By Myhappyending95

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"Love Playlist" is a collection of twentyseven stories and six photo edits, made by different writers and pho... More

The Race Of Their Lives (Hsienhui1978)
My Heart Goes (LoveCanoLove)
Second Chance (LunaYPina)
Reason (zarysun)
I Like Me Better When I'm With You (Rosie_520DiYue)
Serendipity (TheyCallMeCathy)
One Step Back (justmeiseng)
Say You Do (thumbekil)
Closer (ChaosAPPZ)
I Like You Just The Way You Are (Jeeya_Angel)
Kissing Chemistry (G0ldCharm)
My Whole Life Will Be Spent In One Love (weinnahauyeung0056)
War With Heaven (lunarilee)
Once Lost (amanyeeeka)
Undying (fluffysugarsock)
And It All Began, When I Met You (Ms.Beng)
Two Thirty am (Rjoyieee)
Rules Were Meant To Be Broken (ella-holland98 & marie-holland97)
Silver Stranger (katana_j)
Body And Soul (GermanaSaLes9)
Wish You Were Here (yueyuedidi)
Once Upon A Time: The Midnight Princess (toniclomera)
First Christmas (That I Loved You) (Zazounette86)
The One I Love Is You (Meggyhashope)
Senbazuru (Chya26)
18 (ddyy_f4_artclub)
Ride Home (shinexyne)
War With Heaven (woxihuandiyue)
Let's Fall In Love For The Night (mrsLittleDreamy)
Made For Loving You (JVH624)
You're The Cure My Love (pai_rach)
My Little LeBron (Myhappyending95)

London Dreaming (DreamscapeAndMindset)

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By Myhappyending95

Story by: DreamscapeAndMindset

Author of:

"Diyue's Secret Conversation",

"The Soul Knows - Extended Version"

Title of the story: "London Dreaming"

Song: "Baby, it's cold outside" by Idina Menzel and Michael Buble


"I feel like a part of my soul has loved you since the beginning of everything.

"Do you think the universe fights for souls to be together? Some things are too strange and strong to be coincidences."

- Emery Allen -


Hongkong - November 2022

"Are you having a great time so far, Misssssss Shen Yue? Take note of the emphasis on the Misssssss!" Wang Zi Wei, Yue's former co-actor and one of her best friends on and off cam, asks with a mischievous giggle.

"I'm having an awesome time! Thanks, girls for this Bachelorette party that you threw for me," Yue says as her eyes well up....with happy tears. "I didn't expect this! You had to go to great lengths to make this happen. Thank you so much!"

"'ll soon tie the knot with your Prince Charming! We might not be able to smuggle you out of China...or worse, out of Chengdu", Xiao Wen, Yue's bosom buddy for life, complains with a playful pout. "Wang He Di will definitely expect to have his wife, his Princess, his Queen...his first his side all the time."

"Correction, please! Annnndddd....his last love....and not just beside him...under him and if YueYue feels like it, ovverrrr him, too," teases Vivienne Tien, one of Yue's co-actors in "Be Yourself" and now, a close gal pal of hers.

"ViVi!" a shocked but smiling Yue hollers.

"Bottomline -,when you're married, all of your attention will be on DiDi! Your travels with your girlfriends might not be as frequent as when you were single," Jin explains as she shifts the group's high-spirited mood to a more serious tone. "I'm saying this not as your manager, but as your jiě jie. Because no matter what happens...what you decide to do after your wedding, you will forever be my friend, my mèi mei, my sweet Yue Yue."

"Aww making me cry, jiě jie!" Yue utters as she gives Jin a tight hug.

Everyone, all fifteen of Shen Yue's dearest friends in and outside the entertainment industry forms a circle around her and Jin to join them for a group hug.

Jin grabs her Kleenex travel pack from her purse and hands over a couple to Yue who starts to tear up, "Well, the night is still young, so without further ado, we present to our dear YueYue, our final surprise!"

"Ta-da...and it's not a male stripper! I hope that you're not disappointed, YueYue," Vivienne exclaims with a cackle.

