Reasons Why

By Blessedgrace102

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Patricia never planned to fall in love. It was an abstract concept that was far from her mind. As a devoted C... More

1) Blood Rush
2) A Name To The Face
3) Zoned Out
4) Set Up
5) Spirit Manifestation
6) Opportunity
7) Shook
8) Surprise
9) Uzodinma
10) Not Alone
11) Understanding
12) Panic

13) A Listening Ear

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By Blessedgrace102

"I have a feeling that this Saturday is going to be a wonderful one." 

Patricia smiled and nodded in agreement as she walked beside her pastor within his compound. When he had asked for her early in the morning, she had been surprised and sceptical because the man never called someone abruptly. He was a man of principles and strict planning. However, she had finished up the plans for the program on Saturday with him, other ministers, leaders and workers in the church. This morning was supposed to be free for her, yet here she was walking with the man while his pleasant wife was busy in the kitchen preparing breakfast for their children to eat before going to school. She wasn't complaining. No of course not. She was simply curious. "Sir-" she continued when the man gave her a listening ear. They are currently standing under a huge tree in the man's garden at the back of his house. "I'm curious as to why you sent for me this morning."

"My dear, can I ask you a question?"

"Yes sir."

The pastor took off his glass and put it into its case. After shuffling the case into his pocket, he touched the bark of the big tree. "Do you think I should cut down this tree?"

"Sir?" Patricia was slightly thrown off balance by the sudden question. 

"This Avocado tree hardly produces fruits and it has all sorts of growths on it. It looks diseased, does it not?"

Growth? Patricia was confused. The man took good care of his garden. His tree was perfectly healthy. The only thing she could see that was out of place was the white powdery streaks on the bark of the tree and all over most of the branches. Then there were the occasional insects, but the leaves of the tree were a healthy green colour. It looked strong too. So why would he want to cut it? "Well, the white powdery things may be a cause for concern, but I don't think that's a reason to cut it."

The pastor nodded. "Hmm." He placed his hand on his jaw. "Interesting. Do you see that bitter leaf plant beside you?"

Patricia stared at the said plant just a few paces to her right. "Yes sir."

"Do you remember how dried up the plant was a few weeks ago when you visited?"

Indeed, the plant was dry and the leaves had all fallen off, but now the plant seemed to be doing well. The leaves were big and green. "Yes sir. It's much better now than before."

"Exactly. That's what happens when Jesus steps into something. There's immediate restoration. You see, my wife encouraged me to replace the bitter leaf plant with a new one, but I believed that as far as the root was still connected to the ground, it still had life. I was right. It took time and effort. At a time, I almost believed it wouldn't be revived but my hope was renewed when it started producing tiny tender leaves around the body. You needed to have seen me jumping and dancing like a mad man that morning before going to the church." The pastor laughed and shook his head.

Patricia, familiar with the man's peculiar way of teaching, was waiting for him to come to his point. She had an idea of what he was driving at, but she kept silent.

"The lesson from this is that, you do not write something off just because it looks dry and useless. As children of light, we are meant to bring restoration upon whatever we touch. Dry bones shall rise again. Nothing is useless. It just depends on how you see it. Take this Avocado tree for example. It has only produced three fruits for me since I planted it two years ago, but do you know how valuable this tree is?"

Patricia shook her head. Just what value would a frustrating tree like this have? Three fruits only? After two years? Ah, now she understood why he was considering cutting it down. 

"The leaves of this tree can be used to prepare natural medicine that can cure typhoid fever and malaria. Boiling the leaves on its own acts as a pain relief medicine. It may not produce food often, but it gives medicine. Someone who has no knowledge of this fact would see this tree as a stain on their garden, term it fruitless and wish to cut it down."

Wow. She never knew Avocado leaves had such uses. How rich!

"You don't seem to get me yet. Don't judge a book by its cover is simply what I'm trying to say. No matter how someone seems to you, what you see may not be what is."

She knew that. "Why are you telling me this sir?"

"I know you know this fact. I am reminding you because you seem to have forgotten."

Ah. How? 

Her pastor smiled at her confused face. "There is a young man who has been approaching for a month and two weeks now. His father is on his death bed. The young man knows, but is at a loss on what to do. You see him as someone nothing good would come from associating yourself with him. But, I tell you now my dear, everything you need is in that young man. Your destiny is tied to his. You can feel it. Yet you ignore whatever word you get concerning him because your mind is set on what kind of person is. You unknowingly condemn him and you judge him unworthy of your attention. Matthew 7:1, 'judge not, that ye be not judged.' Romans 8:1, 'there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus.'"

