The Wedding Planner's Affair...

By Doodlewritez04

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In this story, Katsuki Bakugo is a very well known and professional wedding planner. He's known for making su... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 13

1.1K 34 15
By Doodlewritez04

The next morning had arrived and Melissa was up and about and ready to go. After taking a nice warm shower, she brushed and blow dried her hair for a while. Then went into her closet to find the perfect outfit to wear for today.

Because today, she gets to go wedding dress shopping. It was the first thing she wanted to do when she got back from Africa. The wedding dress shopping experience would make her feel like she's in a royal closet.

As she put her chosen outfit on the bed, she went back to the bathroom and took off her glasses as she put on her eye contacts. Smiling proudly, she then did her make up with a bit of a natural look and some pink lip gloss on her lips.

With Midoriya he just woke up five minutes ago and rubbed one of his eyes with his knuckles. His hand reached for the door handle and noticed the door opening itself. He had to do a double take when he saw Melissa in her outfit. A nice white dress with medium length sleeves, red lace at the end of the skirt and sleeves. It was covered with tiny red dots all over like cherries. Her high heels were dark cherry red. "What do you think?" She nervously asked.

Nothing came out of his mouth, entirely speaking. He was speechless. He blinked back to reality and sighed, "I like it better when you wear your glasses, that's one of the things I love about you. It makes you look cute."

"I know, but I want to look my best today! Anyway, what are you gonna do while I'm away?"

"Well.. the guys are planning a surprise for me. So, I'm not really sure what it is, but they really are full of surprises."

"Okay. Oh, and please, do tell me what it was and I'll tell you how my day was. Alright?"


"Mainly because I'm concerned that someone in his friend group will expose a lot of things, and I'm still wondering how he's friends with this guy in the first place."


Melissa patted her hand on his shoulder. She walked up to a chair and picked up a purse that was just laying there. "I'm gonna head out. Wanna have dinner at the country club once we get back?"

"Mhm. That sounds like a great idea." Midoriya agreed and headed to the bathroom. Melissa went over to the door and headed out. With her phone in her other hand, she felt it vibrating and it was one of her friends. She accepted the call and started walking to where the elevator was. She put the phone by her ear and greeted, "Hey, Kendo. What's up?"

"Nothing much. Just want to tell you that a few of us couldn't make it to your wedding dress shopping day. The only ones that could make it are me, Setsuna and Uraraka."

"Uraraka?" Once she made it to the elevator, her hand prevented it from pressing the down button, "Why invite her?"

"Well, she is one of the bridesmaids in this ceremony. Plus, she volunteered to help out and she was the only other bridesmaid that was available."

"I don't care, you have to uninvite her! She's gonna ruin my day and you know it!"

Kendo sighed on the other end from the phone, "Okay, how about this? She comes but doesn't say anything about the dress. Deal?"

"Fine. I'm fine either way as long as his ex doesn't ruin my day. I've been looking forward to this since we first started planning this wedding." Her finger pressed the red button and proceeded to press the elevator button. "I won't let Pink Cheeks ruin my wedding, if it's the last thing I do."


"Alright everyone, our bridal appointment is gonna be very important today. Mainly because our bride's father in particular is part of a multimillion dollar company."

"Which means what exactly?" One of the workers asked as their hand was raised.

"I don't know. I haven't even met the bride yet, but we can't assume the worst from them. But if it does come to that, we must do what we can to help her."

"Even if her orders are a bit much?"


"Sir, the bride is here and she brought along others to help her with her bridal shopping." A man announced the crew and that let every employee to get up on their feet and spread out. The manager took a deep breath and formed a smile on his face.

He walked over to the waiting area and found a group of people sitting down on the couch and chairs that are provided for them, "Hello, Hello, Hello lovely gentleman and ladies! Who's the lucky bride?"

Melissa proudly raised her hand as she got up. "That would be me."

"Uh-huh. And who have you brought with you today?"