"Definitely not disappointed. I want only one guy to strip in front of me," Yue counters with a chortle.

"No way that we're having another male strip in front of our YueYue! Wang He Di will channel his inner Daoming Si and kick the door and barge into our room and punch the male stripper...just like what they do in the action dramas," Li Mei, Yue's college friend adds as she gives out a hearty laugh.

"Not a male stripper, YueYue, so you're safe! Meimei, can you please invite our special guest in?" Jin asks one of Yue's assistants.

The assistant opens the door and a woman, most likely in her forties walks elegantly and gracefully in her red silk cheongsam into the foyer of the palatial suite of the 5-star The Peninsula of Hong Kong.

"Everyone! Let me introduce to you Madam Zhou, Hongkong's premier clairvoyant who specializes in past life regression therapy," Vivienne announces.

"Hello, young ladies! I've been told that this is a Bachelorette party for one of you. May I know who the future bride is?" Madam Zhou asks with a slight British accent.

"Ahhhhh...that's me!" Yue says shyly as she raises her hand and steps forward. "I'm a bit scared. What if I was a vampire during my past life."

Everyone laughs.

"I use a script that will allow you all to see only positive past life experiences, so no need to worry about seeing yourself as a vampire or witch or whatnot. So, before I start, would you all be comfortable doing it here in the living room? Some will have to sit on the couch and some on chairs."

"Why don't we all go to the master bedroom instead? It's more quiet there. Plus, I do yoga, so I know that we have to be comfortable when meditating," Viviene suggests as she leads Madam Zhou and everyone else to the bedroom.

"This is humongous, which is great! Some of you may sit on the fluffy carpeted floor. There's room for four people on the couch and that armchair and maybe three people may lie down on that California king bed," Madam Zhou directs as she drags the second armchair to the center of the room and sits on it.

"Jiě jie, can we take the bed? I want you to be beside me," Yue whispers to Jin.

"No problem, mèi mei".

"YueYue and I will take the bed," Jin announces.

Madam Zhou gives everyone enough time to get settled in their respective spots.

"First of all, I would like to formally introduce myself. I'm Phyllis Zhou. I was born and raised in the UK. I attended college there, but moved here 20 years ago after I married my husband, who happens to be a Hong Kong citizen. I did tarot card, palm and aura readings at first, mainly for fun. But when I became interested in reincarnation and soulmates, I learned how to do self-regression in order to find out about my past lives. I recorded a script using my own voice on a tape recorder and played it back and I became hooked. Then, I conducted it on my husband, my friends and later on, on others. The most important thing that all of you should know is to keep an open mind. You should accept what you'll see during the regression. Since it's the right side of the brain that's dominant during regression, try not to doubt or question or rationalize what you see during the regression, If during any point of the process, you feel uneasy or uncomfortable or you see or experience something unpleasant, just lift your right index finger and I will get you out of meditation. Any questions?"

"I hope that I don't fall asleep. This bed is so comfortable," Yue mumbles.

"Me too," Jin murmurs as she closes her eyes..

"Okay then, let's get started."

"Now make yourself comfortable, loosen any tight clothing and close your eyes lightly...............good take three deep breaths out................good..............and out............ again .........and as you breathe out, you will find yourself.. letting go...........................relaxing...............more................and more.....

Total relaxation is now flowing throughout your body...... now, you will find yourself at the top of a set of stairs, there are 10 stairs in all, and as I count from ten to zero, you will picture every single number as I say it, and every number you hear is taking you deeper and deeper, however when I say the number 3 you will feel yourself surrender to relaxation.......counting down now....

