The Artificer in the Party (G...

By Littletrouble2k

10.2K 168 75

On the way back home after fulfilling a contract with another party The Artificer is ambushed by a group of G... More

Goblin Slayer
The Sky City Pt 1
Sky City Pt 2
Side Story (Sky City)
The Tinkerer
Autumn Festival Pt 1
Autumn Festival Pt.2
Side Story: White Spire
Goblin Crown
Side Story: Silvers
Side Story: Artisan's first invention
The Boys
Wedding Guest PT.1
Wedding Guest PT.2
Artificer's Skill update & Gear
Wedding Guest PT 3
Side Story: Shop
Wedding Guest Finale
Side Story: After the Wedding
Side Story: The next Phase
The life changing mission

The Artificer Bio

2.4K 26 8
By Littletrouble2k

Alias: Arti, Arty, Sir Artificer

Class: Artificer

Age: 23

Height: 180 cm (5'09")

Hair: Light Blue

Eye color: Purple

HP: 45

AC: 15 (Padded Armor)

Rank: Silver

Skills: Spell Casting, Tinkering, Smithing, Alchemy, engineering, Medicine, Mind Protection, Sword Art Mastery, Bow Arts, Polearms Mastery, Sheild Mastery. Right tools for the Job.

Str: 13 (+1)
Dex: 12 (+1)
Con: 15 (+2)
Int: 16 (+3)
Wis: 12 (+1)
Cha: 12 (+1)

Actions & Inventory:
Rune stones: runes stones with elemental runes engraved on them

Gauntlet strike: an attack with gauntlet using rune stones and a generator as a battery

Retractable weapons: Cylinder devices able to extend to designated weapons; Short Sword, Naginata, Spear, and Staff.

Deployable shield: a Shield that is able to retract and deploy by command.

Spirit/ Rune stone generator: an elemental generator that store energy for the Artificer's weapons and recycles rune stone, located on his back its reinforced by special metals for added defense having some compartments and pouches for his items.

Artisans tools: Alchemist's supplies, Tinkering toolkit, Smithing tools, and leatherwork tools.

Heroism, Shield, Warding Bond, Branding Smite, Delay Fireblast (Rune assistants), Icicle Blast (Rune assistants), minor illusion, major illusion, Control Water, Control Earth, Healing word, Bless, Heal, Greater Heal, Infused Item, Flash of Genius.


Enhance Weapons

Enhance Defense

Enhance Arcane Focus

Enhance Magic Casting

Spell Refueling Ring

Mind Sharpener

Armor of Magical Strength

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