One Step At a Time

By Idontknowwhattoname4

504K 8.4K 1.3K

Arabelle Vine, a 22 year old photographer in Seattle Washington, is happy with her current life. She has frie... More

Chapter 1: Pain
Chapter 2: Training
Chapter 3: Guys Night Out
Chapter 4: Parents
Chapter 5: Him
Chapter 6: Girls Night Out
Chapter 7: Shower
Chapter 8: Eye Contact
Chapter 9: Mystery Girl
Chapter 10: Nacho Cheese
Chapter 11: Homecoming
Chapter 12: Text message
Chapter 13: Dog park
Chapter 14: Model
Chapter 15: Cooties
Chapter 16: Beautiful
Chapter 17: Skipping stones
Chapter 18: Pretty Boy
Chapter 19: Middle Names
Chapter 20: Paparazzi
Chapter 21: Kiss Me
Chapter 22: One Step At a Time
Chapter 23: Ideas
Chapter 24: Taste
Chapter 25: Cat Scratch
Chapter 26: Crazy Bitch
Chapter 27: My girl
Chapter 28: Home
Chapter 29: Things Happen
Chapter 30: You Were Always Mine
Chapter 32: I need her
Chapter 33: I'm Sorry
Chapter 34: Surprise
Chapter 35: Promise Ring
Chapter 36: Good Vibrations
Chapter 37: Thanksgiving
Chapter 38: Mr.Darcy

Chapter 31: Something is Wrong

9.5K 166 40
By Idontknowwhattoname4

A/n up top is a picture of June

There is unfortunately no song for this chapter because I couldn't find one

"Oh, it was lovely working with you again Arabelle." Arina Petrov pulls me into a tight hug.

"I love working with you Miss.Petrov." I reply

"How many times must I tell you to call me Arina." She pulls away, her strong Russian accent making her sound extremely serious.

"Right, sorry."

"No need to apologize Arabelle, but I want to continue to work with you so I would like if you called me Arina."

"Of course." I nod, pulling the strap of my camera bag over my shoulder. "You know where to contact me the next time you want me to take pictures for you."

"I honestly think you are going to become my new go to girl." She flashes me her dazzling perfectly white smile.

She leads me towards the elevator and we say our goodbyes. I promised to have all of these photos to her by the end of the week, because she does want me to edit them this time. So, this week is going to be busy.

I've got a birthday dinner with my parents, a date night with Roman, and I am going out with the others for Halloween, so my nights are packed this week.

I button up my coat, saying goodbye to the receptionist before making my way outside. I'm at the same building as I was the last time I worked with Arina, so I was able to walk here again. It's pretty nice out today, but it is cold enough to need a jacket.

On my way back home, I decide to pop into my favorite coffee shop for a nice vanilla latte, needing the energy to stay awake during my date tonight.

The smell of freshly baked pastries and coffee hit my nose as I step into the quiet cafe. No one is here right now because it closes in an hour, and it is also later in the day.

"Arabelle! What a lovely surprise." Yasmin greets me, she's got a gorgeous maroon hijab on.

"Hello, lovey." She rounds the glass counter that is scarce of pastries, "you've been busy." I say as she pulls me into a hug.

"Yes, it's been crazy busy all day." She pulls away from the hug and glances around the cozy cafe, her hands on her hips. "I'm the last one here and I'm charge of closing up. Henry left around half an hour ago, so you just missed him."

"That's a shame, I haven't seen him in a while."

"Yeah, you haven't been coming here as much as you used to. What's got you so busy?" She asks as she makes her way back around the counter.

"My career has finally taken off, and I've been completely booked the past month."

"Oh, Arabelle. That's great. I'm so happy for you."

"Yeah, it's just been very stressful. But.." I trail, off biting my cheek.

"Who is he? What's his name? What does he look like?" Yasmin questions, "you have to tell me everything."

"Fine, fine. But can I please have a vanilla latte before I start."

"Of course." I take a seat by the window as she makes my coffee, watching people make their way home from work.

I smile as I watch a dog walker walk by with four dogs, constantly getting their leashes tangled.

"Here you go." Yasmin places a small latte in front of me along with a cinnamon bun, "it's on the house."

"Oh no, you don't have to do that."

"Too bad." She smiles cheekily at me. "Now tell me, who is this mystery man?"

"He's not a mystery." I laugh, "I just haven't seen you much since I've started seeing him."

"Who cares? This is a big deal for you."

Yasmin and me became great friends when I first moved here and started to come to the cafe almost everyday.

She has always been someone I could confide in, and I was able to eventually open up to her about what happened, and why I decided to move here in the first place.

"Okay, his name is Roman."

"Ooh, that's a hot name." She wiggles her eyebrows at me.

"Yes it is." I agree, sipping the hot cup of coffee. "He is a professional boxer, and he is just the most amazing person I have ever met. I have never felt more comfortable and more safe with anyone else. From the moment I met him I knew he was going to turn my life around."

Yasmin stays quiet as she listen to me gush about Roman.

"I honestly don't deserve him. He is just perfect in every way and I can't help but think he may be the one. I can feel something different then when I met Austin."

"That's great, Belle." She reaches across the small circle table and takes my hand in hers, "and you do deserve him. You deserve the world."

I smile it her, I'll forever be grateful to have her in my life. "I will have to bring him around some time so you two can meet."

"Mhm." She agrees, "now let me see a picture of him."

I pull out my phone, taking a bite of my cinnamon roll with my free hand. I scroll through my camera roll, smiling at the endless amounts of photos I have of him, June, the girls, and the guys.

I choose a picture I took of him while he made us pancakes one morning. He's shirtless in just a pair of grey sweatpants, and he has my apron in, which is yellow and is decorated with lemons. He's smiling while there is flour everywhere and he's holding June like a baby. His hair is also still a mess from having just woken up.

