many hours here," Susato said, a sad smile alighting upon her lips.

"Yes. I have avoided this room since that time," Barok said.

"Oh! You have so many instruments!" Iris remarked as she explored the space. "And a beautiful fireplace!" She twirled around, taking in the room, then fixed Barok with a smile. "So, did my parent's play any of these?"

"They were both accomplished musicians and skilled at singing, besides," Barok said.

"Oh...I wish I could have heard them," Iris said, wilting.

"Lord van Zieks is highly accomplished as well. He plays harpsichord, piano, and the cello all very beautifully. He sings wonderfully too! And he is a very graceful dancer," Susato said.

"Really? Oh! You must play something!" Iris said.

"Only if Miss Susato agrees to sing as well," Barok said.

Susato blanched.

"You can sing, Susie!?" Iris said.


"She is too humble to admit it, but her voice is rather beautiful," Barok said.

Susato blushed.

Iris giggled. "I want to hear!"

"Perhaps some other time. I would show you the library before we take our meal," Barok said.

Susato glanced at him. She could tell he was trying to avoid looking too long at anything in the room. She had been avoiding looking at the place where she and Lady Baskerville used to take their tea. That table by the window where they would watch Klint and Barok competing at the tree. Her throat closed up.

They ventured out of the drawing room and towards the library when Iris suddenly stopped, tilting her head.

"What room is that?" she said.

For a moment, Susato felt like the walls were fastening shut around her. She forced herself to look away, a tremble stirring in her limbs. She focused on Iris, on the present, on the solid ground beneath her feet.

Barok clenched his jaw. "...It is not a room anymore."

"Hmm? Did something happen?" Iris said. "Oh! mean...?"

"Yes. That is the room where..." Barok drifted. His hand hovered over his scar, pain contorting his features momentarily. "Let us carry on to the library."

Iris nodded and hung her head.

Susato lightly touched her shoulder. "You'll love this room, Iris."

And she did. As soon as they entered the library, Iris gasped and went running. She began immediately to scan the shelves, grabbing random books and flipping through them, her eyes shining. Susato smiled and simply watched her. And then she realised Barok was at her side. Very close. So close their arms nearly touched.

"The last time we were in here together..." Barok said quietly.

Susato's face flamed. Her gaze slid towards the rolling ladder. She could see it clearly in her mind. Barok's unscarred face, ten years younger. Hovering before her. So close. His breath falling against her lips. The contact she had ached for, but was denied. Her fingers fell lightly against her lips. She looked away, her breath starting to quicken at the very memory. She still had no idea how it felt to be kissed.

"You have so many fantastic books!" Iris said, beaming.

Susato surfaced from her thoughts. "O-Oh yes, they do! Did you see...Did you see the display cases too?" she said, flustered.

"It's almost like a tiny museum!" Iris said with a giggle.

Susato peered at Barok. He was staring at the ladder too. Then he suddenly strode towards Iris and began to guide her around the room, telling her about the heirlooms in the display cases. Susato listened with earnest interest, smiling with great fondness and affection at the pair. Iris kept looking up at Barok, listening attentively, nodding and smiling. Then she would offer comments and mention things she wanted to add to her stories. It was such a heartening sight.

After all Barok had suffered. He finally had a family again. The flesh and blood of his dear brother and sister-in-law. Susato let out a long breath, tears of joy quietly slipping from her eyes.

"I do believe our meal is ready now," Barok said.

"Lead the way, Uncle Barok!" Iris said and took hold of his fingers with her tiny hand.

Barok looked absolutely stunned. And Susato's heart fluttered hard as a smile brushed briefly across his lips. The first smile she had seen on his face in ten whole years.

Susato walked towards them as they began to stride past, falling into step with them. Barok glanced over at her. His eyes were so very warm.


After their delicious meal—which was filled with the sound of Iris' bright voice and Barok's lower tones, solemnly but serenely answering her many questions—they decided they would go for a walk in the garden.

The sky was still at the moment, and even though the bushes were covered with frost and the plants were hiding their blooms until spring, the pathway itself was still lovely—winding like grey ribbon through a garden strewn with benches and small fountains.

Susato trailed behind as Iris and Barok walked ahead, Iris skipping along and smiling up at him.

As they moved, Susato sensed where she was. Her body remembered, even after all those years across the sea. She turned her eyes from the precious pair and saw it: the bench where she and Lady Baskerville used to sit together. The rose bush was devoid of any beauty at the moment, but she recognised the spot instantly, instinctively.

A sad smile touched Susato's lips as she lightly placed her fingers against the cold stone. She could see Lady Baskerville so clearly in that moment, could hear her voice and her laugh. How she missed her friend. Her sister by choice.