"I've brought my dad, my mother in law, my maid of honor Kendo, Setsuna and... Uraraka." She replied but rolled her eyes when she mentioned Uraraka's name.

"Um... okay. So anyway, what are you looking for at our shop today?" The manager asked with a polite tone.

"Well... I'm just looking for something that fits my personality."

"I think you'll be able to find what you're looking for. Let's get started shall we?" The manager said and gestured to the group to follow him to the lounge area of the bridal shop.

The girls were all starstruck as they saw every single dress hanging up in a plastic wrap. A huge crystal chandelier made everything in the room brighter. The bridesmaids skimmed through all the dresses on the rack.

The father and daughter are still looking around the place. The manager approached them, "So what is your price range?"

"Anything that is in the price range of 8,000 dollars." David answered as he fixed his glasses.

Melissa noticed the bridesmaids looking at the dresses together. Uraraka picked one out and showed it to the others. Her smile dropped as she watched what was going on. Her feet started moving to the group, they noticed her coming by and the presence.

"Let me remind you, Uraraka. This isn't your day to dress shop. You're not wearing the ring. If you don't mind, I want to pick the dresses out myself. Understand?"

Uraraka looked at her confusedly, but put the dress away, "I understand. I'll go sit in the lounge." She muttered and walked over to a seat and sat next to Melissa's mother in law, Inko.

"Melissa, don't you think that was a little too harsh?" Setsuna asked with concern in her voice.

"If you are on her side, then go join her. Or help me pick out a dress. That's all I ask, I don't want my fiancé's Ex to ruin my day." With that said, Melissa went over to a different place of the building. Both Kendo and Setsuna looked at one another sympathetically.


"I have no idea what her beef is with Uraraka, but that's way too harsh. I had no idea that Uraraka dated Midoriya back in high school. Usually, most ex's would try to steal their boyfriend back, but she doesn't seem like the type to do that. Maybe if I got to know her situation more, I could get a better understanding of her relationship with Midoriya."


Setsuna put her hand on Kendo's shoulder, "Can you just tell Melissa I'm heading to the bathroom?"

Kendo didn't know what she meant until she looked over Setsuna's shoulder, "You're not gonna do what I think you're gonna do, are you?"

"Yeah. Just don't tell her, okay?" She asked her friend as she responded to her request with a simple exaggerated sigh. "Thanks, I owe you one!" Kendo shook her head as if going along with this plan is a bad idea.


"Am I going along with this? Yes, yes I am. Will Melissa find out that her friend 'betrayed' her in front of her own eyes? No. Because I know Uraraka isn't a bad person. I just have to make sure she doesn't see Setsuna talking to Uraraka. That might lead to picking out dresses for Melissa. Only question is, how?" Kendo pondered the question as she tried to figure out her situation.


As Setsuna headed over to the lounging area, Kendo went after Melissa looking over at a different part of the store. Uraraka noticed Setsuna coming over and that brought Inko's attention. Inko greeted with a smile, "Hello, Setsuna. I thought you were going to help Melissa?"

"Oh I am, but I don't seem to know a lot about Uraraka. I kind of wanted to have a little chat with her before going back. Who knows maybe she and I can find some dresses for Melissa?"

"That's okay. But, I'm thinking about going to the bathroom, but I don't know where that is. So, I'm going to ask the front desk for some help. It was nice talking to you again, Inko," Uraraka politely declined and got up from her seat. She excused herself and headed to the front desk.

Setsuna had a disappointing look on her face, but then noticed Inko looking over at Uraraka with a sad expression. Not knowing what else to do, Setsuna sat next to Inko. "Did I say something that upset her?"

"Hm? Oh, no! It has nothing to do with you. But, it has something to do with Uraraka. As you can see, Melissa's not fond of Uraraka."

"I heard that from Kendo. But why?"

"Well, my son, Izuku and Uraraka used to date back in high school. I believe they've dated for three years up until graduation. I was planning on having a little party for Izuku and Uraraka and his friends, but she never showed up. He told me what happened and..."

