
By zeus1119

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Marinette knew the consequences of having feelings for her kidnapper, she knew how much it would affect her... More



778 17 8
By zeus1119

"Luka, I just got a call confirming the location of the little girl." Kagami writes down the address on a piece of torn paper.

"Alright let's go! I need more police with me, we need to interview Adrianna, and could someone get her damn parents on the phone!" I yelled, this was our chance on capturing Chat Noir.. Marinette..
As police move frantically around, keys dangling and guns plastered onto their belts we all headed out with Kagami right behind me.

It felt like long minutes in the car, Kagami was the one driving, her expression was still the same, not changing one bit since we two got in the car. I leaned my arm against the window and looked out at the sky, my thoughts were more worried about Marinette than the actual kidnapped little girl being safe. My thoughts about both of them was soon interrupted by Kagami's stern voice.
"Are you alright Luka." She says, I could feel her brown eyes grazing at me.

"Yes." I mumbled. Kagami breathed a little it seemed like she was holding her breath in.

"Your thinking about her.... Right?" Kagami tightens her grip on the wheel. I rolled my eyes slightly, not once staring back at her.

"Yes, why wouldn't I be? She's my friend, it's been days since i have seen her." I looked at the time on my watch then continued staring back on the road.
Kagami speeds up a little faster on the open road, her 60 miles per hour now going 70...80...85..90.
"Kagami slow the fuck down!" I yelled.

Kagami suddenly swerved the car off the road and made a complete stop, I banged my nose against the window. "What the FUCK!—"

"WHY ARE WE EVEN GOING AFTER HER!" Kagami yells, the pitch in her voice made my body shiver. She has never yelled like that ever, not even when we were interviewing a pedophile a few years back who had killed children. Kagami was angry.
"Why are we even going after her? WE helped her, WE saved her from that psycho killer, SHE was the one who escaped, SHE was the one who made Chat Noir escape! Why are we helping her?" Kagami looks at me, her deadly eyes could kill on sight.

"You know why! She's mentally sick! I HAVE to help her, she is going through a Stockholm syndrome, you have seen people like that before." I argue back with her, my heart raging from what my partner in crime is saying to me.

"Luka, what happens when we catch her? Put her in the mental hospital? THEN what? She escapes again, TRIES to go after chat noir, and this is just a whole cycle repeated.. do you even realize what is happening? They are both putting people in danger. First that guy, Nino, who's body was found at the hotel and now a little girl.. Adrianna.." kagami lowers her voice a little, like she could not even talk anymore.

"There won't be a next time." I place my hand on her shoulder. Kagami glances at me, her expression changed.. a new expression.
"Once I see that son of a bitch Adrien.. I'm going to kill him, I am going to shoot his brains out." I gritted my teeth, he was the reason why Marinette is sick.

"Luka..." kagami sighs. "Are you sure?" Her voice was quiet now it seemed like she did not expect me to say that.

"Yes. This is a hostage situation, it doesn't matter if he lives or dies, but most likely this situation will end in him dying." I rub her shoulder gently and slide off, I go back to facing the window as Kagami riles the car back onto the road.
She occasionally glanced at me, and it was mostly quiet until we got to the gas station where reporters and police were already situated in. An ambulance was there too, now all we needed to do was get information out of Adrianna, the little sister of the killer.


"Adrien.." I glanced up at the ceiling. Where were we? And why are my clothes off.

"Oh god Marinette.. your finally awake." Adrien came to my side and kneeled beside me, he sat me up. "Here." Adrien handed me a water.

I looked around and realized we were in a abandoned apartment. Adrien saw the confusion on my face and leaned in closer to me. "Just staying here for a little bit.. to rest.. how are you feeling?" Adrien asked.
I felt a little drowsy, but otherwise I was still alive.

"Okay." I said. "Is that why you took my clothes off?"

"Well you were sweating, so I did the honors and undressed you." Adrien rubbed my thigh gently.

"Hmm you are such a pervert." I smirked a little. Adrien laughed at that, his smile soon faded away and a concerned frown was sticking on his face.
The look he gave me concerned me, I reached out and held his arm.

"Marinette... you are the most wonderful woman I have ever met, I do not deserve you, I do not deserve someone as perfect as you." He grabbed me into an embrace, he held onto me for dear life like I was going to disappear any second.


"Please... please do not say that name.. I am not him anymore he was gone a long time ago. Long before I became the person I am today." Adrien wiped his eyes on my shoulder.

"Adrien that is your name, you still are who you were before, to me.. you are." I rubbed his hair softly.

"Don't you get it Marinette? I have KILLED people.. I.. I killed my aunt.. my own damn brother.." Adrien sobbed, his grip on me still tight.
His own brother?... aunt.. I had no idea, but for some reason.. that did not bother me, the words that came out of his mouth, I should be running away screaming for help. But instead, i am not running away, I am holding him in a embrace.
"W-why aren't you saying anything? I-im sorry Marinette.. I am a criminal, THAT is the real me! Chat Noir.. is me." Adrien looked at me now, his tears were falling down from his cheeks, he seemed tired, like he wanted to stop fighting his own fight.

"Adrien.. I love you." I leaned in and kissed his lips softly, he stopped sniffling and finally kissed back after a long one minute. I leaned him on his back and sat on top of him, I then leaned down again and kissed his neck multiple times, those small kisses soon turned into bite marks. Adrien stared at me, his eyes never removing from mine.
He softly grabbed onto my hair and flipped me over, he took off my panties and started to shove his pants down. I arched my back as I glanced over at Adrien, his expression showed too many emotions to even be named. But the next thing I knew, he took his bulge out and shoved it into me, moving back and forth I swayed in motion with him, my eyes closing in the process of this intimate feeling.

Maybe I kissed him because somewhere deep down I knew.. I knew that the Marinette I knew,

Was already gone as well.


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