The memory of the day when she had felt Iris moving inside of Lady Baskerville's pregnant stomach unfurled gently in her mind. Susato's smile wobbled, cold catching in the corners of her lips, even as a deep and aching warmth surged up within her.

"Miss Susato?"

Susato turned her head. Barok and Iris were far up the path, but had stopped to look back at her, realising she was no longer at their side. It was such a nice sight. Tiny Iris holding his hand. Barok finally being the uncle he had always longed to be.

"You go on ahead," Susato called. "I'm going to stay here for a while."

Barok nodded with solemn understanding, then began to continue down the path with Iris.

Susato sat on the bench and closed her eyes, allowing the memories to wash over her, allowing herself to grieve her beloved friend. Genshin. Klint. Gregson. Dr. Wilson. Everyone she had lost. Everything she had left behind. She throbbed in the memory of it, but it was soothing at the same time. This little carved out hollow of past warmth.

And then the sky split open.

Susato gasped and lurched to her feet as the freezing cold rain came down in a thick deluge. She stared down the path, trying to catch sight of Iris and Barok. No sign of them. She began to trail towards where they had vanished.

And then Iris came running, Barok hurrying along at her side, holding his overcoat open over her head as if it would shield her from the downpour. Susato couldn't help herself—she smiled at the sight of their precious, soaked, startled faces.

"Let's get inside!" Susato called, and together they raced for shelter.


The three stood in the entryway, dripping water all over the floor and shivering.

"Oh no! The photograph!" Iris gasped. She swung her knapsack around and pawed through it quickly, then breathed a sigh of relief as she held aloft the picture Susato had given to her.

"That's—!" Barok stammered, staring down at the photograph. "I thought that photograph long lost. Where did you get it?"

"Susie gave it to me! So I could see what my mommy looked like," Iris said.

Barok stared at Susato searchingly. "You have carried this with you...for all these years?"

"Yes. Oh!" Susato quickly pulled her primer from out of her sleeve and flipped it open. She breathed a sigh of relief. "This one is safe too."

Barok drifted towards her side and looked down at the picture. "You have carried both of these around in this book that Klint gave you...for ten years?"

"Of course. They're too precious to ever abandon," Susato said.

Barok met her eyes again, his gaze deep and full of surprise and light. Susato smiled at him, her heart fluttering warmly.

Iris sneezed.

Barok jolted out of his daze. "Ascend the stairs together. You should be able to find some clothing to wear whilst yours dry over the fire. If you have trouble, ask one of the maids. I will prepare the hearth in the drawing room."

"Okay! Lead the way, Susie!" Iris said, taking hold of Susato's hand.

"Y-Yes," Susato said.

And together they hurried up the stairs.


The rain continued to pour, falling mercilessly upon the manor and the surrounding grounds. But it was warm before the fire.

Susato wore a morning gown, as did Iris. Both had taken their hair down so it would dry better. Barok was wearing plain clothing as well: a white shirt with a simple waistcoat, which meant he was far more properly dressed than she was. Susato felt entirely shy around Barok while dressed in such a manner, but there was really no other option. Their regular clothes were hung up to dry near another fireplace and were utterly soaked through.

Iris was lying on the couch near the fireplace, tucked under several blankets. And Barok sat in front of the hearth, a blanket over his shoulders.

Susato hastened away from the room for a moment to fetch some tea. When she returned, Iris was asleep and Barok was staring quietly into the flames.

Susato moved to his side. He looked up at her, the firelight casting warm and orange upon his face, softening his features, brightening the brilliant blue of his eyes, setting his scar aflame. Susato's breath caught. Her smile wavered, and then she recovered it. She sank down beside him and he shifted, moving the blanket so it draped over her shoulders as well. She pressed close to his side, seeking his warmth without touching him. But her heart was pounding.

Taking a sip of her tea, Susato felt a stab of embarrassment as she realised her hands were shaking. She put the cup down on the floor and looked over at Barok. He was staring at her, his eyes deep and soft. Heat suffused her face.

"...Iris is so happy. She's really taken to you," she said quietly.

"Thank you. For bringing her here. For defending her for all of these years...For so long, I thought I was the last of my family line. More than that...I truly believed there was no one I could trust. That you had abandoned me. It has been so hard to breathe," Barok said, a hush sealing over his lowered voice. "And now...all of London is turning against my family."

"Not all," Susato said softly.

Barok held her gaze deeply, gently. "I would not be arrogant enough to imagine...that anyone would wish to become a van Zieks now. I know Iris will likely never take on my family name. And...I am could not possibly ever desire to bear it yourself." He turned his face away. Stared down mournfully into the flames. "Who could ever love who I have become? You need not hold to my side out of the memory...of the man you once loved."

"You say this like he's lost. This wonderful man I loved," Susato said, her smile soft as she fixed him with a gentle, half-lidded gaze.

