Sorrow & Mercy: a Great Ace A...

Por baroksfacescar

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[Contains major spoilers for the Great Ace Attorney Chronicles / Dai Gyakuten Saiban 1&2] Our tale begins 10... Más

Folds of Scarlet
A Curtain of Mist
Faces Familiar and Strange
Matters of Blood
Strange Pity
The Shapes of Things
A Change of Circumstance
Truth and Misconception
The Heart of Things
Winter's Sudden Entrance
A Curtain of Scarlet
Soothing Conviction
In No Harsh Voice
Ventured Descent
Strange Shadows
That Black Shape
Violent Grief
To the Heart
Bleak Shores
An Entire Separation
PART II: Years of Ink
A Curtain of Sorrow
The Terror He Inspired
Momentary Respite
Swift Departure
Sombre Indignation
Those Who Return
Spasm of Agony
The Breath Before
A Curtain of Truth
Separate Paths
Inexpressible Sorrow
Reunited Blood
Slow Throb of an Old Wound
Our Final Resolve


27 3 0
Por baroksfacescar

A few days later, Gina Lestrade was Iris' special guest for tea time. A black mourning band encircled Gina's arm, drawn over the green of her jacket sleeve. Susato could see the changes Gregson's loss had carved into the young woman. Gina held a subdued air, even though her smile was gentle, and her eyes were burdened despite the way they lit up as she talked and drank her tea and ate the special desserts Iris and Susato had baked together.

"I still stumble over me letters a bit. Kaz 'as been a big 'elp wiv that," Gina said.

"...You've been speaking with Kazuma-sama?" Susato said.

"Yeah. 'E seemed pretty 'arsh durin' the trial an' all but...actually, 'e's been really kind wiv me. We're gonna be workin' together a lot, innit? Since I'm an Inspector in trainin' an' all."

"I'm so pleased things are going well, Ginny!" Iris said, beaming happily.

Susato frowned. She was a bit surprised that Kazuma was acting so kindly towards Gina, considering her loyal love for Gregson, despite that she knew the truth about his role in the Reaper organisation. And considering that Gregson had attacked Barok and Genshin—and not only stole the ring, but positioned the fake evidence that helped Stronghart ensure Genshin was falsely incriminated as the Professor—it was a surprise to Susato that Kazuma was so kind towards Gina.

As for herself, Susato had been struggling on and off with terrible waves of bitterness towards Gregson. Even though Gregson really thought he was doing what was right—unlike Stronghart, who was motivated purely by personal gain and his delusions of self-righteousness—it still hurt terribly. So terribly. Gregson had incriminated Genshin. He had scarred Barok. And he had lied and hidden the truth from her all those years ago. And had upheld those lies until the day he perished.

It was a lot to negotiate with. Not that Susato blamed Gina for anything. And, in truth, she was glad Kazuma wasn't bitter towards the poor woman either. After all, Gina was completely innocent. Who could blame her for loving a man that had taken her in like a father and raised her? How could she not forgive someone who had done something so wonderful?

Tears shivered in Susato's eyes as she contemplated these things.


"Oh...Oh, yes?" Susato said, wiping quickly at her cheek to hide her tears.

"I never said sorry to you, did I? know, right? For...'ow I spoke to you before the trial...You were right. An' if you and 'Oddo 'adn't believed in ' one would ever know the truth, right?" Gina said.

"Right," Susato said quietly.

"I still can't Adam an' Eve all that the Boss did..." Gina said.

"...I miss Gregsy. Even though he did bad things," Iris said.

"Yeah...I miss 'im too," Gina said, her voice breaking over the words.

"His actions were horribly wrong, but his heart was in the right place. I suppose...he was dragged down into the darkness too," Susato said.

"Can you ever forgive 'im? You an' Kaz an' van Zieks...I wonder if you can ever forgive 'im," Gina said, lowering her chin, her hands wrapped tight around her cup of tea.

Susato smiled sadly. "Of course, Gina. Gregson...was my friend. He lied and he betrayed the law. He betrayed Genshin-sama and Lord van Zieks...But he was deceived. And...he was very good to us. Wasn't he, Iris?"

Iris nodded, her eyes glittering with unshed tears.

"But most of all! He was so good to you, Gina. For the way he treated you...of course I forgive him. Thanks to him, our dear friend Gina Lestrade is going to be the greatest Inspector in all of London!" Susato said.

"Oh yes! That's so true!" Iris said. "Ginny is going to be the greatest detective ever! And she will never have to dive again!"

"'Ey, I like divin'!" Gina said, face bright, even as tears trailed down her cheeks.

The three laughed.

"We really are so proud of you, Gina," Susato said gently. "And...we'll have the best fish and chips in town all together. As often as we can. In his honour."

"Yeah. I...I would...I'd really like that, me. Th—Thank you," Gina said, and she broke down crying. "Sorry...s-sorry. I'm fine, me, r-really."

"...I have another batch of scones ready to fetch from the kitchen. Susie, can you come add the jam and cream?" Iris said.

"Of course," Susato said, standing.

They gave Gina a minute to mourn. When they returned, she was silently smiling to herself while petting her puppy, Toby, who was happily sitting in her lap, licking the crumbs off her plate.

"We'll never forget 'im. Will we, Toby? 'E rescued us from the streets, 'e did," Gina said softly, sniffling.

Susato smiled. I promise I won't either, she thought to herself. I never could.


