I'm in Love With My Bully Har...

Por Dom_Thomp

497K 13.8K 3.2K

Faith Rose Evans is just that ordinary girl that always wanted to fit in. Especially since she lost her paren... Más

The Project & Meeting Carmen
Lunch and Arguments
Music and Separating
Finding and Going Home
It Was Nothing
Let Yourself Fall This One Time
You Have to Trust Me
There's a Reason...
A Thousand Years
There Are Going to Be Some... Changes
Another Author Note :P Sorry
Sudden Attitude Change
I Can Make the Pain Go Away
There's Always a Reason... What's Yours?
Playing Mind Games
Why Does Love Have to Be So... Complicated?
A/N Numero...Idk
There's Nothing to Believe in Anymore
False Hope
What's the Plan
The End

Music Practice and Betrayal

22.4K 620 321
Por Dom_Thomp

Faith's P.O.V.***

I woke up on the couch with Carmen lying on the other side. I giggled quietly to myself as I looked at the way she slept. She had her legs on the head of the couch, and her head was hanging off the edge while she snored obnoxiously loud. I attempted to wake her up by shaking her softly, but she continued to snore on. My last idea was risky, but I decided to do it anyways. "Carmen!" I screamed loudly in her ear, then quickly got up and ran into the kitchen as she fell off the couch. She followed behind seconds later, and if looks could kill, let’s just say they would be hosting my funeral right now.

"Never wake 'me' up when I'm sleeping." She said sternly, adding emphases on the 'me’. I nodded, still giggling to myself, then looking down at the table with two plates on it wrapped in plastic, along with a note in between the two.


I made breakfast for you and Faith. I left to go grocery shopping and your brother came along with me. We should be back in 3-4 hours since I also have some errands to run.

Love, Mom

"Well I am going shopping, are you going to come?" She asked after reading the note out loud, looking at me while grabbing a piece of bacon from her plate. I shook my head softly and looked at my phone.

"No, sorry. I have an assignment, actually two I need to work on with Harry." I quietly replied, giving her my best 'sorry' look. I ran upstairs after eating my breakfast and looked through Carmen's wardrobe since she said I could borrow a pair of her clothes. After a while of looking through her huge closet, I settled on a white pair of skinny jeans and a white shirt that said 'Music is my Boyfriend'. I pulled out a pair light pink of VANS and walked to the bathroom.  I looked at my reflection in the mirror and slightly grimaced while sighing. At least my lip was now back to regular, but it had a small cut on it. My left-eye was a light shade of purple, but still noticeable. I covered it up as best as I could. I didn't realize that my arms were open, revealing a few small cuts on them, and I quickly covered them by pulling down the sleeves. Once I finished, I ran down stairs to see no one there.

"Well good-bye to you too." I said, voice oozing in sarcasm as I grabbed my bag and exited the house, wondering how it was going to be locked. I received a text from an unknown number, but my best guess is it’s from Harry, since the person texted me their address and told me to bring my things. A part of me was looking forward to this, and that’s what scared me. I bit my lip in thought as I continued to walk to Harry’s house, taking in the scenes around me. I finally made it to his lovely house, and was greeted by a nice lady who I presumed was Harry's mum.

"Hi, I'm Anne Styles, Harry's mother. Come on in." She said very sweetly gesturing for me to walk inside. She gave birth to Harry? I thought quietly to myself, but felt bad. Well, maybe Harry has a sweet side to him too. I shot my thoughts down as I quickly thanked her.

"Thank you, Mrs. Styles. It's nice to meet you, I'm Faith Evans." I smiled back as her features brightened even more when I said my name.

"You’re Faith! Harry couldn't stop talking about you since... well forever." She gushed happily to me as I blushed. Harry talks about me?

"Does he say good things?" I ask, voice in a bit of a panic as I look into her eyes. She giggles softly and nods her head.

"Honey, everything he says about you is very good, sweet even. ‘She’s so bea-" She was trying to say but was interrupted by Harry.

"That's enough of that mom." He quickly shooed his mum away, he cheeks a bright red as he scratched the back of his neck. A part of me wondered what she was going to say, but another part of me wondered if Harry was just telling her those things to cover up his tracks.

"Are you ready." He asked sweetly, as I tried to hold back a smile, but failed. I looked at his beautiful emerald eyes and found the loss of words. Faith, please don’t do this to yourself. I thought to myself, as that’s all I really tend to do and nodded. He walked off, back muscles flexing through his tight white shirt. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." He said, turning around and winking as I slightly blush and clear my throat, walking behind him. “Hold on.” He said getting seriously as I got behind him. He put his thumb on my chin, sending a shiver up my spine, and my eyes to widen. “You’ve got a bit of drool on your cheek there.” He smirked as I rolled my eyes and pushed his hand away, mumbling a ‘whatever’, but giggling slightly.