"He is lost. He's still in that mire. Despite all his futile efforts to pull himself out."

"He's not lost. He just hasn't realised that someone is in the mire with him," Susato said, her hand slipping towards his, her fingertips brushing against the side of his hand.

Barok looked at her.

"No, that's not quite right. He hasn't realised that he's been walking further away from that mire every day. That it's clear in the way he holds himself. In the way he loves his niece," she said.

"Susato, I am not the man I was before. I am not that man you love."

"I didn't think someone as brilliant as you could ever be so blind. All the evidence is right in front of you, yet your emotions have clouded your judgement."

"I don't understand." Barok's lips pulled into a solemn line, a deep notch in his brow. His gaze was searching and heavy-laden.

Susato placed her hand fully over his fingers. "You are still you."

"No, I have not been myself for ten years."

"You're wrong. I can see you. So clearly. Your compassion. Your integrity. Your courage. Your warmth. Sometimes you are harsh now, even cold. But that is just your pain. A façade, to keep yourself from trusting again...and being hurt again. It has been fading, but it will take time. So...What kind of monster...would stop loving the man who has filled her heart for all these years, simply because he's hurting?"

Barok's brows furrowed more deeply. He stared at her searchingly, desperately. "You are not saying that you...Susato, I am not worthy of this."

"Objection," Susato said tenderly, smiling at him with all the love in her heart.

"How...How did I ever delude myself into thinking...that I hated you? You. Susato Mikotoba. The most sincere and caring woman I have ever known."

Susato shifted closer to him and looked up into his face, her gaze lowering from his eyes to his mouth then back to his loving, searching stare. "I love you. And nothing will change that."

"How...How can you..."

"I know you, Barok. How can I not love you?"

He leaned in close, so close she felt his breath fall against her face. Her heart fluttered, fast and warm in her chest. He stared deeply down into her eyes, his gaze half-lidded, his fingers lightly touching her chin. The firelight suffused them with an intimate glow, that path of brighter blue igniting in his eyes. He stared at her like he was beholding something truly astonishing.

"'And all that's best of dark and bright, meet in her aspect and her eyes,'" he said quietly and leaned in. She closed her eyes, anticipating his mouth upon hers. Instead, she felt the delicate pressure of a kiss upon each of her eyelids. "'One shade the more, one ray the less, had half impaired the nameless grace, which waves in every raven tress." His hand brushed across her face, and then he lightly kissed the edge of her jaw, his fingers trailing along her hair.

"'Or softly lightens o'er her face,"' he murmured, his fingertips now lightly cradling her face as he leaned his forehead against hers. "'Where thoughts serenely sweet express, how pure, how dear their dwelling-place. And on that cheek." He kissed her cheek, lingering, his breath warm on her skin, one rain-dampened lock of his hair sliding forward, brushing against her eyelashes. "'And o'er that brow.'" He kissed her forehead, soft and slow. "'So soft, so calm, yet eloquent.'" With each word he placed a kiss upon the bridge of her nose, the curve of her other cheekbone, her chin.

And then Barok's mouth hovered over hers, his breath sweet and warm as he whispered: "'The smiles that win, the—'"

Susato interrupted him by uniting their lips. She pulled back slightly, letting out an uneven breath. And then he was kissing her. Deeply, lovingly, all of his heart in the movements of his lips, the taste of his breath, the softness and the passion of their embrace.

"Barok," she whispered before they kissed again. Slow and tender and ardent.

"Marry me," he whispered against her lips.

"Yes," she breathed.

He held her face as their lips united yet again, fervent, melting kisses. And Susato's hands began to move as well, trailing through his hair, their bodies drawing close as they spoke of love wordlessly. The aching of ten years, the wondering, the yearning. The pure, faithful love.

Iris shifted in her sleep. The sound interrupted their embrace.

Breathless, they both pulled back. Susato exhaled shakily against Barok's lips, her eyes lifting to his, then lowering shyly.

Barok swept his fingers across Susato's cheek, tucking back a stray lock of her hair. "I should see if the rains have stopped."

Susato nodded. "I...I will wake Iris."

For a moment, neither of them moved, the fire glowing over them. Susato realised Barok was staring at her lips, and her gaze lowered to his mouth. He slowly drew his thumb across her lower lip. And they met in one last gentle kiss before he stood and moved towards the window.

Susato stood as well, unable to shake the smile from her face. She walked towards Iris and lightly stroked her damp hair, pulling it out from under the blankets so it would not chill her.

"I do not think the rains will cease tonight," Barok said. He pivoted away from the window, his countenance severe, like usual, but his eyes were alight.

"Iris?" Susato said, gently shaking the girl to wake her.

"Mmm...Su...sie?" Iris sat up slowly, rubbing her eyes. "Oh! Did I fall asleep?"