Turning inwards now into your inner world.........a safe place in this inner world..... Imagine you're on top of a mountain...... a beautiful, sacred Mountain......And walking along the path on this see a blue inviting mist.........walk to the mist......Through the mist, you can see a beautiful bridge.....As you walk towards the bridge, you become aware of yourself as only spirit, only soul.....With each step you take on the bridge, the veil begins to lower and as you reach the other side of the step off, and become the observer, safe and protected, with your mentor beside you all the way. As the mist clears......... you look down at your feet, and I invite you to notice what you are wearing on your feet?.......... rising now out of the mist in front of you is an Ancient, Sacred Mirror........look into that mirror now......are you male or female?...............what period of clothes are you wearing? .......................and notice now what your features look like.......what colour is your hair?" *

Madam Zhou's voice fades and is drowned by the exuberant giggles of three young women.

"So tell us, how is he like, Yǎ?" Brigitte and Margaret, the two Caucasian women with blonde curls ask.

"Ahhhhh...he's okay," Chen Yǎ, an Asian woman with jet-black straight hair responds shyly as she looks away.

"What do you mean by he's okay? We stalked you two for a while and saw him staring at you like he was so madly in love with you. On the other hand, you seemed so oblivious while slowly sipping your afternoon tea and munching your scones."

"You were at The Savoy, too?"

"Not inside! We were outside. We saw both of you sitting by the window."

"Why were you there, may I ask?" Yǎ asks sarcastically.

"Well, we were taking a stroll across the university grounds when we saw you walking with a stunningly charming chap. We found that so peculiar, so we followed you," Margaret explains.

"That chap is definitely into you, our dear Chen Yǎ. And we can tell that you like him, too. By the way, what's his name?" Brigitte asks.

"Henry Williams. And we're not in that stage. We're just friends."

"If you say so," Margaret teases.

"Henry Williams? That's a very Western name for an East Asian-looking chap. And that name sounds so familiar. I swear that I have heard of that name," Brigitte mutters as she furrows her brows.

"Isn't he the son of a hotel magnate?" Margaret asks. "He and his mates are always featured in the society section of The Times and The Daily Telegraph."

"You're right! That's the one! Apparently, he's touted as one of Britain's most eligible bachelors. Did you know that, Yǎ? By the way, how did you two meet?" Brigitte queries.

"I didn't know that he has a reputation for being an eligible bachelor until now," Yǎ utters with a smirk. " did we meet? Well, I was at Professor Murphy's office to discuss my dissertation paper with him when Henry or shall I say, Mr. Williams walked in. The Professor introduced us to each other. They happen to be long-time mates. Then the Professor had to step out and while he was gone, Mr. Williams engaged me in a lovely conversation. He asked me what I was doing here in London. I told him that I've been an exchange student at Oxford for a year now. He asked me where I live and I told him that I share a flat with two other undergrad students who happen to be the most awesome and gorgeous women I've ever met in my life."

"We know!" Margaret proudly claims with a guffaw.

"Please tell us more, Yǎ!" Brigitte cuts in as she appears not to be affected by Ya's compliment.

"Okay...okay! Where did I leave off?"

"It's the part where you told him that you share a flat with us."

"Ohhhhh! And then, I asked him what he does for a living. He said that he helps with his dad's business."

"It's more like his dad's businesses, because they have a lot," Brigitte comments.

"Well, I didn't know that they have more than one," Yǎ explains with a chuckle. "I asked if he was Chinese, because he has almond eyes like mine. He replied that he's Eurasian. His mother's ancestors were from Guangdong Province, but he was born and raised here in London. While his father is 100% British. He then asked me if I've seen London outside of Oxford. I said that I barely have the time because of my studies. Then he offered to show me around. I told him that I can't do it at that time. He said that he didn't mean at that time. That we can do it on a weekend."

"And did you say yes?"

"Yes, I did. It would be nice to see the rest of London before I go back to China."

"You're making us sad, Yǎ. We will miss you terribly."

"Don't say that! You're making me cry," Yǎ complains childishly. "I'm going to miss you both so badly."

"Not just us, but Henry...I mean, Mr. Williams, too, right?"

"Ahhhhh...I'm not sure about that," she says with a cackle.

"Do you like him?"

"I'm not sure. But he's such a gentleman. I'm impressed"

"And he's beautiful...and his family is bloody rich. What else can you ask for?" Margaret asserts.

