Her innocent love

By pinal003

56.5K 5.2K 1K

Today,after 3 years I am back in this country where I never thought to return. 3 years of that horrible incid... More

Regarding updates


1.1K 104 7
By pinal003


Ridhima and other employees of grey founders are waiting in conference room. Like every conference room, this is also a big room with an large oval table placed in middle of the room. Room is engulfed in darkness and one big projector is placed in front of the desk. Ridhima has take her seat at last of the table where no one can see her as mainly room is filled with darkness. And other employees of grey founders are seated opposite to each other in two rows. Water bottle and glass of juice are placed in front of them. Door of the room gets open and there came our king the Vansh rai Singhania.


As I enter in the conference room darkness is all around the room and only source of light is coming from the projector. I first want to discuss our whole idea of project to them as technology department will be handled by them so first thing  that is necessary at this time is that they know about the project. So as I enter I move towards the projector and start my work.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen, myself vansh rai Singhania. I will deal with you on behalf of Rai Singhania enterprise and I am sure our collaboration will make this project to reach the greater heights. As you all are here to handle the technology department, first thing you should know is idea of the project. So my pa angre will explain you all the details about the project, so that you can develop your ideas further according to it" I said and take my seat on head chair while angre starts to explain all our ideas to them.

After almost an hour all the things are perfectly explained by angre to them all of their doubts are also cleared by us. They agree with us as they like the idea very much and also share some of their views to us regarding technology to be used in it.

"Ok so ladies and gentlemen now it's time for our meeting to get over. Your cabin will be given to you by my secretary Lara once you go out but before than there is one request. While leaving introduce to yourself as we have to work together for some months. And I believe if our bond is strong then only we will able to achieve the best". Though I said this, but by means of introduction I want to see them personally,as I can 99% predict if the person is honest or not by their face.

As I said one by one came and introduce themselves and leave. I  ordered angre to go out with them if they found difficulty in anything. Again that felling of restlessness starts to develop in my heart. However I ignored it and focus on person who is in front of me introducing himself. One by one everyone is finished and now only one person that is group head is remaining. I wonder why in the hell group head is at last when it is him/her who should be at first. However I shrug of my thought and see ahead. I hear clicking sound of heels, it means group head is a female. I feel that feeling of restless increases in my heart as the sound of heels come closer to me.

"Good morning Mr raisinghania my name is Ridhima group head of grey founders" came a faint voice with some sort of nervousness when I am putting my phone back in my pocket. My eyes widened in shock as I can never forget this voice. My head shoot up in her direction and there she is standing in front of me with her head slightly bend down. My eyes suddenly turned red in anger and it clearly shows only hate and disgust for her. How dare she enter in my company after my clear warning to stay away from me. After creating that blunder in my life she has no right to enter again in my life and make it a mess.

"HOW DARE YOU" I roared while closing my fist and punching my hand on desk. Glass on the desk gets broke due to it and my hand starts to bleed. She looks at me with shock field eyes. Her forehead starts to sweat, and she look at my palm and then again back in my eyes.

"Vansh.." she starts but I cut her off in the middle by showing my palm to her.

"It's Mr rai Singhania for you and dare you to utter my name from your mouth." I say to her with blood shoot eyes while pointing my index finger towards her.

"O...ok Mr rai Singhania, plzz let me treat your hand as it is bleeding so much"she says who shuttering and tries to hold my hand.But I jerk off her hand from me.

"Don't you dare to touch me. Just don't show me your fake care. If you care about me this much than I am sure you have not even think to do that cheap act with me"I roared and she looks at me with painful look.Ahh how can she be this good actor, I know her very well she only cares and think about herself. She is self obsessed. Why am I even talking with her? She deserves to be drag out from here but I am not that rude to ladies, I will give her one chance to go back by herself.

"Listen, I have no time to waste on you. So it will be better for you to leave from here. Just go out of my sight and yes you better inform your boss to send some other person in place of you as a group head. Wait wait why am I getting a wibe that this will also be some of your game plan to enter again in my life. Listen that time I used to be a fool to trust you blindly but now I am not that old VR so it is better for you to stop working on Any cheap plan of your." I said and she gasp as I throw the file of our contract in air.

"Mr rai Singhania it is not possible to change group head now. I have already tried but it is not possible..." she says while I cut her off in middle by showing my palm to her.

"As far as I know there is nothing which is impossible for you. You has done many big things beyond anyone's imagination in past. So I must say convincing your boss will be not that much hard for you" I said with disgust full voice while she looks at me with moist eyes.I don't know but by seeing her tears I am felling some unease in my heart, even after this women is responsible for my horrible past.I let off my thought aside as this women doesn't deserve any kindness.

"Just stop your drama Ridhima and it will be better for both of us if you leave now only."I said and in return she just bow down her head and wipe her tear.

"Listen..." I just start when the door of my conference room gets open.

"Ridhima" came an cheerful voice....


Hello everyone,
I know I have updated very late and it's quite short update but i am quite busy with my studies till now. But fortunately the study load has been reduced and now I will update regularly and also will give u all a big update.

Will update next part tomorrow,till then comment down your view regarding this chapter and also guess now what will be ridhima's future..

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