It's my favorite picture of him, it truly captures his personality.

"Here's my man." I smile as I hand her my phone.

"Damn girl." Her mouth falls open as she stares at the picture, "that man is fine."

"Trust me, I know."


I close my apartment mailbox and shuffle through the multiple envelopes and magazines I have. I have to go to the post office to pick up a few packages as well.

My white heels click against the floor as I make my way towards the elevator. I adjust my camera strap on my shoulder.

Todays photo shoot was a lot longer then usual. I spent around 8 hours today taking pictures for a big fashion magazine, getting to work alongside Arina again.

When I started my career in photography I was leaning towards being a wildlife photographer, but as I became more interested in fashion I mostly work with fashion designers and attend runway shows. In my free time I still enjoy to take pictures of wildlife and I go on a hike at least once a week. I've even gotten Roman to start coming with me.

The elevator doors open and I step inside, I click the number 8 and watch the doors shut. I turn to the side and look at my self in the mirrored walls. I brush my fingers through my day old curls and adjust my sage green pantsuit.

I run my tongue across my teeth and lean closer to the mirror, inspecting my makeup. I clean up the corners of my lips and the elevator dings.

When the doors slide open I am met with Ivan. "Hi, Ivan." I smile at him as I step out into the hallway.

"Hey, Arabelle. How have you been?" He asks, stepping into the the elevator.

"I've been good. I just got back from a long day of work."

"That's where I'm headed now."

"Yeah? I was wondering why you were so dressed up." I take in his navy blue tuxedo. "What do you do for work again?"

"I'm a real estate agent, and I've got a dinner meeting to attend tonight."

"Oh, that sounds nice. I've always been interested in real estate, I think it's so cool."

"Yeah, I really enjoy it."

"Well, I don't want you to be late so I'll leave you to it."

"Alright, have a nice night." He removes his hand that was blocking the doors from closing and pushes one of the buttons.

"Bye, Ivan." I give him a small wave.


I make my way down the hall, and unlock my door. I feel something soft brush up against my legs as I lock my door.

"Hey Junebug." I kneel down and let her climb all over me, scratching the back of her neck hearing her purr. I scoop her up and walk into the living room.

I place my camera bag and purse down on the couch and turn on the t.v. It's around 5:20 so I have an hour and forty minutes before Roman comes and picks me up for our date.

He wanted to take me out on my birthday, but because my birthday is on Halloween we already have plans to go out with the others. So, he decided to take me out tonight, the night before Halloween.

Because I already showered and did my hair today for my shoot, all I have to do is change and touch up my makeup.

I click through some videos on YouTube before settling on some random haul video that I'll leave to play in the background. I place June down on the couch, watching as she slowly walks over to her favorite spot in my apartment, and pull myself up off the couch.

I flick on some more lights to brighten up my apartment and head up the stairs. As I head over to my vanity I see something on the floor.

"Oh June." I say looking at the small amount of vomit on the floor.

I make my way downstairs and grab some carpet cleaner and paper towels. I glance at June to see her asleep on the floor.

That's odd. She hates sleeping on the floor.

I brush it off not thinking much of it and clean up the carpet. I turn on my wax warmer to get rid of the obnoxious smell of the carpet cleaner.

Settling myself in front of the mirror I study my reflection. I've never been good at doing extravagant or flashy makeup, that's more of a thing I let Mavis handle.

As much as I would love to wow Roman tonight with a nice and sexy smoky eye to go with my dress, tonight my time is limited and I have no time to even attempt that look.

So with the time I have I'm going to touch up my eyes and lips, maybe add some more bronzer and blush.

I put on some music and pull out the makeup I'll need. I start by dipping one of my smaller brushes in a light brown eyeshadow and blend it across my eyelids. I then put a darker brown in my crease as well as some highlight in the inner corner.

I quickly do a small wing, which I was able to do quite fast because of the amount of time I took to perfect it in high school. As I'm doing my eyeliner I begin to get a headache

I add some more cream blush on my cheeks along with bronzer, to add a little more color. I finish off the look by popping on some small false eyelashes.

As I'm brushing my fingers through my already curled hair I feel my headache get increasingly worse. Not wanting to feel awful for my date I decide to take some headache medicine.

But when I stand up from my vanity my eyes blur slightly and I begin to feel extremely dizzy.

"Shit." I mumble under my breath as I balance myself against my bed.

I slowly walk down the steps, tightly gripping the railing. I enter the kitchen and see the clock says 6:30.

6:30! Already? I swear it's only been like a half hour since I've been home.

I glance around my kitchen forgetting for a moment what I was doing here in the first place. Headache medicine. That's right.

I pull open the cabinet where I keep all the necessary medicines, and dump out two chewable tablets onto my palm, still unable to swallow a pill.

I take them quickly, hearing something ringing upstairs. My vision blurs again as place my foot on the first step. I shake my head attempting to help but am unsuccessful. My legs feel weak as I watch my feet take one step at time.

Something is wrong

I stumble into my room, searching for whatever is making that awfully obnoxious ringing noise.

"Shut up." When I speak my voice sounds muffled, the noise stops for a moment before starting up again. "Ugh, shut up!"

I turn in circles unable to find the source of the noise. My head is pounding at this point, the medicine obviously doing nothing. I feel more dizzy if that's possible as I make my way towards my closet, choosing to ignore the awful ringing sound.

I mumble to myself as I sift through the different dresses I have to choose from. I decide on a long sleeve velvet green one that falls just above my knee with a small slit on the left thigh.

I throw it on not caring to change my bra or underwear. As I'm searching for shoes I hear a new sound. Like someone is knocking.

Before I can stand up from my seated position on the floor of my closet my vision goes black.


A/N what do you think happened??

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