"And I believe that he has a very good heart," Yǎ assures them.

"And he's beautiful...and his family is bloody rich", Brigitte reiterates. "Seriously...he's the perfect chap for you!"

"So when did this exactly all happen?" Margaret asks impatiently.

"That day that you saw us at The Savoy."

"And that day was?" Brigitte mutters as she gets off the couch in the living room of their flat and checks the date on the wall calendar.

"That was on September 19, 1949. Remember that date, Yǎ."

"Was that me? In London? In 1949?" Yue asks herself.


A blinding flash of light. And then...darkness. Endless, excessive darkness. Yue keeps her eyes screwed shut yet even she could feel the impenetrable abyss sprawling around her. That is, until she hears muffled sounds of birdsong and rustling leaves, slowly fading in as though the whole world was being unmuted. Soft light gently coaxes her eyelids open and what unfolds before her takes her breath away.

Immense walls of rugged, mahogany bricks encompasses the vicinity, caging everything in like fortress walls with whispers of wisdom and history. In stark contrast, emerald blades of grass cushion the crisp lawn below her, rich and vibrant in color despite the brisk, cloudy weather. And before her stands the crown jewel of the scene: a grand, rotund tower crowned with a cobalt, almost opalescent dome, looming above as though its spiral could pierce the heavens. The sight of it nearly makes her faint from awe, her heart pounding loudly in her ears like an incessant drum...

...her ears? Or was it someone else's? She couldn't quite tell; she sees everything as though she is actually there, and yet she couldn't shake this feeling of disconnection... disorientation... disassociation. At that moment, she realizes she is holding something in her hand and raises it to her face. A thin ID card is nestled in her fingertips, a photo bearing an uncomfortable resemblance to her staring back as she reads the name above: "Chen ". Written in an elegant script below: "Oxford University".

Before she could even properly take in this revelation, a sudden voice breaks her from her reverie.

"Yǎ!" A seemingly familiar voice calls out to her. She turns around and nearly does a double-take.

"Di-?" She stops herself. Hold on...that's probably not him. Likely another person that looks like him...why does he know me, though? I mean, her, Chen .

She abruptly nods to him, Henry and waves with a nervous smile, eliciting a confused look from him.

"Yǎ, darling, are you feeling alright? You look positively parched..." he glances at her with concern in his eyes. He wants her to be comfortable with his use of terms of endearment although they're not officially together...just yet. It was love at first sight for him when they met at Professor Murphy's office that lovely day. If he's lucky, she may be the one!

"Darling...that confirms my location," Yue tells herself with certainty.

It was so fitting and borderline cliché Yǎ almost laughs. For some reason, though, her heart seems to flutter in her chest.

"I'm...fine. Yes, I'm doing fine, thank you," she answers with a pause. He looks unconvinced but he decides not to question it at the moment.

He then smiles warmly. "Well then, I hope you did not forget the midday rendezvous we agreed upon, yes?"

She almost does another double-take before she bounces back. "Oh! No, of course not..." she pauses. "...d-dear." For extra effect, she hoped.

He blinks, almost looking starstruck. A joyous laugh suddenly blooms from his chest. "Well, I'll be blowed! A chap like myself could get quite used to this, you know?" He winks with a faint blush dusting his cheeks. She couldn't help but blush as well.

He suddenly offers his arm. "Shall we?"

She follows his gaze and notices a lustrous Jaguar Mark IV parked by the walkway. She couldn't hide her grin.

"Yes. We shall."

Like a true gentleman, he opens the door for her, waits until she's comfortably settled on the rich black leather seat and gently closes the door.

"Today, I'll be your official chauffeur. I hope you enjoy the ride, Miss Chen Yǎ."

He takes her to landmarks like Buckingham Palace, St. Paul Cathedral, Wembley Stadium, Tower of London and drives her through famous streets like Fleet, Lombard, Fournier and Shad Thames and Piccadilly Circus and along the Thames River.

They have lunch at Simpson's in the Strand, afternoon tea at The Goring and dinner at The Ivy.