"Wow, this is your music room." He nodded slowly as he continued to watch me. "It's amazing." I said breathlessly as I stared around the midnight black room. It had a white piano in the back corner along with a whole drum set, then a bunch of guitars. This would be a perfect getaway for me if I had what he had. "How do you afford this?" I said mumbled once again as I looked back at him. He smiled and slowly moved closer to me as he also scoped the room.

"My step-dad works in the music business." He continued to smile sweetly, his dimples becoming prominent.

"Well that makes sense." I reply feeling a bit dumb-founded. “We should get started.” I say, breaking our moment of silence. “ I'd love to hear your voice." Did I just say that out loud? He looked down at his feet, smiling getting even bigger as he looked back into my eyes.

"You think my voice is good?" His deep voice echoed with curiousness. I nodded and grabbed his hand leading him to the piano. 

"Tell you what.” He said, trying to come up with a bargain since I’ve only heard him sing once before, but I’m almost positive he’s never heard me. “I’ll sing for you, if you sing for me first." He said looking into my eyes. I nodded slowly, taking a deep breath.

"I guess." I said looking at the keys to the piano. I started to sing whatever song was on my mind at the time.

You push me back I'll push you back, harder, harder

You scream at me, I scream at you, louder, l-l-l-l-loud

I'm dangerous, I'm warning you, but you’re not afraid of me, and I can't convince you

Cause you don't know me

And the longer that you stay, the ice is melting

And the pain feels okay, it feels okay, hey

Once I finished singing, I looked at Harry to see his eyes were closed and his lips were curved upward. I smiled as he opened his eyes and looked at me, eyes bright. "You have a beautiful voice." He said honesty and happiness evident in his voice. I smiled even more and looked down at the piano keys, pulling a strand of hair out of my face.

"You have to sing for me now." I said looking up at him. He nodded and started to play the piano. He started to sing "Isn't She Lovely" by Stevie Wonder. He sounded amazing. I was literally in tears.  I tried to keep it on the down low, but I can’t help my sensitivity. When he finished he looked up at me, and his smile faded as he looked at me worried.

 "Are you crying?" He asked with my cold hand in his warm one. "Please don't cry." I laughed and his look turned  from worry to confused.

"I'm crying because your voice is so beautiful Harry." I said looking up to him as my green eyes stared into his. "Your voice is just lovely-Pun attended." I said as we both laughed and I squeezed his hand. He smiled at me, flashing me his dimples as his cheeks had a tint of red on them. How cute. I thought to myself, I just couldn’t help it.

"Not as good as you." I scoffed at his comment and rolled my eyes.

"Harry please." I said pushing his arm and then looking at him. I looked at his emerald eyes as they moved closer to my emerald ones. Soon enough I felt his hot breath on my lips sending shivers through my body... but not bad ones, good ones. Soon enough his soft, pink lips were in contact with mine and I kissed back. My hands moved up to his curls lightly tugging on them, but then suddenly realization shot through me and I pushed away from him. Why would you let him trick you like that Faith? He had a frown plastered on his face, along with a look of disappointment and confusion. I quickly grabbed my bags ready to leave. Tears were trickling down my face, but he quickly grabbed my wrist softly, hurt evident on his features as he looked at my face with tears. "This is a part of your little game isn't it!" I yelled pushing him away me. He attempted to wipe my tears away from my eyes, but I smacked his hands away. "You’re doing this on purpose aren’t you? Trying to make me like you, even fall for you? Guess what... It's not going to happen." I whispered the last part as I pushed past him aggressively, tears continuing to fall freely.

"Faith!" he yelled but I ran out the door before he could see me. I hid in a, ally by his house and started to cry. The tears were non-stop, and as much I didn’t want to cry I couldn’t help it. I just felt too much at the moment. I don’t' like Harry. Do I? There’s nothing but a path of hurt waiting for me now. I saw Harry step outside and call for my name, but I just closed my eyes and stayed quiet, waiting for him to leave.

"Faith, none of that is true!" He yelled. I pulled out my phone and dialed Carmen's number, but she didn’t pick up. My body felt so weak, but I was going to have to find a way to get to Carmen’s house anyway. I waited for Harry to go back inside when I noticed something I thought I would never see. I felt my heartache as I watched him wipe his face. Was Harry crying?

Carmen's P.O.V.***

I quietly hummed to the music in the store as I looked around for clothes. As soon as I looked around the store for something that would catch my eyes, I noticed a familiar figure then immediately hid behind the huge banister. Oh no. I ducked down and got on my knees as I saw him looking for something, or maybe someone. This guy is basically a stalker in his free-time. I sighed in deeply as I hoped he was only there shopping.

