The Blue House

De seriesfreak

144K 8.5K 3.4K

Hyun Ji Seok's last day as the President of South Korea left a scar on everyone's heart. Especially his only... Mais

Sparks Fly
Only The Young
You Belong With Me
I Knew You Were Trouble
Jump Then Fall
Two Is Better Than One
This Is Me Trying
You Need To Calm Down
I'm Only Me When I'm With You
I Almost Do
The Joker and The Queen
Death by A Thousand Cuts
The Last Time
Begin Again
King of My Heart
Paper Rings
The Best Day
This is Why We Can't Have Nice Things
This Love
Today Was a Fairytale
...Ready For It?
Welcome To New York
Everything Has Changed
Stay Stay Stay
Love Story
Sweeter Than Fiction

State of Grace

3.3K 228 63
De seriesfreak

"I know, yeah, I will be there on time. Thank you for the reminder." Bin answers Woo Sung in his sleep heavy voice.

"Where are you? Are you just waking up?"

"I am. It's Sunday."

"Hmm. Don't you know the saying? Waking up late on Sunday means you lose an opportunity somewhere else."

"The jerk who said that must be a workaholic." Bin grumbles still not moving from the bed.

"Yeah, if you consider yourself a jerk and a workaholic. It was you who said it when we had to study for bar exam."

"Then let's blame it to my ignorance and overly positive mind of how this world works."

Woo Sung chuckles from across the phone. "What happen to you? You are back from Namhae and looked nothing like your— giddy self before you left. And you clammed up on me."

Bin doesn't answer. He hasn't told anyone what happened last weekend, so, clammed up is an apt description. It's his problem and he's gonna clear it up himself. No one needs to know his misconduct.

"Did I? I have another thing going on, that's all." He finally responded.

"With The Acting First Lady."

Yes, he wants to answer, if only he can find her anytime soon.

"Yeah, let's put it that way."

"Just don't let whatever happen takes away your focus on the grander plan."

Bin needs to hear that. Needs to hear that he has to focus on his ultimate goal, his pursuit of the highest office in South Korea.

He and Woo Sung will meet with several people this afternoon to help them jump start the first phase of the campaign. The stealth campaign.

What Bin learned during his two legislative elections is he needs a village. Running a successful campaign is really one of the hardest thing to do, it really takes everything and everyone coming together.

Last night, Woo Sung sent him a schedule of appearance. The focus this month will be on what Bin knows best. Law and finance.

He will give a keynote speech at his alma mater and he will open this year Seoul International Invention Fair at COEX among few other engagements. With public's speculation about him going on full swing, his increase appearances will gather buzzes and interests.

People — through media — will scrutinize everything about him, trying to find some flaws and dirts. Good thing, Bin knows from the start that track records matter.

First, his family background. At least, he doesn't need to worry about this. No one can dispute his blood line and his family excellence in serving this country.

Second, his work. The bills he proposed, issued and endorsed. His cases in his previous law firm. His voluntary works. Everything will be push into the headlines since these things will act as preview for the people of South Korea about what kind of President he will be.

Third, his personal life. Media and his opponents will dig everything to get a glimpse of what kind of man he is, what kind of company he keeps these days. His old comments and interviews will resurface and be used as evidence to ask the question: Is he really suitable to lead the country?

So, he has vision for all that and everything starts coming together for his campaign, yet—

He has no idea what else he can do to reach Ye Jin. It's been a week and he has been running around like crazy chasing the elusive Son Ye Jin.

He was a steady presence in the morning at the Office of The First Lady for the past week. And still had no answer on her whereabout.

"I'm sorry, Representative. The Acting First Lady is not due to be here this morning," Ye Jin's Chief of Staff, Jeon Yeo Been, stonewalled him in front of her office every time. "She has schedule at the hospital today."

Yesterday was the sixth day Bin got the same answer, and it was enough. He needed to emphasize his intention.