For their last stop, he parks his car in a spot where they can see the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben.

"So beautiful and dazzling! They look like they're decked with Christmas lights, especially at night.

She is mesmerized.

"You're more beautiful and dazzling than anyone or anything else!"

He is mesmerized.

She blushes when she catches him staring at her.

She pretends not to notice...and hopes that he stops doing so.

"Thank you for driving me around London. I would not have been able to see and hear the sights and sounds of London were it not for your kind offer to give me a tour."

"You don't have to thank me. It's the Londoners' way of showing our hospitality to those who visit for the first time."

Dead silence.

"I'm starting to feel uneasy. He's still staring at me," she tells herself as she scrambles to think of a way to start another conversation.

Then....he reaches out for her right hand and....kisses it.

She is taken by surprise. She feels her chest tighten and her heart race.

"I like you, Chen Ya."

She feels a shiver up her spine.

Although she has been pursued by boys and men back in China, she has never felt this way before.

A strong attraction towards a man who's out of her league.

Who has everything a woman can wish the man of her dreams possesses.

"Will you be my girlfriend, Chen Yǎ?

"Now that's a shocker!"she tells herself. "Does that explain the darling part earlier?"

"But...but...we've met each other only recently, Henry!"

"It doesn't matter to me. And I hope that it doesn't matter to you, too! For me, it's the quality of time that we've spent with each other. And, you're not from here. I don't want to waste time in convincing you that you should stay here with me permanently."

Yǎ tries to maintain her composure, but does not succeed.

"Ah...ah... I'm very overwhelmed by all these revelations. I didn't see this coming at all!" she stutters.

"No pressure! I'll give you enough time to discern. In the meantime, I would like to invite you out everyday from now on, if your schedule permits it. It can be as short as 5 minutes or as long as a full day. It's all up to you! I want you to get to know me better."

"How about you? Don't you want to know me better, too?"

"I'm a rising entrepreneur here in London. I've been told that I have excellent business and people skills. Based on the conversation I had with you that day I met you in Daniel's, I mean Professor Murphy's office, I think that I have a sense of what kind of a person you are. Of course, it started with finding you very attractive. And then, I am discovering how kind-hearted you are."

"This is embarrassing," she whines to herself. She can't stop herself from blushing uncontrollably in front of him.

"As I've said earlier, No Pressure! But when you know for sure how you feel about me, may I ask you to let me know the soonest? I don't mind if it's a positive or negative response. I just don't want to prolong the agony for both of us."

She nods her head and smiles.

"Okay then. I'll drop you off at your flat."

Henry and Yǎ agree to see each other...everyday.

As he had promised, it was as short as five swinging by her flat first thing in the morning and just wishing her a good day. It was also as long as a full day on a weekend...Henry taking her to places where she hasn't been to before. evening, as they were having dessert after a hearty oyster dinner at the ritzy Wiltons in the Saint James district, she breaks a disheartening piece of news to him.

"I'm going back to China two weeks from now."

"What? Why?" He now sounds frantic.

"I've been told that the University is replacing the Exchange Program I'm in right now with something else. So I'm required to complete my dissertation paper and defend it and then pack my bags," she explains in a melancholy tone.

"So...what about us? You made me the happiest guy when you agreed to be my woman last week. And then this. I may be emotionally and financially prepared to marry you, but I'm not physically prepared for it. I have a huge responsibility to the business that my father asked me to run. Maybe, a year from now we can?"

"No pressure, Henry. I'm not prepared for marriage at all anyway. I don't want to rush things. And when I go back, I still have to earn my college degree there. It's a long shot."

"So what happens to us?"

"No one knows!"

"That's not encouraging!"

For the first time, she sees him so devastated. A talented young businessman who effortlessly succeeds at every venture appears to be so defeated . She has never seen him this way before. He was always cheerful and positive until now.

He hardly says a word as he drives her from Wiltons to her flat.

But he kisses her on the cheek to bid her good night as he always did after they both agreed to exclusively date each other. .

