Forbidden (Hawks x Fem!reader)

By Thefacelessauthor007

130K 2.4K 2.6K

"A hero and a villain, huh?" Hawks, the No.2 Pro hero, sent to spy on the League of Villains. But what happen... More

"WE planned this"
"Why are you cosplaying as a burnt nugget?"
"We need you to be a spy in the League of Villains"
"I-its Hawks!"
"What if I told you that I could give you a quirk?"
"It was his fault!"
"Don't get distracted, Hawks"
"You're getting a bit too cozy with Hawks"
"I don't think I like feelings"
"You can call me Keigo Takami"
"A hero and a villain, huh?"
"I'm worried about her"
"Where does your loyalty stand, Hawks?"
"Forgive me Y/N, please"
"Virus' sentence is effective immediately"
"Y/N! NO!"


4.4K 99 249
By Thefacelessauthor007


All specials have nothing to do with the main story

"GUYS, GUESS WHAT??" You yelled as you burst into a room.

"You are dying and only have a week left to live?" Dabi asked hopefully.

"That isn't true, right Y/N?" Toga asked worriedly.

"What? No! Tomorrow is Christmas!" You said cheerfully.

"It is?" Shigaraki asked as he turned to look at a calendar nearby. "Oh, it is."

"Do you guys wanna decorate a tree or something? This will be so much fun!" You asked.


"No thank you."

"Yes!" "No!"

"It's pointless."

"Oh, that's okay then!" You said, smiling.

"Why do you even want to celebrate Christmas?" Dabi asked.

"Oh, it's just that it's usually just me and Tomura and we don't really do anything. Now that I have all of you I was hoping to do something but it's fine. We are all busy after all." You shrugged as you left the room.

There was silence in the room.

"This is all you guys fault." Shigaraki said


"It's all our fault." Mr. Compress said, "We should make it up to her."

"Right, Twice, Spinner, and Mr. Compress, you are in charge of the Christmas tree, Me and Toga will go Christmas shopping so give me a list of what you want to buy, and Dabi, you are in charge of keeping Y/N distracted." Shigaraki ordered.

"WHY ME?!" Dabi yelled.

"Just do it, or else." Shigaraki glared.

"Fine." Dabi sighed as he stormed off to your room

You were sitting on the floor, figuring out how to wrap Dabi's present when he slammed opened your door.

You quickly glitched his present to under your bed.

"Why are you sitting on the floor with wrapping paper?" Dabi asked suspiciously.

"I'm trying to see how much I have so I can wrap you up in your sleep tonight, duh." You rolled your eyes.

"Whatever, get up. We are going to bake cookies." Dabi said.

"Huh?" You asked.

"Yes! Now hurry up!" Dabi demanded.

"Fine fine." You said as you got up and followed him to the kitchen.

Thankfully, the place where the tree was being set up was a good distance away so you didn't suspect anything.

"So, what do you need to bake cookies?" Dabi asked.

"You're telling me, that you dragged me all the way to the kitchen. Only to not know how to bake cookies." You said.

"Shut up! Now let's get this over with, if Shigaraki catches me here he will kill me!" Dabi said.

"Okay then." You said as you grabbed the ingredients.

Meanwhile, Shigaraki and Toga were arguing which present you would like.

"She needs some facials!" Toga insisted.

"She is fine without that! She always wanted a new video game!" Shigaraki said.


"Video games!"

The staff at the store looked nervously at the two people obviously getting more heated on the debate.

"How about you buy both?" They suggested nervously.

"That is a good idea! I will go grab the facials!" Toga said as she ran off.

"Fine." Shigaraki sighed as he went to the video games section.

Back at the kitchen, you realised that somehow, the butter was somehow in the main room. Aka where Mr. Compress and Twice were setting up the tree.

"I will be right back, the butter is in the main room." You said to Dabi.

His eyes widened.

"W-wait! I will get it!" Dabi said.

You looked at him suspiciously. "The Dabi I know won't volunteer to help me. Who are you and what have you done to him?"

"I just wanna be nice, that's all!" Dabi said as he left the room.

You stared at his retreating back suspiciously. First, be offered to make cookies with you, then, he is suddenly being Mr. Nice guy. Something was up and you intended to find out.

Mr. Compress and Twice were currently figuring out how to put the lights and ornaments on the tree when Dabi walked in.

"Jeez! That looks terrible!" Dabi said as he grabbed the butter.

"No it's not!" "I agree with Dabi!" Twice said.

"It's not that easy setting up a Christmas tree with only three people." Mr. Compress protested.

"Yea, but hurry up! Y/N is fast when it comes to baking cookies." Dabi said.

"Oo this ornament should go here!" Twice said as he jumped to put the ornament on the tree.

Bad idea.

You heard a crash coming from the main room.

"DABI?! WHAT DID YOU DO!" You yelled.

Twice was panicking over the fallen tree while Dabi attempted to make up an excuse.



"I WAS IN THE COAT, DUH." Dabi yelled back.


"Hurry up and clean this mess!" Dabi hissed as he left the room.

"This will take a bit." Spinner noted.

Soon, the cookies were in the oven. You leaned against the countertop.

"Out with it." You said to Dabi.

"Huh?" Dabi asked.

"It isn't like you to be suddenly so helpful. What do you need?" You asked.