Setsuna was nodding and listening to every word Inko was saying as she stopped talking for a moment.

"One day, I bumped into Uraraka at the grocery store. I asked if she would like to have some coffee and apologized over what she did. I'm not really supposed to tell anyone why she did it. But, if you want to know why, then I suggest getting to know her more. Maybe then, she'll tell you." Inko finished her story and gave Setsuna an encouraging smile.

During their talk, they had no idea that Melissa overheard her conversation. Kendo and Melissa found a dress to try on. As she was about to show everyone the dress, she heard her friend and Inko talk about Uraraka.

After their talk, Melissa walked back to the dressing room. Kendo was waiting for her to get back and heard the door open and found Melissa coming in and shutting the door behind her. "Hey there, how did you like the dress?" No response. "Um, are you okay?"

Again, no response. The only sound she could hear was all the shuffling from getting out of the dress and changing back into her clothes. "What are you doing?"

"I need to call Izuku. I'm worried so I want to check up on him, and I can't have a wedding dress worn in public. I don't want to give people the wrong idea that I'm stealing it." She explained as she ruffled out her dress skirt and made sure it looks neat.

"Um, okay. Do you still want me to look for some more dresses for you?"

"Sure. Yeah." Melissa said as she grabbed her purse and put it over her shoulder and left the dressing room.

Making sure that no one was looking, she made her way to the front unnoticed. "Oh, by the way, where's David?" Setsuna said aloud.

"I only heard that he had to take a business call, but I'm sure it won't be long, he just left to take care of it before you came here." Inko replied.

Melissa walked up to the front and the receptionist looked up from their computer, "Oh, hello! Is something wrong?"

"Do you know where a girl with brown hair and pink cheeks is?" She described the person she was looking for.

"Oh, she wanted to know where the nearest coffee shop is, but unfortunately we don't have any nearby. I did mention that there's a flower shop next door. I'm pretty sure you can find her there," they said and went back to their computer.

She took that to note and headed out of the building, "I won't be gone long, I'll be back."


As the receptionist said, there was a flower shop next door. Not only that, it's also a tea shop. A woman behind the desk brewed some tea for a customer, "Here you go, a lovely green tea."

"Thank you. Oh, um, can I get your name? I want to thank you properly."

"Of course, I'm Tsuyu Asui, but my friend's call me Tsu. I'd say we're friends. That is if you want to be."

"I would love to be your friend. And as I said before, Thank you Tsu, for making me green tea. How much do I owe you?" The woman asked as she rummaged her pockets for some money, but Asui put her hand up to prevent her from doing so.

"It's on the house. By the way, since we're talking about names, what's yours?"

"I'm Ochaco Uraraka." She answered as she took a sip from her tea from the straw. She exhaled after having her drink and the bell rang. "I'll get out of the way."

"No need. I just want to talk to Uraraka alone." She recognized that voice instantly and slowly turned around and found Melissa with a normal blank look. "I hope you don't mind, but can I talk to you?"

"Uh... sure?" She hesitated at first, but agreed to it anyway. There was a little table inside by the front of the store, surrounded by flowers. They both made their way to the table and sat across from each other.

There was a lot of awkward silence between the two of them. Melissa tapping her finger on the table and Uraraka playing with her straw. Both took a deep breath and looked at one another. "I would-." "I'm-."

"Oh, sorry. You go first." Uraraka apologetically said.

"Alright. Let me start off by saying sorry. I'm sorry about treating you like you're invisible. When Izuku told me about you, I thought that you were a horrible person for dumping such a sweet guy like him. But when I actually got the chance to meet you, you were the total opposite of who I thought you were. I refused to believe you were a nice person and that's why I shut you out."

Uraraka was stunned but had a nervous look on her face and sighed, "Are you just apologizing just so you know why I broke up with him?"