Bin looked at the straight face woman in front of him. "Yeo Been-ssi, is it?"

Yeo Been glanced at him uninterestedly. With that gesture, he was sure that Ye Jin's top staff was up to speed with what happened between him and her boss.


"I only need 5 minutes with The Acting First Lady. Can you fit me in her schedule? I'll give you my number, just let me know when."

"I can tell you now when she'll be available." Yeo Been replied in cold voice.

Bin really had the urge to squirm under her stare which although delivered nonchalantly bore judgments of him, but he toughened himself up and smiled.

"Great. I'll arrange my schedule. When will it be?"

"What about— never?" Yeo Been smiled at him sarcastically before sitting down and continued her work, essentially ignoring him. He should've expected it but it still stung nonetheless.

"Right, I probably deserve that," he inhaled deeply trying to keep his wit before talking to Yeo Been again, "Can I ask you a favor? It's not much. Ye Jin will not think you betray her or something."

Yeo Been didn't respond to him at first, but Bin could see her struggle to hide her curiosity. So he continued, despite the lack of response.

"Please tell her that I'm here looking for her. And I'll be here again tomorrow. And the next day. Until she's ready to talk to me." He ended it with a longing stare to the sky then he turned to Yeo Been, smiling, albeit sadly.

"Can you do that, Yeo Been-ssi?" He asked her again. The woman eyed him skeptically but finally nodded.

"I'll tell her you're here, Representative."

"Thank you, Yeo Been-ssi. Have a good day." He handed over another flower bouquet he brought for Ye Jin. Her office must have looked like a pretty garden by now.

Bin opens his eyes and stares at the ceiling. A few times a day he will find himself in silence, deep in his thought, thinking of ways to return himself to the state of grace. He had tried several things and yielded nothing.

He started right after she left him at the resort's lobby, knocking on her door, calling her, and even sitting outside her room at Namhae, only to have all of that rebutted. It was such a déjà vu. He'd been here before, locked out because of— another one of his stupidity, he guessed.

But this time, the president was a witness. When President Son found him in that position a few hours later, he didn't even care to spout out some reasons. He stood up and nodded before going back to his room.

Later that day, he found out that Ye Jin was gone. The President cited an emergency at the hospital as the reason she needed to comeback prematurely to Seoul. With a sharp glance at Bin when he delivered the news.

Suddenly, Bin felt like an outlier and unwelcome. He was not a Democrat, his business here was done, and there was no Ye Jin. Why was he even here?

He ended up faking a headache for the last day to get out of the last friendly game on the green, spending it calling Ye Jin on the phone that kept on ringing but was never answered. Then he said his goodbye to the President and the First Lady who looked at him sympathetically.

"Thank you for joining us, Representative." The President responded to him shortly. Looked like, he lost all the favor from him as Bin noticed the president's voice was devoid of warmth he usually extended to him.

"We'll look forward to meet you again, Representative." The First Lady added. Bin only smiled and nodded. Ye Jin only said she needed some space — how much space exactly, Bin had no idea — so he hoped he still had a chance to meet her. At least, to apologize.

Bin lets out a long sigh. It seems like the possibility of meeting her is dwindling fast with each day that passes. He takes out his phone and dials her number, trying his luck once more.

When her melodic voice is heard over the voicemail command, it adds heaviness to his heart. On one side, he gets to hear her again, albeit virtually. On the other hand, he is almost sure she blocks him.

And he can't blame her for that.

There's no question about it, he treated her badly. He took what he wanted — which was her — without giving anything back. Except his body and that wasn't even counted. He was the one who said he would try, but was he even trying?

He goes about this the wrong way since the beginning, and surely he can't point a finger to his lack of experience in dating. The one who never had relationship before probably knows that any relationship should start with something simple.

He isn't talking about attraction or chemistry, because they obviously have that. He's talking about respect. He's talking about trust and honesty, things he miserably fails to provide her with. Even when he has expiration date in mind, these things are courtesies he should be able to give her.