"Yes. Sorry to wake you, but it looks like we'll be trapped here for the night," Susato said.

"The room that belonged to you when you stayed here before is available for your use," Barok said.

"Oh! We can have a sleepover, Susie!" Iris said brightly.

"Yes! And then we shall return home first thing in the morning. So Mr. Sholmes doesn't worry," Susato said.

"Oh no! That's right. Daddy will be expecting us home!" Iris said.

"I will have the carriage prepared the moment I wake," Barok vowed.

Susato smiled at him. "Thank you. Let's go get some rest, Iris. We want to be up nice and early!"

"Oh yes!" Iris said.

Barok escorted them to their room. Lingered at the door. "I will have the maids bring your clothes as soon as they are dry," he said.

"Thank you," Susato said, staring up at him brightly.

"Goodnight, uncle Barok!" Iris said. She curtsied then turned and rushed into the room. "Wow! This bed is so soft and big!"

Susato laughed softly. She smiled up at Barok. He bent at the waist, pressing his forehead to hers, his hands on her back, holding her close. Susato reached up and gently touched his face.

"I swear to you...I meant what I said by the fire. I assure you, I will ask you properly. But first I will send your father a telegram," Barok said.

"I am sure he will approve. He knows you have been in my heart all this time," Susato said.

"Goodnight, Susato."

"Goodnight, Barok."

"I love you."

Susato blushed and pulled back, glancing away, a bright smile on her face. She bowed then walked into the room. Turned to face him. For a second, they held gazes. And then Susato nodded and shut the door. She whirled around towards the room.

Iris was on the bed, sighing with contentment as she flopped back against a pillow and hugged another to her chest. "This is so cozy!" she said.

Susato sat down on the bed next to her and sighed in a deep, dreamy way.

Iris giggled. "What's that about, Susie?"

"I think...Barok and I...we're going to get married, Iris."

"Oh! Really!? That's great!" Iris said.

Susato quickly wiped at the undersides of her eyes. "I...I don't know why I'm crying," she said, a laugh tousling her breath. "I suppose I never thought...that we could actually be together. Oh, but Iris...he really does love me!"

"Susie! That's wonderful!" Iris said and she threw her arms around Susato's shoulders and hugged her. Susato held Iris tightly.

"...Susie? I'm sorry. I don't hate you. And I do want you in my life."

"You forgive me, Iris?"

"Yes, I forgive you...Wait! Susie? Does this mean you're going to be my aunt!?"

"I—I think it does!" Susato said.

And they hugged again, both overjoyed.


"There's my darling Iris! I was so consumed with worry for you!" Sholmes said, running towards her and scooping her up into his arms.

Barok sighed. "We found him wandering the grounds in the morning."

"They are ridiculously large and full of tantalising secrets!" Sholmes said.

Iris giggled. "I'm glad you're here, daddy! Now we can all have breakfast together!"

"There is a restaurant near the telecommunications office that serves an excellent breakfast. We could all venture there at once," Barok said.

"Oh? You have something you desperately need to send, do you?" Sholmes said, grinning in a disarmingly knowing way.

Barok crossed his arms, a hint of colour rising in his face. "That is no concern of yours, great detective. Although, I am certain you have solved the mystery already."

"Indeed, I believe I have!" Sholmes said. "By the rather flustered look on your face, Mr. Reaper, and on dear Miss Susato's...I do believe it is quite obvious, is it not? Yes, indeed. You both have flee to Russia in the wake of public discontent! I believe you would make a most excellent trapeze artist."

Barok sighed.

Susato and Iris laughed.

"Oh, I know what it is!" Iris said.

"...As do I," Sholmes said. Then he lowered his voice. "What is it, dear Iris?"

"Not telling!" Iris said with a giggle and hurried towards the front doors.

Together, the four ventured out to a lovely breakfast.


Barok escorted everyone home to Baker Street. He entered into the apartment to say one final word to Susato before departing for the day.

"I will call on you as soon as I receive word," he vowed, holding her hands gently between his.

Susato gazed up into his warm eyes and nodded firmly, a loving smile upon her face.

Barok smiled gently back at her. Then he released her hands and began to turn away.

"Wait! Uncle Barok! You're leaving?" Iris said, rushing towards him.

"I fear I must," Barok said.

"Come call on us soon! I'll make more of my special blend. We have something to celebrate too, don't we?" Iris said, smiling, her hands clasped behind her back.

Barok bowed. "I promise that I shall."

And Iris lunged forward. Barok caught her in his arms, then sank to his knees. Iris hugged him very tightly, a bright smile on her face. Barok looked stunned. And then he pulled her close, his brow deeply furrowed, absolutely overwhelmed.

Susato smiled, tears of joy rising in her eyes.

"God truly is merciful," Barok said quietly, as he held his family for the first time in ten long years.

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