Melissa jolted when she asked that, but that proved her answer.

Uraraka responded with a sigh and made eye contact with her. "Look, I know you're sorry, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna forgive you. I have an idea that would make everything easier, but I don't think you'll like it."

Melissa lifted her head up and had one of her eyebrows raised. "What exactly, do you have in mind?"

"Well, how about we get along up until you're married? It's like a fake relationship thing where we pretend like we're friends, and then when it's just right, we can drop it." That's when she held out her hand over the table,

"So... you want to form a truce until I'm married and we never speak to each other again?"

"Mhm. I won't do anything to ruin your day, and I'll help you pick out a dress. I actually spotted a few that I think would look great." She said, still holding her arm with her hand in the air.

Melissa looked at Uraraka and her hand and gave in by shaking her hand. "Truce."

"Would you lovely ladies like some more tea?" A little guy asked out of nowhere and that spooked the girls. Their eyes glanced at the man with a cheeky smile and freaked out.

"Mineta! What have I told you about scaring innocent girls?!"


"Hello again! Thought I worked at the hotel? Well, you thought wrong! I also work at the flower shop! Asui had hired me because of my fabulous knowledge of flowers, and she would add a quarter or twenty five cent to my paycheck if I do a good job!"


Asui just gave away a deadpan expression and rolled her eyes after what the camera man said what Mineta told them, "I only hired him because he's the only man dumb enough to go into the vents to get a bee hive out of there. I'm still surprised he hasn't quit yet." She stated. Then a little bee was flying around the camera, "Mineta! Get the broom! The bees are at it again and next time move them to a tree that isn't near the shop!"

"Uh, wouldn't it be easier to hire someone to move the bees?"

"Yeah, but it wouldn't be quick and I would have to wait a day or two to get them out. I don't really get a lot of customers because almost everyone doesn't like bees. I don't mind them, but business is slow, so I have to do something. Well, more like Mineta has to do something."


After Mineta apologized for his outburst, the girls thanked Asui and left the building and went back to the wedding dress shop. The others were anxious as to where they were, but finally rejoiced after seeing them walking in together as friends. Only for both Melissa and Uraraka's knowledge as temporary friends.


For this special interview, both Uraraka and Melissa were in the same booth together. "So, the appointment was great and I had a lot of fun. There were so many dresses that I tried on, but one really stood out compared to the rest."

Uraraka nodded in agreement, "Although there were some dresses that weren't that great, the dress that Inko picked out was so beautiful."

"If I had to put a list on every single dress I wore, your picks would be in the top ten. No doubt about it!"


Seeing as they are both on good terms now for a limited time only, things were starting to look great. Wedding dress is checked off the list. Even though the wedding dress was very hard to get into, Melissa wanted to add a few other things to it and discuss it with Yaoyorozu when she had the chance.

Everyone parted ways and went back to their homes or hotel rooms and did what they call in their own way relaxation.

Uraraka was staying at the hotel and took off her heels and jumped into bed. She felt her phone vibrate and saw a text from her friend, Midoriya. Asking about how the shopping went with Melissa. She smiled at the text and replied to him and put her phone on the nightstand.

"I would say that today went okay, for the first time we ever got along with each other." Her eyes blinked back a few times up until her eyes slowly, driftly closed, thus making her fall asleep.

Author Interview: Hey everyone! I wanted to post two chapters today, but I currently don't feel well. I'm doing alright, but anyway, thank you for reading this chapter. I would be able to finish the chapter, but I won't post on Christmas. That doesn't mean I won't stop working on it.

I'm just really stumped on the new chapter in the making. But I'm glad you guys are reading this story, and I'm sorry if there's too much going on. To be honest this doesn't sound like the drama people were expecting. So my apologies.

I hope you have a happy holiday this year and a happy new year.

As always, have a good day or night, take care of yourselves, wash your hands, wear a mask, stay safe, eat plenty of food, drink lots of water, and get plenty of rest. Bye!

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