When he finally get ahold of her — he hopes it's sooner rather than later— maybe he should start with that.

Trust and honesty.

When her voice fades out, and the beep coming in, Bin can't resist to finally send her a message.

"I miss you, Son Ye Jin." He says softly before ending the call. Bin throws his phone back to the bed.

He misses her. But as much as he wants to think about Ye Jin all day, he can't do that.

He has another goal to reach.


"He did that?" Ye Jin asks Yeo Been when they meet for lunch on a Sunday afternoon. She tries so hard to appear nonchalance to the news.

For the past week, ever since Ye Jin developed an aversion to The First Lady Office knowing Bin would likely visit there, the usually face-to-face debriefing was done through phone call. And she missed her debriefing call yesterday after an emergency at the hospital — this time was not a fake as she stated last week to bail herself from the golf tourney — so, they do it on a beautiful Sunday.

"Yes. If only you saw his face when he said that, holding the flower bouquet, you'll forget what he did. 'I'll be here again tomorrow, and the next day, until she's ready to talk to me'," Yeo Been stops to fan herself, "Swooon. Oh, God. It was— so charming, so romantic."

"Stop that. That's what got me in this situation in the first place. His charm. And his— his— gorgeous self. And my inability to reject him."

"Because you like him."

Ye Jin groans. That's the root. She likes him. Too much, too fast, she goes down that slippery road. Without any brake.

She should've had some semblance of control, but her heart relinquished it the moment he said he would try. What he said probably the key to their problem: his insecurity got the best of him. What insecurity?

She knew nothing about it. She was busy drowning in his kisses, seduction and pleasure when they supposed to talk more about this insecurity and about her expectation. She figured they would get to that little by little as the time passed, but she was wrong.

Ye Jin suspected there was more going on behind the political door between Bin and Ji Cheol that she wasn't interested to know about. She did know that he was jealous beyond anything to Gong Ji Cheol and that animosity made matter worse. And she unknowingly added to it.

Fine, she would admit that she had a hand about the situation with Ji Cheol and Eun Chan. She just felt a strong connection with the governor and his beautiful daughter over their similar experience. Maybe she was too harsh when she demanded some spaces?

Ugh, probably not.

Yes, she got a little too involved, not knowing that it would affect Bin so much. It still didn't warrant his comments. It hurt hearing him said those words. Especially when he was the only one she thought the second the word family crossing her mind.

Not Gong Ji Cheol.

Hyun Bin.

Why couldn't he understand that? Though a nagging from her subconscious reminded her that she hadn't been forthcoming about her expectation either. He only knew she wanted more, and nothing else.

Clearly, their communication needed some improvements.

But for the time being, she needed some spaces to shake off the hurt and not let him sweet talk her into forgiving him. She was too weak for him. Just looked at how her defense almost crumbled when she listened to his knock, when she kept her phone ringing, and when she heard his voice just outside her door.

She sat inside, right in front of the door, wanting to feel close to him despite their situation. So, she knew, she had to go. She couldn't be near him. Or they would just fall into the same trap again.

"So why don't you talk to him? Isn't a week enough?"

Yeo Been's voice penetrates her mind and Ye Jin turns to Yeo Been looking at the younger woman intently.

"What?" Yeo Been asks.

"When you— and your corn salad are having a fight, how long it usually stands?"

Yeo Been thinks about it, "Not more than a day. Usually we patch things up before going to bed."

"How? How could you do that?"

Yeo Been chuckles. "We— happened to have almost lost each other. I mean, it's a miracle we can be together now. So, why waste time fighting? At the end of the day, I know I want to come home to him."

Yeo Been's confident remarks strikes Ye Jin a little. She knows what — who — she wants and despite their differences, they are able to talk it out and be together. That's the most important thing. And Ye Jin should take notes from her.

"He loves you well, your Corn Salad." Ye Jin smiles at her staff who is now one of her closest confidant.