"Nothing, it's just that people usually bake cookies during Christmas." Dabi shrugged.

"Just awhile ago you said it was pointless." You pointed out.

"Whatever, I get cookies out of Christmas so it isn't that bad." Dabi said.

"You get presents too." You pointed out.

"Huh, I forgotten about that." Dabi said.

"You gonna buy something?" You asked.

"Yea yea, I will do it later." Dabi shrugged.

At that moment, the oven dinged and you immediately brought the cookies out.

"Damn, those smell delicious." Dabi said as he reached over to grab one only to be slapped away by you.

"We will wait for these to cool, in the meantime, we will make frosting!" You explained.

"Frosting?" Dabi questioned.

"Yes! We will decorate the cookies!" You cheered. "Now pass me the sugar."

Toga and Shigaraki had split up, they had received the Christmas list from the league. Shigaraki was buying gifts that weren't related to him while Toga was buying the gifts for Shigaraki.

"Shiggy will need hand lotion." Toga said to herself as she picked up some lotion. "Oo! Maybe Dabi will like a new coat, his looks terrible."

A staff observed her nervously. He was pretty sure she looked a lot like one of the wanted villains. But a villain would know better than just going out in the open, undisguised, to buy a gift. Right? Wrong.

Toga skipped over to the cashier. "I will take these please!" She said smiling at the poor staff.

"Y-yes." He said as he packed up her stuff.

After paying, she left. "She can't be a villain, she didn't steal anything." The staff thought to himself.

Little did he knew, there was a missing pair of shoes.

Back at the base, Mr. Compress, Spinner, and Twice had finally set up the Christmas tree successfully.

"Yes!" Twice cheered as Mr. Compress placed the star on top.

"That took forever." Spinner said.

At that moment, Shigaraki and Toga walked through the door.

"I'm surprised that the tree is still in one piece." Shigaraki noted as he placed down the gifts.

"The names have already been written down! We just need to place them underneath the tree!" Toga piped up.

"Where is Y/N?" Shigaraki asked.

"In the kitchen with Dabi, they are baking cookies." Mr. Compress explained.

"DABI IS IN THE KITCHEN??" Shigaraki exclaimed as he ran off.

You and Dabi were just putting the finishing touch to one of the last cookies when Shigaraki burst in.

"WHERE IS THE FIRE??" Shigaraki demanded.

"Have some faith in me." Dabi said as he rolled his eyes.

"I made sure he didn't touch the oven or the stove." You assured Shigaraki.

"Oh, good. When the both of you are done come to the main room. We are going to eat the cookies there." Shigaraki said.

"Alright!" You said as you and Dabi started placing the cookies on a plate.

As you walked into the room, your eyes widened in surprise.

There was a huge tree in the middle with presents underneath. The league stood around it smiling at you.

"I-I thought you guys won't be celebrating Christmas!" You said.

"Yea but we figured we will do it because you seem so excited." Dabi said.

"Thank you everyone!" You said giving them the biggest smile.

Suddenly all the hassle they went through seemed worth it.

"Wait! I will get my gifts!" You said as you ran off.

"She has gifts?" Spinner asked.

"For us?" Toga said excitedly.

You came back into the room holding a huge load of presents. Dabi took a present from the load so you could see.

"Tada!" You said as you placed the gifts down. "Since it's 12:20 am, it's technically Christmas so go ahead and open them!" You said smiling.

Shigaraki got artist gloves so he could hold things without any problems, Spinner got a snake soft toy, Twice got a teddy bear (he cried when he received it), Mr. Compress got a mask you designed yourself, Toga got hair accessories, and Dabi got a hat.

"You were complaining about how the snow always get into your hair so I figured you would need a hat." You said when Dabi stared at you curiously.

"O-oh, thank you." Dabi said.

You and the league had a blast, exchanging presents, laughing, talking, and eating cookies.

At around 3 am, when everyone was asleep, you glitched to the warehouse where you and Hawks would be meeting.

"Merry Christmas Y/N!" Hawks greeted, he felt his heart beating faster and faster.

"Merry Christmas to you too! Here, I brought you cookies and a gift!" You said as you held up your presents

"What a surprise, I brought you a little something too!" Hawks smirked as he handed you his gift.

You opened yours and saw a scarf.

"You kept shivering whenever we met up even though you had a jacket, I figured you would need this." Hawks said.

"Thank you!" You said, hugging him.

Hawks opened his gift and was surprised to see a photo book of your moments together.

"Woah, this is beautiful. Thank you." Hawks smiled at you.

"It's nothing!" You said.

"How was Christmas with the league?" He asked.

You proceeded to ramble about how goofy they were, setting everything up last minute just to make you smile.

What you didn't notice was that Hawks had sneakily grabbed something from his pocket and held it over you.

"Ahem." Hawks said.

You turned and looked up, it was a mistletoe.

"You know what they say." Hawks said, blushing.

You smiled and leaned over towards Hawks and kissed him.

Hawks was shocked that you even kissed him in the first place, once the initial shock was over he kissed you back.

The both of you pulled away, panting slightly.

"Your lips taste like cookies." Hawks said.

You blushed, "Shut up you overgrown chicken."

Hawks smiled and kissed you again in your forehead.

"Merry Christmas Y/N."

"Merry Christmas Keigo."


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