Psycho Couple✔️

Por jimttaelatae

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❝Aww did it hurt when I broke your bones?❞ Love? Isn't it crazy? But what if, you experience Psychotic love... Más



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Por jimttaelatae

He stared blankly at the ceiling in the dark room he was sleeping in. “Wish I could turn back time and take us to days where there was only happiness in our lives. Struggles, existed not to this extent. Where it's uncertain if us being together is a reality or a dream I've been fancing to live.”


“Jimin, I'm scared.” Getting off the bus you expressed your nerves wrecking out of fright. He wrapped his right arm around you, pecking your forehead. “Don't be, I'm here for you. This isn't the right time to ask this. Even then, I can't hold it in anymore. Will you marry me Y/N? I might not have anything to offer you now. Or treat you like a Queen. The way every guy promises to provide luxuries to his lover. I assure you. By having you by my side. I'm certain I'll attain everything you'd have thought your future husband would accord you with.”

Smiling at him, you hit his chest. “If luxuries were what I had thought of. I wouldn't be standing here with you. Running away after encouraging you to kill someone randomly in a party. Come on, let's get married. You better stay loyal to me.” Poking your index finger on his chest you warn. Jimin couldn't explain the elation he had felt. Never did he think he'd propose to the love of his life in a railway station. With nothing in his hands to offer and woo her.

He did feel bad that he had nothing to present you with. That beam on your face however washed off all his worries. Having a 20,000 won note in his pocket he ran away overnight with you from the city. Hastily applying for a transfer certificate. “Where are we gonna live for the night?”

Resting your head on his shoulder you tilt your head. He tensed up. The leftover money in his pocket would be used in the marriage bureau. How was he supposed to find a motel for you to reprieve at?

“Relax, I have some money with me. I'm no fool to escape without cash. It ain't much. Nevertheless we could buy food for the night. As for the accommodations, parks exist. We could sleep there in the early hours of morning and chat overnight. I have everything planned out for us.”

Giggling at the sudden planning you had come up with. You lightly slap his shoulder. Jimin's head hung low. Sleeping in a park? With the woman he had once imagined to live in a mansion with? This wasn't at all a good start.

“Oh look we are here.” Grabbing his wrist you excitedly ran inside the court. Not bothering to get an appointment. Jimin chuckled. “She's so excited to get married to me. Though I have absolutely nothing to provide to her. Why are you so empathetic Y/N?”

Few men rushed towards you. Panting heavily. You were a fast runner after all. “Do you have an appointment? You can't just barge in the office without any prior notice.”

Mentally rolling your eyes at their retort you push the door. Jimin followed you, passing them an apologetic bow. Excuse me, we are here to get married. Which papers are we supposed to sign?” The man seated opposite to you, eating his lunch, peacefully choked on his food. “Lady, you can't command the law to act as you desire.” Wiping his mouth he calmly states.

Law runs on people. And is made for people. It would be better if you could finish up with your formalities. And give us the document. We are in a hurry to get married. It's uncontrollable actually.”

Jimin gasped at your words. So did the barrister. “Y/N he might misunderstand your designation.” Whispering in your ear he tugs on your sleeve. “Let me handle this Jimin. This officer assumes he can manipulate me using laws. For your information. I have scored remarkably in civics during my public exams. And what will he misunderstand? Mr what is it? Enlighten me with your thoughts!”

By now he knew the lady standing in front of him. Wasn't an easy going person. “You can come tomorrow, please make an appointment at the counter.” He came to a mutual understanding. “If your daughter's marriage was fixed today and all your guests and the groom showed up tomorrow would that be considered valid? Since he didn't have an appointment.” Stressing at your last notation you flip your hairs.

“I don't have a daughter. I have a son.” The agitated man replied. “Ok? Make it vice versa then. Instead of talking a lot. You could have explained to us those God damn formalities. We'd have signed our marriage certificate and yeeted away. You're wasting my time. Mr-” Peeking at his office board you continue. “So Mr, Lee Seob, are you giving it to us or not?” Folding your sleeves you bang your palm roughly on his desk.

“Yeah here it is.” Scribbling something quickly on a thick file he hands it to Jimin. “Registration fees would be 30,000 won.” Jimin had 10,000 won. After using up the remaining 10,000 for bus fare. You had 10 as well. Even if both were to be combined you wouldn't sum it up. “Can't you give us a discount? We have 20,000 won with us. Student discount?” He lifts his brows. “Is this an eloped wedding?” Snatching the file from your hands he strictly queried.

“Eloping would have been fun. We are orphans. None to bless us with. We fell for each other on a cold morning. He was walking near my tattered hut and shared his half eaten donut with me. It's been a year of us being together. No one understands our love. Shouldn't you show us some sympathy? Government supports lovers. Why is our love ignored?” Jimin was sobbing. Putting light to your drama. The older man had tears in his eyes.

“No my child, we aren't this inconsiderate. Sign these documents and stay peacefully with each other. My blessings lie with you kids.” You give him the file. Pouting at him innocently. “Thank you so much uncle. I don't know who my uncle is. You happen to be the best uncle if I had one today.” Jimin collects money from you.

“Young boy, you don't have to pay me. Take care of your wife and live happily. And have many children.” Jimin bobbed his head. “I will.” Bowing at him in unison you left the place. Laughing your heart out, coming far away from the building. “Oh My God, that was hilarious. You're such an amazing actress. How could you create such a wonderful story on the spot?” Jimin clutched onto his stomach.

“I have a sexy brain for a reason you know? Because of my tremendous acting. We even saved the registration fees. Should we search for a park now hubby?” Winking at him, you intertwined your hands. “We definitely should, my dear wifey.”

Sitting in a lone park. In the tunnel of the climbers. Sheltering yourself from the rain you were glancing at him. He was sweating at your undisturbed eye contact. “What is it that you w-want?” Finally mustering up courage he stuttered. “I've been wondering, does Park Y/N suit my name? I basically gave up my first name. Now that I'm married to you.” He ruffled your hair sitting closer to you. Breathing a sigh of relief.

“You don't have to change your last name.” Glaring at him you peck his lips. “Shut up, if I don't have your last name. People would think you're single. I can't risk you walking around as a bachelor and a potential groom to some thirsty hoe. How about you adopt my last name too?” Jimin chortled at your logic.

“When did you start valuing their opinions?” Laying your head on his lap, he meandered his fingers in your locks. “Since the moment I swore to be a charismatic wife to you. Quit distracting me and answer. Whether you'll have my last name or not?” Jimin was in a stream of love and name now.

“Won't your surname match weird with my name. Jimin L/N?” Him pronouncing it was really funny. You couldn't hold it in. Bursting out laughing. “Fine you win.”

He caressed your cheeks. “I have an idea why don't we be the perfect 'P' the cool ass Park couple? Park Y/N and Park Jimin!” Patting his torso he proudly affirms. “Ok Park Jimin.” Imitating his actions, you sit up straight. “Meet my wife Park Y/N.” “Yes, his wife Park Y/N!” You rolled on the surface holding onto each other. Enjoying the new discovery you had made together.


“The day we were married. I was a famished man. Consoling myself with that enigmatic leer on your lips. There wasn't any kiss that we shared as the usual couples. Rather spent the night in a cold chilly park. Warming each other up with our childish talks. You are my wife and you will remain as my wife Park Y/N!”

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