Yeo Been blushes and smiles shyly at Ye Jin's observation. "That he does. And maybe Representative Hyun can do the same thing for you."

"I hope so. We still have a long way to go. Start with talking."

So, maybe, it's time for her and Bin to talk. Ye Jin plays with her phone and focuses on his 22 missed calls notification. After every missed calls, she would've thought Bin will bombard her voicemail. It's a little disappointing that he didn't.

"So, you'll be at the office tomorrow?"


"Good. Because you have many agendas. A health talk at Korea University on Wednesday, then a voluntary work at homeless shelter near your hospital on Friday. On Tuesday and Thursday, you have a meeting with the war veteran foundation."

"Twice a week with the veterans?"

"The second meeting is a provision. They are coming for sponsorship for their next year program."

They talk some more about Ye Jin's upcoming schedule and what did she miss from last week. When Yeo Been excuses herself to go to the restroom, the Acting First Lady checks out her phone and sees that she has missed a voicemail notification.

She brings the phone to her ear and punches to listen. "You have one message from Hyun Bin. Press 1 to listen."


She automatically presses 1, her heart races as she waits for the message to play. What will he say? He's sorry?

Then comes his gravelly voice, still heavy with sleep, "I miss you, Son Ye Jin."

It's the first time she hears him in over a week and it makes her unreasonably emotional. She closes her eyes, her fingers play the voicemail over and over again.

She doesn't know how much she misses him until she hears his voice. And now, she can't stop her tears. She misses him so much.

"Ye Jin-ssi? Omo, what happen?" Yeo Been jogs to their table where Ye Jin is sobbing quietly. She lifts up her head and Yeo Been moves closer to offer her tissues.

Ye Jin wipes her tears then looks at Yeo Been who looks at her worriedly then dismisses her worry. "I'm fine."

"Missing a certain Representative?"

Ye Jin rolls her eyes, "He sent me a voicemail and I'm a mess."

"Come to the office in the morning, you may hear him talking sweet nothing directly to you." Her Chief of Staff smiles. Ye Jin follows her, letting out a small smile.

"I don't think that's what will happen," she says softly, "but let's see what he has in store."

When Monday comes, Ye Jin can't stop her excitement from bubbling out. She excitedly chooses her outfit of the day, something that showcases her elegance and sexiness at the same time, and putting on her make up with Bin on her mind.

She hopes the outfit still gives the stern vibe, despite her wanting to look exceptionally beautiful when they meet again. They haven't had the truce after all.

She is intentionally going in a little late to the office, to give him sometime to settle, and to condition her mind ahead of their talk. She has high hope that today is going to be a good day and a new start for Bin and her.

Ye Jin is low-key humming when she arrives at The Blue House, expecting Yeo Been greeting her with a wink and Bin already waiting for her.

Instead, she gets a head shake from Yeo Been, and Bin never shows up.


It's a new week and a new hope for Bin on his quest to find Ye Jin. After a productive Sunday, his spirit is on all-time high. This is gonna be a good day and a good week.

He picks his suit and his accessories carefully, wanting to give Ye Jin the best impression, just in case he meets her today.

As he has been doing for the past week, he calls his go-to flower shop to ensure his bouquet is ready to be picked up on his way to Cheong Wa Dae.

He looks at himself on the mirror one more time giving himself a pep talk, "Today is the day you get to meet her again, Bin."

When he steps outside, his driver already waits for him and without him telling the driver where to go, already driving the car towards Cheong Wa Dae. He is on his way to dial her number again when his phone rings.

Yoon Ah. Weird, she never calls as early as this. Did something happen?

"Hello? Yoon Ah?"

"Oppa, oppa, it's me Yoon Ah. Where are you?"

"On my way to the office. Why? You sound— rattled."

"Eomeoni. Eomeoni, Oppa. She's found unconscious this morning. The ambulance is bringing her to the hospital."


"Can you go to Incheon? Please? I'll be there later in the day."