"Excuse me miss, but can I help you?" Another person’s voice asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked up and saw Liam standing there looking at me I don't think he realized it was me until I looked at him.

"Liam!" I whispered yelled and pulled him down with me.

"Carmen! Since when do you come to Jack Wills?" He asked with a curiosity in his voice as he watched me sit on the ground and hide. I pointed over the banister, and his eyes came in contact with what (or who) I was trying to hide from. He gave me a sympathetic smile as he grabbed me softly by the arm, and moved me to another area to hide away from.

"You know, just trying to get some new clothes, until this stalker showed up.” I mumbled in a whisper as I looked up at him and rolled my eyes. Liam laughed slightly in thought to himself.

"It's funny how you somehow always run into Zayn." I scoffed and looked over to see where Zayn was at, and then looked back at Liam. As if I want to be anywhere near him at the moment.

"This is funny how!?"

"Liam?" the familiar voice yelled from a distance. Liam and I slightly jumped as Zayn yelled over to Liam, and I hid in between a clothes rack.

"Hey, Zayn!" Liam answered quickly, giving him a fake smile as he gestured for me to move to another rack.

"Why were you on the ground?" Zayn asked with a tint of confusion as he looked at Liam weirdly.

"Oh, umm-j-just picking up- this –uh- Needle!" His said flashing his figures quickly were nothing could be seen. I face palmed myself with my hand as I laughed quietly and I moved to the other rack. He's such a bad liar.

"And I'm supposed to believe this?" Zayn said laughing and grabbing Liam's hand to view the invisible needle he was supposedly holding. As my attention was focused on them, I found myself bumping in a pole and hitting my head, causing me to stand up and curse the pole in my mind. "Carmen?" Zayn yelled surprised to see me. I quickly moved to a rack, acting as if I didn’t hear him and that I was just another customer. I found a jacket I had liked, picked it up and carried it to the front of the empty line. I handed my things over to the odd lady politely, as I stared at her features. She seemed to be wearing a lot of make-up and she also had a really snobby attitude. Zayn walked up behind me with a purple Jack Wills sweatshirt. "Nice to see you again." He whispered in my ear as I shivered and moved forward away from his warm body. I was snapped of my thought with the girl chewing her gum obnoxiously loud. I was hoping she would stop, but she continued.

"Can you stop that please?" I said nicely not trying to make a bad impression, but in response, all she did was chew louder. I felt my anger start to resurface, and I found myself breathing harder. Calm down Carmen. She told me my total, and I silently laughed to myself. Even her voice sounded obnoxious and snobby. She continued to stare at me, shaking her leg impatiently with her skimpy high heels. I paid her and grabbed my bag, but as I was about to leave, I somehow found myself looking back.

"Hey Zayn" the girl said flirting and twirling her hair between her two fingers. I noticed that Zayn seemed to not be paying any attention towards her at all, and for that I found myself smiling. Oh stop. I walked up to my car ready to unlock it, but was quickly stopped by Zayn. He was smirking as he looked down my body. I rolled my eyes and attempted to push past him but he didn't budge. 

"Zayn move." I said giving up and crossing my arms.

"I don't think so, love." He said smiling down at me.

"Seriously?” I said, starting to get annoyed once again. “Zayn move. Please, and I actually said please so move." I kept pushing on as politely as possible through my gritted teeth.

"Not unless you kiss me." He whispered in my ear looking into my brown eyes.

"I think I'd rather walk." I said rolling my eyes.

"I see, being feisty, well we can make that happen." He said winking. I scoffed at his reply and rolled my eyes. I was about to start walking home until Zayn grabbed me and pulled me back. I was swung into his strong arms and he placed him warm, soft lips on mine again. I kissed back this time and didn't pull us apart. I felt light headed. It felt so right to be in his arms, but all he did was wrong. He pulled away leaving me breathless as I stared into those beautiful golden brown eyes of his. I looked down at my feet and bit my lip. I moved my hand up to my lips as I was held in Zayn's arms reserving his lips and the way they sent sparks through me. I looked up into Zayn’s eyes see him genuinely happy and smiling.

"No one can find out about this." I whispered as I breathed in his scent and then pulled away from him. "About... whatever this is… You just did." I said looking down. He pulled my head up and I looked into his eyes. We were about to kiss again until I saw someone in peripheral view of my eyes. "No.” I mumbled upset as I saw Faith standing there in shock, with tears in her eyes. “Faith!" I yelled as I was ready to chase after her, but Zayn quickly grabbed my arm forcefully. "You did that on purpose!" I yelled in rage as I looked into his eyes.

"No! Honestly I didn't see her!" He seemed sincere. I just shook my head no and ran after her, pushing his arm off of me.

"Just leave us alone Zayn." 


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