During the days that follow, she politely turns down his dinner invitations using the excuse of her ridiculously hectic schedule at Oxford as the culprit. It's not because of this or because she doesn't want to see him anymore. It's because she doesn't want to cause him any more pain.

On the evening before her flight back to China, she finally caves to his pleas.

She agrees to take a stroll with him on the grounds of Oxford for the last time.

"Can we pretend that you're not leaving me? Can we act like we'll be together for the rest of our lives?" he implores as he intertwines his fingers with hers.

" problem!" she agrees as she struggles to hide the feeling of having a heavy heart.

"Can I still call you, darling?"

"Sure! Can I ask you to do something for me?"

"Of course. Anything for you."

"Can you promise me that we'll meet each other this lifetime...and the next, no matter what?"

"I promise!"

He hugs her tightly and whispers, "I love you, my darling, my beautiful, Chen Yǎ!"

"Now this is getting harder for me," she tells herself as she hugs him back and tries to mask her loneliness with a forced smile on her face. "He's the one who's going to be left behind. He'll suffer more than I do. When I'm gone, he'll be reminded of me whenever he goes to the places we've been to."

"Look...the first snow of the season!" she exclaims exuberantly as she catches snowflakes on the palm of her hand.

"Oh, yes! Our very first snow!" he repeats despondently.

Then...the graceful snow shower turns to rougher snowfall.

He quickly takes off his wool Burberry trench coat and shields her from the snow with it.

He gently grabs her hand and makes a dash for the car.

After sheltering from the snow inside the car for quite a while, they realize that the snow will not wane.

"It's getting a tad nippy in here. Have you packed?

"Oh yes. I just have a few to throw inside my suitcase."

"Well, since your flat is farther down, I would like to invite you to my place. It's not that far from here. And it's along the way."

"Okay!" Suddenly, her face lights up as she looks forward to making the most of her time with him.

His place is not your typical bachelor's pad.

It's an English Tudor house in the upscale Mayfair district, wrapped around by a perfectly manicured garden adorned with perennial flowers and trees proudly showing off their autumn colors.

He holds her hand as they walk through the iron-wrought gates leading to the door.

Inside, she discovers that the house screams Henry.

Being the young businessman that he is, there are books everywhere,,,on the bookshelves, armchair, coffee table, on the kitchen counter, just everywhere.

Being the sophisticated man that he is, there are Baroque period paintings by Caravaggio and Poussin.

Being the romantic boyfriend that he is, he has newspaper clippings of their photos in front of the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben taken by sneaky tabloid photographers and published by the major newspapers....framed and displayed on the wall amongst family portraits.

"Henry Williams, heir to The Harold Williams' group of companies, seen with a mystery woman in London."

Seeing photos of them makes her feel flattered and at the same time, unhappy because she knows that she's going to miss her love...her first love so much.

They agreed not to break up, because he said that he's hopeful that his love for her is so strong and pure that they'll meet each other again and they will end up together in the future.

Deep in her heart, she knows that they may never see each other again, because her parents will pre-arrange her wedding...with someone of their choice.

She now knows why people will say that she's heartbroken.

Because she'll never get back a big piece of her heart that she has selflessly given to him that he'll get to keep forever.

She looks around the living room and tries to remember everything she sees so can keep her memory of him forever etched in her heart.

The crackling sound from the wood-burning fireplace lures her to it.

She rubs her palms in front of the fire to keep them warm.

Her attention is drawn to the antique and ornate, hand-carved mantel adorning the brick fireplace. She smiles as she traces the delicacy of the intricate design with her long, slender fingers.

She is so immersed with the details of his house that she is pleasantly surprised when she feels his warm, moist lips on her cheek.

He hums along to Perry Como's "Some Enchanted Evening" that's playing on the radio. The soft music that plays in the background adds to the elegant ambience of his house.

"So what's keeping you preoccupied, darling?"

"Your house. It's beautiful. Everything in it is beautiful."

"Including you. The most beautiful, not just in my house, but the most beautiful of them all!"

