The Third Black Widow

By InMyRepEra7

65K 1.1K 198

What if Natasha and Yelena had a little sister two years younger than Yelena? What if when they got separated... More

Elizabeth's File
19 Years Later
The Red Room
Driving In The Getaway Car
Making A Plan
Family Reunion
The End Of An Era
See You Later
Please Don't Leave Me
A Little Bit Of Comfort
Five Years Later
Asking For Help
Trial and Error
Locating And Leaving
Nothing Lasts Forever, But This Is Gonna Take Me Down
Welcome Back
Talking To Kate Bishop
Tonight Is The Night
New Chapter Ideas?
New Friends
Teaming Up
Work Hard Play Hard
With Enough Time And Pressure
Always Expect The Unexpected
Darling I'm A Nightmare Dressed Like A Daydream

Rescuing "Dad"

3K 60 1
By InMyRepEra7

After driving for a while, I wake up and we are pulling up to a field. I see a plane with a giant propeller. Nat parks the car and we get out. We walk towards the plane and we are greeted by Mason. Nat gets to him first and they are talking for a second.

Mason says something that makes Yelena say "Ha." I was walking a little bit behind her so I didn't hear the first part of the conversation. "Oh you didn't send me..." starts Nat. "I see why you keep him around," says Yelena. "Where's the rest?" asks Nat. Mason pulls out a bag and Yelena finds a snack in it. "I stashed that five years ago," says Nat. Yelena takes a bite anyway. "How is it?" asks Nat. "It's dry. It's really dry," says Yelena. I laugh. Yelena gets on the plane. I look in the bag and I notice there are three white suits for us. "Thanks Mason!" I say. "Anytime!" he says.

Then I get on the plane while Nat and Mason talk. Yelena is already in her new suit. I go back outside and grab mine and I turn around so my back is to Yelena and I change into the suit. I hear Yelena gasp and I know why. I have bruises and a few cuts on my back from the Red Room. Punishment isn't a good look on me. Shortly after that, Nat kicks us out so she can change into her suit. Five minutes later, Yelena and I get back on.

Nat and Yelena are flying the plane and I am roaming around the back. "Where are we going?" I ask since I was probably asleep when they talked about it. "We're going to free our dad, Alexi from prison. We need his help to take down the Red Room," says Nat. "Okay," I say. Honestly, I don't want to see the man who gave us to the Red Room.

We are flying and I see a lot of snow as we fly to where the prison is.

"Today's your lucky day, Alexi. Don't make a scene," says Nat on comms with him. A few minutes later we are looking the window and Nat says "You made a scene didn't you." We see a man run out of the building. It must be Alexi. "What now?" asks Alexi on comms. "We're getting you outta here," says Nat.

We are flying directly over the prison. Then we see a lot of people run out of the building. Chaos starts especially when the prison guards come out and start shooting.

"Go to the upper level," says Nat. Alexi stays put for a moment as the prison guards throw flares at him. "Move your ass, super soldier," says Nat.

Then we see Alexi start running. He jumps up and catches a bar that is pretty high up on the wall. He gets to the upper level railing only to be electrocuted by a prison guard and he falls to the ground. I facepalm myself.

"Get me closer," says Nat. Yelena looks at her weirdly. "Got a better idea?" asks Nat. "Yelena, get me closer," says Nat.

Oh how I hate not being able to help. Yelena gets her closer, then Nat opens the plane door and jumps out of the plane attached to a rope. She does a flip and lands in her iconic super hero pose that Yelena made fun of and I did it just for fun.

"Such a poser," says Yelena. I laugh and we watch as Nat fights. The prison guards shoot at the plane and Yelena and I duck. Yelena moves the plane a little and says "Sorry." "What are you doing? Are you kidding me?" shouts Nat. She's standing in front of the plane's cockpit window.

A bullet makes a hole in the window. Then the whole back of the plane is getting shot. I am playing duck and cover now.

"Okay, we're done," says Yelena and puts the plane on autopilot. She takes off her seatbelt and headphones and walks to the back and opens the door. "What are you doing?!" I ask. "You'll see," says Yelena. She is holding a bomb gun. She shoots it and it hits the tower that was shooting at us. The top of the tower explodes. "Ha," says Yelena. I high-five her and she sits in the cockpit again.

She takes the plane off autopilot. I sit in Nat's seat so I can see everything and so I'm more safe than I am in the back.