"Of course, I'm on my way. Do you know what's the matter with her? Is she gonna be okay?" Bin doesn't hesitate, he tells the driver to reroute their morning trip to Incheon.

"I don't know. When we talked last night, she said she had a stomachache. Then Imo called just now telling me she found her unconscious."

"Okay. Okay, let's not panic over it. I'll call Imo. You take care. I will ask my driver to pick you up when you're done.

"Thank you, Oppa. Please, update me."

Bin is beyond worried. The last time he visited his mother last month, she seemed fine. Is this new? He can't concentrate on anything else beside his mother. Looks like he'll stay at Incheon for the week.

During the hour he spends on the road, Bin calls his Chief of Staff to cancel all his meetings for the week, orders him to send any documents that needs his attention to his email and to forward any messages to his number.

Then he coordinates with Woo Sung to find another day on his guest speaking appearance that falls within the week. "I need to be with my mother."

"Obviously. Don't worry about it, I'll check with the dean. Hopefully, everything is alright with your mother."

When everything is settled, he finally dials Ye Jin's number but finds it on another call. He contemplates leaving another voicemail but has no chance on it as the driver announces their arrival in the hospital.

He will be left with a slim chance to get back to Ye Jin's good grace when he turns his attention back to her, but for now, she has to wait.

His mother will need him to focus on her, and nothing else.

He ends up spending three days in Incheon, his mother had an appendicitis that required surgery as it turned out. Bin is back at his office Thursday afternoon after Yoon Ah successfully secures some leave days.

And he is in for a nice surprise when he arrives at the office. Ye Jin's Chief of Staff is waiting for him. His first reaction is dread because there is high possibility that something happened to Ye Jin. He holds his breath as he asks Yeo Been the most important question.

"Yeo Been-ssi?"

"Representative Hyun."

"Is everything alright? Is Ye Jin alright?"

"What do you care? You're not keeping your promise. I've told her your message, yet, you didn't show up."

Bin needs several seconds to grasp the meaning then frowns. "Right. Right. Trust me, I was on my way to her when I got news that my mother was hospitalized. So I was needed at Incheon."

"Oh. Is she okay?" Yeo Been's demeanor changes dramatically after hearing his reason.

"She will be. My sister takes over this morning. Okay, back to my question. Is Ye Jin alright?"

"She— she is. Well, not so much, probably, but she tried to cover it with more work."

He releases his breath he is holding then sits across Yeo Been. "I plan on coming back to my regular program tomorrow morning. What do you say? Will I have a chance to meet your beautiful boss?"

"No." His heart drops instantly when Yeo Been tells him that confidently. So, not his time, yet.

"Because she won't come to the office. She has voluntary work elsewhere."

"Voluntary work? Where?" His ears perk up at this information.

"At Seoul Women Shelter."

He clearly doesn't know where it is, but he will ensure he knows it if it means he gets to meet Ye Jin. When Friday comes, Bin is ready, having researched about the said shelter and their mission. He dresses down for the occasion, opting for a more casual look than the haughty Representative look he used to. And there he is, regaling the homeless ladies with his stories.

Public speaking is never an issue for Bin. It's his inherent ability. So, he doesn't find it hard to win the attentions and the hearts of some elderly women. He is surprised he's enjoying this and promises he'll be back again sometime later. Most of them are close to his grandmother's age, so, maybe she is interested to come one day.

What makes it nerve wracking is knowing Ye Jin will be here anytime soon. His heart starts its fast thumping when he sees Yeo Been comes in, which means Ye Jin is here. God, the anticipation is killing him. He misses her so much.

He doesn't see her at first, so engrossed in telling his travel experience with his grandmother to the ladies. It's not until he chances a glance toward the door that his eyes finally get their fix of her, and his heart clenches over how beautiful she looks in her all white ensemble — they are unknowingly color coordinated — and when their eyes finally meet, his world is reduced to only her.