"Like look at this mantel. Just the mantel itself is so pleasing to the eyes."

She pretends that she didn't hear his compliment and tries hard to hide her giddiness, so she doesn't blush.

He takes a felt-tip pen from the drawer of his mahogany desk.

He kneels in front of the fireplace and starts writing under the mantel.

"Look under here!", he shows her what he scribbled.

"Henry and Yǎ?" she reads slowly.

"Yes. So even if we sell this house, the memory of our love goes with it."

"It's getting late, Henry. I need to go now!"

She realizes that she may not be able to hold in her strong feelings for him any longer.

And then....a song plays on the radio.

A pair of strong arms swiftly wraps themselves around her to keep her captive.

"Please stay with me a little longer, my Chen Yǎ. I'll cuddle you and keep you warm like this as long as you want, baby," he murmurs as he gently turns her around so he can look at her face that leaves him breathless each and every time.

He moves closer to her until his chest touches hers.

She hears every second of his breathing and feels the fast-beating of his heart.

He kisses her forehead...her left cheek...her right cheek...her nose...her chin...her lips.

He kisses her soft and delicious lips...for the very first time.

Chen Yǎ's very first kiss ever.

The gentle movement of his tongue makes her lose her mind that she sees him and everything else swirl and spiral around her.....

London - December 2022


Yue slowly opens her eyes and sees Di smiling at her.

"Good morning, Mrs. Wang! Did you sleep well?"

"Didi, why...why are you here? Where...where am I?"

"What do you mean by 'Where am I?' Oh I see! We made love so many times that you might be suffering from amnesia", Di says as he playfully kisses her forehead several times.

She closes her eyes and tries to remember where she is and why she is with Di.

Then...words flash through her mind.

She recalls with vividness that she and Di were and most likely, are still the talk of the town.

"Wang He Di sends shockwaves throughout the Chinese entertainment industry when he proudly reveals in a tell-all interview that he and Shen Yue, his female lead in his very first drama, "Meteor Garden" and his girlfriend of 4 years are engaged and are in the thick of preparing for their forthcoming dual wedding celebrations. First - traditional Chinese, complete with the Picking up of the Bride and the Tea Ceremony will be held in Shen Yue's hometown in Hunan Province with only family and close friends attending the celebration. Second - a modern wedding in Beijing to be attended by their celebrity friends. He Di excitedly adds that right after, he and his new wife will fly to Europe for a month-long honeymoon."

"So DiDi and I are on a honeymoon. So all that past life regression was just a dream," she assures herself.

"I love you, DiDi!" she purrs as she hugs him and gives him a lingering kiss.

Later in the afternoon, Di and Yue join a private tour of historical streets in London.

They explore museums, vintage shops and restored houses previously owned by prominent Brits in earlier decades.

As they look around a hotel that was converted from three early 19th century houses, Yue's attention is drawn to the exquisite design of a fireplace within the main lobby of the hotel. She walks towards it and traces the intricate design of the mantel with her fingers.

On a whim, she looks under the mantel and squints her eyes to read fading characters that will soon be gone due to the passage of time.

"Henry and Yǎ"

A joyful feeling overcomes her.

So she didn't just dream about or imagine Henry Williams and Chen Yǎ.

She now knows for certain that Henry and Yǎ fulfilled the promise they made to each other and thanks to them, she and Di are reunited in this lifetime.

She leans against Di and whispers, "I love you forever, Baobei," before she gives him that heartfelt kiss from her that always makes his heart flutter.

Author's Notes:

My love of DiDi and YueYue and my experience with past life regression inspired the theme for my story.

Thank you....

First and foremost, to my family, especially my daughter Kirsten for being so supportive in helping me overcome my writer's block.

To Lu, for putting this collaboration together.

To Jeeya, for the amazing photo edits. It became easier for me to conceptualize my story.

To the hardcore DiYues, for constantly believing that our ship is sailing.

This story and Part II will be published under:

* Past life regression script is a shortened version of one posted in:

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