Then we hear a loud cracking. We look at the mountains and an avalanche starts happening. "This would be a cool way to die," says Yelena. I nod in response. "Tell me that's a good thing for us," yells Alexi on comms. Alexi makes his way up to the top level of the structure as Nat re grabs the rope. We pull up a little. We fly in a circle and we swing Nat over to Alexi.

They are covered by the snowy dust from the avalanche so I don't know whether Nat grabbed Alexi in time or not. We can barely see and Yelena pulls up. I look down and I see Nat and Alexi on the rope. Nat and Alexi climb up the rope and onto the plane. Nat kicks me out of her seat.

Alexi is standing at the open door and he yells "Farewell douchebags." in Russian at the top of his lungs. I laugh. Then he closes the door. "Oh, that was exciting. Ah, oh, I'm so proud of you girls," says Alexi out of breath. He notices me. "Who's the kid?" he asks.

Nat, Yelena, and I pretend to ignore him. "Oh, you can't hear me," says Alexi. I already have headphones on around my neck. Alexi grabs a spare pair of headphones and puts them on. I put mine on too.

"Wow," says Alexi. Yelena punches him in the face. "Ouch, honey. Why the aggression? Is it your time of the month?" says Alexi. "I don't get my period dipshit. I don't have a uterus," says Yelena.

I have no interest in hearing the next thing Yelena says but if I take the headphones off I can still hear it. I take them off anyway and cover my ears. I can still what she says but faintly.

"Yeah. That's what happens when the Red Room gives you an involuntary hysterectomy. They kind of just go in and they rip out all of your reproductive organs. They just get right in there and they chop them all away. Everything goes," says Yelena.

I uncover my ears and put the headphones back on. That sounds terrible. I feel terrible for Nat and Yelena. And also all of the other Black Widows but mostly Nat and Yelena because they are my family and I care about them.

"Okay. Okay," says Alexi. "So you can't have babies," says Yelena talking at the same time as Alexi. "You don't have to get so clinical and nasty," says Alexi. "Oh, well I was about to talk about Fallopian tubes but okay," says Yelena.

Nat smirks a little and looks out the window. I have no interest in sitting by Alexi so I walk up to the cockpit and stand in between Nat and Yelena's seats.

"It means so much to me that you came back for me," says Alexi. "No, no. You're gonna tell us how to get to the Red Room," says Nat. "Oh, look at you huh? All business," says Alexi. "Trust me this isn't pleasure," says Nat.

"Is this how you wanna be in front of this kid?" asks Alexi. "I'm Lizzie, idiot. I would think that you'd remember your daughter. Especially considering I look almost exactly the way I did the last time you saw me. Oh, and Nat and Yelena can say what ever they want around me. I don't mind. I actually like it. It keeps things real," I say. Nat and Yelena smile a little. Alexi just looks at me.

"Little Natasha, all indoctrinated into the western agenda," says Alexi. "I chose to go west to become and Avenger. They treated me like family," says Nat. I smile. "Really, family? Well, where are they now? Where is that family now?" says Alexi. He is starting to get on my nerves I feel like punching him. "Tell me where the Red Room is," says Nat. "I have no idea. Okay?" says Alexi.

Nat takes off her headphones and throws them on her chair. I sit in her chair to avoid the fight that's about to happen. Nat takes off Alexi's headphones and I don't listen to what they say until Alexi says "Melina worked directly for director far more than I ever did." "Wait. Are you telling me that Melina is working for the Red Room present day?" says Nat. "She works remotely outside Saint Petersburg," says Alexi.

"Uh, I don't think we have enough fuel for Saint Petersburg," says Yelena. I look at the fuel dial and she's right, we definitely are not gonna make it. "No, we're good. We'll make it," says Alexi. "Okay," says Yelena and we keep flying.

A little while later we crash. Nat shoves the door opens and I follow her and Yelena out of the plane. Alexi gets out after us. "You should have brought the Avengers super jet," says Alexi. I roll my eyes. Nat and Alexi walk behind Yelena and I. I have no idea what they're talking about. Then they catch up to us. I hold Nat's hand.

"Did I do something wrong?" asks Alexi. I stop listening at this point until Alexi grabs Nat's other wrist along with Yelena and I's.

"You all have killed so many people," says Alexi. He starts shaking our wrists and Yelena and I look at them as he shakes them. Alexi continues saying, "Your ledgers must be dripping just gushing red. I'm so proud of you," says Alexi and he pulls us into a hug.

I pull away no more than three seconds later. Then Nat pulls away and Yelena pulls away as she says "You smell really bad."

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