Her innocent love

By pinal003

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Today,after 3 years I am back in this country where I never thought to return. 3 years of that horrible incid... More

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By pinal003


"Faily che (see) thele ich my dad" Rohan says and point his finger to our front I look in that direction and see a tall man standing in suit facing his Back towards us. I wonder maybe Rohan guessed him as a wrong person as the person's back is face towards us Rohan is so small to identify someone from their back side.

"Rohan maybe you guessed it wrong as that person's back is facing towards us. Maybe he is not your dad" I asked as he is trying to run out of my hold to run to his father. And if that person is not his father then maybe again he will get lost in crowd and I don't know why but thought of him being alone shake me up from core.

"No faily he ich my dad, I can lecognich (recognise) im (him) flom far" he says and I felt amazed by seeing this little munchkin. I am orphan so I don't knew that a parents and child bond can be this strong.

"Ok cutie pie let's go to your father" I said and he literally run to that person while I also increase my pace to not lose the track of Rohan. Rohan ran and goes in front of that person, that person back is still facing me. That person bend to Rohan's level and take him in a bone crushing hug and by looking at this it seems that this person is only Rohan's father.

I make my way towards them as I want to say bye to that little sweetie pie for the last time. I am just a inch away from them when I get a call from Kabir. I pick it up and he says that there is emergency in hotel as I being a group head of our team is needed there urgently. I panicked as all of theirs responsibilities are on my shoulder and I can't let anything to be happen to them.

I see Rohan for the last time , he is hugging his dad tightly and after ensuring that he is safe I quickly turns and exit shopping mall. I get taxi after long 5 minutes and I hurriedly tell address to the driver and tell him to drive me fast to the hotel. I hope nothing is serious as my experiences in this country are very bad, and now I want nothing but to complete my work as soon as possible and leave for Switzerland.


As soon as I pick angre's call I hear his voice full of worry.

"Boss one of our employe is backstabbing. One of our important file is missing" he says and my anger knew no bounds, my eyes must have turned red in rage . I can tolerate any but betrayel is the the thing that I hates. And more than that I hate betrayers.

"Which file is missing angre?" I said while closing my palm and making its fist,

"Boss , file of our total income cost with foreign dealers is missing" he says and I ordered him to find it anyhow in 6 hours.

"I will find it and what about that backstabber?" He ask in serious tone.

" you already know what we do with them angre, bring that coward in our torture room." I say with a smirk on my face and cut call. I even don't know what I will do with that person who dared to betray me, everybody know that once Vansh rai Singhania can can tolerate his own murder but betrayal is out of my list.

However I control my anger as I don't want to make Rohan fell afraid of me . Thinking about Rohan, I realised that my hand is not interlock with his. I look down And my eyes widened as I found Rohan nowhere around me. I look here and there hoping he will be near me only planning to do some prank on me as he always does. But no man he is nowhere to be seen.

A sudden fear crept my heart as till now Rohan has not been alone anywhere. And what is someone kidnapped him, as nowadays my rivals are increasing. I shake my head and put all my negativity thoughts aside and starts to search for my champ. My eyes glistened as he is only reason I am leaving. He is my only ray in darkness. No no I will not let anything happen to him. He will be here only, I will find him.

I take out my phone and starts to show pic of Rohan to everyone around me. At last I came near one ice cream stall and stand near  there as there is no clue of Rohan. I decide to call angre and inform him to activate his team to find Rohan. I take out my phone and I am about to call angre when suddenly Rohan came in front of me shouting dad.

A wave of relief spread over me as soon as I find my baby safe. I immediately bend down to his level and take him in a bone crushing hug. I kept him safe near my heart trying to assure myself that yes he is with me. He also hug me tightly and starts to chirp happily in his baby language as he found me. I broke our hug and kisses him on all over his face.

"Where have you been champ? Do you know how much tensed I get on not finding you." I said faking my anger so that he doesn't leave me any other time like this.

"Choleee (sorry) dad, I go to chee (see) jokell" he said with cute pout and I sigh as I can't win over his this cute face. I nod my head while again giving him a peck on his forehead.

"Ok then let's go as only half an hour is remaining for our movie" I said while forwarding my hands towards him.

"No dad ait (wait) I ant (want) to chay (say) by to faily" he says and go to back of me while I also turn and see him finding someone.

"Whom are you finding champ?" I ask while taking him in my arms and he has that sad pout on his face which I doesn't like.

"Dad, faily elp (help) me to leach (reach) to you" he said and again look here and there to find some fairy of his. Again ,After a minute or two  on not finding her he becomes sad and I can't see my champ sad.