Bin straightens up and stops talking, the elderly follows his line of sight and squeals among themselves when they see Ye Jin. He is long forgotten by the ladies as they crowd Ye Jin.

Like kids, they talk over the other to get her attention. The sound of the crowd calling her name somehow makes him so proud of her. She is so loved. He knows first-hand how patient and how generous she is. His woman is such a giver.

He steps closer to the crowd in hope he can help getting them lining up and Ye Jin can set up her station. She signals with her head that she has to attend to the crowd first before giving him a small smile that makes him feel like he'll die on the spot.

That smile is everything. He doesn't know what to expect when he finally sees her again, but he certainly doesn't think he will get a smile.

"Ladies, ladies, I see that you have new favorite now that Miss Son is here. But, let's give her some time to set up. She will be available at—" Bin hangs his sentence, turning to Ye Jin.

"I'm going to wait for you guys at the Chairman office like usual."

"You hear her. Wait here and we'll call you back."

The crowd disperse and they stand there, side by side. The tension is building around them.

"Thank you." Ye Jin says calmly. He can't believe she initiates a conversation between them.

"It's not much. Will you let me help you setting up?" They are so close and he really wants to kiss her, but it will have to wait. Not the time, obviously.

"Yes. What are you doing here?" She starts moving so he follows beside her.

"Since I can't catch you in your usual hanging out place — your office or hospital — I have to get creative."

"Did Yeo Been tell you I'll be here?"

"I— okay, in the spirit of honesty, yes. But, ple—" Ye Jin stops him with a wave of her hand.

"It's okay. I won't scold her."

Silence descends upon them after that. They work together to make everything ready. "Let me finish here first, then let's talk."

"Okay. If you need any help, I can be your assistant."

Ye Jin turns to him, "You can play the nurse. Get them line up and call their name. This time of the year is the time they get their simple health check-up."

Bin nods and gets to work. The sooner this is over, the sooner he can apologize and plead his case to her. He stays by her side, smiling when she smiles to her patient, frowning when she explains some anomalies to the patient.

He moves swiftly around her trying to make her job easier, and a few times, she looks at him slightly smiling to show her gratitude. And damn, if it doesn't make his heart swells.

It takes more than 3 hours for her to examine every single one of them, and he is served with the view of her in her element, doing something she loves. She is glowing and even more beautiful.

When they are finished, Ye Jin stands up from her seat and stretches her body. Bin follows suit and waits for her. They look at each other with a longing so deep, they both can't stay away any longer. He offers his hand to her and she takes it without hesitation.

He tugs her closer opening his arms and she goes into the hug willingly, circling her arms around his waist. He closes his eyes at the first contact and feels the lightest he has ever been in two weeks. He hugs her tight and kisses the top of her head softly.

"I'm so sorry." He sincerely says. The petite woman in his embrace doesn't say anything but tightens her hold on him. Bin strokes her hair tenderly before pulling back to see her face. He needs to see her face.

"Hey." He greets her.


"I miss you."

"I miss you, too" He tried so hard not to grin when he hears that.

"Want to sit down and get comfortable?"

"I'll tell Yeo Been to inform the Chairwoman to come here a little bit later."

Bin moves to sit in the sofa while Ye Jin calls Yeo Been to tell her they need the Chairwoman's room a little longer. Then she comes back, standing in front of him.

He taps the seat next to him gently asking her to sit which she complies with. They sit side by side, both of them looking ahead without talking.

"I'm so tired." Ye Jin mumbles. Bin turns to her waiting for her to continue. When she doesn't, he takes her hand and holds it.

"I may have something that you need. Stay here." He goes looking for the paper bag he brings and takes out something bringing it to Ye Jin.

A smile blossoms in her face when she sees what he brings. "Cookies, really?"

Bin grins, the first one he can easily give out in about two weeks, and opens the can for her. "Someone said this can make a day better. Although, I'm no baker. So, this is coming from the bakery near my apartment."

