Forbidden (Hawks x Fem!reader)

By Thefacelessauthor007

130K 2.4K 2.6K

"A hero and a villain, huh?" Hawks, the No.2 Pro hero, sent to spy on the League of Villains. But what happen... More

"WE planned this"
"Why are you cosplaying as a burnt nugget?"
"We need you to be a spy in the League of Villains"
"I-its Hawks!"
"What if I told you that I could give you a quirk?"
"It was his fault!"
"Don't get distracted, Hawks"
"You're getting a bit too cozy with Hawks"
"I don't think I like feelings"
"A hero and a villain, huh?"
"I'm worried about her"
"Where does your loyalty stand, Hawks?"
"Forgive me Y/N, please"
"Virus' sentence is effective immediately"
"Y/N! NO!"

"You can call me Keigo Takami"

4.7K 105 163
By Thefacelessauthor007

"It is I! Virus, the bitch who breaks all rules and laws there is in this world!" You said, smiling at Hawks as you glitched over to the warehouse.

"I take it that Shigaraki still doesn't knows you are sneaking over here." Hawks said, chuckling at your appearance.

"Duh, if he did I would be turned to dust." You said, rolling your eyes.

"Judging by how close the both of you are, I doubt that." Hawks pointed out.

"Eh, who knows, Tomura changed a lot so I can't be too sure." You said, pouting a little.

"Hm? What do you mean?" Hawks asked, genuinely curious.

"Well, before all this, when it was just me and him, he was a lot more carefree. Sure, he remembered what Master told us to do but he smiled a lot more, and didn't seem as stressed. Nowadays he barely has time to talk, the last I saw him smile was before we did the USJ attack, and I think Kurogiri's capture is weighing him down." You sigh.

"It must be hard for you guys, knowing that one of your assets had been captured." Hawks sympathized.

"I do miss him a lot, he's kinda like the father figure of the group." You said.

"I'm sure he will be fine." Hawks said, in attempts to reassure you.

"You know, sometimes I wish I wasn't a villain." You said, surprising Hawks a little.

"Oh really?" He asked.

"Yea, sometimes I wonder what would have happened if my parents loved me a lot more, if I never met Master, if I never got a quirk, I would just like to be a normal citizen for one day." You said. "But ever since we attacked, I can't go out during the day." 

"I got an idea, some stores aren't close yet, after all its just 9pm, how about you and I go around the city?" Hawks offered.

You stared suspiciously at him, "How do I know you aren't going to arrest me?" 

"C'mon, if I wanted to, I could have done that a long time ago, just trust me." Hawks said.

"Fine, but how am I going out? People will recognize me!" 

"Disguise yourself." Hawks said, shrugging slightly.

"I think I have a jacket and a cap somewhere at the base, gimme a second." You said as you glitched away.

Less than a minute later, you were disguised.

"You ready to go?" Hawks asked, offering his hand to you. You took it.

Soon, the both of you was flying through the air.

"Woah!" You said, staring at the city below you in awe. "I never get to see all this when I glitch!" 

Hawks smiled at your excited face. 

You and Hawks went into an arcade that was still opened.

"Oh. My. Gosh. You're Hawks!" One of the staff shrieked in excitement.

"Yeap, that's me!" Hawks said smirking, you rolled your eyes behind his back.

"Is that your girlfriend?" The staff asked excitedly, looking at you.

"H-huh? What? No! You got it wrong I'm-" You tried to explain but was interrupted by Hawks.

"Bingo! Me and my girlfriend would like to play a few games before you close." Hawks explained.

"Sure! Go ahead!" The staff said, smiling at the both of you.

"Oh, and keep this a little secret between the both of us, I don't want the media after me and my girlfriend." Hawks explained.

"Sure no problem!"

Thank god that jacket you were wearing was able to cover most of your face to hide your blush.

"What is wrong with you?!" You hissed. "That misunderstanding was so embarrassing!"

"I don't mind it." Hawks shrugged as he dug out his wallet.

"W-what?" You said.

"I said, I don't mind people assuming you are my girlfriend." Hawks said. 

"I swear there is something wrong with your brain." You said, still blushing.

"Relax! Let's play some games!" Hawks suggested.

Soon, the both of you were having a dance battle.

"Winner!" The screen said as it flashed your name.

"Ha! Take that you bird brain!" You cheered.

"How are you so good at this?!" Hawks panted.

"You have terrible stamina for a hero." You noted.

"S-shut up." Hawks said, still trying to catch his breath. But you were already gone, heading towards another game.

"Look Hawks! A claw machine!" You said excitedly.

"You wanna play?" He asked. 

"Duh! I haven't played this before!' You said.

Hawks inserted some money and you aimed the claw towards a teddy bear.

After several tries, you haven't succeed.

"Let me try." Hawks offered.

A few more tries and he was unsuccessful.

"Damn it!" He yelled at his 10th failed attempt.

"Why is this so hard!" You groaned.

An idea popped up in Hawks head.

Using his feathers, he guided them inside the machine and pulled the teddy bear out.

"Here you go!" He said, smiling as he handed the bear to you.

"I'm disappointed of you! You're a hero!" You said, laughing at him.

"Its worth it if that means you're happy." Hawks shrugged.

"I'm going to pretend like I never heard that." You said, turning away from him in embarrassment.

After a fun time at the arcade, Hawks brought you to a nearby convenience store where you bought some noodles and he bought some fried chicken.

"Wow, I never had food on top of a building!" You said in awe, as you looked at the view around.

"Just be careful, I don't need you falling off." Hawks warned.

You plopped down next to him and opened your noodles.

"Thanks for this, it was really fun. I can't remember the last time I had so much fun." You said as you slurped the noodles down.

"No problem, it was just something simple I decided to do." Hawks said, smiling at your contented face.

"Simple? This means a lot to me, Hawks!" You insisted.

"Keigo." He corrected.

You paused mid-slurp. "What?"

"You can call me Keigo Takami." Hawks said.

"In that case, you can call me Y/N!" You said.

"Y/N, that is a beautiful name." Hawks noted.

"There you go with your jokes again." You said, rolling your eyes.

"I'm not joking, I'm serious." Hawks said.

"S-shut up Keigo!" You said, turning away from him again.

Hawks felt a shiver go up his spine, hearing his name roll off from your tongue just sounded so... Right.

Finally, at 2am, Hawks flew you back to the warehouse.

"Again, thanks for today, I especially love the bear!" You said, smiling as you hugged the bear.

"Hey, the moon is beautiful, isn't it?" Hawks asked.

"Huh? Yeah, its pretty." You said.

"I have to go now, bye!" Hawks said, hurriedly turning away and flying off.

"How does he know the moon is beautiful if today was cloudy?" You said to yourself.

To all those who don't know, saying "The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" Means, "I love you." 

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