"Don't worry champ fairy is here only we will find her later but first let's eat your favourite chocolate ice cream and then let's go for movie" I say that to divert his mind as I know  he can never say no to the chocolate ice cream like his mom. And my trick works , he starts to jump in my arms saying that he will have 2 chocolate flavoured cones.

We both move towards ice cream stall and I buy ice cream for him as well as one butterscotch for me as I like chocolate less. Rohan has all the liking of Ragini like he loves chocolate flavours the most, he like sweet while I like spicy, he is big fan of noodles while I love pasta. So basically Rohan has his external future of mine while his liking is same as Ragini...

I and Rohan return home at 10 pm after our movie and dinner session. At dinner he has remembered his fairy but again I somehow divert his mind. I wonder who must be that person as Rohan never mix up with people that easily and here he is remembering that lady continuously. I must say a very nice bond has formed between Rohan and that lady.

As we enter in hall my dad takes Rohan in his arms and Rohan starts to say him about our outing. I get call from angre and he says that he has recovered our lost file and has also find that betrayer . I inform him to bring that back stabber in our torture room. Ahhh tonight will be some fun after all it's long time I have heard scream of the person whom I torture.


As I reach hotel I found that all of my office mates are sitting in waiting area near reception. I goes toward them and raise my eyebrow in order to know that what has happened? Kabir signal me to look back and as I look back I see some police officers standing discussing something with hotel manager. I and Kabir make our way towards them.

"Hello sir good evening" I greet them as soon as I reached near them. They stopped their discussion and look towards me.

"Are you a group head of this group?" They ask me to which I nod my head.

"Well we have got information that someone has brought drugs from Switzerland in India so we are here to do our investigation" he says in a no nonsense tone.

"I am sorry to say sir but we are a mere employees of grey founders and I assure you that no one from my group will bring anything like that" I said with confidence in my voice as I has trust on my people that they will do nothing like that.

"We will see that weather they had brought drugs or not, but we need your signature on this warent as you are a group head. So plzz cooperate with us now and sign on this page so  after that we start our procedure." One of the officer from them says to me while handling me a paper. I sigh and sign on them as I don't have any energy left to argue with them and moreover I knew it that no one in my group has even bring something like that with them.

As soon as I sign them they goes in everyone room and starts to check their language and whole room while we all seat in the waiting area. After long one hour they came.

"We are extremely sorry mam for inconvenience, maybe we has get some wrong information" he says in guilt coated voice.

"No problem it's your duty, you are doing it honestly and that matters the most." I said with sincere smile on my face while he nods and make his way out of the hotel.

Once they are gone all of us also move towards our respective rooms as we all decide to have dinner in our room only due to tiredness. I enter in my room remove my shoes and directly fell on the bed . Though I have not buy dress for Sejal but today I met a cute little munchkin with whom I fell I had made a strange bond. I am missing his cute talks and antiques.

I get up from bed and order my dinner and after that change in my night suit. After some time there is a knock on the door and my dinner came I lock my room door and have a delicious India food after long time. I kept empty plates out of my room and returned to bed. I open my phone and decided to check the address of the company with whom we will work from tomorrow.

I open my mail box and click on the mail by grey founders. As soon as the mail opens my eyes came out of sockets. The company with whom I am going to work for next 2 months is RAISINGHANIA ENTERPRISE. Oh god this company is owned by him. It means I am going to work in his company.

A sudden fear crept my heart. A shiver ran down my spine remembering our last met when he was very angry on me and has clearly states to never show my face to him again. I fell my heart lost a beat remembering hate and disgusting look that he has in his eyes for me. No no this can't happen. I am not supposed to even met him and here I am going to work in his company only.

"But maybe it's possible that by now he knows the truth and doesn't hate you like before" my subconscious mind says to me giving rise to some hope in my heart. But whom am I kidding if he now know the truth then he has called me at least 1 time in this 3 years.

But it is possible that he doesn't work in this branch as RAISINGHANIA ENTERPRISE is spread all over India and maybe he is handling some other branch. Now I have this option only to assure myself that he will not there. I close my phone and pray to god that I don't have to face him tomorrow otherwise even I don't know what will happen tomorrow.

I close my eyes though sleep is far away from me tonight. I hope that tomorrow no new blunder get created in my already broken life. A drop of tear fell from my eyes remembering oh last meet..


Hey guys

4th chapter of the book is out do tell me your view about it. And I will update next chapter soon.

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