Her confusion increased. Just who was he talking about? The only person she knew whose father was close to death was Chinedu. She didn't reject him, did she? He only approached her last week Friday. Who had she known for one month and a half that she had been judging and rejecting? She couldn't place it.

"You don't have to worry yourself thinking about who he is. He will approach you again today scared and without his usual mask of arrogance. This time, if you turn him away, you have turned yourself away." 

After that, Mrs. Effiong came to call them in for breakfast. She didn't want to be a burden, but her pastor insisted she ate with them before she went back home since he took her time. By the time she was done, it was already 11:25am. Her pastor offered to drive her to her house and to her place of posting, but she declined. Thankfully, he didn't insist. 


Patricia paused when her pastor called her native name. He and his wife were the only ones who knew that name. Even her close friend of five years didn't know it.  It was what her mother used to call her. That would explain why she was completely frozen hearing that name again after so many years.

"Do not run away out of fear. His destiny is tied to yours. You complete each other. Wisdom is profitable, my dear. While he is your helper as you are his, be careful. For the devil loves to paint even the most beautiful things black." The pastor knew she wouldn't fully understand now, but when she did, she would come back in tears. He knew she would. It was inevitable. He could only warn her. It was still her choice to make.

Patricia didn't respond to what the man said. Her mind was in turmoil all through her way home and towards the hospital. She absentmindedly went through her duties. Her smiles were not as bright as they usually were. 

The head nurse noticed. The woman called her favourite medical student when she knew her time of service had elapsed for the day. "Pat my dear, is something the matter?"

"Nothing ma. All is well." She smiled. 

The woman could sense the girl wasn't telling the truth, but she decided not to push for the truth. Knowing the girl's character, if she didn't want to speak, no amount of coercing would make her crack. She was that head strong. It was both annoying and admirable because it made her a worthy confidant. With a heart full of prayer for the young lady who always gave her good advices and words of prayer and encouragement, she let her go. As she watched the lady sign out for the day and leave her office, she shook her head. "Truly, no one is void of problems. Even problem solvers and solution givers have problems too. Who knows? They may even be the ones with the most problems in life. But, whatever problem you are facing my dear, you shall overcome in Jesus name. Amen."

Patricia sighed immediately she exited the building only to be blinded by the scorching sun. "Ugh," she groaned. Her usual partner in crime didn't come to the hospital today. She didn't know where the girl was or what was wrong. She tried calling her some time ago, but her line was switched off. She searched her handbag for her phone so she could try calling the girl again. Maybe she would pick up this time. She frowned when she couldn't find her phone in her bag. Just as she proceeded to check her pockets, someone placed something within her line of vision. It was her phone, but as she looked up at the person who was also holding an umbrella that was currently blocking the rays of the sun for her, she frowned. Him again. 

Bayo stared at the girl from up close. It had been a while since he had been this close to her. Her long curly hair had been twisted beautifully. They fell nicely around her face and gave her a rather nice look. Her countenance, however, seemed to change for the worst whenever she saw him. "You left your phone on the head nurse's desk. She asked me to give it to you." 

She was doubtful about his story, but she took the phone anyway. "Thank you." Just as she was about to leave, he held her hand. 

"Wait please!" There was a moment of silence. Bayo didn't understand why he had called her back. What would he say now? Would she get angry? Would she slap him?

Patricia stared at the boy curiously. Why was he stopping her this time? Was all the numerous rejections she had given him not enough? What in the world could he possibly want?!
'Judge not. You're judging again.'
Patricia scoffed at what the Holy Spirit said within her. Judging? At what point did she...wait a second...

"I'm scared."

Patricia blinked at the tall chocolate skinned boy. "I'm sorry?"

"It sounds absurd, but I've been having recurrent inexplicable dreams ever since you ministered in my church last month. Please, if you could only give me a listening ear?" 
She stared into his hopeful brown eyes, undisturbed by the fact that he was still holding on to her arm. 'He will come to you again scared and without his usual mask of arrogance. Do not refuse him.' Patricia sighed and rubbed her forehead. She was sure she was going to regret this, but...


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