"Pulling out all of your tricks, Representative?"

"The situation certainly calls for it. Anything to get you to forgive me."

Ye Jin turns away, her hands playing the cookies she took, the subject clearly makes her uncomfortable. "I'm not mad. Yeah, okay, probably, a little. But I'm more— hurt than mad or angry."

"I know. I'm sorry I hurt you. I lashed out, it was all on me."

"Why? What made you said that?" She turns to him. He sighs and takes her hand, caressing it.

"I was a jealous jerk. I didn't like that he could easily give you what you wanted."

"What I wanted?"

"Yes, family, kids, dogs. Am I right?"

"You thought I wanted that, but you couldn't give me that?" She ignores his question and poses a question of her own.

"Yes." He answers truthfully looking straight to her eyes as he said it. This moment paralyzes him, it is as if he is standing in front of the judge and the jury, waiting for the final verdict.

What he sees from her though is another thing he doesn't expect. No judgment, just outright understanding. And he is grateful for that.



"Did you expect another answer?"

"No, but I don't expect an okay that easily."

"It's just— I understand if that's your thought process," Ye Jin smiles, "Because, family, kids, dogs, yes, I wish to have it all."

His heart squeezes, knowing the insurmountable difficulties of him ever granting her wishes. "Yeah, I figured."

"But not with any man who can easily give me those," She adds leaning back on the sofa, taking a bite of the cookies. "If in the future, I am lucky enough to have all those things, I want to believe that it will be with someone I love. And you— definitely have a head start on the race."

This woman never ceases to amaze him. Here she is, baring herself again, telling him what she wants. Unknowingly encouraging him to open up to her.

"On the chance to lose that head start, I have a confession to make." He starts, turning his body towards her.

"I'm listening."

"I haven't been completely honest with you. The 'let's try' I uttered— that was probably the biggest bullshit I've ever told anyone," Bin scoffs at himself, "I just— remembered the first question I asked you that day?"

"What happen when you are president."

"Yes. Honestly, I was stuck there. My sister said, I let the past dictated my life, and I started to think that was probably true. I was so afraid to hurt you, but twice I did it anyway. Because I'm so afraid of turning into my father and make you the collateral damage."

Ye Jin tugs him to lean back and when he does, she leans on his shoulder. "Don't be too hard on yourself. Let's just enjoy this."

"It feels like, all I do is take while all you do is give. I swear I still have no idea what I will bring to this relationship. What I can give you."

"Romance, attention, pleasure, love, among other things. If we survive, probably some of those things I want."

"If we survive."

"Of course, I'm not too naive to think it will be smooth sailing. We are getting to know each other, maybe I'll find something I don't like about you later on. Or, you'll find something you completely despise about me."

"Yeah, not possible."

Ye Jin giggles and burrows herself deeper into him. "I'm so sorry."


"I said I'm sorry." She repeats herself. Bin turns to her confusedly.

"For what?"

"For what you saw in Namhae with the governor and his daughter."


"It's fine. Really, I knew you were only nice to them. I trust you."

"But with what was displayed in front of you, maybe you were entitled to be insecure."

"No, no, I was not. I was out of line."

"Yes, you were out of line, but I was too involved with them and I hurt you. I'm sorry for that."

He reaches out and strokes her cheek tenderly. "Okay. You don't have to, but thank you."

"Anything else you think we should talk about? Any skeleton you want to tell me?"

Bin tenses up and looks at Ye Jin nervously, his hold on her hand tightens.

"There's one more thing," he pauses.

"Yes?" She asks softly albeit expectantly, encouraging him to say the rest.

"About being a president thing."



Hello, lovelies ❤️ my first author note in this story is to thank you for reading and voting and commenting on the story! It reaches 10k reads on the last chapter 🥳 And thank you, Momo and Clara, for sharing your art for this story!

I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I do writing it! Will Bin tell Ye Jin the truth about his goal? Sounds off in the comment section, will you?

'Til next!


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