Apprehension twisted painfully through Susato. She knew it was irrational, but she could not stop herself from trembling as she rode in the carriage towards Hyde Park. It worsened as she wandered down the snow-laden pathway, waiting for him, her breath misting in front of her face. She stared down at the prints that revealed her journey and then lifted her head, pushing a strand of hair out of her eyes.

Her heart quickened.

There he was. Barok van Zieks, dressed in a fine winter coat and top hat. They hastened towards each other. He bowed and she returned his gesture, then took his offered arm.

For several minutes, they walked in silence, the afternoon placid around them. The only sounds were that of their white breath, their boots crunching over the ice, and the wind that swept by in fitful gusts every now and then.

"Thank you. For the other day," Barok said. "I fear I have much to apologise for."

"As do I," Susato said.

"...There is nothing for which you need apologise. You are already forgiven. I thought I had made that clear."

"I suppose I am still struggling to forgive myself. But you should know...I have forgiven you too."

"Don't say that so easily," Barok said, coming to a sudden stop.

She tilted her head back to look up at him. He was so troubled, his eyes so haunted.

"But it's the truth," she said, whisper-soft.

"...Miss Susato. I have done a great deal to inflict injury upon you. I do not just mean my past crime...but how I have thought of you. How coldly and cruelly I have treated you. I swear to you that I will spend every day making it up to you. Although, I know nothing can ever serve as proper recompense for all I have done."

Susato studied his profile with her gaze. Then she laughed softly.

Barok looked at her, a deep furrow appearing between his brows. "Why are you laughing at me?"

"I'm not, really," Susato said. "I'm just...I'm just so relieved. To see that warmth in your eyes again. Even after all that's happened...all these terrible truths...I'm very glad you're alive. That I can stand at your side like this. That...we can make promises to each other." Tears shivered in her eyes, painfully cold and sharp in the winter air.

"I am glad for that as well," Barok said gently.

They resumed walking. Susato placed her other hand on Barok's arm, feeling his warmth and strength. She leaned a bit closer to his side, a daring gesture after all they had been through. She was so relieved when he did not pull away.


The tearoom was wonderfully warm, the air suffused with the fragrance of high-quality tea leaves. Susato drank in the atmosphere gratefully. But most of all, she was happy for Barok's company. It had been far too long since they had last sat together like this, refreshing themselves with delicious tea and even more delicious cake.

"Is the chocolate sponge as to your liking as it was in your memory?" Barok said.

Susato nodded enthusiastically and took another forkful of cake. She sighed with contentment as it melted against her tongue, the richness of the chocolate an utter delight.

"It's even better! It's much sweeter things can taste after such a bitter time," she said.

"...When I was arrested, I was afraid I would never have the chance to come here with you again. It would have been a great never again see the look on your face when you consume something you find extremely partial," Barok said.


"I have missed seeing such joy in your eyes," Barok said, his voice soft, his gaze even softer. It reminded her of the day in the drawing room, when he had said those words she had so desperately longed to say back. Just as he had back then, he gazed upon her like she was something wondrous to behold, like she was a source of joy.

Her heart ached under his tender regard. Then he looked away, and a shadow darkened his aspect.

"It was Lady Baskerville who first introduced me to this place. One day, I had accompanied her whilst she was shopping for a gift for Klint. She dragged me here and forced me to eat all manner of desserts," Barok said.

"What a terrible burden," Susato said, smiling sadly. How classically Lady Baskerville. Susato could picture the scene clearly. Lady Baskerville's glowing grin as she grabbed Barok by the wrist and excitedly pulled him inside. The image of her wavered in Susato's mind, an impression of Iris ghosting over it.

"Can...I ask you something? I am afraid it might sound a bit harsh."

"I have never known you to mince your words. Ask," Barok said.

"...When will you meet with Iris?"

Barok let out a long breath. "Stronghart is to be executed in two day's time. After that, it is my intention to publicise the truth. But before I do...I must speak with Iris. It is only right that she be told the truth in its entirety."

"I will be at your side. When that time comes," Susato said. "...I will also accompany you to the execution."

Barok looked at her with evident alarm. "Miss Susato. I highly advise against it. As a prosecutor, I have attended executions before. It is not something I would wish you to witness. I do not wish to see it myself."

"I just...I need to know that he can never hurt anyone again. I need to see justice done."

"Is it not enough to rest in the knowledge that it has happened?"

Susato shook her head.

Barok sighed heavily. "Then if you insist, I will stand at your side during the ordeal. Now...there is something I must ask you."

"Alright," Susato said quietly.

"Have you spoken to Kazuma?" Barok said.

Susato looked away, shame coursing through her. "...I am not ready. And neither is he. I just...I need time. He knew all about you, and Gregson, feelings. Yet, he came here just"

"You need to speak with him, Miss Susato. Regardless of any grievance. I would not have you disdain him for my sake."

"...I don't disdain him. I never could."

"Kazuma acted out of a deep grief. There is a darkness in him he is struggling to fight. If anyone can help him, it is you," Barok said, looking at her relentlessly. "Do not squander the time you have with your brother."

Oh. Tears rushed into Susato's eyes. She nodded and folded her hands together in her lap. "I will speak with him soon. I promise. After you speak with Iris."

"Then let us keep our word to one another. For the sake of those who remain in our lives. And in honour of those who have departed from us," Barok said.

His hand rested upon his chest, over the badge he still wore with pride.

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